コード例 #1
ファイル: ProjectManager.php プロジェクト: indynagpal/MateCat
 public function createProject()
     // project name sanitize
     $oldName = $this->projectStructure['project_name'];
     $this->projectStructure['project_name'] = $this->_sanitizeName($this->projectStructure['project_name']);
     if ($this->projectStructure['project_name'] == false) {
         $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -5, "message" => "Invalid Project Name " . $oldName . ": it should only contain numbers and letters!");
         return false;
     // create project?
     $this->projectStructure['ppassword'] = $this->_generatePassword();
     $this->projectStructure['user_ip'] = Utils::getRealIpAddr();
     $this->projectStructure['id_project'] = insertProject($this->projectStructure);
     //create user (Massidda 2013-01-24)
     //check if all the keys are valid MyMemory keys
     if (!empty($this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'])) {
         foreach ($this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'] as $i => $_tmKey) {
             try {
                 $keyExists = $this->tmxServiceWrapper->checkCorrectKey();
                 if (!isset($keyExists) || $keyExists === false) {
                     Log::doLog(__METHOD__ . " -> TM key is not valid.");
                     throw new Exception("TM key is not valid: " . $_tmKey['key'], -4);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => $e->getCode(), "message" => $e->getMessage());
                 return false;
             //set the first key as primary
         //check if the MyMemory keys provided by the user are already associated to him.
         if ($this->projectStructure['userIsLogged']) {
             $mkDao = new TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyDao($this->dbHandler);
             $searchMemoryKey = new TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyStruct();
             $searchMemoryKey->uid = $this->projectStructure['uid'];
             $userMemoryKeys = $mkDao->read($searchMemoryKey);
             $userTmKeys = array();
             $memoryKeysToBeInserted = array();
             //extract user tm keys
             foreach ($userMemoryKeys as $_memoKey) {
                  * @var $_memoKey TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyStruct
                 $userTmKeys[] = $_memoKey->tm_key->key;
             foreach ($this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'] as $_tmKey) {
                 if (!in_array($_tmKey['key'], $userTmKeys)) {
                     $newMemoryKey = new TmKeyManagement_MemoryKeyStruct();
                     $newTmKey = new TmKeyManagement_TmKeyStruct();
                     $newTmKey->key = $_tmKey['key'];
                     $newTmKey->tm = true;
                     $newTmKey->glos = true;
                     //TODO: take this from input
                     $newTmKey->name = $_tmKey['name'];
                     $newMemoryKey->tm_key = $newTmKey;
                     $newMemoryKey->uid = $this->projectStructure['uid'];
                     $memoryKeysToBeInserted[] = $newMemoryKey;
                 } else {
                     Log::doLog('skip insertion');
             try {
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 # Here we handle the error, displaying HTML, logging, ...
