public function showApproveDialog($id) { $ajax = new Disjax(); $options = new stdClass(); $options->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_DIALOG_MODERATE_TITLE'); $options->content = ' <p>' . JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_DIALOG_MODERATE_CONTENT') . '</p> <form id="moderate-form" name="moderate" method="post"> <span class="float-r" id="dialog_loading"></span> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_easydiscuss" /> <input type="hidden" name="controller" value="points" /> <input type="hidden" name="cid[]" value="' . $id . '" /> <input type="hidden" id="moderate-task" name="task" value="" /> </form> '; $buttons = array(); $button = new stdClass(); $button->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_REJECT_BUTTON'); $button->action = ';'; $buttons[] = $button; $button = new stdClass(); $button->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_APPROVE_BUTTON'); $button->action = ';'; $button->className = 'btn-primary'; $buttons[] = $button; $ajax->dialog($options); $ajax->send(); }
/** * Remove a location from a post. * * @since 3.0 * @access public */ public function removeLocation($id) { $ajax = new Disjax(); $post = DiscussHelper::getTable('Post'); $state = $post->load($id); $my = JFactory::getUser(); if (!$id || !$state) { echo JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_INVALID_ID'); return $ajax->send(); } if ($post->user_id != $my->id && !DiscussHelper::isModerator($post->category_id)) { echo JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_REMOVE_LOCATION_FOR_POST'); return $ajax->send(); } // Update the address, latitude and longitude of the post. $post->address = ''; $post->latitude = ''; $post->longitude = ''; $post->store(); $content = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_LOCATION_IS_REMOVED'); $options = new stdClass(); $options->content = $content; $options->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_DELETE_LOCATION_TITLE'); $buttons = array(); $button = new stdClass(); $button->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_BUTTON_CLOSE'); $button->action = 'disjax.closedlg();'; $buttons[] = $button; $options->buttons = $buttons; $ajax->script('discuss.location.removeHTML("' . $id . '");'); $ajax->dialog($options); return $ajax->send(); }
/** * Displays a list of voters on the site. * * @since 3.0 */ public function showVoters($id) { // Allow users to see who voted on the discussion $ajax = new Disjax(); $config = DiscussHelper::getConfig(); $my = JFactory::getUser(); // If main_allowguestview_whovoted is lock if (!$config->get('main_allowguestview_whovoted') && !$my->id) { $ajax->reject(JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE')); return $ajax->send(); } $voteModel = DiscussHelper::getModel('Votes'); $voters = $voteModel->getVoters($id); $guests = 0; $users = array(); if ($voters) { foreach ($voters as $voter) { if (!$voter->user_id) { $guests += 1; } else { $profile = DiscussHelper::getTable('Profile'); $users[] = $profile->load($voter->user_id); } } } $options = new stdClass(); $options->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_VIEWING_VOTERS_TITLE'); $theme = new DiscussThemes(); $theme->set('users', $users); $theme->set('guests', $guests); $content = $theme->fetch('voters.php', array('dialog' => true)); $options->content = $content; $buttons = array(); $button = new stdClass(); $button->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_BUTTON_CLOSE'); $button->action = 'disjax.closedlg();'; $buttons[] = $button; $options->buttons = $buttons; $ajax->dialog($options); return $ajax->send(); }
public function getTemplate($name = null, $vars = array()) { $theme = new DiscussThemes(); if (!empty($vars)) { foreach ($vars as $key => $value) { $theme->set($key, $value); } } $ajax = new Disjax(); $option = new stdClass(); $option->content = $theme->fetch($name, array('dialog' => true)); $ajax->dialog($option); $ajax->send(); }
/** * Merges the current discussion into an existing discussion * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function mergeForm($id) { $ajax = new Disjax(); $model = DiscussHelper::getModel('Posts'); $posts = $model->getDiscussions(array('limit' => DISCUSS_NO_LIMIT, 'exclude' => array($id))); $theme = new DiscussThemes(); $theme->set('posts', $posts); $theme->set('current', $id); $content = $theme->fetch('', array('dialog' => true)); $options = new stdClass(); $options->content = $content; $options->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_MERGE_POST_TITLE'); $buttons = array(); $button = new stdClass(); $button->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_BUTTON_CLOSE'); $button->action = 'disjax.closedlg();'; $buttons[] = $button; $button = new stdClass(); $button->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_BUTTON_MERGE'); $button->form = '#frmMergePost'; $button->className = 'btn-primary'; $buttons[] = $button; $options->buttons = $buttons; $ajax->dialog($options); $ajax->send(); }
