コード例 #1
ファイル: Indexer.php プロジェクト: JimmyVB/Symfony-v1.2
 public function indexDirectory($dir)
     if (!file_exists($dir)) {
         throw new Doctrine_Search_Indexer_Exception('Unknown directory ' . $dir);
     $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY);
     $files = array();
     foreach ($it as $file) {
         $name = $file->getPathName();
         if (strpos($name, '.svn') === false) {
             $files[] = $name;
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $q->delete()->from('Doctrine_File f')->where('f.url LIKE ?', array($dir . '%'))->execute();
     // clear the index
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $q->delete()->from('Doctrine_File_Index i')->where('i.file_id = ?')->execute();
     $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     $coll = new Doctrine_Collection('Doctrine_File');
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $coll[]->url = $file;
コード例 #2
ファイル: actions.class.php プロジェクト: theolymp/diem
 public function executeImportSentences(dmWebRequest $request)
     $catalogue = $this->getObjectOrForward404($request);
     $form = new DmCatalogueImportForm();
     if ($request->isMethod('post') && $form->bindAndValid($request)) {
         $file = $form->getValue('file');
         $override = $form->getValue('override');
         $dataFile = $file->getTempName();
         $table = dmDb::table('DmTransUnit');
         $existQuery = $table->createQuery('t')->select('t.id, t.source, t.target, t.created_at, t.updated_at')->where('t.dm_catalogue_id = ? AND t.source = ?');
         $catalogueId = $catalogue->get('id');
         $nbAdded = 0;
         $nbUpdated = 0;
         try {
             if (!is_array($data = sfYaml::load(file_get_contents($dataFile)))) {
                 $this->getUser()->logError($this->getI18n()->__('Could not load file: %file%', array('%file%' => $file->getOriginalName())));
                 return $this->renderPartial('dmInterface/flash');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->getUser()->logError($this->getI18n()->__('Unable to parse file: %file%', array('%file%' => $file->getOriginalName())));
             return $this->renderPartial('dmInterface/flash');
         $addedTranslations = new Doctrine_Collection($table);
         $line = 0;
         foreach ($data as $source => $target) {
             if (!is_string($source) || !is_string($target)) {
                 $this->getUser()->logError($this->getI18n()->__('Error line %line%: %file%', array('%line%' => $line, '%file%' => $file->getOriginalName())));
                 return $this->renderPartial('dmInterface/flash');
             } else {
                 $existing = $existQuery->fetchOneArray(array($catalogueId, $source));
                 if (!empty($existing) && $existing['source'] === $source) {
                     if ($existing['target'] !== $target) {
                         if ($override || $existing['created_at'] === $existing['updated_at']) {
                             $table->createQuery()->update('DmTransUnit')->set('target', '?', array($target))->where('id = ?', $existing['id'])->execute();
                 } elseif (empty($existing)) {
                     $addedTranslations->add(dmDb::create('DmTransUnit', array('dm_catalogue_id' => $catalogue->get('id'), 'source' => $source, 'target' => $target)));
         if ($nbAdded) {
             $this->getUser()->logInfo($this->getI18n()->__('%catalogue%: added %count% translation(s)', array('%catalogue%' => $catalogue->get('name'), '%count%' => $nbAdded)));
         if ($nbUpdated) {
             $this->getUser()->logInfo($this->getI18n()->__('%catalogue%: updated %count% translation(s)', array('%catalogue%' => $catalogue->get('name'), '%count%' => $nbUpdated)));
         if (!$nbAdded && !$nbUpdated) {
             $this->getUser()->logInfo($this->getI18n()->__('%catalogue%: nothing to add and update', array('%catalogue%' => $catalogue->get('name'))));
         return $this->renderText(url_for1($this->getRouteArrayForAction('index')));
     $action = url_for1($this->getRouteArrayForAction('importSentences', $catalogue));
     return $this->renderText($form->render('.dm_form.list.little action="' . $action . '"'));
コード例 #3
 public function reload($projets, $project_id, $project_ref, Doctrine_Connection $conn = null)
     if ($conn == null) {
         $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     //Création de la collection d'objet EiProjectLang à ajouter
     $collection = new Doctrine_Collection("EiProjectLang");
     $items = $projets->getElementsByTagName("ei_project_langs");
     if ($items->length > 0) {
         //ya t-il des éléments à traiter?