                 $output = "<pre>\n";
                 $output .= $e->getMessage() . "\n\t";
                 $output .= "</pre>";
         //the base case is when the user clicks on "generate private TM" button:
         //a (user, pass, key) tuple is generated and can be inserted
         //if it comes with it's own key without querying the creation API, create a (key,key,key) user
         if (empty($this->projectStructure['private_tm_user'])) {
             $this->projectStructure['private_tm_user'] = $this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'][0]['key'];
             $this->projectStructure['private_tm_pass'] = $this->projectStructure['private_tm_key'][0]['key'];
     //sort files in order to process TMX first
     $sortedFiles = array();
     foreach ($this->projectStructure['array_files'] as $fileName) {
         //check for glossary files and tmx and put them in front of the list
         $infoFile = DetectProprietaryXliff::getInfo($fileName);
         if (DetectProprietaryXliff::getMemoryFileType()) {
             //found TMX, enable language checking routines
             if (DetectProprietaryXliff::isTMXFile()) {
                 $this->checkTMX = 1;
             //not used at moment but needed if we want to do a poll for status
             if (DetectProprietaryXliff::isGlossaryFile()) {
                 $this->checkGlossary = 1;
             //prepend in front of the list
             array_unshift($sortedFiles, $fileName);
         } else {
             //append at the end of the list
             array_push($sortedFiles, $fileName);
     $this->projectStructure['array_files'] = $sortedFiles;
     $uploadDir = $this->uploadDir = INIT::$UPLOAD_REPOSITORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->projectStructure['uploadToken'];
     //we are going to access the storage, get model object to manipulate it
     $this->fileStorage = new FilesStorage();
     $linkFiles = $this->fileStorage->getHashesFromDir($this->uploadDir);
         loop through all input files to
         1) upload TMX and Glossaries
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //exit project creation
         return false;
     //TMX Management
        loop through all input files to
        2)convert, in case, non standard XLIFF files to a format that Matecat understands
        Note that XLIFF that don't need conversion are moved anyway as they are to cache in order not to alter the workflow
     foreach ($this->projectStructure['array_files'] as $fileName) {
           Conversion Enforce
           Checking Extension is no more sufficient, we want check content
           $enforcedConversion = true; //( if conversion is enabled )
         $isAFileToConvert = $this->isConversionToEnforce($fileName);
         //if it's one of the listed formats or conversion is not enabled in first place
         if (!$isAFileToConvert) {
               filename is already an xliff and it's in upload directory
               we have to make a cache package from it to avoid altering the original path
             //get file
             $filePathName = "{$this->uploadDir}/{$fileName}";
             //calculate hash + add the fileName, if i load 3 equal files with the same content
             // they will be squashed to the last one
             $sha1 = sha1_file($filePathName);
             //make a cache package (with work/ only, emtpy orig/)
             $this->fileStorage->makeCachePackage($sha1, $this->projectStructure['source_language'], false, $filePathName);
             //put reference to cache in upload dir to link cache to session
             $this->fileStorage->linkSessionToCache($sha1, $this->projectStructure['source_language'], $this->projectStructure['uploadToken'], $fileName);
             //add newly created link to list
             $linkFiles['conversionHashes']['sha'][] = $sha1 . "|" . $this->projectStructure['source_language'];
             $linkFiles['conversionHashes']['fileName'][$sha1 . "|" . $this->projectStructure['source_language']][] = $fileName;
             //when the same sdlxliff is uploaded more than once with different names
             $linkFiles['conversionHashes']['sha'] = array_unique($linkFiles['conversionHashes']['sha']);
     //now, upload dir contains only hash-links
     //we start copying files to "file" dir, inserting metadata in db and extracting segments
     foreach ($linkFiles['conversionHashes']['sha'] as $linkFile) {
         //converted file is inside cache directory
         //get hash from file name inside UUID dir
         $hashFile = FilesStorage::basename_fix($linkFile);
         $hashFile = explode('|', $hashFile);
         //use hash and lang to fetch file from package
         $cachedXliffFilePathName = $this->fileStorage->getXliffFromCache($hashFile[0], $hashFile[1]);
         //get sha
         $sha1_original = $hashFile[0];
         //associate the hash to the right file in upload directory
         //get original file name, to insert into DB and cp in storage
         //PLEASE NOTE, this can be an array when the same file added more
         // than once and with different names
         $_originalFileName = $linkFiles['conversionHashes']['fileName'][$linkFile];
         if (!file_exists($cachedXliffFilePathName)) {
