コード例 #1
function buddyforms_new_notification_trigger_form($trigger)
    global $post;
    if (isset($post->ID)) {
        $buddyform = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_buddyforms_options', true);
    $shortDesc = "\n    <br>\n    <h4>User Shortcodes</h4>\n    <ul>\n        <li><p><b>[user_login] </b>Username</p></li>\n        <li><p><b>[user_nicename] </b>Username Sanitized</p><p><small> user_nicename is url sanitized version of user_login. In general, if you don't use any special characters in your login, then your nicename will always be the same as login. But if you enter email address in the login field during registration, then you will see the difference.\n            For instance, if your login is user@example.com then you will have userexample-com nicename and it will be used in author's urls (like author's archive, post permalink, etc).\n        </small></p></li>\n        <li><p><b>[user_email]</b> user email</p></li>\n        <li><p><b>[first_name]</b> user first name</p></li>\n        <li><p><b>[last_name] </b> user last name</p></li>\n    </ul>\n    <h4>Published Post Shortcodes</h4>\n    <ul>\n        <li><p><b>[published_post_link_html]</b> the published post link in html</p></li>\n        <li><p><b>[published_post_link_plain]</b> the published post link in plain</p></li>\n        <li><p><b>[published_post_title]</b> the published post title</p></li>\n    </ul>\n    <h4>Site Shortcodes</h4>\n    <ul>\n        <li><p><b>[site_name]</b> the site name </p></li>\n        <li><p><b>[site_url]</b> the site url</p></li>\n        <li><p><b>[site_url_html]</b> the site url in html</p></li>\n    </ul>\n        ";
    $form_trigger = new Element_Hidden("buddyforms_options[mail_notification][" . $trigger . "][mail_trigger]", $trigger);
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Textbox('<b>' . __("Name", 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[mail_notification][" . $trigger . "][mail_from_name]", array('value' => isset($buddyform['mail_notification'][$trigger]['mail_from_name']) ? $buddyform['mail_notification'][$trigger]['mail_from_name'] : '', 'required' => 1, 'shortDesc' => 'the senders name'));
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Email('<b>' . __("Email", 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[mail_notification][" . $trigger . "][mail_from]", array('value' => isset($buddyform['mail_notification'][$trigger]['mail_from']) ? $buddyform['mail_notification'][$trigger]['mail_from'] : '', 'required' => 1, 'shortDesc' => 'the senders email'));
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Checkbox('<b>' . __('Sent mail to', 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[mail_notification][" . $trigger . "][mail_to]", array('author' => 'The Post Author', 'admin' => 'Admin E-mail Address from Settings/General'), array('value' => isset($buddyform['mail_notification'][$trigger]['mail_to']) ? $buddyform['mail_notification'][$trigger]['mail_to'] : '', 'inline' => 1));
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Textbox('<b>' . __("Add mail to addresses separated with ','", 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[mail_notification][" . $trigger . "][mail_to_address]", array("class" => "bf-mail-field", 'value' => isset($buddyform['mail_notification'][$trigger]['mail_to_address']) ? $buddyform['mail_notification'][$trigger]['mail_to_address'] : ''));
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Textbox('<b>' . __("Subject", 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[mail_notification][" . $trigger . "][mail_subject]", array("class" => "bf-mail-field", 'value' => isset($buddyform['mail_notification'][$trigger]['mail_subject']) ? $buddyform['mail_notification'][$trigger]['mail_subject'] : '', 'required' => 1));
    $settings = array('textarea_name' => 'buddyforms_options[mail_notification][' . $trigger . '][mail_body]', 'wpautop' => true, 'media_buttons' => false, 'wpautop' => true, 'tinymce' => true, 'quicktags' => true, 'textarea_rows' => 18);
    wp_editor(isset($buddyform['mail_notification'][$trigger]['mail_body']) ? $buddyform['mail_notification'][$trigger]['mail_body'] : '', "bf_mail_body", $settings);
    $wp_editor = ob_get_clean();
    $wp_editor = '<div class="bf_field_group bf_form_content"><label><h2>' . __('Content', 'buddyforms') . '</h2></label><div class="bf_inputs">' . $wp_editor . '</div></div>';
    $form_setup[] = new Element_HTML($wp_editor . $shortDesc);