         $ei_project_langs = $items->item(0)->getElementsByTagName("ei_project_lang");
         if ($ei_project_langs->length > 0) {
             foreach ($ei_project_langs as $ei_project_lang) {
                 $lang_id = $ei_project_lang->getAttribute("lang");
                 //recherche du profil en base
                 if ($lang_id != null && $project_ref != null && $project_id != null) {
                     $new_ei_project_lang = new EiProjectLang();
             if ($collection->getFirst()) {
             //Sauvegarde de la collection
             return 1;
         return null;
コード例 #4
  * @param <type> $request
 public function execute($request)
     $this->setForm(new CopyActivityForm());
     $projectId = $request->getParameter('projectId');
     $projectActivityList = $this->getProjectService()->getActivityListByProjectId($projectId);
     if ($this->form->isValid()) {
         $activityNameList = $request->getParameter('activityNames', array());
         $activities = new Doctrine_Collection('ProjectActivity');
         $isUnique = true;
         foreach ($activityNameList as $activityName) {
             foreach ($projectActivityList as $projectActivity) {
                 if (strtolower($activityName) == strtolower($projectActivity->getName())) {
                     $isUnique = false;
         if ($isUnique) {
             foreach ($activityNameList as $activityName) {
                 $activity = new ProjectActivity();
             $this->getUser()->setFlash('templateMessageAct', array('success', __('Successfully Copied')));
         } else {
             $this->getUser()->setFlash('templateMessageAct', array('failure', __('Name Already Exists')));
         $this->redirect('admin/saveProject?projectId=' . $projectId);
コード例 #5
 public function reload($projets, $project_id, $project_ref, Doctrine_Connection $conn = null)
     if ($conn == null) {
         $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     //Création de la collection d'objet EiVersionNotice à ajouter
     $collection = new Doctrine_Collection("EiVersionNotice");
     //Supression des versions de notice qui n'existent plus sur script
     $items = $projets->getElementsByTagName("ei_version_notices");
     if ($items->length > 0) {
         //ya t-il des éléments à traiter?
         $ei_version_notices = $items->item(0)->getElementsByTagName("ei_version_notice");
         if ($ei_version_notices->length > 0) {
             foreach ($ei_version_notices as $ei_version_notice) {
                 $notice_id = $ei_version_notice->getAttribute("notice_id");
                 $notice_ref = $ei_version_notice->getAttribute("notice_ref");
                 $version_notice_id = $ei_version_notice->getAttribute("version_notice_id");
                 $lang = $ei_version_notice->getAttribute("lang");
                 //recherche du profil en base
                 if ($notice_id != null && $notice_ref != null && $version_notice_id != null && $lang != null) {
                     $q = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiVersionNotice')->findOneByNoticeIdAndNoticeRefAndVersionNoticeIdAndLang($notice_id, $notice_ref, $version_notice_id, $lang);
                     if ($q && $q != null) {
                         //si l'element existe , on fait une mise à jour
                     } else {
                         //l'élément n'existe pas encore, et dans ce cas on le crée
                         $new_ei_version_notice = new EiVersionNotice();
             if ($collection->getFirst()) {
             //Sauvegarde de la collection
             return 1;
         return null;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Wikilinks.php プロジェクト: kokkez/shineisp
  * Add a group of wiki pages selected to a category
  * @param integer $category_id
  * @param array $wikiIDS
  * @param integer $locale
 public static function addWikiPages2Categories($category_id, $wikiIDS)
     $records = new Doctrine_Collection('Wikilinks');
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($wikiIDS); $i++) {
         $records[$i]->category_id = $category_id;
         $records[$i]->wiki_id = $wikiIDS[$i];
     return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: 587TestCase.php プロジェクト: swk/bluebox
 public function testInit()
     $user = new BookmarkUser();
     $user['name'] = 'Anonymous';
     $pages = new Doctrine_Collection('Page');
     $pages[0]['name'] = 'Yahoo';
     $pages[0]['url'] = 'http://www.yahoo.com';
     $this->assertEqual(count($pages), 1);
コード例 #8
ファイル: actions.class.php プロジェクト: pmoutet/navinum
 public function executeDissociate(sfWebRequest $request)
     $this->rfid_groupe = $this->getRoute()->getObject();
     $rfids = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Rfid')->findByGroupeId($this->rfid_groupe->getGuid());
     $collection = new Doctrine_Collection('Rfid');
     foreach ($rfids as $rfid) {
コード例 #9
 public function testMultiplePrimaryKeys()
     $r = new Doctrine_Collection('NestReference');
     $r[0]->parent_id = 1;
     $r[0]->child_id = 2;
     $r[1]->parent_id = 2;
     $r[1]->child_id = 3;
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $coll = $q->from('NestReference')->execute();
     $this->assertEqual(count($coll), 0);
コード例 #10
 public function testInitData()
     // Since the tests do a $this->objTable()->clear() before each method call