             $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -6, "message" => "File not found on server after upload.");
         try {
             $info = FilesStorage::pathinfo_fix($cachedXliffFilePathName);
             if (!in_array($info['extension'], array('xliff', 'sdlxliff', 'xlf'))) {
                 throw new Exception("Failed to find Xliff - no segments found", -3);
             $yearMonthPath = date_create($this->projectStructure['create_date'])->format('Ymd');
             $fileDateSha1Path = $yearMonthPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sha1_original;
             //PLEASE NOTE, this can be an array when the same file added more
             // than once and with different names
             foreach ($_originalFileName as $originalFileName) {
                 $mimeType = FilesStorage::pathinfo_fix($originalFileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                 $fid = insertFile($this->projectStructure, $originalFileName, $mimeType, $fileDateSha1Path);
                 //move the file in the right directory from the packages to the file dir
                 $this->fileStorage->moveFromCacheToFileDir($fileDateSha1Path, $this->projectStructure['source_language'], $fid, $originalFileName);
                 $this->_extractSegments(file_get_contents($cachedXliffFilePathName), $fid);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($e->getCode() == -1) {
                 $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -1, "message" => "No text to translate in the file {$originalFileName}.");
                 $this->fileStorage->deleteHashFromUploadDir($this->uploadDir, $linkFile);
             } elseif ($e->getCode() == -2) {
                 $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Failed to store segments in database for {$originalFileName}");
             } elseif ($e->getCode() == -3) {
                 $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "File {$originalFileName} not found. Failed to save XLIFF conversion on disk");
             } elseif ($e->getCode() == -4) {
                 $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Internal Error. Xliff Import: Error parsing. ( {$originalFileName} )");
             } elseif ($e->getCode() == -11) {
                 $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Failed to store reference files on disk. Permission denied");
             } elseif ($e->getCode() == -12) {
                 $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Failed to store reference files in database");
             } elseif ($e->getCode() == -13) {
                 $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -13, "message" => $e->getMessage());
                 return null;
                 // SEVERE EXCEPTION we can not write to disk!! Break project creation
             } else {
                 //mysql insert Blob Error
                 $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => "Failed to create project. Database Error on {$originalFileName}. Please try again.");
     //end of conversion hash-link loop
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //exit project creation
         return false;
     //check if the files language equals the source language. If not, set an error message.
     if (!$this->projectStructure['skip_lang_validation']) {
     if (!$this->_doCheckForErrors()) {
         //exit project creation
         return false;
     //Log::doLog( array_pop( array_chunk( $SegmentTranslations[$fid], 25, true ) ) );
     //create job
     if (isset($_SESSION['cid']) and !empty($_SESSION['cid'])) {
         $owner = $_SESSION['cid'];
     } else {
         $_SESSION['_anonym_pid'] = $this->projectStructure['id_project'];
         //default user
         $owner = '';
     $isEmptyProject = false;
     //Throws exception
     try {
         $this->_createJobs($this->projectStructure, $owner);
         //FIXME for project with pre translation this query is not enough,
         //we need compare the number of segments with translations, but take an eye to the opensource
         $query_visible_segments = "SELECT count(*) as cattool_segments\n\t\t\t\tFROM segments WHERE id_file IN ( %s ) and show_in_cattool = 1";
         $string_file_list = implode(",", $this->projectStructure['file_id_list']->getArrayCopy());
         $query_visible_segments = sprintf($query_visible_segments, $string_file_list);
         try {
             $rows = $this->dbHandler->fetch_array($query_visible_segments);
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             Log::doLog("Segment Search: Failed Retrieve min_segment/max_segment for files ( {$string_file_list} ) - DB Error: {$e->getMessage()} - \n");
             throw new Exception("Segment Search: Failed Retrieve min_segment/max_segment for job", -5);
         if ($rows[0]['cattool_segments'] == 0) {
             Log::doLog("Segment Search: No segments in this project - \n");
             $isEmptyProject = true;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->projectStructure['result']['errors'][] = array("code" => -9, "message" => "Fail to create Job. ( {$ex->getMessage()} )");
         return false;
     try {
         if (is_dir($this->uploadDir . '_converted')) {
             Utils::deleteDir($this->uploadDir . '_converted');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $output = "<pre>\n";
