  *    use_filterable_display_order
  * @access 	protected
  * @return 	string
 protected static function use_filterable_display_order()
     // we need to first remove this callback from being applied to the_content()
     // (otherwise it will recurse and blow up the interweb)
     remove_filter('the_excerpt', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'event_details'), 100);
     remove_filter('the_content', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'event_details'), 100);
     remove_filter('get_the_excerpt', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'get_the_excerpt'), 1);
     //now add additional content depending on whether event is using the_excerpt() or the_content()
     // now load our template
     $content = EEH_Template::locate_template('content-espresso_events-details.php');
     // re-add our main filters (or else the next event won't have them)
     add_filter('the_excerpt', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'event_details'), 100, 1);
     add_filter('the_content', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'event_details'), 100, 1);
     add_filter('get_the_excerpt', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'get_the_excerpt'), 1, 1);
     // but remove the other filters so that they don't get applied to the next post
     // we're not returning the $content directly because the template we are loading uses the_content (or the_excerpt)
     //return ! empty( $template ) ? $template : $content;
     return $content;
コード例 #2
  * 	event_details
  * 	@access 	public
  * 	@param		string 	$content
  * 	@return 		string
 public static function event_details($content)
     global $post;
     $template = '';
     if ($post->post_type == 'espresso_events' && !apply_filters('FHEE__EES_Espresso_Events__process_shortcode__true', FALSE) && !post_password_required()) {
         // we need to first remove this callback from being applied to the_content() (otherwise it will recurse and blow up the interweb)
         remove_filter('the_excerpt', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'event_details'), 100, 1);
         remove_filter('the_content', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'event_details'), 100, 1);
         remove_filter('get_the_excerpt', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'get_the_excerpt'), 1, 1);
         //now add additional content depending on whether event is using the_excerpt() or the_content()
         // now load our template
         $template = EEH_Template::locate_template('content-espresso_events-details.php');
         // re-add our main filters (or else the next event won't have them)
         add_filter('the_excerpt', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'event_details'), 100, 1);
         add_filter('the_content', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'event_details'), 100, 1);
         add_filter('get_the_excerpt', array('EED_Events_Archive', 'get_the_excerpt'), 1, 1);
         // but remove the other filters so that they don't get applied to the next post
     // we're not returning the $content directly because the template we are loading uses the_content (or the_excerpt)
     return !empty($template) ? $template : $content;