コード例 #1
 public function testRenderTemplatePlaceholder()
     // Create page object
     $page = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1');
     $templateTitle = 'template1';
     $templatePlaceHolder = '{{' . $templateTitle . '}}';
     // Assert: render page
     $this->assertContains($templatePlaceHolder, $page->Content());
     // Create template
     $template = $this->objFromFixture('ViewTemplate', $templateTitle);
     $templatePlaceHolder = '{{' . $template->Title . '}}';
     // Page disable template view
     $page->EnableViewTemplate = false;
     // Assert: render page without view template
     $this->assertContains($templatePlaceHolder, $page->Content());
     // Page enable template view
     $page->EnableViewTemplate = true;
     // Assert: render page with view template
     $this->assertNotContains($templatePlaceHolder, $page->Content());
     // Login admin
     // Assert: Publish page
     $published = $page->doPublish();
     // Assert: page visible to public with render view template
     $response = Director::test(Director::makeRelative($page->Link()));
     $this->assertNotContains($templatePlaceHolder, $response->getBody());
     $this->assertContains($template->ViewTemplate, $response->getBody());
  * Process all incoming requests passed to this controller, checking
  * that the file exists and passing the file through if possible.
 public function handleRequest(SS_HTTPRequest $request, DataModel $model)
     // Copied from Controller::handleRequest()
     $this->urlParams = $request->allParams();
     $this->request = $request;
     $this->response = new SS_HTTPResponse();
     $url = array_key_exists('url', $_GET) ? $_GET['url'] : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     // remove any relative base URL and prefixed slash that get appended to the file path
     // e.g. /mysite/assets/test.txt should become assets/test.txt to match the Filename field on File record
     $url = Director::makeRelative(ltrim(str_replace(BASE_URL, '', $url), '/'));
     $file = File::find($url);
     if ($this->canDownloadFile($file)) {
         // If we're trying to access a resampled image.
         if (preg_match('/_resampled\\/[^-]+-/', $url)) {
             // File::find() will always return the original image, but we still want to serve the resampled version.
             $file = new Image();
             $file->Filename = $url;
         $this->extend('onBeforeSendFile', $file);
         return $this->sendFile($file);
     } else {
         if ($file instanceof File) {
             // Permission failure
             Security::permissionFailure($this, 'You are not authorised to access this resource. Please log in.');
         } else {
             // File doesn't exist
             $this->response = new SS_HTTPResponse('File Not Found', 404);
     return $this->response;
コード例 #3
 public function format($event)
     $errno = $event['message']['errno'];
     $errstr = $event['message']['errstr'];
     $errfile = $event['message']['errfile'];
     $errline = $event['message']['errline'];
     $errcontext = $event['message']['errcontext'];
     switch ($event['priorityName']) {
         case 'ERR':
             $errtype = 'Error';
         case 'WARN':
             $errtype = 'Warning';
         case 'NOTICE':
             $errtype = 'Notice';
     $urlSuffix = '';
     $relfile = Director::makeRelative($errfile);
     if ($relfile[0] == '/') {
         $relfile = substr($relfile, 1);
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] && isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
         $urlSuffix = " (http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']})";
     return '[' . date('d-M-Y h:i:s') . "] {$errtype} at {$relfile} line {$errline}: {$errstr}{$urlSuffix}" . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #4
  * Gets a thumbnail for this file given a size. If it's an Image,
  * it will render the actual file. If not, it will provide an icon based
  * on the extension.
  * @param  int $w The width of the image
  * @param  int $h The height of the image
  * @return Image_Cached
 public function getPreviewThumbnail($w = null, $h = null)
     if (!$w) {
         $w = $this->owner->config()->grid_thumbnail_width;
     if (!$h) {
         $h = $this->owner->config()->grid_thumbnail_height;
     if ($this->IsImage()) {
         return $this->owner->CroppedImage($w, $h);
     $sizes = Config::inst()->forClass('FileAttachmentField')->icon_sizes;
     foreach ($sizes as $size) {
         if ($w <= $size) {
             if ($this->owner instanceof Folder) {
                 $file = $this->getFilenameForType('_folder', $size);
             } else {
                 $file = $this->getFilenameForType($this->owner->getExtension(), $size);
             if (!file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/' . $file)) {
                 $file = $this->getFilenameForType('_blank', $size);
             return new Image_Cached(Director::makeRelative($file));
コード例 #5
  * Rebuilds the static cache for the pages passed through via $urls
  * @param array $urls The URLs of pages to re-fetch and cache.
