コード例 #1
  * A string equality function that compares strings in a way that isn't suceptible to timing
  * attacks.  An attacker can figure out the length of the string, but not the string's value.
  * Use this when comparing two strings where:
  * - one string could be influenced by an attacker
  * - the other string contains data an attacker shouldn't know
  * @param string $a
  * @param string $b
  * @return bool
 public static function stringEquals($a, $b)
     // Be strict with arguments.  PHP's liberal types could get us pwned.
     if (func_num_args() !== 2) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Expecting 2 args, got " . func_num_args() . ".");
     Dropbox_Checker::argString("a", $a);
     Dropbox_Checker::argString("b", $b);
     if (strlen($a) !== strlen($b)) {
         return false;
     $result = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($a); $i++) {
         $result |= ord($a[$i]) ^ ord($b[$i]);
     return $result === 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Path.php プロジェクト: onedaylabs/onedaylabs.com
  * Return the last component of a path (the file or folder name).
  * <code>
  * Path::getName("/Misc/Notes.txt") // "Notes.txt"
  * Path::getName("/Misc")           // "Misc"
  * Path::getName("/")               // null
  * </code>
  * @param string $path
  *                     The full path you want to get the last component of.
  * @return null|string
  *                     The last component of <code>$path</code> or <code>null</code> if the given
  *                     <code>$path</code> was <code>"/"<code>.
 public static function getName($path)
     Dropbox_Checker::argString("path", $path);
     if (substr_compare($path, "/", 0, 1) !== 0) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("'path' must start with \"/\"");
     $l = strlen($path);
     if ($l === 1) {
         return null;
     if ($path[$l - 1] === "/") {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("'path' must not end with \"/\"");
     $lastSlash = strrpos($path, "/");
     return substr($path, $lastSlash + 1);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Client.php プロジェクト: onedaylabs/onedaylabs.com
  * Perform an OAuth-2-authorized POST request to the Dropbox API.  Will automatically
  * fill in "User-Agent" and "locale" as well.
  * @param string     $host
  *                           Either the "API" or "API content" hostname from {@link getHost()}.
  * @param string     $path
  *                           The "path" part of the URL.  For example, "/commit_chunked_upload".
  * @param array|null $params
  *                           POST parameters.
  * @return Dropbox_HttpResponse
  * @throws Dropbox_Exception
 public function doPost($host, $path, $params = null)
     Dropbox_Checker::argString("host", $host);
     Dropbox_Checker::argString("path", $path);
     return Dropbox_RequestUtil::doPost($this->clientIdentifier, $this->accessToken, $this->userLocale, $host, $path, $params);
コード例 #4
ファイル: WebAuth.php プロジェクト: onedaylabs/onedaylabs.com
  * Call this after the user has visited the authorize URL ({@link start()}), approved your app,
  * and was redirected to your redirect URI.
  * See <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/developers/core/docs#oa2-token">/oauth2/token</a>.
  * @param array $queryParams
  *                           The query parameters on the GET request to your redirect URI.
  * @return array
  *               A <code>list(string $accessToken, string $userId, string $urlState)</code>, where
  *               <code>$accessToken</code> can be used to construct a {@link Client}, <code>$userId</code>
  *               is the user ID of the user's Dropbox account, and <code>$urlState</code> is the
  *               value you originally passed in to {@link start()}.
  * @throws Dropbox_Exception
  *                                              Thrown if there's an error getting the access token from Dropbox.
  * @throws Dropbox_WebAuthException_BadRequest
  * @throws Dropbox_WebAuthException_BadState
  * @throws Dropbox_WebAuthException_Csrf
  * @throws Dropbox_WebAuthException_NotApproved
  * @throws Dropbox_WebAuthException_Provider
 public function finish($queryParams)
     Dropbox_Checker::argArray("queryParams", $queryParams);
     $csrfTokenFromSession = $this->csrfTokenStore->get();
     Dropbox_Checker::argStringOrNull("this->csrfTokenStore->get()", $csrfTokenFromSession);
     // Check well-formedness of request.
     if (!isset($queryParams['state'])) {
         throw new Dropbox_WebAuthException_BadRequest("Missing query parameter 'state'.");
     $state = $queryParams['state'];
     Dropbox_Checker::argString("queryParams['state']", $state);
     $error = null;
     $errorDescription = null;
     if (isset($queryParams['error'])) {
         $error = $queryParams['error'];
         Dropbox_Checker::argString("queryParams['error']", $error);
         if (isset($queryParams['error_description'])) {
             $errorDescription = $queryParams['error_description'];
             Dropbox_Checker::argString("queryParams['error_description']", $errorDescription);
     $code = null;
     if (isset($queryParams['code'])) {
         $code = $queryParams['code'];
         Dropbox_Checker::argString("queryParams['code']", $code);
     if ($code !== null && $error !== null) {
         throw new Dropbox_WebAuthException_BadRequest("Query parameters 'code' and 'error' are both set;" . " only one must be set.");
     if ($code === null && $error === null) {
         throw new Dropbox_WebAuthException_BadRequest("Neither query parameter 'code' or 'error' is set.");
     // Check CSRF token
     if ($csrfTokenFromSession === null) {
         throw new Dropbox_WebAuthException_BadState();
     $splitPos = strpos($state, "|");
     if ($splitPos === false) {
         $givenCsrfToken = $state;
         $urlState = null;
     } else {
         $givenCsrfToken = substr($state, 0, $splitPos);
         $urlState = substr($state, $splitPos + 1);
     if (!Dropbox_Security::stringEquals($csrfTokenFromSession, $givenCsrfToken)) {
         throw new Dropbox_WebAuthException_Csrf("Expected " . Dropbox_Client::q($csrfTokenFromSession) . ", got " . Dropbox_Client::q($givenCsrfToken) . ".");
     // Check for error identifier
     if ($error !== null) {
         if ($error === 'access_denied') {
             // When the user clicks "Deny".
             if ($errorDescription === null) {
                 throw new Dropbox_WebAuthException_NotApproved("No additional description from Dropbox.");
             } else {
                 throw new Dropbox_WebAuthException_NotApproved("Additional description from Dropbox: {$errorDescription}");
         } else {
             // All other errors.
             $fullMessage = $error;
             if ($errorDescription !== null) {
                 $fullMessage .= ": ";
                 $fullMessage .= $errorDescription;
             throw new Dropbox_WebAuthException_Provider($fullMessage);
     // If everything went ok, make the network call to get an access token.
     list($accessToken, $userId) = $this->_finish($code, $this->redirectUri);
     return array($accessToken, $userId, $urlState);