コード例 #1
  * Test saving the timestamp from the payload in core_config_data.
 public function testUpdateLastTimestamp()
     $configPathToSet = 'config/path/for/timestamp';
     $timestamp = new DateTime('2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00');
     $store = Mage::getModel('core/store');
     // make a mock Mage_Core_Model_Config_Data to check setting and saving
     // the timestamp value to core_config_data
     $configData = $this->getModelMock('core/config_data', array('save'));
     // make sure the data actually gets saved
     $this->replaceByMock('model', 'core/config_data', $configData);
     // stub the config path
     // stub payload data
     $helper = $this->getHelperMock('ebayenterprise_amqp/config', array('getScopeForStoreSettings'));
     // stub getting scope for store, tested in self::testgetScopeForStoreSettings
     $helper->expects($this->any())->method('getScopeForStoreSettings')->will($this->returnValue(array('default', '0')));
     EcomDev_Utils_Reflection::setRestrictedPropertyValue($helper, '_amqpConfigMap', $this->_configMap);
     // invoke method and test that the config_data model has the expected
     // data set on it
     $configData = $helper->updateLastTimestamp($this->_payload, $store);
     $this->assertSame($configPathToSet, $configData->getPath());
     $valueDateTime = new DateTime($configData->getValue());
     $this->assertSame($timestamp->format('c'), $valueDateTime->format('c'));
     $this->assertSame('0', $configData->getScopeId());
     $this->assertSame('default', $configData->getScope());
コード例 #2
  * Update the core_config_data setting for timestamp from the last test
  * message received. Value should be saved in the most appropriate scope for
  * the store being processed. E.g. if the store is the default store, or has
  * the same AMQP configuration as the default store, the timestamp should be
  * updated in the default scope. If the stores AMQP configuration matches a
  * website level configuration, should be saved within that website's scope.
  * @param ITestMessage $payload
  * @param Mage_Core_Model_Store $store
  * @return Mage_Core_Model_Config_Data
 public function updateLastTimestamp(ITestMessage $payload, Mage_Core_Model_Store $store)
     list($scope, $scopeId) = $this->getScopeForStoreSettings($store);
     return Mage::getModel('core/config_data')->addData(array('path' => $this->_amqpConfigMap->getPathForKey('last_test_message_timestamp'), 'value' => $payload->getTimestamp()->format(self::TIMESTAMP_FORMAT), 'scope' => $scope, 'scope_id' => $scopeId))->save();