public static function connect($type = null, $host = null, $name = null, $user = null, $pass = null) { if (!self::$dbh) { if ($type === null && defined('DB_TYPE')) { $type = DB_TYPE; } if ($host === null && defined('DB_HOST')) { $host = DB_HOST; } if ($name === null && defined('DB_NAME')) { $name = DB_NAME; } if ($user === null && defined('DB_USER')) { $user = DB_USER; } if ($pass === null && defined('DB_PASS')) { $pass = DB_PASS; } try { self::$dbh = new PDO($type . ':host=' . $host . ';dbname=' . $name, $user, $pass); self::$dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); return self::$dbh; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new EpiDatabaseConnectionException('Could not connect to database', EpiException::EPI_EXCEPTION_DB_CONNECTION); } } else { return self::$dbh; } }
public function __construct($params) { parent::__construct(); $this->db = EpiDatabase::getInstance('mysql', $params['database'], $params['host'], $params['username'], $params['password']); $this->table = $params['table']; if (isset($params['cacheMask']) && $params['cacheMask']) { $this->cacheMask = $params['cacheMask']; $this->cacheObj = getCache(); } }
public static function employ($type = null, $name = null, $host = 'localhost', $user = '******', $pass = '') { if (!empty($type) && !empty($name)) { self::$type = $type; self::$name = $name; self::$host = $host; self::$user = $user; self::$pass = $pass; } return array('type' => self::$type, 'name' => self::$name, 'host' => self::$host, 'user' => self::$user, 'pass' => self::$pass); }
/** * Constructor * * @return void */ public function __construct($config = null, $params = null) { $this->config = !is_null($config) ? $config : getConfig()->get(); $mysql = $this->config->mysql; if (!is_null($params) && isset($params['db'])) { $this->db = $params['db']; } else { $utilityObj = new Utility(); EpiDatabase::employ('mysql', $mysql->mySqlDb, $mysql->mySqlHost, $mysql->mySqlUser, $utilityObj->decrypt($mysql->mySqlPassword)); $this->db = getDatabase(); } foreach ($mysql as $key => $value) { $this->{$key} = $value; } if (isset($this->config->user)) { $this->owner = $this->config->user->email; } }
<?php chdir('..'); include_once '../src/Epi.php'; Epi::setPath('base', '../src'); Epi::init('route', 'database'); EpiDatabase::employ('mysql', 'mysql', 'localhost', 'root', ''); // type = mysql, database = mysql, host = localhost, user = root, password = [empty] // Epi::init('base','cache','session'); // Epi::init('base','cache-apc','session-apc'); // Epi::init('base','cache-memcached','session-apc'); /* * This is a sample page whch uses EpiCode. * There is a .htaccess file which uses mod_rewrite to redirect all requests to index.php while preserving GET parameters. * The $_['routes'] array defines all uris which are handled by EpiCode. * EpiCode traverses back along the path until it finds a matching page. * i.e. If the uri is /foo/bar and only 'foo' is defined then it will execute that route's action. * It is highly recommended to define a default route of '' for the home page or root of the site ( */ getRoute()->get('/', 'dbhandler'); getRoute()->run(); /* * ****************************************************************************************** * Define functions and classes which are executed by EpiCode based on the $_['routes'] array * ****************************************************************************************** */ function dbhandler() { $users = getDatabase()->all('SELECT * FROM user'); echo "<h2>All users</h2><ol>"; foreach ($users as $key => $user) {
public function __construct($params) { parent::__construct(); $this->db = EpiDatabase::getInstance('mysql', $params['database'], $params['host'], $params['username'], $params['password']); $this->table = $params['table']; }