     // using the User model is not recommended for this test
     $albums = new Doctrine_Collection('Album');
     $albums[0]->name = 'Revolution';
     $albums[0]->Song[0]->title = 'Revolution';
     $albums[0]->Song[1]->title = 'Hey Jude';
     $albums[0]->Song[2]->title = 'Across the Universe';
     $albums[0]->Song[3]->title = 'Michelle';
     $this->assertEqual(count($albums[0]->Song), 4);
     $this->_albums = $albums;
コード例 #11
 public function testInitData()
     $users = new Doctrine_Collection('User');
     $users[0]->name = 'John';
     $users[0]->Phonenumber[0]->phonenumber = '123 123';
     $users[0]->Phonenumber[1]->phonenumber = '222 222';
     $users[0]->Phonenumber[2]->phonenumber = '333 333';
     $users[1]->name = 'John';
     $users[2]->name = 'James';
     $users[2]->Phonenumber[0]->phonenumber = '222 344';
     $users[2]->Phonenumber[1]->phonenumber = '222 344';
     $users[3]->name = 'James';
     $users[3]->Phonenumber[0]->phonenumber = '123 123';
コード例 #12
 public function updatePosition($ids, $campaign_id)
     if (!is_array($ids)) {
         return null;
     //On reconstruit les relations de la table graph_has_graph
     $newStepTab = array();
     $ids = $ids[0];
     if (!is_array($ids)) {
         return null;
     foreach ($ids as $i => $item) {
         if (array_key_exists($i + 1, $ids)) {
             $newStepTab[] = array($ids[$i], $ids[$i + 1]);
     if (!is_array($newStepTab)) {
         return null;
     $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     try {
         /*On vérifie qu'on est pas en accès concurrent */
         $nb = count(Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiCampaignGraph')->findByCampaignId($campaign_id));
         if ($nb != count($ids)) {
             throw new Exception('Concurrent Access. refresh page ...');
         $conn->delete($this->getInstance(), array('campaign_id' => $campaign_id));
         $collection = new Doctrine_Collection($this->getInstance());
         foreach ($newStepTab as $item) {
             $newItem = new EiCampaignGraphHasGraph();
         //  validation globale  de la création
         return 1;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //throw $e('An error occurred while trying to update nodes positions ');
         return -1;
コード例 #13
 public function reload($projets, $project_id, $project_ref, Doctrine_Connection $conn = null)
     if ($conn == null) {
         $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     //Création de la collection d'objet View à ajouter
     $collection = new Doctrine_Collection("EiView");
     $items = $projets->getElementsByTagName("ei_views");
     if ($items->length > 0) {
         //ya t-il des éléments à traiter?
         $ei_views = $items->item(0)->getElementsByTagName("ei_view");
         if ($ei_views->length > 0) {
             foreach ($ei_views as $ei_view) {
                 $view_id = $ei_view->getAttribute("view_id");
                 $view_ref = $ei_view->getAttribute("view_ref");
                 //recherche du profil en base
                 if ($view_id != null && $view_ref != null) {
                     $q = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiView')->findOneByViewIdAndViewRef($view_id, $view_ref);
                     if ($q && $q != null) {
                         //si l'element existe , on fait une mise à jour
                     } else {
                         //l'élément n'existe pas encore, et dans ce cas on le crée
                         $new_ei_view = new EiView();
                         //                        $new_ei_view->save($conn);
             if ($collection->getFirst()) {
             //Sauvegarde de la collection
             return 1;
         return null;
         //On a retrouvé aucun élément de ce type
コード例 #14
 public function reload($projets, $project_id, $project_ref, Doctrine_Connection $conn = null)
     if ($conn == null) {
         $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     //Création de la collection d'objet EiNotice à ajouter
     $collection = new Doctrine_Collection("EiNotice");
     //Supréssion des notices n'existant plus
     $items = $projets->getElementsByTagName("ei_notices");
     if ($items->length > 0) {
         //ya t-il des éléments à traiter?
         $ei_notices = $items->item(0)->getElementsByTagName("ei_notice");
         if ($ei_notices->length > 0) {
             foreach ($ei_notices as $ei_notice) {
                 $notice_id = $ei_notice->getAttribute("notice_id");
                 $notice_ref = $ei_notice->getAttribute("notice_ref");
                 //recherche du profil en base
                 if ($notice_id != null && $notice_ref != null) {
                     $q = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiNotice')->findOneByNoticeIdAndNoticeRef($notice_id, $notice_ref);
                     if ($q && $q != null) {
                         //si l'element existe , on fait une mise à jour
                     } else {
                         //l'élément n'existe pas encore, et dans ce cas on le crée
                         $new_ei_notice = new EiNotice();
             if ($collection->getFirst()) {
             //Sauvegarde de la collection
             return 1;
         return null;
 protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array())
     // initialize the database connection