 function rebuildCache($urls, $removeAll = true)
     if (!is_array($urls)) {
     // $urls must be an array
     if (!Director::is_cli()) {
         echo "<pre>\n";
     echo "Rebuilding cache.\nNOTE: Please ensure that this page ends with 'Done!' - if not, then something may have gone wrong.\n\n";
     $page = singleton('Page');
     foreach ($urls as $i => $url) {
         $url = Director::makeRelative($url);
         if (substr($url, -1) == '/') {
             $url = substr($url, 0, -1);
         $urls[$i] = $url;
     $urls = array_unique($urls);
     if ($removeAll && file_exists("../cache")) {
         echo "Removing old cache... \n";
         Filesystem::removeFolder("../cache", true);
         echo "done.\n\n";
     echo "Republishing " . sizeof($urls) . " urls...\n\n";
     echo "\n\n== Done! ==";
コード例 #6
ファイル: ErrorPage.php プロジェクト: Raiser/Praktikum
  * When an error page is published, create a static HTML page with its
  * content, so the page can be shown even when SilverStripe is not
  * functioning correctly before publishing this page normally.
  * @param string|int $fromStage Place to copy from. Can be either a stage name or a version number.
  * @param string $toStage Place to copy to. Must be a stage name.
  * @param boolean $createNewVersion Set this to true to create a new version number.  By default, the existing version number will be copied over.
 function doPublish()
     // Run the page (reset the theme, it might've been disabled by LeftAndMain::init())
     $oldTheme = SSViewer::current_theme();
     $response = Director::test(Director::makeRelative($this->Link()));
     $errorContent = $response->getBody();
     // Make the base tag dynamic.
     // $errorContent = preg_replace('/<base[^>]+href="' . str_replace('/','\\/', Director::absoluteBaseURL()) . '"[^>]*>/i', '<base href="$BaseURL" />', $errorContent);
     // Check we have an assets base directory, creating if it we don't
     if (!file_exists(ASSETS_PATH)) {
         mkdir(ASSETS_PATH, 02775);
     // if the page is published in a language other than default language,
     // write a specific language version of the HTML page
     $filePath = self::get_filepath_for_errorcode($this->ErrorCode, $this->Locale);
     if ($fh = fopen($filePath, "w")) {
         fwrite($fh, $errorContent);
     } else {
         $fileErrorText = sprintf(_t("ErrorPage.ERRORFILEPROBLEM", "Error opening file \"%s\" for writing. Please check file permissions."), $errorFile);
         FormResponse::status_message($fileErrorText, 'bad');
コード例 #7
  * Write the log message to the file path set
  * in this writer.
 public function _write($event)
     //Ignore Exceptions New Relic Catches these on it's own
     if (preg_match('/Uncaught ([A-Za-z]*)Exception: /', trim($errstr)) == true) {
     $errno = $event['message']['errno'];
     $errstr = $event['message']['errstr'];
     $errfile = $event['message']['errfile'];
     $errline = $event['message']['errline'];
     $errcontext = $event['message']['errcontext'];
     switch ($event['priorityName']) {
         case 'ERR':
             $errtype = 'Error';
         case 'WARN':
             $errtype = 'Warning';
         case 'NOTICE':
             $errtype = 'Notice';
             $errtype = $event['priorityName'];
     $relfile = Director::makeRelative($errfile);
     if ($relfile && $relfile[0] == '/') {
         $relfile = substr($relfile, 1);
     //If it's not an exception notice the error
     newrelic_notice_error($errno, "[{$errtype}] {$errstr} in {$relfile} line {$errline}", $errfile, $errline, $errcontext);
コード例 #8
 function testCanViewProductGroupPage()
     $g1 = $this->objFromFixture('ProductGroup', 'g1');
     $g2 = $this->objFromFixture('ProductGroup', 'g2');
コード例 #9
  * @param array $event
 public function _write($event)
     $debugbar = DebugBar::getDebugBar();
     if (!$debugbar) {