         $output .= " - Exception: " . print_r($e->getMessage(), true) . "\n";
         $output .= " - REQUEST URI: " . print_r(@$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], true) . "\n";
         $output .= " - REQUEST Message: " . print_r($_REQUEST, true) . "\n";
         $output .= " - Trace: \n" . print_r($e->getTraceAsString(), true) . "\n";
         $output .= "\n\t";
         $output .= "Aborting...\n";
         $output .= "</pre>";
         Utils::sendErrMailReport($output, $e->getMessage());
     $this->projectStructure['status'] = INIT::$VOLUME_ANALYSIS_ENABLED ? Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_NEW : Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_NOT_TO_ANALYZE;
     if ($isEmptyProject) {
         $this->projectStructure['status'] = Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_EMPTY;
     $this->projectStructure['result']['code'] = 1;
     $this->projectStructure['result']['data'] = "OK";
     $this->projectStructure['result']['ppassword'] = $this->projectStructure['ppassword'];
     $this->projectStructure['result']['password'] = $this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_pass'];
     $this->projectStructure['result']['id_job'] = $this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_list'];
     $this->projectStructure['result']['job_segments'] = $this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_segments'];
     $this->projectStructure['result']['id_project'] = $this->projectStructure['id_project'];
     $this->projectStructure['result']['project_name'] = $this->projectStructure['project_name'];
     $this->projectStructure['result']['source_language'] = $this->projectStructure['source_language'];
     $this->projectStructure['result']['target_language'] = $this->projectStructure['target_language'];
     $this->projectStructure['result']['status'] = $this->projectStructure['status'];
     $this->projectStructure['result']['lang_detect'] = $this->projectStructure['lang_detect_files'];
     $query_project_summary = "\n            SELECT\n                 COUNT( s.id ) AS project_segments,\n                 SUM( IF( IFNULL( st.eq_word_count, -1 ) = -1, s.raw_word_count, st.eq_word_count ) ) AS project_raw_wordcount\n            FROM segments s\n            INNER JOIN files_job fj ON fj.id_file = s.id_file\n            INNER JOIN jobs j ON j.id= fj.id_job\n            LEFT JOIN segment_translations st ON s.id = st.id_segment\n            WHERE j.id_project = %u\n        ";
     $query_project_summary = sprintf($query_project_summary, $this->projectStructure['id_project']);
     $project_summary = $this->dbHandler->fetch_array($query_project_summary);
     $update_project_count = "\n            UPDATE projects\n              SET\n                standard_analysis_wc = %.2F,\n                status_analysis = '%s'\n            WHERE id = %u\n        ";
     $update_project_count = sprintf($update_project_count, $project_summary[0]['project_raw_wordcount'], $this->projectStructure['status'], $this->projectStructure['id_project']);
     //        Log::doLog( $this->projectStructure );
     //create Project into DQF queue
     if (INIT::$DQF_ENABLED && !empty($this->projectStructure['dqf_key'])) {
         $dqfProjectStruct = DQF_DqfProjectStruct::getStruct();
         $dqfProjectStruct->api_key = $this->projectStructure['dqf_key'];
         $dqfProjectStruct->project_id = $this->projectStructure['id_project'];
         $dqfProjectStruct->name = $this->projectStructure['project_name'];
         $dqfProjectStruct->source_language = $this->projectStructure['source_language'];
         $dqfQueue = new Analysis_DqfQueueHandler();
         try {
             $projectManagerInfo = $dqfQueue->checkProjectManagerKey($this->projectStructure['dqf_key']);
             //for each job, push a task into AMQ's DQF queue
             foreach ($this->projectStructure['array_jobs']['job_list'] as $i => $jobID) {
                  * @var $dqfTaskStruct DQF_DqfTaskStruct
                 $dqfTaskStruct = DQF_DqfTaskStruct::getStruct();
                 $dqfTaskStruct->api_key = $this->projectStructure['dqf_key'];
                 $dqfTaskStruct->project_id = $this->projectStructure['id_project'];
                 $dqfTaskStruct->task_id = $jobID;
                 $dqfTaskStruct->target_language = $this->projectStructure['target_language'][$i];
                 $dqfTaskStruct->file_name = uniqid('', true) . $this->projectStructure['project_name'];
         } catch (Exception $exn) {
             $output = __METHOD__ . " (code " . $exn->getCode() . " ) - " . $exn->getMessage();
             Utils::sendErrMailReport($output, $exn->getMessage());
コード例 #2
 public function doAction()
     $this->file_name = html_entity_decode($this->file_name, ENT_QUOTES);
     $file_path = $this->intDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->file_name;
     if (!file_exists($file_path)) {
         $this->result['code'] = -6;
         // No Good, Default
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -6, "message" => "Error during upload. Please retry.", 'debug' => FilesStorage::basename_fix($this->file_name));
         return -1;
     //XLIFF Conversion management
     //cyclomatic complexity 9999999 ..... but it works, for now.
