/** * For adding any html output above the payment overview. * Many gateways won't want ot display anything, so this function just returns an empty string. * Other gateways may want to override this, such as offline gateways. * * @param \EE_Payment $payment * @return string */ public function payment_overview_content(EE_Payment $payment) { return EEH_Template::locate_template('payment_methods' . DS . 'Invoice' . DS . 'templates' . DS . 'invoice_payment_details_content.template.php', array_merge(array('payment_method' => $this->_pm_instance, 'payment' => $payment, 'page_confirmation_text' => '', 'page_extra_info' => '', 'invoice_url' => $payment->transaction()->primary_registration()->invoice_url('html')), $this->_pm_instance->all_extra_meta_array())); }
/** * Message triggers for manual payment applied by admin * @param bool $success incoming success value * @param EE_Payment $payment EE_payment object * @return bool success/fail */ public static function process_admin_payment($success = TRUE, EE_Payment $payment) { //we need to get the transaction object $transaction = $payment->transaction(); if ($transaction instanceof EE_Transaction) { $data = array($transaction, $payment); $message_type = self::_get_payment_message_type($payment->STS_ID()); //if payment amount is less than 0 then switch to payment_refund message type. $message_type = $payment->amount() < 0 ? 'payment_refund' : $message_type; //if payment_refund is selected, but the status is NOT accepted. Then change message type to false so NO message notification goes out. $message_type = $message_type == 'payment_refund' && $payment->STS_ID() != EEM_Payment::status_id_approved ? false : $message_type; self::_load_controller(); //verify this message type is present and active. If it isn't then no message is sent. $active_mts = self::$_EEMSG->get_active_message_types(); $message_type = in_array($message_type, $active_mts) ? $message_type : false; if ($message_type) { $success = self::$_EEMSG->send_message($message_type, $data); if (!$success) { EE_Error::add_error(__('Something went wrong and the payment confirmation was NOT resent', 'event_espresso'), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } else { EE_Error::add_error(__('The message type for the status of this payment is not active or does not exist, so no notification was sent.', 'event_espresso'), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } return $success; }
/** * Gets content for displaying about the payment done using this gateway * @param EE_Payment $payment * @return type */ public function get_payment_overview_content(EE_Payment $payment) { $registration = $payment->transaction()->primary_registration(); //$registration = $session_data['registration'][$session_data['primary_attendee']['line_item_id']]; if (!$this->_payment_settings['show']) { return; } ?> <div class="event-display-boxes"> <?php if (isset($this->_payment_settings['invoice_title'])) { ?> <?php echo '<h4 id="invoice_title" class="payment_type_title section-heading">' . stripslashes_deep($this->_payment_settings['invoice_title']) . '</h4>'; } ?> <p> <a href="<?php echo $registration->invoice_url('download'); ?> " class="ee-button-lnk inline-button ui-priority-primary ui-state-default ui-state-hover ui-state-focus ui-corner-all" target="_blank"> <?php _e('Download PDF Invoice', 'event_espresso'); ?> <span class="ee-icon ee-icon-PDF-file-type"></span> </a> </p> <?php if (isset($this->_payment_settings['page_instructions'])) { echo '<div class="event-messages ui-state-highlight"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert"></span><p class="instruct">' . stripslashes_deep($this->_payment_settings['page_instructions']) . '</p></div>'; } if (isset($this->_payment_settings['payment_address'])) { ?> <div class="address-block"> <?php echo wpautop(stripslashes_deep($this->_payment_settings['payment_address'])); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php }
/** * @param EE_Payment $payment to process * @param array $billing_info but should be empty for this gateway * @param string $return_url URL to send the user to after a successful payment on the payment provider's website * @param string $notify_url URL to send the instant payment notification * @param string $cancel_url URL to send the user to after a cancelled payment attempt on teh payment provider's website * @throws \EE_Error * @return EE_Payment */ public function set_redirection_info($payment, $billing_info = array(), $return_url = NULL, $notify_url = NULL, $cancel_url = NULL) { /* @var $transaction EE_Transaction */ $transaction = $payment->transaction(); //get any of the current registrations, $primary_registrant = $transaction->primary_registration(); $primary_attendee = $primary_registrant->attendee(); $items = array(); //if we're are charging for the full amount, show the normal line items if ($this->_can_easily_itemize_transaction_for($payment)) { $total_line_item = $transaction->total_line_item(); $tax_total = $total_line_item->get_total_tax(); foreach ($total_line_item->get_items() as $line_item) { $items[] = array('name' => $line_item->name(), 'price' => $this->format_currency($line_item->unit_price()), 'sku' => $line_item->code(), 'quantity' => $line_item->quantity()); } } else { //its a partial payment $tax_total = 0; //partial payment, so just add 1 item $items[] = array('name' => sprintf(__("Partial payment for registration %s", 'event_espresso'), $primary_registrant->reg_code()), 'price' => $this->format_currency($payment->amount()), 'sku' => $primary_registrant->reg_code(), 'quantity' => 1); } $order = array('total' => $this->format_currency($payment->amount()), 'return_url' => $return_url, 'items' => $this->_prepare_for_mijireh($items), 'email' => $primary_attendee->email(), 'first_name' => $primary_attendee->fname(), 'last_name' => $primary_attendee->lname(), 'tax' => $this->format_currency($tax_total), 'partner_id' => 'ee'); //setup address? if ($primary_attendee->address() && $primary_attendee->city() && $primary_attendee->state_ID() && $primary_attendee->country_ID() && $primary_attendee->zip()) { $shipping_address = array('first_name' => $primary_attendee->fname(), 'last_name' => $primary_attendee->lname(), 'street' => $primary_attendee->address(), 'city' => $primary_attendee->city(), 'state_province' => $primary_attendee->state_name(), 'zip_code' => $primary_attendee->zip(), 'country' => $primary_attendee->country_ID()); if ($primary_attendee->address2()) { $shipping_address['apt_suite'] = $primary_attendee->address2(); } if ($primary_attendee->phone()) { $shipping_address['phone'] = $primary_attendee->phone(); } $order['shipping_address'] = $shipping_address; } do_action('AHEE_log', __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, serialize(get_object_vars($this))); $args = array('headers' => array('Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode($this->_access_key . ':'), 'Accept' => 'application/json'), 'body' => json_encode($order)); $response = wp_remote_post('https://secure.mijireh.com/api/1/orders', $args); $this->log(array('get checkout url request_args' => $args, 'response' => $response), $payment); if (!$response instanceof WP_Error) { $response_body = json_decode($response['body']); if ($response_body == NULL || !isset($response_body->checkout_url)) { if (is_array($response_body) || is_object($response_body)) { $response_body_as_array = (array) $response_body; $problems_string = ''; foreach ($response_body_as_array as $problem_parameter => $problems) { $problems_string .= sprintf(__('\\nProblems with %s: %s', 'event_espresso'), $problem_parameter, implode(", ", $problems)); } } else { $problems_string = $response['body']; } if ($problems_string == '') { //no message to show? wack if (isset($response['headers']['status'])) { $problems_string = $response['headers']['status']; } else { $problems_string = __('No response from Mijireh', 'event_espresso'); } } throw new EE_Error(sprintf(__('Errors occurred communicating with Mijireh: %s.', 'event_espresso'), $problems_string)); } $payment->set_redirect_url($response_body->checkout_url); $payment->set_txn_id_chq_nmbr($response_body->order_number); $payment->set_details($response['body']); } else { $error_message = sprintf(__("Errors communicating with Mijireh: %s", 'event_espresso'), implode(",", $response->get_error_messages())); EE_Error::add_error($error_message, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); throw new EE_Error($error_message); } return $payment; }
/** * Message triggers for manual payment applied by admin * @param bool $success incoming success value * @param EE_Payment $payment EE_payment object * @return bool success/fail */ public function process_admin_payment($success, EE_Payment $payment) { $success = TRUE; //we need to get the transaction object $transaction = $payment->transaction(); $data = array($transaction, $payment); $message_type_name = $payment->amount() < 0 ? 'payment_refund' : 'payment'; $this->_load_controller(); $success = $this->_EEMSG->send_message($message_type_name, $data); if (!$success) { EE_Error::add_error(__('Something went wrong and the payment confirmation was NOT resent', 'event_espresso'), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } return $success; }