     /* @var $messagesCollector DebugBar\DataCollector\MessagesCollector */
     $messagesCollector = $debugbar['messages'];
     if (!$messagesCollector) {
     $level = $event['priorityName'];
     // Gather info
     if (isset($event['message']['errstr'])) {
         $str = $event['message']['errstr'];
         $file = $event['message']['errfile'];
         $line = $event['message']['errline'];
     } else {
         $str = $event['message']['function'];
         $file = $event['message']['file'];
         $line = isset($event['message']['line']) ? $event['message']['line'] : 0;
     $relfile = Director::makeRelative($file);
     // Save message
     $message = "{$level} - {$str} ({$relfile}:{$line})";
     // Escape \ for proper js display
     $message = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $message);
     $messagesCollector->addMessage($message, false);
  * Create an {@link ErrorPage} for status code 503
  * @see UnderConstruction_Extension::onBeforeInit()
  * @see DataObjectDecorator::requireDefaultRecords()
  * @return Void
 function requireDefaultRecords()
     // Ensure that an assets path exists before we do any error page creation
     if (!file_exists(ASSETS_PATH)) {
     $pageUnderConstructionErrorPage = DataObject::get_one('ErrorPage', "\"ErrorCode\" = '503'");
     $pageUnderConstructionErrorPageExists = $pageUnderConstructionErrorPage && $pageUnderConstructionErrorPage->exists() ? true : false;
     $pageUnderConstructionErrorPagePath = ErrorPage::get_filepath_for_errorcode(503);
     if (!($pageUnderConstructionErrorPageExists && file_exists($pageUnderConstructionErrorPagePath))) {
         if (!$pageUnderConstructionErrorPageExists) {
             $pageUnderConstructionErrorPage = new ErrorPage();
             $pageUnderConstructionErrorPage->ErrorCode = 503;
             $pageUnderConstructionErrorPage->Title = _t('UnderConstruction.TITLE', 'Under Construction');
             $pageUnderConstructionErrorPage->Content = _t('UnderConstruction.CONTENT', '<p>Sorry, this site is currently under construction.</p>');
             $pageUnderConstructionErrorPage->Status = 'New page';
             $pageUnderConstructionErrorPage->publish('Stage', 'Live');
         // Ensure a static error page is created from latest error page content
         $response = Director::test(Director::makeRelative($pageUnderConstructionErrorPage->Link()));
         if ($fh = fopen($pageUnderConstructionErrorPagePath, 'w')) {
             $written = fwrite($fh, $response->getBody());
         if ($written) {
             DB::alteration_message('503 error page created', 'created');
         } else {
             DB::alteration_message(sprintf('503 error page could not be created at %s. Please check permissions', $pageUnderConstructionErrorPagePath), 'error');
コード例 #11
 public static function getSmileyDir()
     $smileyDir = Director::makeRelative(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../images/smileys/"));
     $smileyDir = str_replace("\\", "/", $smileyDir);
     $smileyDir = Director::baseURL() . $smileyDir;
     return $smileyDir;
コード例 #12
  * @param array $properties
  * @return string - HTML
 public function FieldHolder($properties = array())
     $moduleDir = substr(Director::makeRelative(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))), 1);
     Requirements::css($moduleDir . '/css/WidgetAreaEditor.css');
     Requirements::javascript($moduleDir . '/javascript/WidgetAreaEditor.js');
     return $this->renderWith("WidgetAreaEditor");
コード例 #13
ファイル: Folder.php プロジェクト: prostart/cobblestonepath
  * Find the given folder or create it both as {@link Folder} database records
  * and on the filesystem. If necessary, creates parent folders as well.
  * @param $folderPath string Absolute or relative path to the file.
  *  If path is relative, its interpreted relative to the "assets/" directory.
