public function testDontReplaceInsideDefaultTags() { $expected = array('<a href="" title=""></a>', '<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>', '<a href="">other link</a>', '<img src="" alt="" />', '<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>', '<img src="" title="">', '<pre>My House </pre>', '<code></code>'); $data = array('<a href="" title=""></a>', '', '<a href="">other link</a>', '<img src="" alt="" />', '', '<img src="" title="">', '<pre>My House </pre>', '<code></code>'); $embera = new \Embera\Embera(array('oembed' => false)); $result = $embera->autoEmbed(implode(', ', $data)); $this->assertEquals($result, implode(', ', $expected)); }
public function doEmbedToText() { $text = \Input::get('text'); $config = array('params' => array('width' => 640, 'height' => 360)); $embera = new \Embera\Embera($config); $res = $embera->autoEmbed($text); $info = array('status' => true, 'html' => $res); return \Response::json($info); }
/** * @see Document\Tag\TagInterface::frontend * @return string */ public function frontend() { if ($this->url) { $config = $this->getOptions(); if (!isset($config["params"])) { $config["params"] = []; } foreach (["width", "height"] as $property) { if (isset($config[$property])) { $config["params"][$property] = $config[$property]; } } $cacheKey = "doc_embed_" . crc32(serialize([$this->url, $config])); if (!($html = \Pimcore\Cache::load($cacheKey))) { $embera = new \Embera\Embera($config); $html = $embera->autoEmbed($this->url); \Pimcore\Cache::save($html, $cacheKey, ["embed"], 86400, 1, true); } return $html; } return ""; }
function automedia_run($message) { global $db, $mybb, $cache, $automedia, $width, $height; // Spare myshoutbox if ($mybb->input['action'] == 'show_shouts' || $mybb->input['action'] == 'full_shoutbox' || THIS_SCRIPT == 'shoutbox.php' || THIS_SCRIPT == 'pspshoutbox.php' || isset($mybb->input['view_mode']) && $mybb->input['view_mode'] == 'window') { return; } /** * Get the settings for width and height **/ $width = (int) $mybb->settings['av_width']; $height = (int) $mybb->settings['av_height']; if ($width < 10 || $width > 1200) { $width = "480"; } if ($height < 10 || $height > 1000) { $height = "360"; } // Add new MyCode for disabling embedding $message = preg_replace("#\\[amoff\\](<a href=\")(http://)(.*?)\" target=\"_blank\">(.*?)(</a>)\\[/amoff\\]#i", '<a class=\'amoff\' href=\'${2}${3}\' id= \'am\' target=\'_blank\'>${4}</a>', $message); $message = preg_replace("#\\[amoff\\](http://)(.*?)\\[/amoff\\]#i", '<a class=\'amoff\' href=\'${1}${2}\' id= \'am\' target=\'_blank\'>${1}${2}</a>', $message); // Handle [amquote] tags from older plugin versions $message = str_replace(array('[amquote]', '[/amquote]'), '', $message); /** * Apply the permissions **/ /** * Get the settings for the forums **/ if ($mybb->settings['av_forums'] != -1) { if ($mybb->settings['av_forums'] == '') { return; } global $fid; if (isset($fid)) { $avfid = (int) $fid; } else { $avfid = $mybb->get_input('fid', 1); if ($mybb->version > "1.8.0") { $avfid = $mybb->get_input('fid', MyBB::INPUT_INT); } } // Find the set fid's in settings $fids = explode(',', $mybb->settings['av_forums']); if (!in_array($avfid, $fids)) { return; } } /** *Get the settings for the usergroups **/ // Find the excluded groups in settings if ($mybb->settings['av_groups'] != '' && $mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != 1) { if (is_member($mybb->settings['av_groups']) || $mybb->settings['av_groups'] == -1) { return; } } // AutoMedia not disabled in settings? if ($mybb->settings['av_enable'] != 0) { // Embedding disabled in quotes? if ($mybb->settings['av_quote'] != 1) { $message = preg_replace("#(<blockquote\\b[^>]*>(?>(?:[^<]++|<(?!\\/?blockquote\\b[^>]*>))+|(?R))*<\\/blockquote>)#isU", "<amquotes>\$1</amquotes>", $message); $noembedpattern = '#<amquotes>(.*?)<\\/amquotes>#si'; $noembed = array(); preg_match_all($noembedpattern, $message, $quotes); foreach ($quotes[1] as $quote) { $noembed[] = $quote; } } // Embedding not disabled by using MyCode? if (!preg_match('/<a class=\\"amoff\\" href=\\"(.