function examination($employee_id = '') { $data['page_name'] = '<b>Personal Data Sheet</b>'; $data['section_name'] = '<b>Personal Information</b>'; $data['focus_field'] = 'type'; $data['msg'] = ''; $e = new Employee_m(); $data['employee'] = $e->get_by_id($employee_id); if (Input::get('op')) { $eligibility = new Eligibility(); $eligibility->where('employee_id', $employee_id)->get(); $eligibility->delete_all(); // SERVICE ELIGIBILITY================================= $types = Input::get('type'); $rating = Input::get('rating'); $date_exam_conferment = Input::get('date_exam_conferment'); $place_exam_conferment = Input::get('place_exam_conferment'); $license_no = Input::get('license_no'); $license_release_date = Input::get('license_release_date'); $i = 0; foreach ($types as $type) { if ($type != "") { $e = new Eligibility(); $e->employee_id = $employee_id; $e->type = $types[$i]; $e->rating = $rating[$i]; $e->date_exam_conferment = $date_exam_conferment[$i]; $e->place_exam_conferment = $place_exam_conferment[$i]; $e->license_no = $license_no[$i]; $e->license_release_date = $license_release_date[$i]; $e->save(); } $i++; } $data['msg'] = 'Examinations has been saved!'; } $e = new Eligibility(); // Service =========================================================== $e->order_by('id'); $services = $e->get_by_employee_id($employee_id); $i = 0; foreach ($services as $service) { $data['services']['type'][] = $service->type; $data['services']['rating'][] = $service->rating; $data['services']['date_exam_conferment'][] = $service->date_exam_conferment; $data['services']['place_exam_conferment'][] = $service->place_exam_conferment; $data['services']['license_no'][] = $service->license_no; $data['services']['license_release_date'][] = $service->license_release_date; $i++; } if ($i <= 7) { while ($i != 7) { $data['services']['type'][] = ''; $data['services']['rating'][] = ''; $data['services']['date_exam_conferment'][] = ''; $data['services']['place_exam_conferment'][] = ''; $data['services']['license_no'][] = ''; $data['services']['license_release_date'][] = ''; $i++; } } $e = new Employee_m(); $e->get_by_id($employee_id); $data['selected'] = $e->office_id; //Use for office listbox $data['options'] = $this->options->office_options(); $data['employee_id'] = $employee_id; $data['main_content'] = 'examination'; return View::make('includes/template', $data); }
function page2($employee_id) { $this->load->helper('settings'); $this->load->library('fpdf'); $this->load->library('fpdi'); // initiate FPDI $pdf = new FPDI('P', 'mm', 'Legal'); // add a page $pdf->AddPage(); // set the sourcefile $pdf->setSourceFile('dtr/template/pds/page2.pdf'); // import page 1 $tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1); // use the imported page and place it at point 10,10 with a width of 100 mm $pdf->useTemplate($tplIdx, 1, 1, 210); // now write some text above the imported page $pdf->SetFont('Arial'); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetXY(8, 32); $e = new Eligibility(); //$eligs = $this->Eligibility->get_eligibility($employee_id); $eligs = $e->get_by_employee_id($employee_id); $i = 1; $this->load->helper('text'); foreach ($eligs as $elig) { $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 7); $pdf->SetX(8); //$pdf->Write(0, character_limiter($elig->type, 20)); $pdf->Write(0, str_replace('…', '..', character_limiter($elig->type, 25))); //$pdf->MultiCell(51,3,word_wrap($elig->type, 30) ,'',1,'L',true); $pdf->SetX(58); $pdf->Write(0, $elig->rating); $pdf->SetX(75); $pdf->Write(0, $elig->date_exam_conferment); $pdf->SetX(98); $pdf->Write(0, $elig->place_exam_conferment); $pdf->SetX(167); $pdf->Write(0, $elig->license_no); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->SetX(188); $pdf->Write(0, $elig->license_release_date); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 12); if ($i == 2 || $i == 6) { $pdf->Ln(8); } else { $pdf->Ln(7); } $i++; } //work =================================================================================================== $pdf->SetXY(8, 115); $work = new Work(); // $work->limit(25); $work->order_by('inclusive_date_from', 'DESC'); $works = $work->get_by_employee_id($employee_id); $i = 1; $this->load->helper('text'); foreach ($works as $work) { $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->SetX(7); list($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', $work->inclusive_date_from); $inclusive_date_from = $month . '/' . $day . '/' . $year; $pdf->Write(0, $inclusive_date_from); list($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', $work->inclusive_date_to); $inclusive_date_to = $month . '/' . $day . '/' . $year; if ($work->inclusive_date_to == 'Present') { $inclusive_date_to = 'Present'; } $pdf->SetX(22); $pdf->Write(0, $inclusive_date_to); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->SetX(39); $pdf->Write(0, str_replace('…', '..', character_limiter($work->position, 20))); $pdf->SetX(75); //$pdf->Write(0, $work->company); $pdf->Write(0, str_replace('…', '..', character_limiter($work->company, 35))); //$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 12); $pdf->SetX(132); $pdf->Write(0, $work->monthly_salary); $pdf->SetX(150); $pdf->Write(0, $work->salary_grade); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->SetX(166); $pdf->Write(0, $work->status); if ($work->govt_service == 1) { $work->govt_service = 'Yes'; } else { $work->govt_service = 'No'; } $pdf->SetX(190); $pdf->Write(0, $work->govt_service); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 12); if ($i == 6 || $i == 10 || $i == 13 || $i == 16 || $i == 19 || $i == 22) { $pdf->Ln(8); } else { $pdf->Ln(7); } if ($i == 25) { //break; $pdf->AddPage(); } $i++; } // Output $pdf->Output('dtr/template/pds/page2_' . $employee_id . '.pdf', 'F'); //header("location:".base_url()."resources/pdfs/archives/page2_".$employee_id.'.pdf'); $this->pds[] = 'dtr/template/pds/page2_' . $employee_id . '.pdf'; }