  * @return Folder
 public static function find_or_make($folderPath)
     // Create assets directory, if it is missing
     if (!file_exists(ASSETS_PATH)) {
     $folderPath = trim(Director::makeRelative($folderPath));
     // replace leading and trailing slashes
     $folderPath = preg_replace('/^\\/?(.*)\\/?$/', '$1', $folderPath);
     $parts = explode("/", $folderPath);
     $parentID = 0;
     $item = null;
     foreach ($parts as $part) {
         if (!$part) {
         // happens for paths with a trailing slash
         $item = DataObject::get_one("Folder", sprintf("\"Name\" = '%s' AND \"ParentID\" = %d", Convert::raw2sql($part), (int) $parentID));
         if (!$item) {
             $item = new Folder();
             $item->ParentID = $parentID;
             $item->Name = $part;
             $item->Title = $part;
         if (!file_exists($item->getFullPath())) {
         $parentID = $item->ID;
     return $item;
  * @param   $key The nav key, e.g. "doc", "userhelp"
  * @return HTMLText
 public static function GlobalNav($key)
     $baseURL = GlobalNavSiteTreeExtension::get_toolbar_baseurl();
     Requirements::css(Controller::join_links($baseURL, Config::inst()->get('GlobalNav', 'css_path')));
     // If this method haven't been called before, get the toolbar and cache it
     if (self::$global_nav_html === null) {
         // Set the default to empty
         self::$global_nav_html = '';
         // Prevent recursion from happening
         if (empty($_GET['globaltoolbar'])) {
             $host = GlobalNavSiteTreeExtension::get_toolbar_hostname();
             $path = Director::makeRelative(GlobalNavSiteTreeExtension::get_navbar_filename($key));
             if (Config::inst()->get('GlobalNav', 'use_localhost')) {
                 self::$global_nav_html = file_get_contents(BASE_PATH . $path);
             } else {
                 $url = Controller::join_links($baseURL, $path, '?globaltoolbar=true');
                 $connectionTimeout = Config::inst()->get('GlobalNavTemplateProvider', 'connection_timeout');
                 $transferTimeout = Config::inst()->get('GlobalNavTemplateProvider', 'transfer_timeout');
                 // Get the HTML and cache it
                 self::$global_nav_html = self::curl_call($url, $connectionTimeout, $transferTimeout);
     $html = DBField::create_field('HTMLText', self::$global_nav_html);
     $html->setOptions(array('shortcodes' => false));
     return $html;
コード例 #15
	 * Browse all enabled test cases in the environment
	function browse() {
		self::$default_reporter->writeInfo('Available Tests', false);
		if(Director::is_cli()) {
			$tests = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('SapphireTest');
			$relativeLink = Director::makeRelative($this->Link());
			echo "sake {$relativeLink}all: Run all " . count($tests) . " tests\n";
			echo "sake {$relativeLink}coverage: Runs all tests and make test coverage report\n";
			foreach ($tests as $test) {
				echo "sake {$relativeLink}$test: Run $test\n";
		} else {
			echo '<div class="trace">';
			$tests = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('SapphireTest');
			echo "<h3><a href=\"" . $this->Link() . "all\">Run all " . count($tests) . " tests</a></h3>";
			echo "<h3><a href=\"" . $this->Link() . "coverage\">Runs all tests and make test coverage report</a></h3>";
			echo "<hr />";
			foreach ($tests as $test) {
				echo "<h3><a href=\"" . $this->Link() . "$test\">Run $test</a></h3>";
			echo '</div>';
  * Verifies that the language/locale is required on the url
 public function testMultilingualRequired()
     $page = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1');
     $response = $this->get($page->URLSegment);
     $this->assertEquals(404, $response->getStatusCode());
     $response = $this->get(Director::makeRelative($page->Link()));
     $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
コード例 #17
  *	Retrieve the appropriate link mapping for a URL.
  *	@parameter <{URL}> string
  *	@parameter <{HOSTNAME}> string
  *	@return link mapping
 public function getMapping($URL, $host = null)
     $URL = self::is_external_URL($URL) ? parse_url($URL, PHP_URL_PATH) : Director::makeRelative($URL);
     $parts = explode('?', self::unify_URL($URL));
     // Instantiate the link mapping query.
     $matches = LinkMapping::get();
     // Enforce any hostname restriction that may have been defined.
     if (is_null($host) && ($controller = Controller::curr())) {
         $host = $controller->getRequest()->getHeader('Host');
     $temporary = $host;
     $host = Convert::raw2sql($host);
     $matches = $matches->where("(HostnameRestriction IS NULL) OR (HostnameRestriction = '{$host}')");
     $regex = clone $matches;
     // Determine the simple matching from the database.