     $databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager($this->configuration);
     $connection = $databaseManager->getDatabase($options['connection'])->getConnection();
     $quiet = (bool) $options['quiet'];
     $domain = $arguments['domain'];
     if (!$quiet) {
         echo "Creating deadlines...";
     $subreddit = SubredditTable::getInstance()->findOneBy('domain', $domain);
     /* @var $subreddit Subreddit */
     if (!$subreddit) {
         return new sfException("Cannot find subreddit by the domain name {$domain}.", 404);
     if (count($subreddit->getDeadlines())) {
         return new sfException("Subreddit has deadlines already.");
     $authortype_one = AuthorTypeTable::getInstance()->findOneBy('type', 'first_place');
     $authortype_two = AuthorTypeTable::getInstance()->findOneBy('type', 'second_place');
     $authortype_three = AuthorTypeTable::getInstance()->findOneBy('type', 'third_place');
     $authortype_four = AuthorTypeTable::getInstance()->findOneBy('type', 'sudden_death');
     $deadlines = new Doctrine_Collection('Deadline');
     $deadlines[0] = new Deadline();
     $deadlines[1] = new Deadline();
     $deadlines[2] = new Deadline();
     $deadlines[3] = new Deadline();
     if (!$quiet) {
         echo "\nFinished.\n";
コード例 #16
ファイル: Dns_Zones.php プロジェクト: kokkez/shineisp
  * Saving dns zones
  * @params integer $id 
  * @params array $zones 
  * @return ARRAY Record
 public static function saveZone($domainId, $zones)
     Doctrine::getTable('Dns_Zones')->findBy('domain_id', $domainId)->delete();
     if (count($zones) > 0) {
         $myzone = new Doctrine_Collection('Dns_Zones');
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($zones as $zone) {
             $dnszonetype = Dns_Zones_Types::getType($zone['fieldtype']);
             $myzone[$i]->domain_id = $domainId;
             $myzone[$i]->subdomain = $zone['subdomain'];
             $myzone[$i]->type_id = $dnszonetype;
             $myzone[$i]->target = $zone['target'];
             $myzone[$i]->updating_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         return true;
     return false;
コード例 #17
 public function register($hash, $plugins, $version)
     if (strlen($hash) != 32) {
         throw new dmException('Bad hash');
     if (!($report = $this->findOneByHash($hash))) {
         $report = $this->create(array('hash' => $hash));
     $report->set('diem_version', $version);
     $refTable = dmDb::table('AnonymousReportPlugin');
     $refTable->createQuery('arp')->delete()->where('arp.anonymous_report_id = ?', $report->get('id'))->execute();
     $pluginNames = array_map('trim', explode(',', $plugins));
     if (!empty($pluginNames)) {
         $plugins = dmDb::query('Plugin p')->select('p.name, p.id')->whereIn('p.name', $pluginNames)->fetchArray();
         $refs = new Doctrine_Collection($refTable);
         foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
             $refs->add($refTable->create(array('anonymous_report_id' => $report->get('id'), 'plugin_id' => $plugin['id'])));
コード例 #18
 public static function saveAll($data, $product_id)
     if (empty($data['group_id'])) {
         return false;
     $i = 0;
     $attrs = new Doctrine_Collection('ProductsAttributesIndexes');
     // Get all the product attributes
     $attributes = ProductsAttributesGroups::getAttributesProfiles($data['group_id']);
     // Loop of the posted variables
     foreach ($data as $var => $value) {
         // Loop of all the attributes
         foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
             if ($attribute['ProductsAttributes']['code'] == $var) {
                 $attrs[$i]->product_id = $product_id;
                 $attrs[$i]->attribute_id = $attribute['attribute_id'];
                 $attrs[$i]->value = $value;
コード例 #19
ファイル: dmDataLoad.php プロジェクト: jwegner/diem
 protected function loadGroups()
     $array = array("developer" => array('description' => "Able to read and update source code", 'permissions' => array('system')), "seo" => array('description' => "Seo knowledge", 'permissions' => array('admin', 'sitemap', 'automatic_metas', 'manual_metas', 'url_redirection', 'google_analytics', 'use_google_analytics', 'google_webmaster_tools', 'use_google_webmaster_tools', 'tool_bar_admin', 'page_bar_admin', 'tool_bar_front', 'page_bar_front', 'see_log', 'config_panel', 'site_view', 'see_chart')), "integrator" => array('description' => "Integrator", 'permissions' => array('admin', 'content', 'code_editor', 'media_library', 'loremize', 'export_table', 'tool_bar_admin', 'page_bar_admin', 'media_bar_admin', 'tool_bar_front', 'page_bar_front', 'media_bar_front', 'zone_add', 'zone_edit', 'zone_delete', 'widget_add', 'widget_edit', 'widget_delete', 'page_add', 'page_edit', 'page_delete', 'config_panel', 'translation', 'layout', 'interface_settings', 'site_view', 'see_chart', 'see_log')), "webmaster 1" => array('description' => "Webmaster level 1", 'permissions' => array('admin', 'content', 'tool_bar_admin', 'page_bar_admin', 'media_bar_admin', 'tool_bar_front', 'page_bar_front', 'media_bar_front', 'search_engine', 'see_log', 'config_panel', 'translation', 'site_view', 'see_chart')), "writer" => array('description' => "Writer", 'permissions' => array('admin', 'content', 'tool_bar_admin', 'page_bar_admin', 'media_bar_admin', 'see_log', 'site_view', 'see_chart')), "front_editor" => array('description' => "Can fast edit front widgets", 'permissions' => array('widget_edit_fast', 'widget_edit_fast_record', 'widget_edit_fast_content_title', 'widget_edit_fast_content_link', 'widget_edit_fast_content_text', 'widget_edit_fast_content_image', 'widget_edit_fast_navigation_menu')));
