/** * Execute the configured controller actions * Example: * http://localhost/index.php/cron/run/config/cleanupdb */ public function actionTouch() { if (ERunActions::runBackground()) { $config = isset($_GET['config']) ? $_GET['config'] : null; $this->_runActions($config); } }
/** * Register the request interval. * * @param CFilterChain $filterChain * * @return bool */ protected function postFilter($filterChain) { $id = $this->getIntervalId($filterChain); ERunActions::registerInterval($this->interval, $id); }
/** * Socked based http request * Based on code from: http://www.php.net/manual/de/function.fsockopen.php#101872 * Added touchOnly feature, changed headers * * @param mixed $ip * @param integer $port * @param string $uri * @param string $verb * @param array $getdata * @param array $postData * @param array $cookie * @param array $custom_headers * @param integer $timeout * @param mixed $req_hdr * @param mixed $res_hdr * @return */ public function request($ip, $port = 80, $uri = '/', $verb = 'GET', $getdata = array(), $postData = null, $contentType = null, $cookie = array(), $custom_headers = array(), $timeout = 2000, $req_hdr = false, $res_hdr = false) { $isSSL = $port == 443; $ret = ''; $verb = strtoupper($verb); $cookie_str = ''; $getdata_str = count($getdata) ? '?' : ''; $postdata_str = ''; if (!empty($getdata)) { foreach ($getdata as $k => $v) { $getdata_str .= urlencode($k) . '=' . urlencode($v) . '&'; } $getdata_str = substr($getdata_str, 0, -1); } if (isset($postData)) { if (is_array($postData)) { foreach ($postData as $k => $v) { $postdata_str .= urlencode($k) . '=' . urlencode($v) . '&'; } $postdata_str = substr($postdata_str, 0, -1); } else { $postdata_str = is_string($postData) ? $postData : serialize($postData); } } foreach ($cookie as $k => $v) { $cookie_str .= urlencode($k) . '=' . urlencode($v) . '; '; } $crlf = "\r\n"; $req = $verb . ' ' . $uri . $getdata_str . ' HTTP/1.1' . $crlf; $req .= 'Host: ' . $ip . $crlf; $req .= 'User-Agent: ' . $this->userAgent . $crlf; $req .= "Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate" . $crlf; $req .= "Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0" . $crlf; $req .= "Pragma: no-cache" . $crlf; foreach ($custom_headers as $k => $v) { $req .= $k . ': ' . $v . $crlf; } if (!empty($cookie_str)) { $req .= 'Cookie: ' . substr($cookie_str, 0, -2) . $crlf; } if ($verb == 'POST' && !empty($postdata_str)) { if (is_array($postData)) { $req .= 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' . $crlf; } else { if (empty($contentType)) { $contentType = 'text/plain'; } $req .= 'Content-Type: ' . $contentType . $crlf; } $req .= 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($postdata_str) . $crlf; $req .= 'Connection: close' . $crlf . $crlf; $req .= $postdata_str; } else { $req .= 'Connection: close' . $crlf . $crlf; } if ($req_hdr) { $ret .= $req; } $ip = $isSSL ? 'ssl://' . $ip : $ip; if (($fp = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr)) == false) { $message = "Error {$errno}: {$errstr}"; if ($this->_touchOnly) { ERunActions::logError($message); return null; } else { return $message; } } stream_set_timeout($fp, 0, $timeout * 1000); fputs($fp, $req); if (!$this->_touchOnly) { while ($line = fgets($fp)) { $ret .= $line; } fclose($fp); if (!$res_hdr) { $ret = substr($ret, strpos($ret, "\r\n\r\n") + 4); } return $ret; } else { fclose($fp); return null; } }
public function actionBackgroundmsg($phone_nos,$msg) { $count = count($phone_nos); Yii::import('application.extensions.runactions.components.ERunActions'); //require_once "Mail.php"; if (ERunActions::runBackground()) { $output = implode(",",$phone_nos); $smsobj=new SmsApi; $r=$smsobj->sendsms($output,$msg); if(preg_match('/alert_/',$r)) echo 'sent'; } else { $this->redirect(array('admin')); } }