     $base = Convert::raw2sql($parts[0]);
     $matches = $matches->where("(LinkType = 'Simple') AND (((IncludesHostname = 0) AND ((MappedLink = '{$base}') OR (MappedLink LIKE '{$base}?%'))) OR ((IncludesHostname = 1) AND ((MappedLink = '{$host}/{$base}') OR (MappedLink LIKE '{$host}/{$base}?%'))))");
     $host = $temporary;
     $base = $parts[0];
     // Determine the remaining regular expression matching, as this is inconsistent from the database.
     $regex = $regex->filter('LinkType', 'Regular Expression');
     $filtered = ArrayList::create();
     foreach ($regex as $match) {
         if (!$match->IncludesHostname && preg_match("%{$match->MappedLink}%", $base) || $match->IncludesHostname && preg_match("%{$match->MappedLink}%", "{$host}/{$base}")) {
     $matches = $filtered;
     // Make sure the link mappings are ordered by priority and specificity.
     $matches = $matches->sort(array('Priority' => 'DESC', 'LinkType' => 'DESC', 'MappedLink' => 'DESC', 'ID' => Config::inst()->get('LinkMapping', 'priority')));
     // Determine which link mapping should be returned, based on the sort order.
     $queryParameters = array();
     if (isset($parts[1])) {
         parse_str($parts[1], $queryParameters);
     foreach ($matches as $match) {
         // Make sure the link mapping is live on the current stage.
         if ($match->isLive() !== 'false') {
             // Ignore GET parameter matching for regular expressions, considering the special characters.
             $matchParts = explode('?', $match->MappedLink);
             if ($match->LinkType === 'Simple' && isset($matchParts[1])) {
                 // Make sure the GET parameters match in any order.
                 $matchParameters = array();
                 parse_str($matchParts[1], $matchParameters);
                 if ($matchParameters == $queryParameters) {
                     return $match;
             } else {
                 // Return the first link mapping when GET parameters aren't present.
                 $match->setMatchedURL($match->IncludesHostname ? "{$host}/{$base}" : $base);
                 return $match;
     // No mapping has been found.
     return null;
コード例 #18
 public function format($event)
     switch ($event['priorityName']) {
         case 'ERR':
             $errorType = 'Error';
             $colour = 'red';
         case 'WARN':
             $errorType = 'Warning';
             $colour = 'orange';
         case 'NOTICE':
             $errorType = 'Notice';
             $colour = 'grey';
             $errorType = $event['priorityName'];
             $colour = 'grey';
     if (!is_array($event['message'])) {
         return false;
     $errno = $event['message']['errno'];
     $errstr = $event['message']['errstr'];
     $errfile = $event['message']['errfile'];
     $errline = $event['message']['errline'];
     $errcontext = $event['message']['errcontext'];
     $data = '';
     $data .= '<style type="text/css">html, body, table {font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12px;}</style>';
     $data .= "<div style=\"border: 5px {$colour} solid;\">\n";
     $data .= "<p style=\"color: white; background-color: {$colour}; margin: 0\">[{$errorType}] ";
     $data .= nl2br(htmlspecialchars($errstr)) . "<br />{$errfile}:{$errline}\n<br />\n<br />\n</p>\n";
     // Render the provided backtrace
     $data .= SS_Backtrace::get_rendered_backtrace($errcontext);
     // Compile extra data
     $blacklist = array('message', 'timestamp', 'priority', 'priorityName');
     $extras = array_diff_key($event, array_combine($blacklist, $blacklist));
     if ($extras) {
         $data .= "<h3>Details</h3>\n";
         $data .= "<table class=\"extras\">\n";
         foreach ($extras as $k => $v) {
             if (is_array($v)) {
                 $v = var_export($v, true);
             $data .= sprintf("<tr><td><strong>%s</strong></td><td><pre>%s</pre></td></tr>\n", $k, $v);
         $data .= "</table>\n";
     $data .= "</div>\n";
     $relfile = Director::makeRelative($errfile);
     if ($relfile && $relfile[0] == '/') {
         $relfile = substr($relfile, 1);
     $host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : null;
     $uri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : null;
     $subject = "[{$errorType}] in {$relfile}:{$errline} (http://{$host}{$uri})";
     return array('subject' => $subject, 'data' => $data);