     $permissions = dmDb::query('DmPermission p INDEXBY name')->select('p.name')->fetchArray();
     $groups = new Doctrine_Collection(dmDb::table('DmGroup'));
     foreach ($array as $name => $params) {
         if (!($group = dmDb::query('DmGroup g')->where('g.name = ?', $name)->fetchRecord())) {
             $group = dmDb::create('DmGroup', array('name' => $name, 'description' => $params['description']))->saveGet();
         $groupPermissions = array();
         foreach ($params['permissions'] as $permissionName) {
             if (!isset($permissions[$permissionName])) {
                 throw new dmException('There is no permission called ' . $permissionName);
             $groupPermissions[] = $permissions[$permissionName]['id'];
         $group->link('Permissions', $groupPermissions);
コード例 #20
 public function prepareData()
     $groups = new Doctrine_Collection($this->connection->getTable('Group'));
     $groups[0]->name = 'Drama Actors';
     $groups[1]->name = 'Quality Actors';
     $groups[2]->name = 'Action Actors';
     $groups[2]['Phonenumber'][0]->phonenumber = '123 123';
     $users = new Doctrine_Collection('User');
     $users[0]->name = 'zYne';
     $users[0]['Email']->address = '*****@*****.**';
     $users[0]['Phonenumber'][0]->phonenumber = '123 123';
     $users[1]->name = 'Arnold Schwarzenegger';
     $users[1]->Email->address = '*****@*****.**';
     $users[1]['Phonenumber'][0]->phonenumber = '123 123';
     $users[1]['Phonenumber'][1]->phonenumber = '456 456';
     $users[1]->Phonenumber[2]->phonenumber = '789 789';
     $users[1]->Group[0] = $groups[2];
     $users[2]->name = 'Michael Caine';
     $users[2]->Email->address = '*****@*****.**';
     $users[2]->Phonenumber[0]->phonenumber = '123 123';
     $users[3]->name = 'Takeshi Kitano';
     $users[3]->Email->address = '*****@*****.**';
     $users[3]->Phonenumber[0]->phonenumber = '111 222 333';
     $users[4]->name = 'Sylvester Stallone';
     $users[4]->Email->address = '*****@*****.**';
     $users[4]->Phonenumber[0]->phonenumber = '111 555 333';
     $users[4]['Phonenumber'][1]->phonenumber = '123 213';
     $users[4]['Phonenumber'][2]->phonenumber = '444 555';
     $users[5]->name = 'Kurt Russell';
     $users[5]->Email->address = '*****@*****.**';
     $users[5]->Phonenumber[0]->phonenumber = '111 222 333';
     $users[6]->name = 'Jean Reno';
     $users[6]->Email->address = '*****@*****.**';
     $users[6]->Phonenumber[0]->phonenumber = '111 222 333';
     $users[6]['Phonenumber'][1]->phonenumber = '222 123';
     $users[6]['Phonenumber'][2]->phonenumber = '123 456';
     $users[7]->name = 'Edward Furlong';
     $users[7]->Email->address = '*****@*****.**';
     $users[7]->Phonenumber[0]->phonenumber = '111 567 333';
     $this->users = $users;
コード例 #21
ファイル: Products.php プロジェクト: kokkez/shineisp
 private static function AddUpgradeProducts($id, $upgradeproducts)
     $i = 0;
     // Delete all the products related before adding the new one
     $upgrade = new Doctrine_Collection('ProductsUpgrades');
     if (!empty($upgradeproducts)) {
         foreach ($upgradeproducts as $item) {
             $upgrade[$i]->upgrade_product_id = $item;
             $upgrade[$i]->product_id = $id;
コード例 #22
ファイル: CmsPages.php プロジェクト: kokkez/shineisp
  * Save the Cms page data
 public static function saveAll($id, $params, $locale = 1)
     $i = 0;
     // Set the new values
     if (is_numeric($id)) {
         $cmspages = Doctrine::getTable('Cmspages')->find($id);
     } else {
         $cmspages = new CmsPages();
         $cmspages->publishedat = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $cmspages->title = $params['title'];
     $cmspages->body = $params['body'];
     $cmspages->keywords = $params['keywords'];
     $cmspages->blocks = $params['blocks'];
     $cmspages->layout = $params['layout'];
     $cmspages->xmllayout = $params['xmllayout'];
     $cmspages->var = !empty($params['var']) ? Shineisp_Commons_UrlRewrites::format($params['var']) : Shineisp_Commons_UrlRewrites::format($params['title']);
     $cmspages->pagelayout = $params['pagelayout'];
     $cmspages->parent_id = $params['parent_id'];
     $cmspages->showinmenu = $params['showinmenu'] ? true : false;
     $cmspages->showonrss = $params['showonrss'] ? true : false;
     $cmspages->blog = $params['blog'] ? true : false;
     $cmspages->showonrss = $params['showonrss'] ? true : false;
     $cmspages->active = $params['active'] ? true : false;
     if ($cmspages->trySave()) {
         if (is_numeric($cmspages['page_id'])) {
             // Clear old reference records by page_id
             // Save the page translation references
             $PageData = new Doctrine_Collection('CmsPagesData');
             foreach ($params['language_id'] as $idlang) {
                 $PageData[$i]->page_id = $cmspages['page_id'];
                 $PageData[$i]->language_id = $idlang;
     $id = is_numeric($id) ? $id : $cmspages->getIncremented();
     return $id;
コード例 #23
ファイル: Settings.php プロジェクト: kokkez/shineisp
  * saveRecord
  * save the setting record group parameters
  * @param integer $groupid
  * @param integer $isp
