コード例 #1
									class="bold">WooCommerce</span> store you can choose between
									post type <span class="bold">Products</span> which will display
									share buttons into product description or option to display
									buttons below price.
							<td class="essb_general_options"><?php 
						<tr class="even table-border-bottom">
							<td class="bold" valign="top">Display in post excerpt:<br/><span class="label">(Activate this option if your theme is using excerpts and you wish to display share buttons in excerpts)</span></td>
							<td class="essb_general_options"><?php 
$excerpt_pos = array("top", "bottom");
$html = ESSB_Settings_Helper::generateCustomSelectField('display_excerpt_pos', $excerpt_pos, true);
ESSB_Settings_Helper::drawExtendedCheckboxField('display_excerpt', $html . '');
					<h3>Position of buttons</h3>
						<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
						<col width="25%" />
						<col width="75%" />
							<td colspan="2" class="sub"><?php 
_e('Position of buttons', ESSB_TEXT_DOMAIN);
コード例 #2
									class="bold">WooCommerce</span> store you can choose between
									post type <span class="bold">Products</span> which will display
									share buttons into product description or option to display
									buttons below price.
							<td class="essb_general_options"><?php 
						<tr class="even table-border-bottom">
							<td class="bold" valign="top">Display in post excerpt:</td>
							<td class="essb_general_options"><?php 
$excerpt_pos = array("top", "bottom");
$html = ESSB_Settings_Helper::generateCustomSelectField('display_excerpt_pos', $excerpt_pos, true);
ESSB_Settings_Helper::drawExtendedCheckboxField('display_excerpt', $html . '<br/><span class="small">(Activate this option if your theme is using excerpts and you wish to display share buttons in excerpts)</span>');
						<tr class="odd table-border-bottom">
							<td valign="top" class="bold"><?php 
_e('Exclude display on:', ESSB_TEXT_DOMAIN);
<br />
								<span class="label"> Exclude buttons on posts/pages with these
									IDs? Comma seperated: "11, 15, 125". This will deactivate
									automated display of buttons on selected posts/pages but you
									are able to use shortcode on them.</span></td>
							<td class="essb_general_options"><?php 