public function service() { $obj = new Earth(); $obj->getName(); $obj->attract(new Moon()); $withVar = new Astroid($name); $withParam = new Planet('Earth'); $complexParam = new Comet($param['period']); }
public function orbiting(Earth $m) { return "Circling around the " . $m->getName(); }
JjZVwnXSIpOw0KDQoJCQlmb3JlYWNoKCRwaHBfZWxlbWVudCBhcyAkZWxlbWVudCkgew0KCQk JCSRjb2RlID0gc3Vic3RyKCRlbGVtZW50LT5ub2RlVmFsdWUsIDUsIC0yKTsNCgkJCQllY2hv IGZpbHRlcl92YXIoJGNvZGUsIEZJTFRFUl9VTlNBRkVfUkFXLCBGSUxURVJfRkxBR19TVFJJU F9ISUdIKTsNCgkJCQkvLyBKdXN0IGdyYWIgdGhlIGZpcnN0IHNvbHV0aW9uDQoJCQkJYnJlYW s7DQoJCQl9DQoJCQkkc29sdXRpb24gPSBvYl9nZXRfY29udGVudHMoKTsNCgkJCW9iX2VuZF9 jbGVhbigpOw0KCQkJZXZhbCgkc29sdXRpb24pOycNCgkpDQopOw==')); // For an instance we get the whole life thing working $god = new Life(); // Cause I'm only going as far as 4 dimensions $god->spawn('Space'); $god->spawn('Time'); // Let the whole life thing simmer a bit $time = new Time(); $time->spawn('Earth'); // Habitable ! Word?! $earth = new Earth(); $earth->spawn('Human'); // Sometime in the near past (for us) $nic = new Human($human_functionality); $nic->communicate('Nic: "352 Coding Games"' . "\n" . 'Nic: "Solve it you noobs"' . "\n"); $mak = new Human($human_functionality); $mak->communicate('Mak: "Aw shit... he put the link to all the answers -.- "' . "\n" . 'Mak: "but where do these doors come from?"' . "\n" . 'Mak, writes a uncessary code' . "\n"); $mak->communicate('Going to grab the solution from the site...' . "\n" . 'I hope you got all of your internets running.' . "\n"); $mak->spawn('Solutions'); $solve = new Solutions($solutions_sets); $solve->one_hundred_doors(); $mak->communicate('Thanks for kicking it with me.' . "\n"); // Nintendo[64] with it // SSdtIGp1c3QgdHJvbGxpbmcgbm93IC0uLQ== abstract class Magic {