} else { $cbodyerr .= "error locating start up script .. feel free to open a issue at the quick box repo"; } if (file_exists('/usr/sbin/repquota')) { $dftotal = shell_exec("sudo /usr/sbin/repquota /|/bin/grep ^" . $username . "|/usr/bin/awk '{printf \$4/1024/1024}'"); $dffree = shell_exec("sudo /usr/sbin/repquota /|/bin/grep ^" . $username . "|/usr/bin/awk '{printf (\$4-\$3)/1024/1024}'"); $dfused = shell_exec("sudo /usr/sbin/repquota /|/bin/grep ^" . $username . "|/usr/bin/awk '{printf \$3/1024/1024}'"); $perused = sprintf('%1.0f', $dfused / $dftotal * 100); } else { $bytesfree = disk_free_space('/home' . $username); $class = min((int) log($bytesfree, $base), count($si_prefix) - 1); $bytestotal = disk_total_space($location); $class = min((int) log($bytesfree, $base), count($si_prefix) - 1); $bytesused = $bytestotal - $bytesfree; try { $diskStatus = new DiskStatus('/home' . $username); $freeSpace = $diskStatus->freeSpace(); $totalSpace = $diskStatus->totalSpace(); $barWidth = $diskStatus->usedSpace() / 500 * 500; } catch (Exception $e) { $spacebodyerr .= 'Error (' . $e - getMessage() . ')'; exit; } $dffree .= '' . sprintf('%1.2f', $bytesfree / pow($base, $class)); $dfused .= '' . sprintf('%1.2f', $bytesused / pow($base, $class)); $dftotal .= '' . sprintf('%1.2f', $bytestotal / pow($base, $class)); $perused = sprintf('%1.0f', $bytesused / $bytestotal * 100); } if (file_exists('/home/' . $username . '/.sessions/rtorrent.lock')) { $rtorrents = shell_exec("ls /home/" . $username . "/.sessions/*.torrent|wc -l"); }
$si_prefix = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'); $torrents = shell_exec("ls /home/" . $username . "/.sessions/*.torrent|wc -l"); $php_self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $web_path = substr($php_self, 0, strrpos($php_self, '/') + 1); $time = microtime(); $time = explode(" ", $time); $time = $time[1] + $time[0]; $start = $time; if (file_exists('/usr/sbin/repquota')) { $dftotal = shell_exec("sudo /usr/sbin/repquota /|/bin/grep ^" . $username . "|/usr/bin/awk '{printf \$4/1024/1024}'"); $dffree = shell_exec("sudo /usr/sbin/repquota /|/bin/grep ^" . $username . "|/usr/bin/awk '{printf (\$4-\$3)/1024/1024}'"); $dfused = shell_exec("sudo /usr/sbin/repquota /|/bin/grep ^" . $username . "|/usr/bin/awk '{printf \$3/1024/1024}'"); $perused = sprintf('%1.0f', $dfused / $dftotal * 100); } else { try { $diskStatus = new DiskStatus('/home/' . $username); $freeSpace = $diskStatus->freeSpace(); $totalSpace = $diskStatus->totalSpace(); $usedSpace = $diskStatus->totalSpace() - $diskStatus->freeSpace(); } catch (Exception $e) { $spacebodyerr .= 'Error (' . $e - getMessage() . ')'; exit; } $dffree = $diskStatus->addUnits($freeSpace); //.'<b>'.$si_prefix[$class].'</b> Free<br/>' $dfused = $diskStatus->addUnits($usedSpace); //.'<b>'.$si_prefix[$class].'</b> Used<br/>' $dftotal = $diskStatus->addUnits($totalSpace); //.'<b>'.$si_prefix[$class].'</b> Total<br/>' $perused = sprintf('%1.0f', $usedSpace * 100 / $totalSpace); }