     try {
         $fileType = DetectProprietaryXliff::getInfo($file_path);
         if (DetectProprietaryXliff::isXliffExtension() || DetectProprietaryXliff::getMemoryFileType()) {
             if (INIT::$CONVERSION_ENABLED) {
                 //conversion enforce
                 if (!INIT::$FORCE_XLIFF_CONVERSION) {
                     //if file is not proprietary AND Enforce is disabled
                     //we take it as is
                     if (!$fileType['proprietary'] || DetectProprietaryXliff::getMemoryFileType()) {
                         $this->result['code'] = 1;
                         // OK for client
                         //This file has to be linked to cache!
                         return 0;
                         //ok don't convert a standard sdlxliff
                 } else {
                     // if conversion enforce is active
                     // we force all xliff files but not files produced by
                     // SDL Studio or by the MateCAT converters, because we
                     // can handle them
                     if ($fileType['proprietary_short_name'] == 'matecat_converter' || $fileType['proprietary_short_name'] == 'trados' || DetectProprietaryXliff::getMemoryFileType()) {
                         $this->result['code'] = 1;
                         // OK for client
                         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => 0, "message" => "OK");
                         return 0;
                         //ok don't convert a standard sdlxliff
             } elseif ($fileType['proprietary']) {
                 $this->result['code'] = -7;
                 // No Good, Default
                 $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -7, "message" => 'Matecat Open-Source does not support ' . ucwords($fileType['proprietary_name']) . '. Use MatecatPro.', 'debug' => FilesStorage::basename_fix($this->file_name));
                 return -1;
             } elseif (!$fileType['proprietary']) {
                 $this->result['code'] = 1;
                 // OK for client
                 $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => 0, "message" => "OK");
                 return 0;
                 //ok don't convert a standard sdlxliff
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //try catch not used because of exception no more raised
         $this->result['code'] = -8;
         // No Good, Default
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -8, "message" => $e->getMessage());
         return -1;
     //compute hash to locate the file in the cache
     $sha1 = sha1_file($file_path);
     //initialize path variable
     $cachedXliffPath = false;
     //get storage object
     $fs = new FilesStorage();
     if (INIT::$LEGACY_CONVERSION !== false) {
     //if already present in database cache get the converted without convert it again
         //move the file in the right directory from the packages to the file dir
         $cachedXliffPath = $fs->getXliffFromCache($sha1, $this->source_lang);
         if (!$cachedXliffPath) {
             Log::doLog("Failed to fetch xliff for {$sha1} from disk cache (is file there?)");
     //if invalid or no cached version
     if (!isset($cachedXliffPath) or empty($cachedXliffPath)) {
         //we have to convert it
         // By default, use always the new converters...
         $converterVersion = Constants_ConvertersVersions::LATEST;
         if ($this->segmentation_rule !== null) {
             // ...but new converters don't support custom segmentation rules.
             // if $this->segmentation_rule is set use the old ones.