    <li id="trigger<?php 
    echo $trigger;
" class="bf_trigger_list_item <?php 
    echo $trigger;
            <div class="accordion_fields">
                <div class="accordion-group postbox">
                    <div class="accordion-heading-options">
                        <table class="wp-list-table widefat fixed posts">
                                <td class="field_order ui-sortable-handle">
                                    <span class="circle">1</span>
                                <td class="field_label">
                                        <a class="bf_edit_field row-title accordion-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion_text" href="#accordion_<?php 
    echo $trigger;
" title="Edit this Field" href="#"><?php 
    echo $trigger;

                                <td class="field_delete">
                                    <span><a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion_text" href="#accordion_<?php 
    echo $trigger;
" title="Edit this Field" href="javascript:;">Edit</a> | </span>
                                    <span><a class="bf_delete_trigger" id="<?php 
    echo $trigger;
" title="Delete this Field" href="javascript:;">Delete</a></span>
                    <div id="accordion_<?php 
    echo $trigger;
" class="accordion-body collapse">
                        <div class="accordion-inner">
    buddyforms_display_field_group_table($form_setup, $trigger);

コード例 #2
function buddyforms_metabox_form_setup()
    global $post;
    if ($post->post_type != 'buddyforms') {
    $buddyform = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_buddyforms_options', true);
    //    echo '<pre>';
    //    print_r($buddyform);
    //    echo '</pre>';
    // Get all post types
    $args = array('show_ui' => true);
    $output = 'names';
    // names or objects, note: names is the default
    $operator = 'and';
    // 'and' or 'or'
    $post_types = get_post_types($args, $output, $operator);
    $post_types_none['none'] = 'none';
    $post_types = array_merge($post_types_none, $post_types);
    $name = get_the_title();
    $slug = $post->post_name;
    $singular_name = isset($buddyform['singular_name']) ? stripslashes($buddyform['singular_name']) : '';
    $form_setup = new Element_Hidden('buddyforms_options[name]', $name);
    $form_setup = new Element_Hidden('buddyforms_options[slug]', $slug);
    $form_setup = array();
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Textbox('<b>' . __("Singular Name", 'buddyforms'), "buddyforms_options[singular_name]", array('value' => $singular_name, 'required' => 1));
    $post_type = 'false';
    if (isset($buddyform['post_type'])) {
        $post_type = $buddyform['post_type'];
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Select('<b>' . __("Post Type", 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[post_type]", $post_types, array('value' => $post_type, 'required' => 'required'));
    $args = array('sort_order' => 'asc', 'sort_column' => 'post_title', 'parent' => 0, 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'publish');
    $pages = get_pages($args);
    $options = array();
    $options['none'] = 'none';
    foreach ($pages as $page) {
        $options[$page->ID] = $page->post_title;
    $attached_page = 'false';
    if (isset($buddyform['attached_page'])) {
        $attached_page = $buddyform['attached_page'];
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Select('<b>' . __("Page", 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[attached_page]", $options, array('value' => $attached_page, 'shortDesc' => '
    Associate a Page with a BuddyForm. The page you select will be used to build the forum URLs:<br>
    Create: page_name/create/form_name<br>
    View: page_name/view/form_name<br>
    Edit: page_name/edit/form_name<br>
    Pro Tips:<br>
    Different BuddyForms can be associated with the same Page.<br>
    You don’t have to use the auto-generated URLs -- you can add a BuddyForm or list of Posts to any Page or Post using shortcodes.<br>