  * @param mixed $subject
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @return void
 public function send($subject)
     if (!$subject instanceof Member) {
     $sender = Member::currentUser();
     $to = $subject->getEmail();
     $from = defined('SURVEY_THANK_U_FROM_EMAIL') ? SURVEY_THANK_U_FROM_EMAIL : Config::inst()->get('Email', 'admin_email');
     $email = EmailFactory::getInstance()->buildEmail($from, $to);
     $email->setUserTemplate('survey-builder-new-team-member')->populateTemplate(array('Sender' => $sender, 'Member' => $subject, 'Link' => Director::absoluteBaseURL() . Director::makeRelative('surveys')))->send();
 public function getKeyword($keyword)
     $k = $this->getAvailableKeywords();
     if ($keyword == 'Link') {
         $link = Director::makeRelative($this->owner->Link());
         return Controller::join_links(Director::absoluteBaseURL(), $link);
     if (isset($k[$keyword])) {
         return $this->owner->{$keyword};
コード例 #21
  * Overload some settings to make sure the right script is used.
  * @return UploadifyField
 public function FieldHolder()
     if (!$this->getSetting('s3script')) {
         $this->setVar('script', urlencode(Director::baseURL() . Director::makeRelative($this->Link('uploads3'))));
     } else {
         $this->setVar('script', $this->getSetting('s3script'));
     if (!$this->Backend()) {
         $this->template = "UploadifyField";
     return parent::FieldHolder();
コード例 #22
 function export()
     // specify custom baseurl for publishing to other webroot
     if (isset($_REQUEST['baseurl'])) {
         $base = $_REQUEST['baseurl'];
         if (substr($base, -1) != '/') {
             $base .= '/';
     // setup temporary folders
     $tmpBaseFolder = TEMP_FOLDER . '/static-export';
     $tmpFolder = project() ? "{$tmpBaseFolder}/" . project() : "{$tmpBaseFolder}/site";
     if (!file_exists($tmpFolder)) {
     $baseFolderName = basename($tmpFolder);
     // symlink /assets
     $f1 = ASSETS_PATH;
     $f2 = Director::baseFolder() . '/' . project();
     `cd {$tmpFolder}; ln -s {$f1}; ln -s {$f2}`;
     // iterate through all instances of SiteTree
     $pages = DataObject::get("SiteTree");
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $subfolder = "{$tmpFolder}/" . trim($page->RelativeLink(null, true), '/');
         $contentfile = "{$tmpFolder}/" . trim($page->RelativeLink(null, true), '/') . '/index.html';
         // Make the folder
         if (!file_exists($subfolder)) {
         // Run the page
         $link = Director::makeRelative($page->Link());
         $response = Director::test($link);
         // Write to file
         if ($fh = fopen($contentfile, 'w')) {
             fwrite($fh, $response->getBody());
     // copy homepage (URLSegment: "home") to webroot
     copy("{$tmpFolder}/home/index.html", "{$tmpFolder}/index.html");
     // archive all generated files
     `cd {$tmpBaseFolder}; tar -czhf {$baseFolderName}.tar.gz {$baseFolderName}`;
     $archiveContent = file_get_contents("{$tmpBaseFolder}/{$baseFolderName}.tar.gz");
     // remove temporary files and folder
     // return as download to the client
     $response = SS_HTTPRequest::send_file($archiveContent, "{$baseFolderName}.tar.gz", 'application/x-tar-gz');
     echo $response->output();
コード例 #23
 public function format($event)
     switch ($event['priorityName']) {
         case 'ERR':
             $errorType = 'Error';
         case 'WARN':
             $errorType = 'Warning';
         case 'NOTICE':
             $errorType = 'Notice';
             $errorType = $event['priorityName'];
     if (!is_array($event['message'])) {
         return false;
     $errno = $event['message']['errno'];
     $errstr = $event['message']['errstr'];
     $errfile = $event['message']['errfile'];
     $errline = $event['message']['errline'];
     $errcontext = $event['message']['errcontext'];
     $protocol = 'http';
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
         $protocol = 'https';
     $host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : null;
     $uri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : null;
     $relfile = Director::makeRelative($errfile);
     if ($relfile && $relfile[0] == '/') {
         $relfile = substr($relfile, 1);
     $data = "[{$errorType}] in {$relfile}:{$errline} ({$protocol}://{$host}{$uri})\n";
