コード例 #1
  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
 public function actionCreate()
     $model = new DomainMentor();
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (isset($_POST['DomainMentor'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['DomainMentor'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->user_id));
     $this->render('create', array('model' => $model));
コード例 #2
    public function actionApprove()
        //$this->layout = '';
        $user = User::model()->getCurrentUser();
        $perModel = new ApplicationPersonalMentorPick();
        $proModel = new ApplicationProjectMentorPick();
        $domModel = new ApplicationDomainMentorPick();
        $subModel = new ApplicationSubdomainMentorPick();
        if (Yii::app()->getRequest()->isPostRequest) {
            $projectFlag = false;
            $personalFlag = false;
            $domainFlag = false;
            $domApp = $this->loadDomainMentorForApproval($user->id);
            $persApp = $this->loadPersonalMentorForApproval($user->id);
            $projApp = $this->loadProjectMentorForApproval($user->id);
            $mypicks = $_POST['personal_picks_accept'];
            // add entry to personal_mentor
            $personalEntry = $this->isNewEntry($user->id, 'personal_mentor');
            // if it already exists do NOTHING . change here with else statement to perform update
            if ($personalEntry < 1) {
                // add entry to personal_mentor
                $pementor = new PersonalMentor('add_new');
                $pementor->user_id = $user->id;
                $pementor->max_hours = $persApp->max_hours;
                $pementor->max_mentees = $persApp->max_amount;
            // else UPDATE
            $personalFlag = true;
            //$loaduser->isPerMentor = 1;
        if ($mypicks != '') {
            $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
            // cycle through each and add permanetly to appropriate table
            foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                $actualPick = $this->loadPersonalPick($pick);
                $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Approved');
                // create new entry
                $mentee = new PersonalMentorMentees('add_new');
                $mentee->user_id = $actualPick->user_id;
                // mentee id
                $mentee->personal_mentor_id = $user->id;
                // mentor id
                $trans = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
                $menter = Mentee::model()->findByPk($actualPick->user_id);
                if (is_null($menter)) {
                    $menter = new Mentee('add_new');
                    $menter->user_id = $actualPick->user_id;
                $menter->personal_mentor_user_id = $user->id;
            $mypicks = $_POST['personal_picks_reject'];
            if ($mypicks != '') {
                $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
                // cycle through each and add permanetly to appropriate table
                foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                    $actualPick = $this->loadPersonalPick($pick);
                    $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Rejected');
                $personalFlag = true;
            $mypicks = $_POST['project_picks_accept'];
            if ($mypicks != '') {
                $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
                // cycle through each and add permanetly to appropriate table
                foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                    $actualPick = $this->loadProjectPick($pick);
                    $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Approved');
                    // update entry
                    $project = $this->loadProject($actualPick->project_id);
                    $project->project_mentor_user_id = $user->id;
                // add entry to project_mentor
                $projectEntry = $this->isNewEntry($user->id, 'project_mentor');
                // if it already exists do NOTHING . change here with else statement to perform update
                if ($projectEntry < 1) {
                    // add entry to project_mentor
                    $promentor = new ProjectMentor('add_new');
                    $promentor->user_id = $user->id;
                    $promentor->max_hours = $projApp->max_hours;
                    $promentor->max_projects = $projApp->max_amount;
                // else UPDATE
                $projectFlag = true;
                //$loaduser->isProMentor = 1;
            $mypicks = $_POST['project_picks_reject'];
            if ($mypicks != '') {
                $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
                foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                    $actualPick = $this->loadProjectPick($pick);
                    $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Rejected');
                $projectFlag = true;
            // DOMAIN PICKS ACCEPT
            $mypicks = $_POST['domain_picks_accept'];
            if ($mypicks != '') {
                $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
