if ($action == "delete") { // Getting record to delete. $DB->delete_records('emarking_predefined_comment', array('id' => $commentid)); echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('changessaved', 'mod_emarking'), 'notifysuccess'); $action = "list"; } // Action on edit. if ($action == "edit") { // Geting previous data, so we can reuse it. if (!($editingcomment = $DB->get_record('emarking_predefined_comment', array('id' => $commentid)))) { print_error(get_string('invalidid', 'mod_emarking')); } // Creating new form and giving the var it needs to pass. $editcommentform = new EditCommentForm(null, array('text' => $editingcomment->text, 'cmid' => $cm->id, 'commentid' => $commentid)); // Condition of form cancelation. if ($editcommentform->is_cancelled()) { $action = "list"; } else { if ($fromform = $editcommentform->get_data()) { // Setup of var record to update record in moodle DB. $editingcomment->text = $fromform->comment['text']; $editingcomment->markerid = $USER->id; // Updating the record. $DB->update_record('emarking_predefined_comment', $editingcomment); echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('changessaved', 'mod_emarking'), 'notifysuccess'); $action = "list"; } else { $editcommentform->display(); } } }
if ($action == "edit") { echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('editcomment', 'mod_emarking')); //getting record to edit $comment_edition = $DB->get_record('emarking_predefined_comment', array('id' => $deleteid)); //creating a var which contains the message to adit $comment_var = $comment_edition->text; //Creating new form and giving the var it needs to pass $newcommentform = new EditCommentForm(null, array('text' => $comment_var, 'id' => $cm->id, 'deleteid' => $deleteid)); //Dislay of the form $newcommentform->display(); } if ($action == "edited") { //Creating new form and giving the var it needs to pass $newcommentform = new EditCommentForm(null, array('text' => "", 'id' => $cm->id, 'deleteid' => $deleteid)); //condition of form cancelation if ($newcommentform->is_cancelled()) { $action = "list"; } elseif ($fromform = $newcommentform->get_data()) { $record = new stdClass(); //geting previous data, so we can reuse it $comment_setup = $DB->get_record('emarking_predefined_comment', array('id' => $fromform->delete)); //setup of var record to update record in moodle DB $record->id = $comment_setup->id; $record->emarkingid = $comment_setup->emarkingid; $record->text = $fromform->comment['text']; $record->markerid = $USER->id; //updating the record $DB->update_record('emarking_predefined_comment', $record); $action = "list"; } }