public static function add($user, $type, $message) { //$timestamp = date('c'); $timestamp = time(); $q = "INSERT INTO ocs_activity (type,person,timestamp,message) VALUES ({$type}, {$user}, {$timestamp}, \"{$message}\")"; $r = EDatabase::q($q); }
public static function cancel_friendship($touser) { $idfrom = OCSUser::id(); $info = OCSUser::server_get_user_info($touser); $id = $info[0]["id"]; //creating new table object $ocs_friendinvitation = new EModel("ocs_friendship"); EDatabase::q("DELETE FROM ocs_friendship WHERE (id1={$idfrom} AND id2={$id}) OR (id2={$idfrom} AND id1={$id}) LIMIT 2"); }
public function remove($content) { $person = OCSUser::id(); EDatabase::q("DELETE FROM ocs_fan WHERE person={$person} and content={$content}"); //part needed for activity $con = new OCSContent(); $con->load($content); OCSActivity::add(OCSUser::id(), 10, OCSUser::login() . " is no longer fan of " . $con->name); }
public static function reset_ocs_database() { EDatabase::q("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ocs_apitraffic`;"); EDatabase::q("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ocs_comment`;"); EDatabase::q("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ocs_content`;"); EDatabase::q("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ocs_fan`;"); EDatabase::q("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ocs_person`;"); EDatabase::q("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ocs_activity`;"); EDatabase::q("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ocs_friendship`;"); EDatabase::q("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ocs_friendinvitation`;"); OCSTest::install_ocs_database(); }
public function set_data($data) { // assuring those are not evil data to be used as SQL injections EDatabase::safe($data); //data validations if (!isset($data['type'])) { ELog::error("OCSContent: type not defined. Mandatory field."); } else { $this->type = $data['type']; } if (!isset($data['name'])) { ELog::error("OCSContent: name not defined. Mandatory field."); } else { $this->name = $data['name']; } if (!isset($data['personid'])) { ELog::error("OCSContent: personid not defined. Mandatory field."); } else { $this->personid = $data['personid']; } if (!isset($data['downloadname1'])) { $this->downloadname1 = ""; } else { $this->downloadname1 = $data['downloadname1']; } if (!isset($data['downloadlink1'])) { $this->downloadlink1 = ""; } else { $this->downloadlink1 = $data['downloadlink1']; } if (!isset($data['description'])) { $this->description = ""; } else { $this->description = $data['description']; } if (!isset($data['summary'])) { $this->summary = ""; } else { $this->summary = $data['summary']; } if (!isset($data['version'])) { $this->version = ""; } else { $this->version = $data['version']; } if (!isset($data['changelog'])) { $this->changelog = ""; } else { $this->changelog = $data['changelog']; } if (!isset($data['preview1'])) { $this->preview1 = ""; } else { $this->preview1 = $data['preview1']; } if (!isset($data['preview2'])) { $this->preview2 = ""; } else { $this->preview2 = $data['preview2']; } if (!isset($data['preview3'])) { $this->preview3 = ""; } else { $this->preview3 = $data['preview3']; } if (!isset($data['license'])) { $this->license = ""; } else { $this->license = $data['license']; } }
public function ocs_activity_list($user, $page = 1, $pagesize = 10) { if (empty($page)) { $page = 1; } //setting dynamic page size $page = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $id = OCSUser::id(); $q = "SELECT, a.type, a.person, a.timestamp, a.message, p.login, p.firstname, p.lastname, FROM ocs_activity AS a JOIN ocs_person AS p ON WHERE a.person IN (SELECT f.id2 FROM ocs_friendship AS f JOIN ocs_person AS p on (f.id1 = WHERE p.login='******') LIMIT {$page},{$pagesize};"; $r = EDatabase::q($q); $result = array(); $i = 0; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($r)) { $result[$i]["id"] = $row["id"]; $result[$i]["firstname"] = $row["firstname"]; $result[$i]["lastname"] = $row["lastname"]; $result[$i]["personid"] = $row["login"]; $result[$i]["timestamp"] = $row["timestamp"]; $result[$i]["type"] = $row["type"]; $result[$i]["message"] = $row["message"]; $i += 1; } return $result; }
/** * cleans up the api traffic limit database table. * this function should be call by a cronjob every 15 minutes */ public function cleanuptrafficlimit() { EDatabase::q('truncate ocs_apitraffic'); }
public function verify($mail) { $q = "UPDATE users SET verified='yes' WHERE mail=\"" . $mail . "\" LIMIT 1"; $r = EDatabase::q($q); }
public static function unload() { if (EDatabase::$opened == true) { // TODO: strange behaviour under root. Inspect. // mysql_close(EDatabase::db_link); EDatabase::$db_link = 0; EDatabase::$opened = false; } else { if (EDatabase::$debug == false) { ELog::error("TRT GFX ISSUE: unable to close mysql session because no one was already opened."); } } }
<?php include_once "../gfx3/lib.php"; $main = new EMain(); $temp = new EStructure(); $temp->code(); echo "<p style=\"color:green;\">Working!</p>"; $temp->insert("corelibs"); $temp->code(); $db = new EDatabase(); if ($db->status() == 0) { echo "<p style=\"color:green;\">Working!</p>"; } elseif ($db->status() == 1) { echo "<p style=\"color:red;\">No database found!</p>"; } else { echo "<p style=\"color:red;\">Connection refused!</p>"; } $temp->insert("database"); $temp->code(); echo "<p style=\"color:green;\">Working!</p>"; $temp->insert("templates");