/** * Retrieve a list of voters from the site in a dialog. * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @param int The unique id for the poll answer. * @return */ public function getVoters($pollId) { $ajax = new Disjax(); $poll = DiscussHelper::getTable('Poll'); $poll->load($pollId); $voters = $poll->getVoters(); $template = new DiscussThemes(); $template->set('voters', $voters); $option = new stdClass(); $option->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_USERS_WHO_VOTED_THIS_POLL'); $option->content = $template->fetch('ajax.poll.voters.php', array('dialog' => true)); $buttons = array(); $button = new stdClass(); $button->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_OK'); $button->action = 'disjax.closedlg();'; $button->className = 'btn-primary'; $buttons[] = $button; $option->buttons = $buttons; $ajax->dialog($option); $ajax->send(); }
/** * Displays the conversation dialog * * @since 3.0 * @access public */ public function write($userId) { $my = JFactory::getUser(); // Do not allow guests to access here. if (!$my->id || !$userId) { exit; } $ajax = new Disjax(); $theme = new DiscussThemes(); $recipient = DiscussHelper::getTable('Profile'); $recipient->load($userId); $theme->set('recipient', $recipient); $content = $theme->fetch('ajax.conversation.write.php', array('dialog' => true)); $options = new stdClass(); $options->content = $content; $options->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_DIALOG_TITLE_NEW_CONVERSATION'); $buttons = array(); $button = new stdClass(); $button->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_BUTTON_CANCEL'); $button->action = 'disjax.closedlg();'; $buttons[] = $button; $button = new stdClass(); $button->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_BUTTON_SEND'); $button->action = 'discuss.conversation.send();'; $button->className = 'btn-primary'; $buttons[] = $button; $options->buttons = $buttons; $options->width = 650; $ajax->dialog($options); return $ajax->send(); }
/** * Shows the terms and condition dialog window. * * @since 3.0 * @access public */ public function tnc() { $config = DiscussHelper::getConfig(); $disjax = new Disjax(); $themes = new DiscussThemes(); $content = $themes->fetch('ajax.terms.php', array('dialog' => true)); $options = new stdClass(); $options->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS'); $options->content = $content; $buttons = array(); $button = new stdClass(); $button->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_OK'); $button->action = 'disjax.closedlg();'; $button->className = 'btn-primary'; $buttons[] = $button; $options->buttons = $buttons; $disjax->dialog($options); $disjax->send(); return; }
public function customMessage($id) { $ajax = new Disjax(); $theme = new DiscussThemes(); $badgeUser = DiscussHelper::getTable('BadgesUsers'); $badgeUser->load($id); ob_start(); ?> <p><?php echo JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_BADGE_CUSTOM_MESSAGE_DESC'); ?> </p> <textarea id="customMessage" style="width:98%;height: 100px;" class="mt-20"><?php echo $badgeUser->custom; ?> </textarea> <?php $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $options = new stdClass(); $options->content = $content; $options->title = JText::_('Custom Message'); $buttons = array(); $button = new stdClass(); $button->title = JText::_('Close'); $button->action = 'disjax.closedlg();'; $buttons[] = $button; $button = new stdClass(); $button->title = JText::_('Submit'); $button->action = 'saveMessage("' . $id . '" );'; $button->className = 'btn-primary'; $buttons[] = $button; $options->buttons = $buttons; $ajax->dialog($options); $ajax->send(); }
public function delete($id) { $ajax = new Disjax(); $user = JFactory::getUser(); // @rule: Do not allow empty id or guests to delete files. if (empty($id) || empty($user->id)) { return false; } $attachment = DiscussHelper::getTable('Attachments'); $attachment->load($id); // Ensure that only post owner or admin can delete it. if (!$attachment->deleteable()) { return false; } // Ensure that only post owner or admin can delete it. if (!$attachment->delete()) { return false; } $theme = new DiscussThemes(); $content = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_ATTACHMENT_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'); $options = new stdClass(); $options->content = $content; $options->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_ATTACHMENT_DELETE_CONFIRMATION_TITLE'); $buttons = array(); $button = new stdClass(); $button->title = JText::_('COM_EASYDISCUSS_BUTTON_CLOSE'); $button->action = 'disjax.closedlg();'; $buttons[] = $button; $options->buttons = $buttons; $ajax->script('EasyDiscuss.$("#attachment-' . $attachment->id . '" ).trigger("itemRemoved").remove();'); $ajax->dialog($options); $ajax->send(); }