  * @param array $input_settings     {
  * @type string $model_name         the name of model to be used for searching, both via the REST API and server-side model queries
  * @type array  $query_params       default query parameters which will apply to both REST API queries and server-side queries. This should be 
  *									in the exact format that will be used for server-side model usage (eg use index 0 for where conditions, not 
  *									the string "where")
  * @type string $value_field_name   the name of the model field on this model to
  *                                  be used for the HTML select's option's values
  * @type string $display_field_name the name of the model field on this model
  *                                  to be used for the HTML select's option's display text
  * @type array  $select2_args       arguments to be passed directly into the select2's JS constructor
  *                                  }
  *                                  And the arguments accepted by EE_Form_Input_With_Options_Base
  * @throws \EE_Error
 public function __construct($input_settings = array())
     //needed input settings:
     $this->_model_name = EEH_Array::is_set($input_settings, 'model_name', null);
     $model = $this->_get_model();
     $query_params = EEH_Array::is_set($input_settings, 'query_params', array('limit' => 10, 'caps' => EEM_Base::caps_read_admin));
     $this->_value_field_name = EEH_Array::is_set($input_settings, 'value_field_name', $model->primary_key_name());
     $this->_display_field_name = EEH_Array::is_set($input_settings, 'display_field_name', $model->get_a_field_of_type('EE_Text_Field_Base')->get_name());
     $this->_add_validation_strategy(new EE_Model_Matching_Query_Validation_Strategy('', $this->_model_name, $query_params, $this->_value_field_name));
     //get resource endpoint
     $rest_controller = new EventEspresso\core\libraries\rest_api\controllers\model\Read();
     $url = $rest_controller->get_versioned_link_to(EEH_Inflector::pluralize_and_lower($this->_model_name));
     $default_select2_args = array('ajax' => array('url' => $url, 'dataType' => 'json', 'delay' => '250', 'data_interface' => 'EE_Select2_REST_API_Interface', 'data_interface_args' => array('default_query_params' => (object) Model_Data_Translator::prepare_query_params_for_rest_api($query_params, $model), 'display_field' => $this->_display_field_name, 'value_field' => $this->_value_field_name, 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce('wp_rest'))), 'cache' => true, 'width' => '100');
     $select2_args = array_replace_recursive($default_select2_args, (array) EEH_Array::is_set($input_settings, 'select2_args', array()));
     $this->set_display_strategy(new EE_Select2_Display_Strategy($select2_args));
     parent::__construct(array(), $input_settings);
コード例 #2
  * Returns a slice of Model_Version_Info::model_changes()'s array
  * indicating exactly what changes happened between the current core version,
  * and the version requested
  * @return array
 public function resource_changes_between_requested_version_and_current()
     if ($this->_cached_resource_changes_between_requested_version_and_current === null) {
         $resource_changes = array();
         foreach ($this->resource_changes() as $version => $model_classnames) {
             if ($version <= \EED_Core_Rest_Api::core_version() && $version > $this->requested_version()) {
                 $resource_changes[$version] = $model_classnames;
         $this->_cached_resource_changes_between_requested_version_and_current = $resource_changes;
     return $this->_cached_resource_changes_between_requested_version_and_current;
コード例 #3
  * Adds EE metadata to the index
  * @param \WP_REST_Response $rest_response_obj
  * @return \WP_REST_Response
 public static function filter_ee_metadata_into_index(\WP_REST_Response $rest_response_obj)
     $response_data = $rest_response_obj->get_data();
     $addons = array();
     foreach (\EE_Registry::instance()->addons as $addon) {
         $addon_json = array('name' => $addon->name(), 'version' => $addon->version());
         $addons[$addon_json['name']] = $addon_json;
     $response_data['ee'] = array('version' => \EEM_System_Status::instance()->get_ee_version(), 'addons' => $addons, 'maintenance_mode' => \EE_Maintenance_Mode::instance()->real_level(), 'served_core_versions' => array_keys(\EED_Core_Rest_Api::versions_served()));
     return $rest_response_obj;
コード例 #4
  * Using EED_Core_Rest_Api::version_compatibilities(), determines what version of
  * EE the API can serve requests for. Eg, if we are on 4.15 of core, and
  * we can serve requests from 4.12 or later, this will return array( '4.12', '4.13', '4.14', '4.15' ).