    $status = 'false';
    if (isset($buddyform['status'])) {
        $status = $buddyform['status'];
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Select('<b>' . __("Status", 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[status]", array('publish', 'pending', 'draft'), array('value' => $status));
    $comment_status = 'false';
    if (isset($buddyform['comment_status'])) {
        $comment_status = $buddyform['comment_status'];
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Select('<b>' . __("Comment Status", 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[comment_status]", array('open', 'closed'), array('value' => $comment_status));
    $revision = 'false';
    if (isset($buddyform['revision'])) {
        $revision = $buddyform['revision'];
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Checkbox('<b>' . __('Revision', 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[revision]", array('Revision' => __('Enable frontend revision control', 'buddyforms')), array('value' => $revision));
    $admin_bar = 'false';
    if (isset($buddyform['admin_bar'])) {
        $admin_bar = $buddyform['admin_bar'];
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Checkbox('<b>' . __('Admin Bar', 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[admin_bar]", array('Admin Bar' => __('Add to Admin Bar', 'buddyforms')), array('value' => $admin_bar));
    $edit_link = 'all';
    if (isset($buddyform['edit_link'])) {
        $edit_link = $buddyform['edit_link'];
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Radio('<b>' . __("Overwrite Frontend 'Edit Post' Link", 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[edit_link]", array('none' => 'None', 'all' => __("All Edit Links", 'buddyforms'), 'my-posts-list' => __("Only in My Posts List", 'buddyforms')), array('view' => 'vertical', 'value' => $edit_link, 'shortDesc' => __('The link to the backend will be changed to use the frontend editing.', 'buddyforms')));
    $after_submit = isset($buddyform['after_submit']) ? $buddyform['after_submit'] : 'display_form';
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Radio('<b>' . __("After Submission", 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[after_submit]", array('display_form' => 'Display the Form and Message', 'display_post' => 'Display the Post', 'display_posts_list' => 'Display the User\'s Post List', 'display_message' => 'Just display the Message'), array('value' => $after_submit, 'id' => 'after_submit_hidden' . $slug, 'class' => 'after_submit_hidden'));
    $after_submit_message_text = isset($buddyform['after_submit_message_text']) ? $buddyform['after_submit_message_text'] : 'The [form_singular_name] [post_title] has been successfully updated!<br>1. [post_link]<br>2. [edit_link]';
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Textarea('<b>' . __('After Submission Message', 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[after_submit_message_text]", array('rows' => 3, 'style' => "width:100%", 'value' => $after_submit_message_text, 'shortDesc' => __('<p>
        <small>You can use special shortcodes to add dynamic content:<br>
            [form_singular_name] = Singular Name<br>
            [post_title] = The Post Title<br>
            [post_link] = The Post Permalink<br>
            [edit_link] = Link to the Post Edit Form</small><br>
    </p>', 'buddyforms')));
    $bf_ajax = false;
    if (isset($buddyform['bf_ajax'])) {
        $bf_ajax = $buddyform['bf_ajax'];
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Checkbox('<b>' . __('AJAX', 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[bf_ajax]", array('bf_ajax' => __('Disable ajax form submission', 'buddyforms')), array('shortDesc' => __('', 'buddyforms'), 'value' => $bf_ajax));
    $list_posts_option = 'list_all_form';
    if (isset($buddyform['list_posts_option'])) {
        $list_posts_option = $buddyform['list_posts_option'];
    $form_setup[] = new Element_Radio('<b>' . __("List Posts Options", 'buddyforms') . '</b>', "buddyforms_options[list_posts_option]", array('list_all_form' => 'List all Author Posts created with this Form', 'list_all' => 'List all Author Posts of the PostType'), array('value' => $list_posts_option, 'shortDesc' => ''));
    <table class="form-table">
    foreach ($form_setup as $key => $field) {

        <tr id="row_form_title">
            <th scope="row">
                <label for="form_title"><?php 
        echo $field->getLabel();
        echo $field->render();
                <p class="description"><?php 
        echo $field->getShortDesc();