コード例 #1
  * Search the order values for the order ID given for a valid
  * e-mail address and return the last one found, if any.
  * Note that the specific behaviour of taking only the last address
  * into account seems to be by design. -- RK
  * @param   integer   $order_id   The order ID
  * @return  string                The e-mail address found, if any,
  *                                or the empty string
  * @static
 static function GetEmailAdress($order_id)
     global $objDatabase;
     $arrOrderValues = EgovLibrary::getOrderValues($order_id);
     $strEmail = '';
     foreach ($arrOrderValues as $value) {
         if (EgovLibrary::isEmail($value)) {
             $strEmail = $value;
     return $strEmail;
コード例 #2
ファイル: EgovManager.class.php プロジェクト: Niggu/cloudrexx
  * Update the order status and send the confirmation mail
  * according to the settings
  * The resulting javascript code displays a message box or
  * does some page redirect.
  * @param   integer   $order_id       The order ID
  * @return  string                    Javascript code
 function updateOrder($order_id)
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $_CONFIG;
     $product_id = EgovManager::getOrderValue('order_product', $order_id);
     if (empty($product_id)) {
         return 'alert("' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_EGOV_ERROR_UPDATING_ORDER'] . '");' . "\n";
     // Has this order been updated already?
     if (EgovManager::GetOrderValue('order_state', $order_id) == 1) {
         // Do not resend mails!
         return '';
     $arrFields = EgovLibrary::getOrderValues($order_id);
     $FormValue4Mail = '';
     foreach ($arrFields as $name => $value) {
         // If the value matches a calendar date, prefix the string with
         // the day of the week
         $arrMatch = array();
         if (preg_match('/^(\\d\\d?)\\.(\\d\\d?)\\.(\\d\\d\\d\\d)$/', $value, $arrMatch)) {
             // ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week
             // 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
             $dotwNumber = date('N', mktime(1, 1, 1, $arrMatch[2], $arrMatch[1], $arrMatch[3]));
             $dotwName = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_EGOV_DAYNAME_' . $dotwNumber];
             $value = "{$dotwName}, {$value}";
         $FormValue4Mail .= html_entity_decode($name) . ': ' . html_entity_decode($value) . "\n";
     // Bestelleingang-Benachrichtigung || Mail f�r den Administrator
     $recipient = EgovLibrary::GetProduktValue('product_target_email', $product_id);
     if (empty($recipient)) {
         $recipient = EgovLibrary::GetSettings('set_orderentry_recipient');
     if (!empty($recipient)) {
         $SubjectText = str_replace('[[PRODUCT_NAME]]', html_entity_decode(EgovLibrary::GetProduktValue('product_name', $product_id)), EgovLibrary::GetSettings('set_orderentry_subject'));
         $SubjectText = html_entity_decode($SubjectText);
         $BodyText = str_replace('[[ORDER_VALUE]]', $FormValue4Mail, EgovLibrary::GetSettings('set_orderentry_email'));
         $BodyText = html_entity_decode($BodyText);
         $replyAddress = EgovLibrary::GetEmailAdress($order_id);
         if (empty($replyAddress)) {
             $replyAddress = EgovLibrary::GetSettings('set_orderentry_sender');
         if (@(include_once ASCMS_LIBRARY_PATH . '/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php')) {
             $objMail = new \phpmailer();
             if (!empty($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'])) {
                 if (($arrSmtp = \SmtpSettings::getSmtpAccount($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'])) !== false) {
                     $objMail->Host = $arrSmtp['hostname'];
                     $objMail->Port = $arrSmtp['port'];
                     $objMail->SMTPAuth = true;
                     $objMail->Username = $arrSmtp['username'];
                     $objMail->Password = $arrSmtp['password'];
             $objMail->CharSet = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
             $from = EgovLibrary::GetSettings('set_orderentry_sender');
             $fromName = EgovLibrary::GetSettings('set_orderentry_name');
             $objMail->SetFrom($from, $fromName);
             $objMail->Subject = $SubjectText;
             $objMail->Priority = 3;
             $objMail->Body = $BodyText;
     // Update 29.10.2006 Statusmail automatisch abschicken || Produktdatei
     if (EgovLibrary::GetProduktValue('product_electro', $product_id) == 1 || EgovLibrary::GetProduktValue('product_autostatus', $product_id) == 1) {
         EgovLibrary::updateOrderStatus($order_id, 1);
         $TargetMail = EgovLibrary::GetEmailAdress($order_id);
         if ($TargetMail != '') {
             $FromEmail = EgovLibrary::GetProduktValue('product_sender_email', $product_id);
             if ($FromEmail == '') {
                 $FromEmail = EgovLibrary::GetSettings('set_sender_email');
             $FromName = EgovLibrary::GetProduktValue('product_sender_name', $product_id);
             if ($FromName == '') {
                 $FromName = EgovLibrary::GetSettings('set_sender_name');
             $SubjectDB = EgovLibrary::GetProduktValue('product_target_subject', $product_id);
             if ($SubjectDB == '') {
                 $SubjectDB = EgovLibrary::GetSettings('set_state_subject');
             $SubjectText = str_replace('[[PRODUCT_NAME]]', html_entity_decode(EgovLibrary::GetProduktValue('product_name', $product_id)), $SubjectDB);
             $SubjectText = html_entity_decode($SubjectText);
             $BodyDB = EgovLibrary::GetProduktValue('product_target_body', $product_id);
             if ($BodyDB == '') {
                 $BodyDB = EgovLibrary::GetSettings('set_state_email');
             $BodyText = str_replace('[[ORDER_VALUE]]', $FormValue4Mail, $BodyDB);
             $BodyText = str_replace('[[PRODUCT_NAME]]', html_entity_decode(EgovLibrary::GetProduktValue('product_name', $product_id)), $BodyText);
             $BodyText = html_entity_decode($BodyText);
             if (@(include_once ASCMS_LIBRARY_PATH . '/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php')) {
                 $objMail = new \phpmailer();
                 if ($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'] > 0) {
                     if (($arrSmtp = \SmtpSettings::getSmtpAccount($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'])) !== false) {
                         $objMail->Host = $arrSmtp['hostname'];
                         $objMail->Port = $arrSmtp['port'];
                         $objMail->SMTPAuth = true;
                         $objMail->Username = $arrSmtp['username'];
                         $objMail->Password = $arrSmtp['password'];
                 $objMail->CharSet = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
                 $objMail->SetFrom($FromEmail, $FromName);
                 $objMail->Subject = $SubjectText;
                 $objMail->Priority = 3;
                 $objMail->Body = $BodyText;
                 if (EgovLibrary::GetProduktValue('product_electro', $product_id) == 1) {
                     $objMail->AddAttachment(ASCMS_PATH . EgovLibrary::GetProduktValue('product_file', $product_id));
     return '';