コード例 #1
 protected function _payment_methods_list()
      * first let's ensure payment methods have been setup. We do this here because when people activate a
      * payment method for the first time (as an addon), it may not setup its capabilities or get registered correctly due
      * to the loading process.  However, people MUST setup the details for the payment method so its safe to do a
      * recheck here.
     //setup tabs, one for each payment method type
     $tabs = array();
     $payment_methods = array();
     foreach (EE_Payment_Method_Manager::instance()->payment_method_types() as $pmt_obj) {
         // we don't want to show admin-only PMTs for now
         if ($pmt_obj instanceof EE_PMT_Admin_Only) {
         //check access
         if (!EE_Registry::instance()->CAP->current_user_can($pmt_obj->cap_name(), 'specific_payment_method_type_access')) {
         //check for any active pms of that type
         $payment_method = EEM_Payment_Method::instance()->get_one_of_type($pmt_obj->system_name());
         if (!$payment_method instanceof EE_Payment_Method) {
             $payment_method = EE_Payment_Method::new_instance(array('PMD_slug' => sanitize_key($pmt_obj->system_name()), 'PMD_type' => $pmt_obj->system_name(), 'PMD_name' => $pmt_obj->pretty_name(), 'PMD_admin_name' => $pmt_obj->pretty_name()));
         $payment_methods[$payment_method->slug()] = $payment_method;
     $payment_methods = apply_filters('FHEE__Payments_Admin_Page___payment_methods_list__payment_methods', $payment_methods);
     foreach ($payment_methods as $payment_method) {
         if ($payment_method instanceof EE_Payment_Method) {
             add_meta_box('espresso_' . $payment_method->slug() . '_payment_settings', sprintf(__('%s Settings', 'event_espresso'), $payment_method->admin_name()), array($this, 'payment_method_settings_meta_box'), null, 'normal', 'default', array('payment_method' => $payment_method));
             //setup for tabbed content
             $tabs[$payment_method->slug()] = array('label' => $payment_method->admin_name(), 'class' => $payment_method->active() ? 'gateway-active' : '', 'href' => 'espresso_' . $payment_method->slug() . '_payment_settings', 'title' => __('Modify this Payment Method', 'event_espresso'), 'slug' => $payment_method->slug());
     $this->_template_args['admin_page_header'] = EEH_Tabbed_Content::tab_text_links($tabs, 'payment_method_links', '|', $this->_get_active_payment_method_slug());
    public function messages_metabox($event, $callback_args)
        //let's get the active messengers (b/c messenger objects have the active message templates)
        //convert 'evt_id' to 'EVT_ID'
        $this->_req_data['EVT_ID'] = isset($this->_req_data['EVT_ID']) ? $this->_req_data['EVT_ID'] : NULL;
        $this->_req_data['EVT_ID'] = isset($this->_req_data['post']) && empty($this->_req_data['EVT_ID']) ? $this->_req_data['post'] : $this->_req_data['EVT_ID'];
        $this->_req_data['EVT_ID'] = empty($this->_req_data['EVT_ID']) && isset($this->_req_data['evt_id']) ? $this->_req_data['evt_id'] : $this->_req_data['EVT_ID'];
        $EEM_controller = new EE_messages();
        $active_messengers = $EEM_controller->get_active_messengers();
        $tabs = array();
        //empty messengers?
        //Note message types will always have at least one available because every messenger has a default message type associated with it (payment) if no other message types are selected.
        if (empty($active_messengers)) {
            $msg_activate_url = EE_Admin_Page::add_query_args_and_nonce(array('action' => 'settings'), EE_MSG_ADMIN_URL);
            $error_msg = sprintf(__('There are no active messengers. So no notifications will go out for <strong>any</strong> events.  You will want to %sActivate a Messenger%s.', 'event_espresso'), '<a href="' . $msg_activate_url . '">', '</a>');
            $error_content = '<div class="error"><p>' . $error_msg . '</p></div>';
            $internal_content = '<div id="messages-error"><p>' . $error_msg . '</p></div>';
            echo $error_content;
            echo $internal_content;
        $event_id = isset($this->_req_data['EVT_ID']) ? $this->_req_data['EVT_ID'] : NULL;
        //get content for active messengers
        foreach ($active_messengers as $name => $messenger) {
            //first check if there are any active message types for this messenger.