public function __destruct() { EDatabase::unload(); }
public static function register($nick, $pass, $group) { EDatabase::q("INSERT INTO ocs_person (login, password, tgroup) VALUES ('{$nick}', '{$pass}', '{$group}')"); }
public function update($where = "", $allowed_fields = array()) { if (!$this->is_ready_test()) { return; } //recupero le informazioni di where if (!empty($where)) { $where = " WHERE " . $where . " "; } //recupero le informazioni automaticamente if (!empty($allowed_fields)) { foreach ($this->fields as $field) { if ($field['field'] != "id") { if (EHeaderDataParser::exists_post($field['field']) and in_array($field['field'], $allowed_fields)) { $entries[] = array("field" => $field['field'], "value" => EHeaderDataParser::db_post($field['field']), "type" => $field['type']); } } } } else { foreach ($this->fields as $field) { if ($field['field'] != "id") { if (EHeaderDataParser::exists_post($field['field'])) { $entries[] = array("field" => $field['field'], "value" => EHeaderDataParser::db_post($field['field']), "type" => $field['type']); } } } } //costruisco la query ed eseguo se ho le informazioni in entries if (!empty($entries)) { $sql = "UPDATE " . $this->table . " SET "; foreach ($entries as $entry) { $sql = $sql . $entry['field'] . "="; if ($entry['type'] == "int") { if (!is_numeric($entry['value'])) { //data type error echo "<span style=\"font-family:Arial,sans-serif\">Warning! GFX3 <span style=\"color:red\">EData Object Error</span>: wrong data passed for <i><big>`" . $field['field'] . "`</big></i> with type `INT`! freezing...</span><br>"; die; } $sql = $sql . $entry['value'] . ","; } else { $sql = $sql . "'" . $entry['value'] . "',"; } } $sql = rtrim($sql, ",") . " {$where}"; if ($this->noquery == false) { EDatabase::q($sql); } else { echo $sql; } } else { //ELog::warning("EData->update called with empty entries"); } }
public function step1($args) { $working = false; $name = EHeaderDataParser::post('name'); $host = EHeaderDataParser::post('host'); $user = EHeaderDataParser::post('user'); $pass = EHeaderDataParser::post('password'); $pass2 = EHeaderDataParser::post('password2'); $notification = ''; $database_path = ELoader::$prev_path . '/config/database.conf.php'; $cf = new EConfigFile(); $cf->set_abs_file($database_path); if (empty($name) and !empty($cf->get('name'))) { $name = $cf->get('name'); } if (empty($host) and !empty($cf->get('host'))) { $host = $cf->get('host'); } if (empty($user) and !empty($cf->get('user'))) { $user = $cf->get('user'); } if (empty($pass) and !empty($cf->get('password'))) { $pass = $pass2 = $cf->get('password'); } if (!empty($name) and !empty($user) and !empty($host) and !empty($pass) and !empty($pass2)) { if ($pass != $pass2) { $this->_error('Warning! Your passwords didn\'t match! Please reinsert them!'); } else { $cf->set('name', $name); $cf->set('user', $user); $cf->set('host', $host); $cf->set('password', $pass); EDatabase::set_db_info($name, $host, $user, $pass); EUtility::hide_output(); // hiding output as mysqli functions are surely outputting something if (!EDatabase::open_session()) { EUtility::show_output(); $notification = $this->_error('Couldn\'t open connection to database! Please check config!'); } else { OCSTest::install_ocs_database(); //execute soft install $out = EUtility::show_output(); if (!empty($out)) { $notification = $this->_error('Something went wrong with install phase! Please check config!'); } else { $notification = $this->_notify('We can connect to database! Database is installed and configuration saved!'); $working = true; $cf->save(); } } } } $data = array(); $data['name'] = $name; $data['user'] = $user; $data['host'] = $host; $data['pass'] = $pass; $data['pass2'] = $pass2; $data['working'] = $working; $data['notification'] = $notification; EStructure::view('wizard/step1', $data); }
public function set_score($score) { //acquiring data $oldmedia = $this->score; $newscore = $score; $oldvotes = $this->votes; $newvotes = $this->votes + 1; //calculating new media $newmedia = ($oldmedia * $oldvotes + $newscore) / $newvotes; //setting new infos to local memory object $this->score = $newmedia; $this->votes = $newvotes; //updating db EDatabase::q("UPDATE ocs_comment SET score=" . $this->score . ", votes=" . $this->votes . " WHERE id=" . $this->id . " LIMIT 1"); }
public static function db_post($key) { if (isset(EHeaderDataParser::$posts[$key])) { if (EHeaderDataParser::$quotes) { return EHeaderDataParser::$posts[$key]; } else { return EDatabase::safe(EHeaderDataParser::$posts[$key]); } } else { return false; } }
public function votedown($id) { $q = "UPDATE posts SET down = down+1 WHERE id = " . $id . " LIMIT 1"; $r = EDatabase::q($q); }
public static function server_countusersbyemail($email) { //autoload if necessary if (is_null(OCSUser::$persons)) { OCSUser::server_load(); } $email = EDatabase::safe($email); $r = OCSUser::$persons->count("login", "email='{$email}'"); return $r; }