                // cycle through each and add permanetly to appropriate table
                foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                    $actualPick = $this->loadDomainPick($pick);
                    $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Approved');
                    // create new entry
                    $domain = new UserDomain('add_new');
                    $domain->user_id = $user > id;
                    $domain->domain_id = $actualPick->domain_id;
                    $domain->rate = $actualPick->proficiency;
                    $domain->active = 1;
                    $domain->tier_team = 1;
                $domainFlag = true;
                //$loaduser->isDomMentor = 1;
            // DOMAIN PICKS REJECT
            $mypicks = $_POST['domain_picks_reject'];
            if ($mypicks != '') {
                $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
                // cycle through each and add permanetly to appropriate table
                foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                    $actualPick = $this->loadDomainPick($pick);
                    $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Rejected');
                $domainFlag = true;
            $mypicks = $_POST['subdomain_picks_accept'];
            if ($mypicks != '') {
                $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
                // cycle through each and add permanetly to appropriate table
                foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                    $actualPick = $this->loadSubDomainPick($pick);
                    $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Approved');
                    //create new entry
                    $subdomain = new UserDomain('add_new');
                    $subdomain->user_id = $user->id;
                    $subdomain->domain_id = $actualPick->subdomain->domain->id;
                    $subdomain->subdomain_id = $actualPick->subdomain_id;
                    $subdomain->rate = $actualPick->proficiency;
                    $subdomain->active = 1;
                    $subdomain->tier_team = 1;
                $domainFlag = true;
                //$loaduser->isDomMentor = 1;
            $mypicks = $_POST['subdomain_picks_reject'];
            if ($mypicks != '') {
                $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
                // cycle through each and add permanetly to appropriate table
                foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                    $actualPick = $this->loadSubDomainPick($pick);
                    $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Rejected');
                $domainFlag = true;
            $closed = new ApplicationClosed();
            $closedOne = false;
            if ($domainFlag) {
                // add entry to domain_mentor
                $domEntry = $this->isNewEntry($user->id, 'domain_mentor');
                $user->isDomMentor = 1;
                // add entry to domain_mentor
                // if it already exists do NOTHING . change here with else statement to perform update
                if ($domEntry < 1) {
                    $dmentor = new DomainMentor('add_new');
                    $dmentor->user_id = $user->id;
                    $dmentor->max_tickets = $domApp->max_amount;
                // else UPDATE
                $this->updateAppStatus($domApp, 'Closed');
                $closed->app_domain_mentor_id = $domApp->id;
                $closedOne = true;
            if ($personalFlag) {
                $user->isPerMentor = 1;
                $this->updateAppStatus($persApp, 'Closed');
                $closed->app_personal_mentor_id = $persApp->id;
                $closedOne = true;
            if ($projectFlag) {
                $user->isProMentor = 1;
                $this->updateAppStatus($projApp, 'Closed');
                $closed->app_project_mentor_id = $projApp->id;
                $closedOne = true;
            if ($closedOne) {
                $closed->user_id = $user->id;
                $closed->date = new CDbExpression('NOW()');
        // on initial load
        // application personal mentor
        // load application sent by admin
        $personalMentor = $this->loadPersonalMentorForApproval($user->id);
        $personalMentorHistory = null;
        $personalMentorChanges = null;
        $personalCount = 0;
        if ($personalMentor != null) {
            $personalMentorHistory = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.user_id, t.approval_status, u.fname, u.lname
								FROM application_personal_mentor_pick t, user u
								WHERE t.user_id = u.id AND (t.approval_status = "Approved" OR t.approval_status = "Rejected")
								AND t.app_id = ' . $personalMentor->id . '');
            $personalMentorChanges = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.user_id, t.approval_status, u.fname, u.lname
								FROM application_personal_mentor_pick t, user u
								WHERE t.user_id = u.id AND (t.approval_status = "Proposed by Admin")
								AND t.app_id = ' . $personalMentor->id . '');
            $personalCount = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('count(*)')->from('application_personal_mentor_pick')->where('app_id =:id', array(':id' => $personalMentor->id))->andWhere('approval_status = "Proposed by Admin"')->queryScalar();