public function actionStep2() { // require_once(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.components.Paypal') . '/autoload.php'); $this->layoutPath = Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . "/themes/classic/views/layouts"; $this->layout = 'nonPrepare'; $this->checkSession(2); $request = Yii::app()->request; if ($request->isPostRequest && isset($_POST)) { try { $this->card_number = $this->getPostFilter('card_number'); $this->card_holder_name = $this->getPostFilter('card_holder_name'); $this->expiry_year = $this->getPostFilter('expiry_year'); $this->expiry_month = $this->getPostFilter('expiry_month'); $this->cvc = $this->getPostFilter('cvc'); $this->first_name = $this->getPostFilter('first_name'); $this->last_name = $this->getPostFilter('last_name'); $this->bill_city = $this->getPostFilter('bill_city'); $this->bill_address = $this->getPostFilter('bill_address'); $this->bill_country = $this->getPostFilter('bill_country'); $this->bill_postcode = $this->getPostFilter('bill_postcode'); $apiContext = new \PayPal\Rest\ApiContext(new \PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential("AZxYt_EVUMu9xXO0DHBHn4KGUVx6UMIdQKAb7QeCek609Zo3lFCAIfIKs29-T4PL66cSoN6189SfoACj", "ELebkFS3jmn9CNu4PF1t8OWaIsHASMDalHKp9x1dwEo0KmeKo582SfeVIC3CC99tmin7NoJZp00jI2Oc")); $addr = new \PayPal\Api\Address(); $addr->setLine1($this->bill_address); $addr->setCity($this->bill_city); $addr->setCountryCode($this->bill_country); $addr->setPostalCode($this->bill_postcode); $addr->setState('OH'); $card = new \PayPal\Api\CreditCard(); $card->setNumber($this->card_number); $card->setType('visa'); $card->setExpireMonth($this->expiry_month); $card->setExpireYear($this->expiry_year); $card->setCvv2($this->cvc); $card->setFirstName($this->first_name); $card->setLastName($this->last_name); $card->setBillingAddress($addr); $fi = new \PayPal\Api\FundingInstrument(); $fi->setCreditCard($card); $payer = new \PayPal\Api\Payer(); $payer->setPaymentMethod('credit_card'); $payer->setFundingInstruments(array($fi)); $amount = new \PayPal\Api\Amount(); $amount->setCurrency('USD'); $amount->setTotal('0.12'); $transaction = new \PayPal\Api\Transaction(); $transaction->setAmount($amount); $transaction->setDescription('This is the payment transaction description.'); $redirectUrls = new \PayPal\Api\RedirectUrls(); $redirectUrls->setReturnUrl(Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('bookService/step3' . '?success=true'))->setCancelUrl(Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('bookService/step3' . '?success=false')); $payment = new \PayPal\Api\Payment(); $payment->setIntent('sale'); $payment->setPayer($payer); $payment->setTransactions(array($transaction)); try { $res = $payment->create($apiContext); } catch (PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $e) { echo $e->getData(); // This will print a JSON which has specific details about the error. // exit(1); } $this->nextStep(3); if (ERunActions::runBackground()) { $this->SendMailConfirm(); } // die(); $this->redirectStep(3); } catch (exception $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } } $this->render('step2'); }
public function actionGetReginfo() { Yii::import('ext.runactions.components.ERunActions'); $firstname = $_POST['fname']; $lastname = $_POST['lname']; $username = isset($_POST['uname']) ? $_POST['uname'] : ""; $email = $_POST['email']; $pwd = $_POST['pwd']; $gender = isset($_POST['gender']) ? $_POST['gender'] : ""; $socialid = $_POST['socialid']; $dob = Yii::app()->dateFormatter->format('yyyy-M-dd', strtotime($_POST['dob'])); $zip = $_POST['zip']; $user = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('email' => $email)); $model = new User(); if ($email == '' || $pwd == '') { echo "Enter fields"; } elseif ($user['email'] != '') { echo "You are already subscribed or your account may not be activated"; } else { if (isset(Yii::app()->session['userinfo'])) { if (isset(Yii::app()->session['login'])) { $id = Yii::app()->session['login']['id']; $model = User::model()->findByPk($id); $model->secondary_email = $email; $model->updatedby = $id; $model->updatedate = date('Y-m-d G:i:s'); } else { $model = new User(); $model->fname = $firstname; $model->lname = $lastname; $model->uname = $username; $model->email = $email; $model->password = md5($pwd); $model->gender = $gender; $model->dob = $dob; $model->zipcode = $zip; $model->usertypeid = 1; } $socialid = Yii::app()->session['userinfo']['SocialNetworkID']; $model->socialnetworkid = $socialid; $social = Yii::app()->session['userinfo']['SocialNetwork']; $model->socialnetwork = $social; /* Modified