 public static function saveRecord($groupid, $post, $isp = 1)
     $i = 0;
     if (!empty($post)) {
         $records = new Doctrine_Collection('Settings');
         foreach ($post as $field => $value) {
             // Get the old setting parameter value
             $setting = self::findRecord($field, $isp);
             if (!empty($setting)) {
                 // Delete the old record
             // Get the parameter record
             $paramenter = SettingsParameters::getParameterbyVar($field);
             // Create the collection of records
             $records[$i]->isp_id = $isp;
             $records[$i]->parameter_id = $paramenter->get('parameter_id');
             $records[$i]->value = $value;
         // Save the records
         // Refresh the parameters
         SettingsParameters::loadParams(null, true);
     return true;
コード例 #24
 public function advanceEpisodeAssignments()
     // We grab the Deadlines in descending order for the Subreddit;
     $deadline_rules = $this->getDeadlineRules();
     $first_deadline_id = $this->getFirstDeadlineId();
     $first_deadline = DeadlineTable::getInstance()->find($first_deadline_id);
     // We establish the pool of emails we'll be sending.
     // First to those who pass their deadline
     $passed_deadline_assignments = array();
     // And to the new episode assignments that are reassigned
     $newly_assigned_assignments = array();
     // Now we can start on the assignments that are misassigned
     $assignments = EpisodeAssignmentTable::getInstance()->getMisassignedEpisodes($this->getIncremented());
     $episodes = new Doctrine_Collection('Episode');
     $e = -1;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($assignments); $i++) {
         $passed_deadline_assignments[] = $assignments[$i];
         $episodes[++$e] = $assignments[$i]->getEpisode();
         // Clean up the Episode for any new user to use.
         $audio_file = $episodes[$e]->getAudioFile();
         $nice_filename = $episodes[$e]->getNiceFilename();
         $graphic_file = $episodes[$e]->getGraphicFile();
     /* Now we make sure that all assignments past deadline are marked as
      * such.  If the assignment is here, however, then it hasn't ever
      * actually BEEN assigned and isn't added to the list of emails to send
      * out. */
     $assignments = EpisodeAssignmentTable::getInstance()->getUnmarkedEpisodesThatMissedDeadlines($this->getIncremented());
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($assignments); $i++) {
     /* Now all episodes are cleared and we need to see if they need to be
      * reassigned to an existing asignment. */
     /* Returns assignments closest to the front for each unassigned episode,
      * in order of closeness. */
     $assignments = EpisodeAssignmentTable::getInstance()->getEpisodesPossiblyNeedingAssignment($this->getIncremented());
     $episodes_affected = array();
     foreach ($assignments as $assignment) {
         if (!in_array($assignment->getEpisodeId(), $episodes_affected)) {
             /* Ignore all subsequent assignments for an episode after the
              * first!  We should only be dealing with assignments that have
              * not missed their deadlines! */
             $episodes_affected[] = $assignment->getEpisodeId();
             $episode = $assignment->getEpisode();
             $assign_to_episode = false;
             /* If the *first* assignment is in the first spot, then assign
              * it. */
             if ($assignment->getAuthorTypeId() == $first_deadline->getAuthorTypeId()) {
                 $assign_to_episode = true;
             } else {
                 /* Otherwise, check if we are past the deadline for the
                  * previous deadline. */
                 $previous_author_type_id = DeadlineTable::getInstance()->getFirstAuthorTypeIdBySubredditWhereDeadlineIsGreaterThan($deadline_rules[$assignment->getAuthorTypeId()], $episode->getSubredditId());
                 $past_deadline_for_previous = strtotime($episode->getReleaseDate()) - $deadline_rules[$previous_author_type_id] <= time();
                 if ($past_deadline_for_previous) {
                     $assign_to_episode = true;
             if ($assign_to_episode) {
                 $newly_assigned_assignments[] = $assignment;
     // We send the emails for the current deadline we're checking.
     foreach ($passed_deadline_assignments as $assignment) {
         $this->sendEmailAboutPassedDeadline($assignment->getSfGuardUserId(), $assignment->getEpisodeId());
     foreach ($newly_assigned_assignments as $assignment) {
         $episode = $assignment->getEpisode();
         $release_date = strtotime($episode->getReleaseDate());
         $seconds = $deadline_rules[$assignment->getAuthorTypeId()];
         $deadline = $release_date - $seconds;
         $this->sendEmailAboutNewAssignment($assignment->getSfGuardUserId(), $episode->getIncremented(), $deadline);
コード例 #25
 public function reload($projets, $project_id, $project_ref, Doctrine_Connection $conn = null)
     if ($conn == null) {
         $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     //Création de la collection d'objet KalFunction à ajouter
     $collection = new Doctrine_Collection("KalFunction");
     $items = $projets->getElementsByTagName("ei_functions");
     if ($items->length > 0) {
         //ya t-il des éléments à traiter?