        // application project mentor
        $projectMentor = $this->loadProjectMentorForApproval($user->id);
        $projectMentorHistory = null;
        $projectMentorChanges = null;
        $projectCount = 0;
        if ($projectMentor != null) {
            $projectMentorHistory = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.project_id, t.approval_status, p.title
								FROM application_project_mentor_pick t, project p
								WHERE t.project_id = p.id AND (t.approval_status = "Approved" OR t.approval_status = "Rejected")
								AND t.app_id = ' . $projectMentor->id . '');
            $projectMentorChanges = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.project_id, t.approval_status, p.title
								FROM application_project_mentor_pick t, project p
								WHERE t.project_id = p.id AND (t.approval_status = "Proposed by Admin")
								AND t.app_id = ' . $projectMentor->id . '');
            $projectCount = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('count(*)')->from('application_project_mentor_pick')->where('app_id =:id', array(':id' => $projectMentor->id))->andWhere('approval_status = "Proposed by Admin"')->queryScalar();
        // application domain mentor
        $domainMentor = $this->loadDomainMentorForApproval($user->id);
        $domainHistory = null;
        $domainChanges = null;
        $domainCount = 0;
        $subdomainHistory = null;
        $subdomainChanges = null;
        $subdomainCount = 0;
        if ($domainMentor != null) {
            $domainHistory = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.domain_id, t.proficiency, t.approval_status, d.name
								FROM application_domain_mentor_pick t, domain d
								WHERE (t.approval_status = "Approved" OR t.approval_status = "Rejected") AND t.domain_id = d.id AND t.app_id = ' . $domainMentor->id . '');
            $domainChanges = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.domain_id, t.proficiency, t.approval_status, d.name
								FROM application_domain_mentor_pick t, domain d
								WHERE (t.approval_status = "Proposed by Admin")
								AND t.domain_id = d.id AND t.app_id= ' . $domainMentor->id . '');
            $domainCount = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('count(*)')->from('application_domain_mentor_pick')->where('app_id =:id', array(':id' => $domainMentor->id))->andWhere('approval_status = "Proposed by Admin"')->queryScalar();
            $subdomainHistory = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.subdomain_id, t.proficiency, t.approval_status, d.name as "dname", s.name as "sname"
								FROM application_subdomain_mentor_pick t, subdomain s, domain d
								WHERE (t.approval_status = "Approved" OR t.approval_status = "Rejected") AND s.domain_id = d.id AND s.id = t.subdomain_id AND t.app_id = ' . $domainMentor->id . '');
            $subdomainChanges = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.subdomain_id, t.proficiency, t.approval_status, d.name as "dname", s.name as "sname"
								FROM application_subdomain_mentor_pick t, subdomain s, domain d
								WHERE (t.approval_status = "Proposed by Admin")
								AND s.domain_id = d.id AND s.id = t.subdomain_id AND t.app_id = ' . $domainMentor->id . '');
            $subdomainCount = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('count(*)')->from('application_subdomain_mentor_pick')->where('app_id =:id', array(':id' => $domainMentor->id))->andWhere('approval_status = "Proposed by Admin"')->queryScalar();
        $userInfo = $this->loadUserInfoByUser($user->id);
        $newCount = $personalCount + $projectCount + $domainCount + $subdomainCount;
        // render view
        $this->render('approve', array('user_id' => $user->id, 'personalMentor' => $personalMentor, 'personalMentorHistory' => $personalMentorHistory, 'personalMentorChanges' => $personalMentorChanges, 'projectMentor' => $projectMentor, 'projectMentorHistory' => $projectMentorHistory, 'projectMentorChanges' => $projectMentorChanges, 'domainMentor' => $domainMentor, 'domainHistory' => $domainHistory, 'domainChanges' => $domainChanges, 'subdomainHistory' => $subdomainHistory, 'subdomainChanges' => $subdomainChanges, 'newCount' => $newCount, 'perModel' => $perModel, 'proModel' => $proModel, 'domModel' => $domModel, 'subModel' => $subModel, 'userInfo' => $userInfo));
コード例 #3
 public function actionAdmin_Create_User()
     $model = new User();
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     $error = '';
     if (isset($_POST['User'])) {
         /*if ($this->actionVerifyRegistrationOld() != "") {
         		$this->render('create', array('model'=>$model));
         $model->attributes = $_POST['User'];
         $model->pic_url = '/coplat/images/profileimages/default_pic.jpg';
         $model->biography = "Tell us something about yourself...";
         $model->activation_chain = $this->genRandomString(10);
         $model->activated = 1;
         $error = $this->verifyRegistrationOld();
         if (!$model->isProMentor && !$model->isDomMentor && !$model->isPerMentor && !$model->isMentee) {
             $error = "Please select at least one user role.";
         if ($error == null) {