             $converterVersion = Constants_ConvertersVersions::LEGACY;
         if (INIT::$LEGACY_CONVERSION !== false) {
             $converterVersion = Constants_ConvertersVersions::LEGACY;
         $converter = new FileFormatConverter($converterVersion);
         if (strpos($this->target_lang, ',') !== false) {
             $single_language = explode(',', $this->target_lang);
             $single_language = $single_language[0];
         } else {
             $single_language = $this->target_lang;
         $convertResult = $converter->convertToSdlxliff($file_path, $this->source_lang, $single_language, false, $this->segmentation_rule);
         if ($convertResult['isSuccess'] == 1) {
             /* try to back convert the file */
             $output_content = array();
             $output_content['out_xliff_name'] = $file_path . '.out.sdlxliff';
             $output_content['source'] = $this->source_lang;
             $output_content['target'] = $single_language;
             $output_content['content'] = $convertResult['xliffContent'];
             $output_content['filename'] = $this->file_name;
             $back_convertResult = $converter->convertToOriginal($output_content);
             /* try to back convert the file */
             if ($back_convertResult['isSuccess'] == false) {
                 //custom error message passed directly to javascript client and displayed as is
                 $convertResult['errorMessage'] = "Error: there is a problem with this file, it cannot be converted back to the original one.";
                 $this->result['code'] = -110;
                 $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -110, "message" => $convertResult['errorMessage'], 'debug' => FilesStorage::basename_fix($this->file_name));
                 return false;
             //store converted content on a temporary path on disk (and off RAM)
             $cachedXliffPath = tempnam("/tmp", "MAT_XLF");
             file_put_contents($cachedXliffPath, $convertResult['xliffContent']);
               store the converted file in the cache
               put a reference in the upload dir to the cache dir, so that from the UUID we can reach the converted file in the cache
               (this is independent by the "save xliff for caching" options, since we always end up storing original and xliff on disk)
             //save in cache
             $res_insert = $fs->makeCachePackage($sha1, $this->source_lang, $file_path, $cachedXliffPath);
             if (!$res_insert) {
                 //custom error message passed directly to javascript client and displayed as is
                 $convertResult['errorMessage'] = "Error: File upload failed because you have MateCat running in multiple tabs. Please close all other MateCat tabs in your browser.";
                 $this->result['code'] = -103;
                 $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -103, "message" => $convertResult['errorMessage'], 'debug' => FilesStorage::basename_fix($this->file_name));
                 return false;
         } else {
             $file = FilesStorage::pathinfo_fix($this->file_name);
             switch ($file['extension']) {
                 case 'docx':
                     $defaultError = "Importing error. Try opening and saving the document with a new name. If this does not work, try converting to DOC.";
                 case 'doc':
                 case 'rtf':
                     $defaultError = "Importing error. Try opening and saving the document with a new name. If this does not work, try converting to DOCX.";
                 case 'inx':
                     $defaultError = "Importing Error. Try to commit changes in InDesign before importing.";
                 case 'idml':
                     $defaultError = "Importing Error. MateCat does not support this version of InDesign, try converting it to a previous one.";
                     $defaultError = "Importing error. Try opening and saving the document with a new name.";
             if (stripos($convertResult['errorMessage'], "failed to create SDLXLIFF.") !== false || stripos($convertResult['errorMessage'], "COM target does not implement IDispatch") !== false) {
                 $convertResult['errorMessage'] = "Error: failed importing file.";
             } elseif (stripos($convertResult['errorMessage'], "Unable to open Excel file - it may be password protected") !== false) {
                 $convertResult['errorMessage'] = $convertResult['errorMessage'] . " Try to remove protection using the Unprotect Sheet command on Windows Excel.";
             } elseif (stripos($convertResult['errorMessage'], "The document contains unaccepted changes") !== false) {
