  * @param array $input_args {
  *		@type string $html_name the html name for the input
  *		@type string $html_label_id the id attribute to give to the html label tag
  *		@type string $html_label_class the class attribute to give to the html label tag
  *		@type string $html_label_style the style attribute to give ot teh label tag
  *		@type string $html_label_text the text to put in the label tag
  *		@type string $html_label the full html label. If used, all other html_label_* args are invalid
  *		@type string $html_help_text text to put in help element
  *		@type string $html_help_style style attribute to give to teh help element
  *		@type string $html_help_class class attribute to give to the help element
  *		@type string $default default value NORMALIZED (eg, if providing the default for a Yes_No_Input, you should provide TRUE or FALSE, not '1' or '0')
  *		@type EE_Display_Strategy_Base $display strategy
  *		@type EE_Normalization_Strategy_Base $normalization_strategy
  *		@type EE_Validation_Strategy_Base[] $validation_strategies
  * }
 public function __construct($input_args = array())
     // the following properties must be cast as arrays
     $set_as_array = array('validation_strategies');
     // loop thru incoming options
     foreach ($input_args as $key => $value) {
         // add underscore to $key to match property names
         $_key = '_' . $key;
         if (property_exists($this, $_key)) {
             // first check if this property needs to be set as an array
             if (isset($set_as_array[$key])) {
                 // ensure value is an array
                 $value = is_array($value) ? $value : array($value);
                 // and merge with existing values
                 $this->{$_key} = array_merge($this->{$_key}, $value);
             } else {
                 $this->{$_key} = $value;
     // ensure that "required" is set correctly
     $this->set_required($this->_required, isset($input_args['required_validation_error_message']) ? $input_args['required_validation_error_message'] : NULL);
     $this->_html_name_specified = isset($input_args['html_name']) ? TRUE : FALSE;
     if ($this->_validation_strategies) {
         foreach ($this->_validation_strategies as $validation_strategy) {
     if (!$this->_normalization_strategy) {
         $this->_normalization_strategy = new EE_Text_Normalization();
     //at least we can use the normalization strategy to populate the default
     if (isset($input_args['default'])) {
     if (!$this->_sensitive_data_removal_strategy) {
         $this->_sensitive_data_removal_strategy = new EE_No_Sensitive_Data_Removal();
コード例 #2
  * @param array $input_args {
  *  @type string $html_name          the html name for the input
  *  @type string $html_label_id      the id attribute to give to the html label tag
  *  @type string $html_label_class   the class attribute to give to the html label tag
  *  @type string $html_label_style   the style attribute to give ot teh label tag
  *  @type string $html_label_text    the text to put in the label tag
  *  @type string $html_label         the full html label. If used,
  *                                  all other html_label_* args are invalid
  *  @type string $html_help_text     text to put in help element
  *  @type string $html_help_style    style attribute to give to teh help element
  *  @type string $html_help_class    class attribute to give to the help element
  *  @type string $default            default value NORMALIZED (eg, if providing the default for a Yes_No_Input,
  *                                  you should provide TRUE or FALSE, not '1' or '0')
  *  @type EE_Display_Strategy_Base       $display    strategy
  *  @type EE_Normalization_Strategy_Base $normalization_strategy
  *  @type EE_Validation_Strategy_Base[]  $validation_strategies
  * }
 public function __construct($input_args = array())
     $input_args = (array) apply_filters('FHEE__EE_Form_Input_Base___construct__input_args', $input_args, $this);
     // the following properties must be cast as arrays
     if (isset($input_args['validation_strategies'])) {
         foreach ((array) $input_args['validation_strategies'] as $validation_strategy) {
             if ($validation_strategy instanceof EE_Validation_Strategy_Base) {
                 $this->_validation_strategies[get_class($validation_strategy)] = $validation_strategy;
     // loop thru incoming options
     foreach ($input_args as $key => $value) {
         // add underscore to $key to match property names
         $_key = '_' . $key;
         if (property_exists($this, $_key)) {
             $this->{$_key} = $value;
     // ensure that "required" is set correctly
     $this->set_required($this->_required, isset($input_args['required_validation_error_message']) ? $input_args['required_validation_error_message'] : null);
     //$this->_html_name_specified = isset( $input_args['html_name'] ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
     foreach ($this->_validation_strategies as $validation_strategy) {
     if (!$this->_normalization_strategy) {
         $this->_normalization_strategy = new EE_Text_Normalization();
     //at least we can use the normalization strategy to populate the default
     if (isset($input_args['default'])) {
     if (!$this->_sensitive_data_removal_strategy) {
         $this->_sensitive_data_removal_strategy = new EE_No_Sensitive_Data_Removal();