public function beforeRun($resource, $action) { $this->dir = ADMIN_ROOT . '/moban/'; $this->img = '/' . ADMIN_ROOT . '/static/'; $session = Doo::session('Lua'); $auth = $session->get('auth'); if (empty($auth)) { $sets = Doo::cache('php')->get('loginset'); if ($sets && $sets['cardit'] == 1) { $xxxx = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J'); $nums = range(1, 9); shuffle($xxxx); shuffle($nums); $aaaa = $xxxx[0] . $nums[0]; $bbbb = $xxxx[1] . $nums[1]; $session->cardcode = $aaaa . '@' . $bbbb; } include Lua::display('login', $this->dir); exit; } $auth = empty($auth) ? array(0, '') : Lua::clean(explode("\t", Lua::authcode($auth, 'DECODE')), 1); $user = Lua::get_one("select * from lua_admin where uid='" . intval($auth[0]) . "' and password='******' and gid='1'"); if (empty($user) || $user && $this->clientIP() != $user['loginip']) { $session->auth = ''; Lua::admin_msg('操作提示', '请先登录', '/' . ADMIN_ROOT); } $rs = $this->acl()->process($user['perm'], $resource, $action); if ($rs) { return $rs; } $this->user = $user; $this->page = Lua::get_post('p') ? intval(Lua::get_post('p')) : 1; // 图片识别码, 借鉴自 supesite define('FILE_HASH', substr(md5($user['uid'] . '/' . time() . Lua::random(6)), 8, 16)); }
public function index() { if ($this->user['perm'] != SUPER_MAN && SYSNAME != $this->user['channel']) { header("Location:/" . $this->user['channel'] . '/admin/'); exit; } $list = Lua::get_more("select * from lua_channel where status='1'"); $cssname = 'nav_list'; if (SYSNAME != ADMIN_ROOT) { $session = Doo::session('Lua'); $change_id = $session->get('change_id'); $set = Lua::get('set'); if ($set) { $session->change_id = empty($change_id) || $change_id == 0 ? 1 : 0; header("Location:/" . SYSNAME . "/" . ADMIN_ROOT . "/"); exit; } $set_id = $change_id || $change_id == 1 ? 1 : 0; if ($set_id == 0) { Doo::cache('php')->hashing = false; $tree = Doo::cache('php')->get('category'); $cssname = 'tree_list'; $html = ''; if ($tree) { $html = $this->_tree($tree, 0); } } } include Lua::display('frame', $this->dir); }
public function logout() { $session = Doo::session('Lua'); $auth = $session->get('auth'); $auth = empty($auth) ? array(0, '') : Lua::clean(explode("\t", Lua::authcode($auth, 'DECODE')), 1); $user = Lua::get_one("select * from lua_admin where uid='" . intval($auth[0]) . "' and password='******' and gid='1'"); if ($user) { Lua::write_log($user, '退出系统', '---', $user['channel']); } $session->auth = ''; Lua::admin_msg('操作提示', '成功退出系统', '/' . ADMIN_ROOT); }
/** * Start auth component */ public function start() { $this->appSession = Doo::session($this->getApplicationName()); $this->validate(); }
public function beforeRun($resource, $action) { self::$session = Doo::session("IDMeasure"); IDGlobalController::$resource = $resource; IDGlobalController::$action = $action; IDGlobalController::$start = microtime(true); IDGlobalController::$newparams = $this->params; /* if( $this->userparams['clientKey'] != 'TL27' ) { $data['error'] = array( 'cod' => '401', 'desc' => 'Cliente no autorizado.' ); $this->renderc( $data ); exit( ); } */ IDGlobalController::$URI = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; /* if( strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?' ) !== false ) $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = substr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?' ) ); $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = str_replace( '/' . $this->params['clientKey'] . '/', '/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); */ if (!isset($this->params['format']) || !$this->params['format']) { $this->params['format'] = 'json'; } /* if( $this->params['format'] == 'json' ) { if( isset( $_REQUEST['callback'] ) && $_REQUEST['callback'] ) header( "Content-type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8" ); else header( "Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8" ); } else if ( $this->params['format'] == 'xml' ) header( "Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" ); */ if (Doo::conf()->get('APP_MODE') != 'dev') { /* $lastModified = time( ); $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if( $uri[strlen( $uri ) - 1] == '/' ) { $uri = substr( $uri, 0, strlen( $uri ) - 1 ); } $cacheFile = Doo::conf()->SITE_PATH . Doo::conf()->PROTECTED_FOLDER . 'cache/frontend/' . str_replace( '/', '-', $uri ) . '.html'; if( strncmp( PHP_OS, 'WIN', 3 ) === 0 ) { $cacheFile = str_replace( '?', '_q.', $cacheFile ); } if ( file_exists( $cacheFile ) ) { $lastModified = filemtime( $cacheFile ); } $ts = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $lastModified ) . " GMT"; header("Last-Modified: $ts", true); $ts = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $lastModified + self::DEFAULT_TIME_CACHE ) . " GMT"; header("Expires: $ts", true); header("Pragma: cache", true); //header_remove("Cache-Control"); header("Cache-Control: max-age=" . self::DEFAULT_TIME_CACHE, true ); */ } if (isset($_REQUEST['callback']) && $_REQUEST['callback']) { echo $_REQUEST['callback'] . '('; register_shutdown_function("IDGlobalController::shutdown_function"); } else { register_shutdown_function("IDGlobalController::shutdown_log_function"); } /* if( Doo::conf( )->get( 'APP_MODE' ) != 'dev' && $this->params['clientKey'] != 'NOC21' ) { Doo::cache('front')->get( self::DEFAULT_TIME_CACHE ); } if( Doo::conf( )->get( 'APP_MODE' ) != 'dev' && $this->params['clientKey'] != 'NOC21' ) Doo::cache('front')->start( ); */ }
public function getAAAToken() { $sessiondata = Doo::session("ottpcbackend"); return $sessiondata->aaatoken; }