/** * _build_payment_json_response * * @access public * @param \EE_Payment $payment * @param array $REG_IDs * @param bool | null $delete_txn_reg_status_change * @return array */ protected function _build_payment_json_response(EE_Payment $payment, $REG_IDs = array(), $delete_txn_reg_status_change = null) { // was the payment deleted ? if (is_bool($delete_txn_reg_status_change)) { return array('PAY_ID' => $payment->ID(), 'amount' => $payment->amount(), 'total_paid' => $payment->transaction()->paid(), 'txn_status' => $payment->transaction()->status_ID(), 'pay_status' => $payment->STS_ID(), 'registrations' => $this->_registration_payment_data_array($REG_IDs), 'delete_txn_reg_status_change' => $delete_txn_reg_status_change); } else { $this->_get_payment_status_array(); return array('amount' => $payment->amount(), 'total_paid' => $payment->transaction()->paid(), 'txn_status' => $payment->transaction()->status_ID(), 'pay_status' => $payment->STS_ID(), 'PAY_ID' => $payment->ID(), 'STS_ID' => $payment->STS_ID(), 'status' => self::$_pay_status[$payment->STS_ID()], 'date' => $payment->timestamp('Y-m-d', 'h:i a'), 'method' => strtoupper($payment->source()), 'PM_ID' => $payment->payment_method() ? $payment->payment_method()->ID() : 1, 'gateway' => $payment->payment_method() ? $payment->payment_method()->admin_name() : __("Unknown", 'event_espresso'), 'gateway_response' => $payment->gateway_response(), 'txn_id_chq_nmbr' => $payment->txn_id_chq_nmbr(), 'po_number' => $payment->po_number(), 'extra_accntng' => $payment->extra_accntng(), 'registrations' => $this->_registration_payment_data_array($REG_IDs)); } }
/** * For adding any html output above the payment overview. * Many gateways won't want ot display anything, so this function just returns an empty string. * Other gateways may want to override this, such as offline gateways. * * @param \EE_Payment $payment * @return string */ public function payment_overview_content(EE_Payment $payment) { EE_Registry::instance()->load_helper('Template'); return EEH_Template::display_template($this->_file_folder . 'templates' . DS . 'invoice_payment_details_content.template.php', array_merge(array('payment_method' => $this->_pm_instance, 'payment' => $payment, 'page_confirmation_text' => '', 'page_extra_info' => '', 'invoice_url' => $payment->transaction()->primary_registration()->invoice_url('html')), $this->_pm_instance->all_extra_meta_array()), TRUE); }
/** * @param EE_Payment $payment to process * @param array $billing_info but should be empty for this gateway * @param string $return_url URL to send the user to after a successful payment on the payment provider's website * @param string $notify_url URL to send the instant payment notification * @param string $cancel_url URL to send the user to after a cancelled payment attempt on teh payment provider's website * @throws \EE_Error * @return EE_Payment */ public function set_redirection_info($payment, $billing_info = array(), $return_url = NULL, $notify_url = NULL, $cancel_url = NULL) { /* @var $transaction EE_Transaction */ $transaction = $payment->transaction(); //get any of the current registrations, $primary_registrant = $transaction->primary_registration(); $primary_attendee = $primary_registrant->attendee(); $items = array(); //if we're are charging for the full amount, show the normal line items if ($this->_can_easily_itemize_transaction_for($payment)) { $total_line_item = $transaction->total_line_item(); $tax_total = $total_line_item->get_total_tax(); foreach ($total_line_item->get_items() as $line_item) { $items[] = array('name' => apply_filters('FHEE__EEG_Mijireh__set_redirection_info__full_amount_line_item_name', $line_item->name(), $line_item, $payment, $primary_registrant), 'price' => $this->format_currency($line_item->unit_price()), 'sku' => $line_item->code(), 'quantity' => $line_item->quantity()); } } else { //its a partial payment $tax_total = 0; //partial payment, so just add 1 item $items[] = array('name' => apply_filters('FHEE__EEG_Mijireh__set_redirection_info__partial_amount_line_item_name', sprintf(__("Payment of %s for %s", 'event_espresso'), $payment->get_pretty('PAY_amount', 'no_currency_code'), $primary_registrant->event_name()), $payment, $primary_registrant), 'price' => $this->format_currency($payment->amount()), 'sku' => $primary_registrant->reg_code(), 'quantity' => 1); } $order = array('total' => $this->format_currency($payment->amount()), 'return_url' => $return_url, 'items' => $this->_prepare_for_mijireh($items), 'email' => $primary_attendee->email(), 'first_name' => $primary_attendee->fname(), 'last_name' => $primary_attendee->lname(), 'tax' => $this->format_currency($tax_total), 'partner_id' => 'ee'); //setup address? if ($primary_attendee->address() && $primary_attendee->city() && $primary_attendee->state_ID() && $primary_attendee->country_ID() && $primary_attendee->zip()) { $shipping_address = array('first_name' => $primary_attendee->fname(), 'last_name' => $primary_attendee->lname(), 'street' => $primary_attendee->address(), 'city' => $primary_attendee->city(), 