     // Render the provided backtrace
     $data .= SS_Backtrace::get_rendered_backtrace($errcontext, true);
     // Compile extra data
     $blacklist = array('message', 'timestamp', 'priority', 'priorityName');
     $extras = array_diff_key($event, array_combine($blacklist, $blacklist));
     if ($extras) {
         $data .= "DETAILS\n\n";
         foreach ($extras as $k => $v) {
             if (is_array($v)) {
                 $v = var_export($v, true);
             $data .= sprintf("[%s]\n%s\n\n", strtoupper($k), $v);
     $subject = "[{$errorType}] in {$relfile}:{$errline} ({$host})";
     return array('subject' => $subject, 'data' => $data);
コード例 #24
ファイル: DirectorTest.php プロジェクト: racontemoi/shibuichi
 public function testMakeRelative()
     $siteUrl = Director::absoluteBaseURL();
     $siteUrlNoProtocol = preg_replace('/https?:\\/\\//', '', $siteUrl);
     $this->assertEquals(Director::makeRelative("{$siteUrl}"), '');
     //$this->assertEquals(Director::makeRelative("https://$siteUrlNoProtocol"), '');
     $this->assertEquals(Director::makeRelative("   {$siteUrl}/testpage   "), 'testpage');
     //$this->assertEquals(Director::makeRelative("$siteUrlNoProtocol/testpage"), 'testpage');
     $this->assertEquals(Director::makeRelative('ftp://test.com'), 'ftp://test.com');
     $this->assertEquals(Director::makeRelative('http://test.com'), 'http://test.com');
     $this->assertEquals(Director::makeRelative('/relative'), '/relative');
     $this->assertEquals(Director::makeRelative('relative'), 'relative');
     $this->assertEquals(Director::makeRelative("{$siteUrl}/?url=http://test.com"), '?url=http://test.com');
コード例 #25
 function css($file, $media = null)
      * Only initiate automatically if:
      * - webiste is in dev mode
      * - or a ?flush is called
     if (preg_match('/\\.less$/i', $file) || Director::isDev() || isset($_GET['flush'])) {
         /* If file is CSS, check if there is a LESS file */
         if (preg_match('/\\.css$/i', $file)) {
             $less = preg_replace('/\\.css$/i', '.less', $file);
             if (is_file(Director::getAbsFile($less))) {
                 $file = $less;
         /* If less file exists, then check/compile it */
         if (preg_match('/\\.less$/i', $file)) {
             $out = preg_replace('/\\.less$/i', '.css', $file);
             $css_file = Director::getAbsFile($out);
             $options = array();
             /* Automatically compress if in live mode */
             if (Director::isLive()) {
                 $options['compress'] = true;
             try {
                 /* Force recompile & only write to css if updated */
                 if (isset($_GET['flush']) || !Director::isLive()) {
                     /* Create instance */
                     $parser = new Less_Parser($options);
                     if (!empty(self::$variables)) {
                     /* calculate the LESS file's parent URL */
                     $css_dir = rtrim(Director::baseURL(), '/') . Director::makeRelative(dirname(Director::getAbsFile($file)) . '/');
                     $parser->parseFile(Director::getAbsFile($file), $css_dir);
                     $css = $parser->getCss();
                     if (!is_file($css_file) || md5_file($css_file) != md5($css)) {
                         file_put_contents($css_file, $css);
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 trigger_error("Less.php fatal error: " . $ex->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
             $file = $out;
     /* Return css path */
     return parent::css($file, $media);
コード例 #26
 public function testReflexiveAndTransitiveInternalRedirectors()
     /* Reflexive redirectors are those that point to themselves.  They should behave the same as an empty redirector */
     $page = $this->objFromFixture('RedirectorPage', 'reflexive');
     $this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . 'reflexive/', $page->Link());
     $content = $this->get(Director::makeRelative($page->Link()))->getBody();
     $this->assertContains('message-setupWithoutRedirect', $content);
     /* Transitive redirectors are those that point to another redirector page.  They should send people to the URLSegment
      * of the destination page - the middle-stop, so to speak.  That should redirect to the final destination */
     $page = $this->objFromFixture('RedirectorPage', 'transitive');