*)\\" id=\\"am\\" target=\\"_blank\\">/isU', $message)) { // AutoMedia allowed for guests in settings or disabled in UCP? if ($mybb->user['uid'] != 0 && $mybb->user['automedia_use'] != 'N' || $mybb->user['uid'] == 0 && $mybb->settings['av_guest'] == 1) { /** * Embed the files/providers not included in Embedly and Embera first **/ $sitecache = $cache->read('automedia'); if (is_array($sitecache)) { foreach ($sitecache as $key => $sites) { if ($sites['class'] == "site") { $site = htmlspecialchars_uni($sites['name']); $file = MYBB_ROOT . "inc/plugins/automedia/mediasites/{$site}.php"; if (file_exists($file)) { require_once $file; $fctn = "automedia_" . $site; $message = $fctn($message); } } } } // Use the oEmbed API if (isset($mybb->settings['av_embera']) && $mybb->settings['av_embera'] == 1 && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=')) { preg_match_all("/<a href=\"(https?:\\/\\/[^\\s()<>]+(?:\\([\\w\\d]+\\)|([^[:punct:]\\s]|\\/)))\" target/i", $message, $post_links); $am_urls = $post_links[1]; if (!empty($am_urls)) { // Blacklist sites e.g.: array('Instagram', 'Github') - if empty all providers are allowed $denied_providers = array(); // Exclude non SSL providers for forums using HTTPS to avoid mixed content if (automedia_secure()) { $nohttps = array('FunnyOrDie', 'Hq23', 'Clyp', 'Dipity', 'Edocr', 'Hulu', 'MobyPicture', 'VideoFork', 'VideoJug', 'YFrog'); // Add the non SSL providers to blacklist $denied_embed = array_merge($denied_providers, $nohttps); } else { $denied_embed = $denied_providers; } // Use the Embera library for embedding require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/plugins/automedia/Lib/Embera/Autoload.php'; $config = array('params' => array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height), 'fake' => array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height), 'deny' => $denied_embed); $embera = new \Embera\Embera($config); foreach ($am_urls as $am_url) { // Embera embed $embed_url = $embera->autoEmbed($am_url); if ($embed_url != $am_url) { // Force https embedding if forum uses SSL if (automedia_secure()) { $embed_url = str_replace('src="http://', 'src="//', $embed_url); } $message = str_replace('<a href="' . $am_url . '" target="_blank">', '<!-- automedia_start --><div class="am_embed">' . $embed_url . '</div><!-- automedia_end -->', $message); $message = preg_replace("#</div><!-- automedia_end -->(.*?)</a>#i", '</div><!-- automedia_end -->', $message); } } } } } // Add embed css class to links for embedding $message = str_replace("<a href=", '<a class=\'oembed\' href=', $message); } // Embedding disabled in quotes? if ($mybb->settings['av_quote'] != 1) { $noembedendpattern = '#<amquotes>(.*?)<\\/amquotes>#si'; preg_match_all($noembedendpattern, $message, $endquotes); $i = 0; foreach ($endquotes[1] as $endquote) { $message = str_replace($endquote, $noembed[$i], $message); $i++; } $message = str_replace(array('<amquotes>', '</amquotes>'), '', $message); } } return $message; }
public function testReplaceOrderOnAutoEmbed() { $expected = array('<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>', '<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>', '<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'); $urls = array('', '', ''); $embera = new \Embera\Embera(array('oembed' => false)); $result = $embera->autoEmbed(implode(', ', $urls)); $this->assertEquals($result, implode(', ', $expected)); }
public function testEmbedPrefixService() { $validUrls = array('embed://', '', '', 'embed://', 'embed://'); $embera = new \Embera\Embera(array('oembed' => false, 'use_embed_prefix' => false)); $result = $embera->getUrlInfo($validUrls); $this->assertCount(2, $result); $embera = new \Embera\Embera(array('oembed' => false, 'use_embed_prefix' => true)); $result = $embera->getUrlInfo($validUrls); $this->assertCount(3, $result); }