             if ($model->isProMentor) {
                 $proMentor = new ProjectMentor();
                 $proMentor->user_id = $model->id;
                 $proMentor->max_hours = 0;
                 $proMentor->max_projects = 0;
             if ($model->isDomMentor) {
                 $domMentor = new DomainMentor();
                 $domMentor->user_id = $model->id;
                 $domMentor->max_tickets = 0;
             if ($model->isPerMentor) {
                 $perMentor = new PersonalMentor();
                 $perMentor->user_id = $model->id;
                 $perMentor->max_hours = 0;
                 $perMentor->max_mentees = 0;
             if ($model->isMentee()) {
                 $mentee = new Mentee();
                 $mentee->user_id = $model->id;
                 $mentee->personal_mentor_user_id = null;
                 $mentee->project_id = null;
     if (isset($_POST['Roles'])) {
         $proMentor = ProjectMentor::model()->getProMentor($_COOKIE['UserID']);
         $perMentor = PersonalMentor::model()->getPerMentor($_COOKIE['UserID']);
         $domMentor = DomainMentor::model()->getDomMentor($_COOKIE['UserID']);
         $mentee = Mentee::model()->getMentee($_COOKIE['UserID']);
         $user = User::model()->findByPk($_COOKIE['UserID']);
         if ($user->isProMentor == 1) {
             //$proMentor = new ProjectMentor;
             $proMentor->user_id = $user->id;
             $proMentor->max_hours = $_POST['pjmhours'];
             $all = Project::model()->findAll();
             $count = 0;
             foreach ($all as $each) {
                 if (isset($_POST[$each->id . 'pjm'])) {
                     $p = Project::model()->findByPk($each->id);
                     $p->project_mentor_user_id = $_COOKIE['UserID'];
             $proMentor->max_projects = $count;
         if ($user->isDomMentor == 1) {
             //UserDomain::model()->deleteAll("user_id = ".$user->id);
             $domMentor->max_tickets = $_POST['dmmaxtickets'];
             $all = Domain::model()->findAll();
             foreach ($all as $each) {
                 if (isset($_POST[$each->id])) {
                     $user_domain = new UserDomain();
                     $user_domain->user_id = $domMentor->user_id;
                     $user_domain->domain_id = $each->id;
                     $user_domain->active = 1;
                     $allsubs = Subdomain::model()->findAllBySql("select * from subdomain where domain_id = {$each->id}");
                     if ($allsubs != null) {
                         foreach ($allsubs as $onesub) {
                             $temp = $onesub->id . 'ddmsub';
                             if (isset($_POST[$temp])) {
                                 $user_domain = new UserDomain();
                                 $user_domain->user_id = $domMentor->user_id;
                                 $user_domain->domain_id = $each->id;
                                 $user_domain->active = 1;
                                 $rate = $each->id . '-' . $onesub->id . 'dmrate';
                                 $tier = $each->id . '-' . $onesub->id . 'dmtier';
                                 $user_domain->rate = $_POST[$rate];
                                 $user_domain->tier_team = $_POST[$tier];
                                 $user_domain->subdomain_id = $onesub->id;
                     } else {
                         $user_domain = new UserDomain();
                         $user_domain->user_id = $domMentor->user_id;
                         $user_domain->domain_id = $each->id;
                         $user_domain->active = 1;
         if ($user->isPerMentor) {
             //$perMentor = new PersonalMentor();
             $perMentor->user_id = $user->id;
             $perMentor->max_hours = $_POST['pmhours'];
             $all = Mentee::model()->findAll();
             $count = 0;
             foreach ($all as $each) {
                 if (isset($_POST[$each->user_id . 'pm'])) {
                     $p = Mentee::model()->findByPk($each->user_id);
                     $p->personal_mentor_user_id = $_COOKIE['UserID'];
             $perMentor->max_mentees = $count;
         if ($user->isMentee) {
             $changed = false;
             $menteePersonalMentor = $_POST['mentePersonalMentor'];
             if (isset($menteePersonalMentor) && $menteePersonalMentor > 0) {
                 $mentee->personal_mentor_user_id = $menteePersonalMentor;
                 $changed = true;
             $menteeProject = $_POST['menteeProject'];
             if (isset($menteeProject) && $menteeProject > 0) {
                 $mentee->project_id = $menteeProject;
                 $changed = true;
             if ($changed) {
         $hasher = new PasswordHash(8, false);
         $pw = $this->genRandomString(8);
         $user->password = $hasher->HashPassword($pw);
         $userfullName = $user->fname . ' ' . $user->lname;
         $adminName = User::getCurrentUser();
         User::sendConfirmationEmail($userfullName, $user->email, $user->username, $pw, $adminName->fname . ' ' . $adminName->lname);
     //$error = '';
     $this->render('admin_create_user', array('model' => $model, 'error' => $error));
     //$this->render('add',array('model'=>$model, 'error' => $error));