  * We also indicate whether or not this version should be put in the index or not
  * @return array keys are API version numbers (just major and minor numbers), and values
  * are whether or not they should be hidden
 public static function versions_served()
     $version_compatibilities = EED_Core_Rest_Api::version_compatibilities();
     $versions_served = array();
     $lowest_compatible_version = $version_compatibilities[EED_Core_Rest_Api::core_version()];
     //for each version of core we have ever served:
     foreach (array_keys(EED_Core_Rest_Api::version_compatibilities()) as $possibly_served_version) {
         //if it's not above the current core version, and it's compatible with the current version of core
         if ($possibly_served_version < EED_Core_Rest_Api::core_version() && $possibly_served_version >= $lowest_compatible_version) {
             $versions_served[$possibly_served_version] = true;
         } else {
             $versions_served[$possibly_served_version] = false;
     return $versions_served;
コード例 #5
  * Finds which version of the API was requested given the route, and returns it.
  * eg in a request to "mysite.com/wp-json/ee/v4.8.29/events/123" this would return
  * "4.8.29"
  * @param string $route 
  * @return string
 public function get_requested_version($route)
     $matches = $this->parse_route($route, '~' . \EED_Core_Rest_Api::ee_api_namespace_for_regex . '~', array('version'));
     if (isset($matches['version'])) {
         return $matches['version'];
     } else {
         return \EED_Core_Rest_Api::latest_rest_api_version();
コード例 #6
ファイル: Read.php プロジェクト: aaronfrey/PepperLillie-GSP
  * Translates API filter get parameter into $query_params array used by EEM_Base::get_all().
  * Note: right now the query parameter keys for fields (and related fields)
  * can be left as-is, but it's quite possible this will change someday.
  * Also, this method's contents might be candidate for moving to Model_Data_Translator
  * @param \EEM_Base $model
  * @param array     $query_parameters from $_GET parameter @see Read:handle_request_get_all
  * @return array like what EEM_Base::get_all() expects or FALSE to indicate
  *                          that absolutely no results should be returned
  * @throws \EE_Error
 public function create_model_query_params($model, $query_parameters)
     $model_query_params = array();
     if (isset($query_parameters['where'])) {
         $model_query_params[0] = Model_Data_Translator::prepare_conditions_query_params_for_models($query_parameters['where'], $model, $this->get_model_version_info()->requested_version());
     if (isset($query_parameters['order_by'])) {
         $order_by = $query_parameters['order_by'];
     } elseif (isset($query_parameters['orderby'])) {
         $order_by = $query_parameters['orderby'];
     } else {
         $order_by = null;
     if ($order_by !== null) {
         $model_query_params['order_by'] = $order_by;
     if (isset($query_parameters['group_by'])) {
         $group_by = $query_parameters['group_by'];
     } elseif (isset($query_parameters['groupby'])) {
         $group_by = $query_parameters['groupby'];
     } else {
         $group_by = array_keys($model->get_combined_primary_key_fields());
     if ($group_by !== null) {
         $model_query_params['group_by'] = $group_by;
     if (isset($query_parameters['having'])) {
         $model_query_params['having'] = Model_Data_Translator::prepare_conditions_query_params_for_models($query_parameters['having'], $model, $this->get_model_version_info()->requested_version());
     if (isset($query_parameters['order'])) {
         $model_query_params['order'] = $query_parameters['order'];
     if (isset($query_parameters['mine'])) {
         $model_query_params = $model->alter_query_params_to_only_include_mine($model_query_params);
     if (isset($query_parameters['limit'])) {
         //limit should be either a string like '23' or '23,43', or an array with two items in it
         if (!is_array($query_parameters['limit'])) {
             $limit_array = explode(',', (string) $query_parameters['limit']);
         } else {
             $limit_array = $query_parameters['limit'];