            $active_mts = $EEM_controller->get_active_message_types_per_messenger($name);
            if (empty($active_mts)) {
            $tcont = $messenger->get_messenger_admin_page_content('events', 'edit', array('event' => $event_id));
            if (!empty($tcont)) {
                $tabs[$name] = $tcont;
        //we want this to be tabbed content so let's use the EEH_Tabbed_Content::display helper.
        $tabbed_content = EEH_Tabbed_Content::display($tabs);
        if (is_wp_error($tabbed_content)) {
            $tabbed_content = $tabbed_content->get_error_message();
        $notices = '<div id="espresso-ajax-loading" class="ajax-loader-grey">
				<span class="ee-spinner ee-spin"></span><span class="hidden">' . __('loading...', 'event_espresso') . '</span>
			</div><div class="ee-notices"></div>';
        if (defined('DOING_AJAX')) {
            return $tabbed_content;
        echo $notices . '<div class="messages-tabs-content">' . $tabbed_content . '</div>';
  * Used for setting up messenger/message type activation.  This loads up the initial view.  The rest is handled by ajax and other routes.
  * @return void
 protected function _settings()
     $selected_messenger = isset($this->_req_data['selected_messenger']) ? $this->_req_data['selected_messenger'] : 'email';
     //let's setup the messenger tabs
     $this->_template_args['admin_page_header'] = EEH_Tabbed_Content::tab_text_links($this->_m_mt_settings['messenger_tabs'], 'messenger_links', '|', $selected_messenger);
     $this->_template_args['before_admin_page_content'] = '<div class="ui-widget ui-helper-clearfix">';
     $this->_template_args['after_admin_page_content'] = '</div><!-- end .ui-widget -->';
コード例 #4
  * This returns the admin_nav tabs html using the configuration in the _nav_tabs property
  * @return string html
 protected function _get_main_nav_tabs()
     //let's generate the html using the EEH_Tabbed_Content helper.  We do this here so that it's possible for child classes to add in nav tabs dynamically at the last minute (rather than setting in the page_routes array)
     return EEH_Tabbed_Content::display_admin_nav_tabs($this->_nav_tabs);
コード例 #5
 protected function _gateway_settings()
     require_once EE_MODELS . 'EEM_Gateways.model.php';
     $EEM_Gateways = EEM_Gateways::instance();
     $gateway_instances = $EEM_Gateways->get_gateway_instances();
     $payment_settings = EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->gateway->payment_settings;
     //get_user_meta($current_user->ID, 'payment_settings', true);
     //lets add all the metaboxes
     foreach ($gateway_instances as $gate_obj) {
     //printr( $gateway_data, '$gateway_data  <br /><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">' . __FILE__ . '<br />line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</span>', 'auto' );
     $selected_gateway_name = null;
     $gateways = array();
     //let's assemble the array for the _tab_text_links helper
     foreach ($payment_settings as $gateway => $settings) {
         if (isset($this->_req_data['activate_' . $gateway]) || isset($this->_req_data['deactivate_' . $gateway]) || isset($this->_req_data['update_' . $gateway])) {
             $selected_gateway_name = $gateway;
         // now add or remove gateways from list
         if (isset($this->_req_data['activate_' . $gateway])) {
             //bandaid to fix bug where gateways wouldn't appear active on firsrt pag eload after activating them
         if (isset($this->_req_data['deactivate_' . $gateway])) {
             //bandaid to fix bug where gateways wouldn't appear active on firsrt pag eload after activating them
         $gateways[$gateway] = array('label' => isset($settings['display_name']) ? $settings['display_name'] : ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $gateway)), 'class' => isset(EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->gateway->active_gateways[$gateway]) ? 'gateway-active' : '', 'href' => 'espresso_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $gateway) . '_payment_settings', 'title' => __('Modify this Gateway', 'event_espresso'), 'slug' => $gateway);
     if (!$selected_gateway_name) {
         //			$default = !empty( $gateway_data['active_gateways'] ) ? key($gateway_data['active_gateways']) : 'Paypal_Standard';
         $selected_gateway_name = !empty($gateways) ? key($gateways) : 'Paypal_Standard';
     //$gateways = isset( $gateways ) ? $gateways : array();
     //printr( $gateways, '$gateways  <br /><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">' . __FILE__ . '<br />line no: ' . __LINE__ . '</span>', 'auto' );
     $this->_template_args['admin_page_header'] = EEH_Tabbed_Content::tab_text_links($gateways, 'gateway_links', '|', $selected_gateway_name);