'state_province' => $primary_attendee->state_name(), 'zip_code' => $primary_attendee->zip(), 'country' => $primary_attendee->country_ID()); if ($primary_attendee->address2()) { $shipping_address['apt_suite'] = $primary_attendee->address2(); } if ($primary_attendee->phone()) { $shipping_address['phone'] = $primary_attendee->phone(); } $order['shipping_address'] = $shipping_address; } $order = apply_filters('FHEE__EEG_Mijireh__set_redirection_info__order_arguments', $order, $payment, $primary_registrant); do_action('AHEE_log', __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, serialize(get_object_vars($this))); $args = array('headers' => array('Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode($this->_access_key . ':'), 'Accept' => 'application/json'), 'body' => json_encode($order)); $response = wp_remote_post($this->_mijireh_api_orders_url, $args); $problems_string = false; $this->log(array('get checkout url request_args' => $args, 'response' => $response), $payment); if (!$response instanceof WP_Error) { $response_body = json_decode($response['body']); if ($response_body && isset($response_body->checkout_url)) { $payment->set_redirect_url($response_body->checkout_url); $payment->set_txn_id_chq_nmbr($response_body->order_number); $payment->set_details($response['body']); } else { if (is_array($response_body) || is_object($response_body)) { $response_body_as_array = (array) $response_body; foreach ($response_body_as_array as $problem_parameter => $problems) { $problems_string .= sprintf(__('\\nProblems with %s: %s', 'event_espresso'), $problem_parameter, implode(", ", $problems)); } } else { $problems_string = $response['body']; } if (!$problems_string) { //no message to show? wack if (isset($response['headers']['status'])) { $problems_string = $response['headers']['status']; } else { $problems_string = __('No response from Mijireh', 'event_espresso'); } } } } else { $problems_string = implode(",", $response->get_error_messages()); } if ($problems_string) { $payment->set_gateway_response(sprintf(__('Errors occurred communicating with Mijireh: %1$s', 'event_espresso'), $problems_string)); $payment->set_details($response); $payment->set_redirect_url(null); //even though the payment's status is failed at this point anyways, //let's be explicit about it. The fact that the redirect url is null //should be enough to client code that they can't redirect the user $payment->set_status($this->_pay_model->failed_status()); } return $payment; }
/** * Message triggers for manual payment applied by admin * @param EE_Payment $payment EE_payment object * @return bool success/fail */ public static function process_admin_payment(EE_Payment $payment) { EE_Registry::instance()->load_helper('MSG_Template'); //we need to get the transaction object $transaction = $payment->transaction(); if ($transaction instanceof EE_Transaction) { $data = array($transaction, $payment); $message_type = EEH_MSG_Template::convert_payment_status_to_message_type($payment->STS_ID()); //if payment amount is less than 0 then switch to payment_refund message type. $message_type = $payment->amount() < 0 ? 'payment_refund' : $message_type; //if payment_refund is selected, but the status is NOT accepted. Then change message type to false so NO message notification goes out. $message_type = $message_type == 'payment_refund' && $payment->STS_ID() != EEM_Payment::status_id_approved ? false : $message_type; self::_load_controller(); self::$_MSG_PROCESSOR->generate_for_all_active_messengers($message_type, $data); //get count of queued for generation $count_to_generate = self::$_MSG_PROCESSOR->get_queue()->count_STS_in_queue(array(EEM_Message::status_incomplete, EEM_Message::status_idle)); if ($count_to_generate > 0 && self::$_MSG_PROCESSOR->get_queue()->get_message_repository()->count() !== 0) { add_filter('FHEE__EE_Admin_Page___process_admin_payment_notification__success', '__return_true'); return true; } else { $count_failed = self::$_MSG_PROCESSOR->get_queue()->count_STS_in_queue(EEM_Message::instance()->stati_indicating_failed_sending()); /** * Verify that there are actually errors. If not then we return a success message because the queue might have been emptied due to successful * IMMEDIATE generation. */ if ($count_failed > 0) { EE_Error::add_error(sprintf(_n('The payment notification generation failed.', '%d payment notifications failed being sent.', $count_failed, 'event_espresso'), $count_failed), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } else { add_filter('FHEE__EE_Admin_Page___process_admin_payment_notification__success', '__return_true'); return true; } } } else { EE_Error::add_error('Unable to generate the payment notification because the given value for the transaction is invalid.', 'event_espresso'); return false; } }