on 10-1-13 to get image from facebook reg becoz we r nt getng image for other social networks*/ if ($model->socialnetwork == "facebook") { /************* Awber code *******************/ $url = "http://www.aweber.com/scripts/addlead.pl"; $data = http_build_query(array("meta_web_form_id" => "1185568484", "meta_split_id" => "", "listname" => "finao_fbreges", "redirect" => "", "meta_adtracking" => "FBREG", "meta_message" => "1", "meta_required" => "email", "meta_tooltip" => "", "email" => $email)); $this->post_send($url, $data); /************* END of Awber code *******************/ $image = Yii::app()->session['userinfo']['photourl']; $rnd = rand(0, 9999); $img_file = file_get_contents($image); $file_loc = Yii::app()->basePath . '/../images/uploads/profileimages/' . $rnd . '.jpg'; $file_handler = fopen($file_loc, 'w'); if (fwrite($file_handler, $img_file) == false) { echo 'error'; } fclose($file_handler); $img = "images/uploads/profileimages/" . $rnd . '.jpg'; $image = Yii::app()->image->load($img); $image->resize(140, 140); $image->save("images/uploads/backgroundimages/" . $model->profile_bg_image); $model->profile_image = $rnd . '.jpg'; } else { $model->profile_image = 'default-yahoo.jpg'; } $model->status = 1; if ($gender != '') { $model->gender = $gender; } if (isset(Yii::app()->session['login'])) { if ($model->save(false)) { if ($saved) { if (isset(Yii::app()->session['login'])) { unset(Yii::app()->session['login']); } $login["id"] = $model->userid; $login["username"] = $model->uname; $login["socialnetworkid"] = $model->socialnetworkid; $login["superuser"] = $model->superuser; if ($model->usertypeid == 1) { $login["userType"] = "parent"; } if ($model->usertypeid == 3) { $login["userType"] = "organization"; } Yii::app()->session['login'] = $login; echo "frnds redirect"; } } } else { if ($model->save(false)) { /* Added on 10-1-13 to save fb details in login details. This is used for normal register want to invite his friends*/ $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand(); $saved = $command->insert('ha_logins', array('userId' => $model->userid, 'loginProvider' => $model->socialnetwork, 'loginProviderIdentifier' => $model->socialnetworkid)); if ($saved) { $userdet = array(); $userdet['firstname'] = $model->fname; $userdet['lastname'] = $model->lname; $userdet['email'] = $model->email; $userdet['password'] = "******"; $userdet['store_id'] = 1; $userdet['website_id'] = 1; $url1 = Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('site/Processshopreg', array('userdet' => $userdet)); ERunActions::touchUrl($url1); //$login = array(); if (isset(Yii::app()->session['login'])) { unset(Yii::app()->session['login']); } $login["id"] = $model->userid; $login["username"] = $uname; $login["socialnetworkid"] = $model->socialnetworkid; $login["superuser"] = $model->superuser; if ($model->usertypeid == 1) { $login["userType"] = "parent"; } if ($model->usertypeid == 3) { $login["userType"] = "organization"; } Yii::app()->session['login'] = $login; //$this->redirect('site/index'); echo "fb registration success"; } } } } else { if (isset(Yii::app()->session['login'])) { echo "Loged user"; exit; } $model->fname = $firstname; $model->lname = $lastname; $model->uname = $username; $model->email = $email; $model->password = md5($pwd); $model->dob = $dob; $model->zipcode = $zip; $model->usertypeid = 63; if ($socialid != 0) { $model->status = 1; } else { $model->status = 0; } $model->superuser = 0; $model->socialnetworkid = $socialid; /*$model->socialnetwork = "facebook";*/ if ($gender != '') { $model->gender = $gender; } $model->activkey = ""; //md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); $model->status = 1; $model->createtime = date('Y-m-d G:i:s'); $model->createdby = 1; $mageid = $this->processshopreg($firstname, $lastname, $email, $pwd); if ($mageid != '') { $model->mageid = $mageid; } if ($model->save(false)) { /* $mageid = $this->processshopreg($firstname,$lastname,$email,$pwd); if(!