                 $convertResult['errorMessage'] = "The document contains track changes. Accept all changes before uploading it.";
             } elseif (stripos($convertResult['errorMessage'], "Error: Could not find file") !== false || stripos($convertResult['errorMessage'], "tw4winMark") !== false) {
                 $convertResult['errorMessage'] = $defaultError;
             } elseif (stripos($convertResult['errorMessage'], "Attempted to read or write protected memory") !== false) {
                 $convertResult['errorMessage'] = $defaultError;
             } elseif (stripos($convertResult['errorMessage'], "The document was created in Microsoft Word 97 or earlier")) {
                 $convertResult['errorMessage'] = $defaultError;
             } elseif ($file['extension'] == 'csv' && empty($convertResult['errorMessage'])) {
                 $convertResult['errorMessage'] = "This CSV file is not eligible to be imported due internal wrong format. Try to convert in TXT using UTF8 encoding";
             } elseif (empty($convertResult['errorMessage'])) {
                 $convertResult['errorMessage'] = "Failed to convert file. Internal error. Please Try again.";
             } elseif (stripos($convertResult['errorMessage'], "DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll") !== false) {
                 //this error is triggered on DOCX when converter's parser can't decode some regions of the file
                 $convertResult['errorMessage'] = "Conversion error. Try opening and saving the document with a new name. If this does not work, try converting to DOC.";
             } elseif ($file['extension'] == 'idml') {
                 $convertResult['errorMessage'] = $defaultError;
             } elseif (stripos($convertResult['errorMessage'], "Error: The source language of the file") !== false) {
                 //Error: The source language of the file (English (United States)) is different from the project source language.
                 //we take the error, is good
             } else {
                 $convertResult['errorMessage'] = "Import error. Try converting it to a compatible file format (e.g. doc > docx, xlsx > xls)";
             //custom error message passed directly to javascript client and displayed as is
             $this->result['code'] = -100;
             $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -100, "message" => $convertResult['errorMessage'], "debug" => $file['basename']);
     //if everything went well and we've obtained a path toward a valid package (original+xliff), either via cache or conversion
     if (isset($cachedXliffPath) and !empty($cachedXliffPath)) {
         //FILE Found in cache, destroy the already present shasum for other languages ( if user swapped languages )
         $uploadDir = INIT::$UPLOAD_REPOSITORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->cookieDir;
         $fs->deleteHashFromUploadDir($uploadDir, $sha1 . "|" . $this->source_lang);
         //put reference to cache in upload dir to link cache to session
         $fs->linkSessionToCache($sha1, $this->source_lang, $this->cookieDir, FilesStorage::basename_fix($file_path));
         //a usable package is available, give positive feedback
         $this->result['code'] = 1;
     return 0;
コード例 #3
 public static function isConversionToEnforce($fullPath)
     $isAConvertedFile = true;
     $fileType = self::getInfo($fullPath);
     if (self::isXliffExtension()) {
             //conversion enforce
             if (!INIT::$FORCE_XLIFF_CONVERSION) {
                 //if file is not proprietary AND Enforce is disabled
                 //we take it as is
                 if (!$fileType['proprietary']) {
                     $isAConvertedFile = false;
                     //ok don't convert a standard sdlxliff
             } else {
                 //if conversion enforce is active
                 //we force all xliff files but not files produced by SDL Studio because we can handle them
                 if ($fileType['proprietary_short_name'] == 'matecat_converter' || $fileType['proprietary_short_name'] == 'trados' || DetectProprietaryXliff::getMemoryFileType()) {
                     $isAConvertedFile = false;
                     //ok don't convert a standard sdlxliff
         } elseif ($fileType['proprietary']) {
              * Application misconfiguration.
              * upload should not be happened, but if we are here, raise an error.
              * @see upload.class.php
              * */
             $isAConvertedFile = -1;
             //stop execution
         } elseif (!$fileType['proprietary']) {
             $isAConvertedFile = false;
             //ok don't convert a standard sdlxliff
     return $isAConvertedFile;