         $ei_functions = $items->item(0)->getElementsByTagName("ei_function");
         if ($ei_functions->length > 0) {
             foreach ($ei_functions as $ei_function) {
                 $function_id = $ei_function->getAttribute("function_id");
                 $function_ref = $ei_function->getAttribute("function_ref");
                 //recherche de la fonction  en base
                 if ($function_id != null && $function_ref != null) {
                     $q = Doctrine_Core::getTable('KalFunction')->findOneByFunctionIdAndFunctionRef($function_id, $function_ref);
                     if ($q && $q != null) {
                         //si l'element existe , on fait une mise à jour
                         //On supprime toutes les commandes associées à la fonction
                         Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiFunctionHasCommande')->deleteAssociatedCmd($q, $conn);
                     } else {
                         //l'élément n'existe pas encore, et dans ce cas on le crée
                         $new_ei_function = new KalFunction();
             if ($collection->getFirst()) {
             //Sauvegarde de la collection
             return 1;
         return null;
コード例 #26
  * Sauvegarde, pour tous les profils du projet passé en paramètres, 
  * les relations ei_profil_scenario afin que tous les profils soit associé à
  * à la version par défaut.
  * @param EiProjet $ei_project 
 public function saveProfilsForVersions(EiProjet $ei_project, $def_version, $conn)
     $profils = $ei_project->getProfils();
     $toSave = new Doctrine_Collection('EiProfilScenario');
     foreach ($profils as $profil) {
         $profil_scenario = new EiProfilScenario();
コード例 #27
ファイル: dmDoctrineTable.php プロジェクト: Regmaya/diem
  * Reorders a set of sortable objects based on a list of id/position
  * Beware that there is no check made on the positions passed
  * So incoherent positions will result in an incoherent list
  * @param array id/position pairs
  * @return Boolean true if the reordering took place, false if a database problem prevented it
 public function doSort(array $order)
     if (!$this->hasField('position')) {
         throw new dmException(sprintf('%s table has no position field', $this->getComponentName()));
     $records = $this->createQuery('q INDEXBY q.id')->whereIn('q.id', array_keys($order))->fetchRecords();
     $modifiedRecords = new Doctrine_Collection($this);
     foreach ($order as $id => $position) {
         if ($position != $records[$id]->get('position')) {
             $records[$id]->set('position', $position);
             $modifiedRecords[] = $records[$id];
     unset($records, $modifiedRecords);
コード例 #28
 public function advanceEpisodeAssignments()
     $subreddit_first_deadlines = array();
     $subreddit_deadline_rules = array();
     // We establish the pool of emails we'll be sending.
     // First to those who pass their deadline
     $passed_deadline_assignments = array();
     // And to the new episode assignments that are reassigned
     $newly_assigned_assignments = array();
     // Now we can start on the assignments that are misassigned
     $assignments = EpisodeAssignmentTable::getInstance()->getMisassignedEpisodes();
     $episodes = new Doctrine_Collection('Episode');
     $e = -1;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($assignments); $i++) {
         $passed_deadline_assignments[] = $assignments[$i];
         $episodes[++$e] = $assignments[$i]->getEpisode();
         // Clean up the Episode for any new user to use.