$mageid == 'exists') { $model->mageid = $mageid; //echo $mageid; exit; $model->save(); } */ if ($model->socialnetworkid != 0) { $image = "http://graph.facebook.com/" . $model->socialnetworkid . "/picture?type=normal"; $img_file = file_get_contents($image); $file_loc = Yii::app()->basePath . '/../images/uploads/profileimages/' . $model->userid . '.jpg'; $file_handler = fopen($file_loc, 'w'); if (fwrite($file_handler, $img_file) == false) { echo 'error'; } fclose($file_handler); $img = "images/uploads/profileimages/" . $model->userid . '.jpg'; $image = Yii::app()->image->load($img); $image->resize(140, 140); $image->save("images/uploads/profileimages/" . $model->userid . '.jpg'); $newuserprofile = new UserProfile(); $newuserprofile->user_id = $model->userid; $newuserprofile->profile_image = $model->userid . '.jpg'; $newuserprofile->createdby = $model->userid; $newuserprofile->createddate = date('Y-m-d G:i:s'); $newuserprofile->updatedby = $model->userid; $newuserprofile->updateddate = date('Y-m-d G:i:s'); $newuserprofile->IsCompleted = ""; $newuserprofile->save(false); $login = array(); if (isset(Yii::app()->session['login'])) { unset(Yii::app()->session['login']); } if (isset(Yii::app()->session['userinfo'])) { unset(Yii::app()->session['userinfo']); } $login["id"] = $model->userid; $login["username"] = $model->fname . ' ' . $model->lname; $login["email"] = $model->email; $login["socialnetworkid"] = $model->socialnetworkid; $login["superuser"] = $model->superuser; $userprofile = UserProfile::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_id' => $model->userid)); $login["profImage"] = isset($userprofile->profile_image) ? $userprofile->profile_image : ""; $login["bgImage"] = isset($userprofile->profile_bg_image) ? $userprofile->profile_bg_image : ""; Yii::app()->session['login'] = $login; echo "fb registration success"; } else { if (isset(Yii::app()->session['login'])) { unset(Yii::app()->session['login']); } $login = array(); $login["id"] = $model->userid; $login["username"] = $model->uname; $login["socialnetworkid"] = $model->socialnetworkid; $login["superuser"] = $model->superuser; if ($model->usertypeid == 1) { $login["userType"] = "parent"; } if ($model->usertypeid == 3) { $login["userType"] = "organization"; } Yii::app()->session['login'] = $login; echo "reg success"; } } else { echo "Enter the fields correctly"; } } } }
/** * Allows executing controller actions as background tasks. * A controller action request will always be 'touched' a second time to run in background * * Usage see: controllers/RunActionsController.php * * Use $internalHostInfo when the webserver is running behind a firewall * where only internal routing is configured. * In that case the the detected $request->getHostInfo() can fail. * * * @param boolean $useHttpClient whether to use the EHttpClient extension * @param array $httpClientConfig the config for the EHttpClient extension * @param string $internalHostInfo with scheme:; * @return */ public static function runBackground($useHttpClient = false, $httpClientConfig = array(), $internalHostInfo = null) { if (!self::isTouchActionRequest()) { $request = Yii::app()->request; $uri = $request->requestUri; $port = $request->getPort(); $host = isset($internalHostInfo) ? $internalHostInfo : $request->getHostInfo(); $url = "{$host}:{$port}{$uri}"; if ($useHttpClient) { ERunActions::touchUrlExt($url, $_POST, null, $httpClientConfig); } else { ERunActions::touchUrl($url, $_POST); } return false; } else { return true; } }
public function actionTimeConsumingProcess() { Yii::log('action: TimeConsumingProcess', 'error'); ERunActions::touchUrl($this->createAbsoluteUrl('test/SendMail'), null, null, array()); echo json_encode(array('status' => 'ok')); }
public function action_do_sync_Images() { if (ERunActions::runBackground()) { //do all the stuff that should work in background $s3 = new A2s3(); $query = "select id, nombre from aud_imagenes where aws = 0 "; $dataQuery = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->queryAll(); foreach ($dataQuery as $key => $value) { $url = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . Yii::app()->baseUrl . "/uploads/" . $value["nombre"]; $response = $s3->putObject(array('Bucket' => '54Mmggroup', 'Key' => $value["nombre"], 'SourceFile' => $url)); $query = "update aud_imagenes set aws = 1 where id = {$value['id']}"; Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->execute(); } } }