コード例 #1
  * Create a new order on the fly
 public function createorderAction()
     $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Default');
     if (!empty($session->customer)) {
         $profile = $session->customer;
         // Destroy the redirect option
         if (empty($session->cart)) {
             $session->cart = new Cart();
         // Get the temporary domains
         $domains = DomainsBulk::findbySession(Zend_Session::getId());
         if (!empty($domains)) {
             // Create the base order document
             // 				$theOrder = Orders::create($profile['customer_id']);
             foreach ($domains as $domain) {
                 $Thedomain = $domain['domain'] . "." . $domain['DomainsTlds']['DomainsTldsData'][0]['name'];
                 $action = $domain['isavailable'] ? "registerDomain" : "transferDomain";
                 $price = $domain['price'];
                 $cost = $domain['cost'];
                 $authcode = !empty($domain['authinfo']) ? $domain['authinfo'] : null;
                 $session->cart->addDomain($Thedomain, $domain['tld_id'], $action, $authcode);
             // Clear the temporary list before adding the new one
             // Redirect the user to the order detail page
             $this->_helper->redirector('summary', 'cart', 'default', array('mex' => 'Order created successfully', 'status' => 'success'));
     } else {
         // Create the redirection
         $session->goto = array('action' => 'createorder', 'controller' => 'domainschk', 'module' => 'default', 'options' => array());
         $this->_helper->redirector('signup', 'customer', 'default', array('mex' => 'You have to login or create a new account profile to go on.', 'status' => 'success'));
コード例 #2
ファイル: CommonController.php プロジェクト: moay/shineisp
  * bulkdomainsorderAction
  * Check the availability for each domain.
 public function bulkdomainsorderAction()
     $form = new Default_Form_BulkdomainsorderForm(array('action' => '/common/createbulkorder', 'method' => 'post'));
     $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Default');
     if ($session->customer) {
         $domains = DomainsBulk::findbyCustomerID($session->customer['customer_id']);
     } else {
         $domains = DomainsBulk::findbySession(Zend_Session::getId());
     $this->view->domains = $domains;
     $this->view->form = $form;