コード例 #1
ファイル: DemoDataSeeder.php プロジェクト: netsensei/core
  * Seed the SHP definitions
 private function seedShp()
     $shp_data = array('rivers' => array('file' => 'gis.osm_boundaries_v06', 'collection' => 'dresden', 'name' => 'rivers', 'description' => 'Shape file about rivers in Dresden.', 'columns' => array(array('column_name' => 'osm_id', 'index' => 0, 'column_name_alias' => 'osm_id', 'is_pk' => 0), array('column_name' => 'lastchange', 'index' => 1, 'column_name_alias' => 'lastchange', 'is_pk' => 0), array('column_name' => 'code', 'index' => 2, 'column_name_alias' => 'code', 'is_pk' => 0), array('column_name' => 'fclass', 'index' => 3, 'column_name_alias' => 'fclass', 'is_pk' => 0), array('column_name' => 'deleted', 'index' => 4, 'column_name_alias' => 'deleted', 'is_pk' => 0), array('column_name' => 'parts', 'index' => 5, 'column_name_alias' => 'parts', 'is_pk' => 0)), 'geo' => array(array('path' => 'parts', 'property' => 'polyline'))), 'places' => array('file' => 'places', 'name' => 'places', 'collection' => 'france', 'description' => 'Interesting places from "Ile-de-France".', 'columns' => array(array('column_name' => 'osm_id', 'index' => 0, 'column_name_alias' => 'osm_id', 'is_pk' => 0), array('column_name' => 'name', 'index' => 1, 'column_name_alias' => 'name', 'is_pk' => 0), array('column_name' => 'type', 'index' => 2, 'column_name_alias' => 'type', 'is_pk' => 0), array('column_name' => 'population', 'index' => 3, 'column_name_alias' => 'population', 'is_pk' => 0), array('column_name' => 'deleted', 'index' => 4, 'column_name_alias' => 'deleted', 'is_pk' => 0), array('column_name' => 'x', 'index' => 5, 'column_name_alias' => 'x', 'is_pk' => 0), array('column_name' => 'y', 'index' => 6, 'column_name_alias' => 'y', 'is_pk' => 0)), 'geo' => array(array('path' => 'x', 'property' => 'latitude'), array('path' => 'y', 'property' => 'longitude'))));
     $added = false;
     foreach ($shp_data as $directory => $info) {
         // Don't create doubles
         $definition = Definition::where('collection_uri', '=', $info['collection'])->where('resource_name', '=', $info['name'])->first();
         if (empty($definition)) {
             // Create a new ShpDefinition
             $shp_def = new ShpDefinition();
             $shp_def->uri = app_path() . '/storage/data/shp/' . $directory . '/' . $info['file'] . '.shp';
             $shp_def->description = $info['description'];
             $shp_def->epsg = 4326;
             // Add the tabular columns
             foreach ($info['columns'] as $column) {
                 $tab_column = new TabularColumns();
                 $tab_column->column_name = $column['column_name'];
                 $tab_column->index = $column['index'];
                 $tab_column->column_name_alias = $column['column_name_alias'];
                 $tab_column->is_pk = $column['is_pk'];
                 $tab_column->tabular_id = $shp_def->id;
                 $tab_column->tabular_type = 'ShpDefinition';
             // Add the geo properties
             foreach ($info['geo'] as $geo) {
                 $geo_prop = new GeoProperty();
                 $geo_prop->source_type = 'ShpDefinition';
                 $geo_prop->source_id = $shp_def->id;
                 $geo_prop->property = $geo['property'];
                 $geo_prop->path = $geo['path'];
             // Add the ShpDefinition to the Definition
             $definition = new Definition();
             $definition->collection_uri = $info['collection'];
             $definition->resource_name = $info['name'];
             $definition->source_id = $shp_def->id;
             $definition->source_type = 'ShpDefinition';
             $definition->draft = false;
             $this->command->info("Published a SHP file.");
             $added = true;
     if (!$added) {
         $this->command->info("No SHP files have been published, all of the uri's that the SHP seeder wanted to use are already taken.");
コード例 #2
ファイル: fixReferences.php プロジェクト: florinp/dexonline
$count = 0;
$dropped = 0;
$kept = 0;
while (($dbRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbResult)) != null) {
    $d = new Definition();
    if ($count % 10000 == 0) {
        print "{$count} definitions examined, {$dropped} dropped, {$kept} kept\n";
    $newRep = cleanupReferences($d->internalRep);
    if ($newRep != $d->internalRep) {
        //print "{$d->internalRep}\n{$newRep}\n";
        $d->internalRep = $newRep;
        $d->htmlRep = text_htmlize($d->internalRep);
print "{$count} definitions examined, {$dropped} dropped, {$kept} kept\n";
function cleanupReferences($s)
    global $dropped;
    global $kept;
    $result = '';
    $text = '';
    $ref = '';
    $mode = 0;
    // 0 = not between bars; 1 = text; 2 = reference
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($s); $i++) {
        $char = $s[$i];
        if ($char == '|') {