コード例 #1
  * 		generates HTML for the Edit Registration side meta box
  *		@access public
  *		@return void
 public function _reg_registrant_side_meta_box()
     /*@var $attendee EE_Attendee */
     $att_check = $this->_registration->attendee();
     $attendee = $att_check instanceof EE_Attendee ? $att_check : EEM_Attendee::instance()->create_default_object();
     //now let's determine if this is not the primary registration.  If it isn't then we set the primary_registration object for reference BUT ONLY if the Attendee object loaded is not the same as the primary registration object (that way we know if we need to show cereate button or not)
     if (!$this->_registration->is_primary_registrant()) {
         $primary_registration = $this->_registration->get_primary_registration();
         $primary_attendee = $primary_registration->attendee();
         if (!$primary_attendee instanceof EE_Attendee || $attendee->ID() !== $primary_attendee->ID()) {
             //in here?  This means the displayed registration is not the primary registrant but ALREADY HAS its own custom attendee object so let's not worry about the primary reg.
             $primary_registration = NULL;
     } else {
         $primary_registration = NULL;
     $this->_template_args['ATT_ID'] = $attendee->ID();
     $this->_template_args['fname'] = $attendee->fname();
     $this->_template_args['lname'] = $attendee->lname();
     $this->_template_args['email'] = $attendee->email();
     $this->_template_args['phone'] = $attendee->phone();
     $this->_template_args['formatted_address'] = EEH_Address::format($attendee);
     //edit link
     $this->_template_args['att_edit_link'] = EE_Admin_Page::add_query_args_and_nonce(array('action' => 'edit_attendee', 'post' => $attendee->ID()), REG_ADMIN_URL);
     $this->_template_args['att_edit_label'] = __('View/Edit Contact');
     //create link
     $this->_template_args['create_link'] = $primary_registration instanceof EE_Registration ? EE_Admin_Page::add_query_args_and_nonce(array('action' => 'duplicate_attendee', '_REG_ID' => $this->_registration->ID()), REG_ADMIN_URL) : '';
     $this->_template_args['create_label'] = __('Create Contact', 'event_espresso');
     $this->_template_args['att_check'] = $att_check;
     $template_path = REG_TEMPLATE_PATH . 'reg_admin_details_side_meta_box_registrant.template.php';
     echo EEH_Template::display_template($template_path, $this->_template_args, TRUE);