コード例 #1
  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
 public function actionCreate()
     $model = new Disk();
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (isset($_POST['Disk'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Disk'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id));
     $this->render('create', array('model' => $model));
コード例 #2
 public function actionNomenclature()
     ini_set('memory_limit', '650M');
     $tyresForm = new ImportForm();
     $result = array();
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (isset($_POST['ImportForm'])) {
         $tyresForm->attributes = $_POST['ImportForm'];
         if ($tyresForm->validate()) {
             # Вот тут начинается импорт
             $uploaded = Yii::app()->file->set('ImportForm[file]');
             Yii::app()->file->set(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.files.' . $this->id . '.' . $this->action->id))->createDir();
             $newfile = $uploaded->copy(strtolower(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.files.' . $this->id . '.' . $this->action->id)) . '/' . $uploaded->basename);
             $newfile->filename = $newfile->filename . '.' . date('YmdHis');
             $data = new EPhpExcelReader($newfile->realpath, false);
             $sheet = 1;
             $rowcount = $data->rowcount($sheet);
             #$colcount = $data->colcount();
             #$rowcount = 10;
             $r = 2;
             while ($r <= $rowcount) {
                 $cai = $data->val($r, 1);
                 if (empty($cai)) {
                 $producer_alias = EString::strtolower(EString::sanitize($data->val($r, 2)));
                 if (!($producer = DiskProducers::model()->find('alias=:alias', array(':alias' => $producer_alias)))) {
                     $producer = new DiskProducers();
                     @($result['new_producers'] += 1);
                 } else {
                     @($result['old_producers'] += 1);
                 $producer->title = $data->val($r, 2);
                 $producer->alias = $producer_alias;
                 if (!$producer->save()) {
                     $result['errors']['producer:' . $data->val($r, 1)] = $producer->errors;
                 $disk_alias = EString::strtolower(EString::sanitize($data->val($r, 3)));
                 if (!($disk = Disk::model()->find('alias=:alias', array(':alias' => $disk_alias)))) {
                     $disk = new Disk();
                     @($result['new_disks'] += 1);
                 } else {
                     @($result['old_disks'] += 1);
                 $disk->producer_id = $producer->id;
                 $disk->title = $data->val($r, 3);
                 $disk->alias = $disk_alias;
                 $disk->color = 1;
                 $disk->construction_type = L::r_item('diskConstructionType', 'alloy');
                 if ($data->val($r, 5)) {
                     $disk->construction_type = L::r_item('diskConstructionType', 'forged');
                 if($data->val($r, 4) && $data->val($r,5))
                 	$disk->construction_type = L::r_item('diskConstructionType', 'scratched');
                 if(!($data->val($r, 4)) && !($data->val($r,5)) ))
                 	$disk->construction_type = L::r_item('diskConstructionType', 'stamped');
                 // загрузка картинок...
                 $alias = EString::sanitize($producer_alias . '_' . $disk_alias);
                 $path0 = Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.files.' . EString::strtolower('Disk') . '.' . 'photo') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
                 $f = false;
                 $tmp_image = str_replace('.jpg', '.png', $data->val($r, 12));
                 if (!empty($tmp_image) && empty($disk->photo)) {
                     foreach (Disk::model()->images['photo']['sizes'] as $key => $size) {
                         $pic = null;
                         // папка в которой будет хранится картинка
                         $path = $path0 . $key . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
                         // создаю папку если ее не было
                         $pic = @file_get_contents('http://www.4tochki.ru' . $tmp_image);
                         $info = pathinfo($tmp_image);
                         #$row['pic_file'] - 117*(65-88) (лента слева)
                         if (empty($pic)) {
                         $fullpath = $path . $alias . '.jpg';
                         file_put_contents($fullpath, $pic);
                         $pic = Yii::app()->image->load($fullpath);
                         $pic->thumb(isset($size[0]) ? $size[0] : 0, isset($size[1]) ? $size[1] : 0, true, '#FFFFFF');
                         if ($key == 'big') {
                             $pic->watermark(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . Yii::app()->params['watermark'], 5);
                         $f = true;
                     if ($f) {
                         if (!($image = Image::model()->find('filename=:alias', array(':alias' => '/files/disk/photo/::size::/' . $alias . '.jpg')))) {
                             $image = new Image();
                         $image->created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($row['add_date']));
                         $image->filename = '/files/disk/photo/::size::/' . $alias . '.jpg';
                         $image->title = $producer->title . ' ' . $disk->title;
                         $image->alt = $producer->title . ' ' . $disk->title;
                         $disk->photo = '/files/disk/photo/::size::/' . $alias . '.jpg';
                     } else {
                         $disk->photo = null;
                 if (!$disk->save()) {
                     $result['errors']['disk:' . $data->val($r, 1)] = $disk->errors;
                 if (!($size = DiskSizes::model()->find('code=:code', array(':code' => $cai)))) {
                     $size = new DiskSizes();
                     $size->alias = uniqid();
                     @($result['new_size'] += 1);
                 } else {
                     @($result['old_size'] += 1);
                 $size->disk_id = $disk->id;
                 $size->code = $cai;
                  * 1. cae	
                  * 2. producer.name
                  * 3. model.name
                  * 4. lit
                  * 5. kov
                  * 6. sh
                  * 7. d	
                  * 8. pcd
                  * 9. pcd2
                  * 10.vil
                  * 11.dia
                 $width_fl_point = preg_replace("/,/", ".", $data->val($r, 6));
                 $width_c = floatval(preg_replace("/^[^0-9\\.]/", "", $width_fl_point));
                 $size->width = $width_c;
                 $size->diameter = $data->val($r, 7);
                 $ET_fl_point = preg_replace("/,/", ".", $data->val($r, 10));
                 $ET_c = floatval(preg_replace("/^[^0-9\\.\\-]/", "", $ET_fl_point));
                 $size->ET = floatval($ET_c);
                 list($size->PCD_screws, $PCD_diameter_fl_point) = preg_split('/[^\\d,\\.]+/i', $data->val($r, 8));
                 $PCD_diameter_fl_point = preg_replace("/,/", ".", $PCD_diameter_fl_point);
                 $PCD_diameter_c = floatval(preg_replace("/^[^0-9\\.]/", "", $PCD_diameter_fl_point));
                 $size->PCD_diameter = $PCD_diameter_c;
                 $DIA_fl_point = preg_replace("/,/", ".", $data->val($r, 11));
                 $DIA_c = floatval(preg_replace("/^[^0-9\\.]/", "", $DIA_fl_point));
                 $size->DIA = $DIA_c;
                 $size->price = 0;
                 $size->rest = 0;
                 $size->alias = $size->id . '-' . $size->width . '-' . $size->diameter . '-' . $size->PCD_screws . '-' . $size->PCD_diameter . '-ET' . $size->ET . '-' . $size->DIA;
                 if (!$size->save()) {
                     $result['errors']['size:' . $data->val($r, 1)] = $size->errors;
     $this->render('nomenclature', array('model' => $tyresForm, 'results' => $result));