public function addAction() { $this->addMessage("<h4>Use of this method is discouraged!</h4>\n\n Switch ports are best added using the\n <a href=\"\">CLI scripts</a>\n or the <em>View / Edit Ports (with SNMP poll)</em> option from the <a href=\"" . OSS_Utils::genUrl('switch', 'list') . "\">switch list page</a>. See <a href=\"" . "\">the documentation\n for more information</a>.", OSS_Message::INFO, OSS_Message::TYPE_BLOCK); $this->view->form = $form = new IXP_Form_Switch_AddPorts(); if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $form->isValid($_POST)) { if (!($switch = $this->getD2EM()->getRepository('\\Entities\\Switcher')->find($form->getValue('switchid')))) { throw new IXP_Exception('Unknown switch in request'); } for ($i = 0; $i < $form->getValue('numports'); $i++) { $sp = new \Entities\SwitchPort(); $sp->setSwitcher($switch); $sp->setType(intval($_POST['np_type' . $i])); $sp->setName(trim(stripslashes($_POST['np_name' . $i]))); $sp->setActive(true); $this->getD2EM()->persist($sp); } $this->getD2EM()->flush(); $msg = "{$form->getValue('numports')} new ports created for switch {$switch->getName()}."; $this->getLogger()->info($msg); $this->addMessage($msg, OSS_Message::SUCCESS); $this->redirect('switch-port/list/switch/' . $switch->getId()); } $this->render('add-ports'); }