         $audio_file = $episodes[$e]->getAudioFile();
         $nice_filename = $episodes[$e]->getNiceFilename();
         $graphic_file = $episodes[$e]->getGraphicFile();
     /* Now we make sure that all assignments past deadline are marked as
      * such.  If the assignment is here, however, then it hasn't ever
      * actually BEEN assigned and isn't added to the list of emails to send
      * out. */
     $assignments = EpisodeAssignmentTable::getInstance()->getUnmarkedEpisodesThatMissedDeadlines();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($assignments); $i++) {
     /* Now all episodes are cleared and we need to see if they need to be
      * reassigned to an existing asignment. */
     /* Returns assignments closest to the front for each unassigned episode,
      * in order of closeness. */
     $assignments = EpisodeAssignmentTable::getInstance()->getEpisodesPossiblyNeedingAssignment();
     $subreddit_ids = EpisodeAssignmentTable::getInstance()->getSubrbedditsOfEpisodesPossiblyNeedingAssignment();
     $deadlines = DeadlineTable::getInstance()->getDeadlinesForGivenSubreddits($subreddit_ids);
     $subreddit_first_authortypes = array();
     $subreddit_deadline_rules = array();
     $begun = false;
     $prev_subreddit_id = null;
     foreach ($deadlines as $deadline) {
         $subreddit_id = $deadline['subreddit_id'];
         if ($prev_subreddit_id != $subreddit_id && $begun) {
             $begun = false;
             $prev_subreddit_id = $subreddit_id;
         if (!$begun) {
             $subreddit_deadline_rules[$subreddit_id] = array($deadline['author_type_id'] => $deadline['seconds']);
             $subreddit_first_authortypes[$subreddit_id] = $deadline['author_type_id'];
             $begun = true;
         } else {
             $author_type_id = $deadline['author_type_id'];
             $subreddit_deadline_rules[$subreddit_id][$author_type_id] = $deadline['seconds'];
     $episodes_affected = array();
     // Things used from assignment: episode_id, epsiode, author_type_id, id, sf_guard_user_id
     // Things used from episode: subreddit_id, surbeddit, release_date,
     // Things used from subreddit: getFirstDeadlineId(), getDeadlineRules()
     foreach ($assignments as $assignment) {
         if (!in_array($assignment['episode_id'], $episodes_affected)) {
             /* Ignore all subsequent assignments for an episode after the
              * first!  We should only be dealing with assignments that have
              * not missed their deadlines! */
             $episodes_affected[] = $assignment['episode_id'];
             $assign_to_episode = false;
             $subreddit_id = $assignment['subreddit_id'];
             $subreddit = SubredditTable::getInstance()->find($subreddit_id);
             /* If the *first* assignment is in the first spot, then assign
              * it. */
             $deadline_rules = $subreddit_deadline_rules[$subreddit_id];
             $author_type_id = $assignment['author_type_id'];
             if ($author_type_id == $subreddit_first_authortypes[$subreddit_id]) {
                 $assign_to_episode = true;
             } else {
                 /* Otherwise, check if we are past the deadline for the
                  * previous deadline. */
                 /*$previous_author_type_id = DeadlineTable::getInstance()
                 $inverse_deadline_rules = array_reverse($deadline_rules, true);
                 $previous_author_type_id = null;
                 foreach ($inverse_deadline_rules as $author_type => $seconds) {
                     if ($seconds > $deadline_rules[$author_type_id]) {
                         $previous_author_type_id = $author_type;
                 $past_deadline_for_previous = strtotime($assignment['release_date']) - $deadline_rules[$previous_author_type_id] <= time();
                 if ($past_deadline_for_previous) {
                     $assign_to_episode = true;
             if ($assign_to_episode) {
                 $saved_episode = EpisodeTable::getInstance()->find($assignment['episode_id']);
                 $newly_assigned_assignments[] = $assignment;
     // We send the emails for the current deadline we're checking.
     foreach ($passed_deadline_assignments as $assignment) {
         $this->sendEmailAboutPassedDeadline($assignment['sf_guard_user_id'], $assignment['episode_id']);
     foreach ($newly_assigned_assignments as $assignment) {
         $release_date = strtotime($assignment['release_date']);
         $author_type_id = $assignment['author_type_id'];
         $seconds = $deadline_rules[$author_type_id];
         $deadline = $release_date - $seconds;
         $this->sendEmailAboutNewAssignment($assignment['sf_guard_user_id'], $assignment['episode_id'], $deadline);
コード例 #29
ファイル: CollectionTestCase.php プロジェクト: swk/bluebox
 public function testLoadRelatedForNormalAssociation()
     $resource = new Doctrine_Collection('Resource');
     $resource[0]->name = 'resource 1';
     $resource[0]->Type[0]->type = 'type 1';
     $resource[0]->Type[1]->type = 'type 2';
     $resource[1]->name = 'resource 2';
     $resource[1]->Type[0]->type = 'type 3';
     $resource[1]->Type[1]->type = 'type 4';
     $resources = $this->connection->query('FROM Resource');
     $count = $this->connection->count();
     $this->assertEqual($count + 1, $this->connection->count());
     $this->assertEqual($resources[0]->name, 'resource 1');
     $this->assertEqual($resource[0]->Type[0]->type, 'type 1');
     $this->assertEqual($resource[0]->Type[1]->type, 'type 2');
     $this->assertEqual($count + 1, $this->connection->count());
     $this->assertEqual($resource[1]->name, 'resource 2');
     $this->assertEqual($resource[1]->Type[0]->type, 'type 3');
     $this->assertEqual($resource[1]->Type[1]->type, 'type 4');
     $this->assertEqual($count + 1, $this->connection->count());
コード例 #30
ファイル: Company.php プロジェクト: 7thZoneTechnology/hrms-1
 function reactivateAllAccounts()
     $user_collection = new Doctrine_Collection(Doctrine_Core::getTable("UserAccount"));
     $users = $this->getUsers();
     if ($users->count() > 0) {
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             if ($user->isUserInActive() && $user->getActivationKey() == md5($this->getCompanyID())) {
         // debugMessage($user_collection->toArray());
     if ($user_collection->count() > 0) {
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             debugMessage("An error occured in updating status. " . $e->getMessage());
     return true;