         $sanitized_limit = array();
         foreach ($limit_array as $key => $limit_part) {
             if ($this->_debug_mode && (!is_numeric($limit_part) || count($sanitized_limit) > 2)) {
                 throw new \EE_Error(sprintf(__('An invalid limit filter was provided. It was: %s. If the EE4 JSON REST API weren\'t in debug mode, this message would not appear.', 'event_espresso'), json_encode($query_parameters['limit'])));
             $sanitized_limit[] = (int) $limit_part;
         $model_query_params['limit'] = implode(',', $sanitized_limit);
     } else {
         $model_query_params['limit'] = \EED_Core_Rest_Api::get_default_query_limit();
     if (isset($query_parameters['caps'])) {
         $model_query_params['caps'] = $this->validate_context($query_parameters['caps']);
     } else {
         $model_query_params['caps'] = \EEM_Base::caps_read;
     return apply_filters('FHEE__Read__create_model_query_params', $model_query_params, $query_parameters, $model);
コード例 #7
  * Using EED_Core_Rest_Api::version_compatibilities(), determines what version of
  * EE the API can serve requests for. Eg, if we are on 4.15 of core, and
  * we can serve requests from 4.12 or later, this will return array( '4.12', '4.13', '4.14', '4.15' ).
  * We also indicate whether or not this version should be put in the index or not
  * @return array keys are API version numbers (just major and minor numbers), and values
  * are whether or not they should be hidden
 public static function versions_served()
     $versions_served = array();
     $possibly_served_versions = EED_Core_Rest_Api::version_compatibilities();
     $lowest_compatible_version = end($possibly_served_versions);
     $versions_served_historically = array_keys($possibly_served_versions);
     $latest_version = end($versions_served_historically);
     //for each version of core we have ever served:
     foreach ($versions_served_historically as $key_versioned_endpoint) {
         //if it's not above the current core version, and it's compatible with the current version of core
         if ($key_versioned_endpoint == $latest_version) {
             //don't hide the latest version in the index
             $versions_served[$key_versioned_endpoint] = false;
         } else {
             if ($key_versioned_endpoint < EED_Core_Rest_Api::core_version() && $key_versioned_endpoint >= $lowest_compatible_version) {
                 //include, but hide, previous versions which are still supported
                 $versions_served[$key_versioned_endpoint] = true;
             } elseif (apply_filters('FHEE__EED_Core_Rest_Api__versions_served__include_incompatible_versions', false, $possibly_served_versions)) {
                 //if a version is no longer supported, don't include it in index or list of versions served
                 $versions_served[$key_versioned_endpoint] = true;
     return $versions_served;
コード例 #8
  * Prepares an array of model query params for use in the REST API
  * @param type $model_query_params
  * @param \EEM_Base $model
  * @param string $requested_version eg "4.8.36". If null is provided, defaults to the latest release of the EE4 REST API
  * @return array which can be passed into the EE4 REST API when querying a model resource
 public static function prepare_query_params_for_rest_api($model_query_params, \EEM_Base $model, $requested_version = null)
     if ($requested_version === null) {
         $requested_version = \EED_Core_Rest_Api::latest_rest_api_version();
     $rest_query_params = $model_query_params;
     if (isset($model_query_params[0])) {
         $rest_query_params['where'] = Model_Data_Translator::prepare_conditions_query_params_for_rest_api($model_query_params[0], $model, $requested_version);
     if (isset($model_query_params['having'])) {
         $rest_query_params['having'] = Model_Data_Translator::prepare_conditions_query_params_for_rest_api($model_query_params['having'], $model, $requested_version);
     return apply_filters('FHEE__EventEspresso\\core\\libraries\\rest_api\\Model_Data_Translator__prepare_query_params_for_rest_api', $rest_query_params, $model_query_params, $model, $requested_version);