     $this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . 'good-internal/', $page->Link());
     $this->autoFollowRedirection = false;
     $response = $this->get(Director::makeRelative($page->Link()));
     $this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . "redirection-dest/", $response->getHeader("Location"));
コード例 #27
  * Renders the contents of a silverstripe URL into a PDF
  * @param String $url A relative URL that silverstripe can execute
  * @param String $outputTo
 public function renderUrl($url, $outputTo = null, $outname = '')
     if (strpos($url, '/') === 0) {
         // fix it
         $url = Director::makeRelative($url);
     // convert the URL to content and 'test' the request, ensure the current session remains active
     $response = Director::test($url, null, new Session($_SESSION));
     if ($response->getStatusCode() == 200) {
         $content = $response->getBody();
         return $this->render($content, $outputTo, $outname);
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Failed rendering URL {$url}: " . $response->getStatusCode() . " - " . $response->getStatusDescription());
 public function onBeforeSendFile($file)
     // check to make sure this is the actual file and not just a rendition... if that matters?
     $downloadRecord = new FileDownloadRecord();
     // store the full filename for now
     $url = array_key_exists('url', $_GET) ? $_GET['url'] : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     // check if it's a resampled file
     if (strpos($url, '_resampled') !== false) {
         // ignore it
     $file_path = Director::makeRelative($url);
     $downloadRecord->Filename = $file_path ? $file_path : $file->getFilename();
     $downloadRecord->FileID = $file->ID;
コード例 #29
 public function format($event)
     switch ($event['priorityName']) {
         case 'ERR':
             $errorType = 'Error';
             $colour = 'red';
         case 'WARN':
             $errorType = 'Warning';
             $colour = 'orange';
         case 'NOTICE':
             $errorType = 'Notice';
             $colour = 'grey';
     if (!is_array($event['message'])) {
         return false;
     $errno = $event['message']['errno'];
     $errstr = $event['message']['errstr'];
     $errfile = $event['message']['errfile'];
     $errline = $event['message']['errline'];
     $errcontext = $event['message']['errcontext'];
     $ref = @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
     if (empty($ref)) {
         $ref = 'N/A';
     if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) {
         $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
     } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
         $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
     } else {
         $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $data = "<div style=\"border: 5px {$colour} solid\">\n";
     $data .= "<p style=\"color: white; background-color: {$colour}; margin: 0\">HTTP_REFERER :{$ref} - CLIENT_IP : {$ip}  <br/>{$errorType}: {$errstr}<br/> At line {$errline} in {$errfile}\n<br />\n<br />\n</p>\n";
     // Get a backtrace, filtering out debug method calls
     $data .= SS_Backtrace::backtrace(true, false, array('SS_LogErrorEmailFormatter->format', 'SS_LogEmailWriter->_write'));
     $data .= "</div>\n";
     $relfile = Director::makeRelative($errfile);
     if ($relfile[0] == '/') {
         $relfile = substr($relfile, 1);
     $subject = "{$errorType} at {$relfile} line {$errline} (http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']})";
     return array('subject' => $subject, 'data' => $data);
コード例 #30
 public function testDisabledOption()
     // Enable module to error pages only
     Config::inst()->remove('Templater', 'enabled_for_pagetypes');
     Config::inst()->update('Templater', 'enabled_for_pagetypes', ['ErrorPage']);
     $page = $this->createPage('blue');
     $fields = $page->getCMSFields();
     // Assert page content
     $response = Director::test(Director::makeRelative($page->Link()));
     $this->assertContains('Theme Blue page content', $response->getBody());
     $this->assertNotContains('I\'m in the Blue Theme', $response->getBody());
     // Enable module to all pages
     Config::inst()->remove('Templater', 'enabled_for_pagetypes');
     Config::inst()->update('Templater', 'enabled_for_pagetypes', 'all');