function sendUserInboxNotification($receiverid = null, $sendername = "") { if ($receiverid == null || is_numeric($receiverid) == false) { return; } $receivers = new Default_Model_Researchers(); $receivers->filter->id->equals($receiverid); if (count($receivers->items) == 0) { return; } $receiver = $receivers->items[0]; $mails = new Default_Model_MailSubscriptions(); $mails->filter->researcherid->equals($receiverid)->and($mails->filter->subjecttype->equals('inbox')); if (count($mails->items) == 0) { return; } $email = getPrimaryContact($receiverid); if ($email == null) { return; } $recipients = array($email); $ms = new Default_Model_Messages(); $ms->filter->receiverid->equals($receiverid); $all = count($ms->items); $unread = $ms->unreadCount(); $subject = "EGI AppDB: New message from user"; $text = "Dear " . $receiver->name . ",\n"; $text .= "\n"; $text .= "you have a new message in your inbox"; if (trim($sendername) !== "") { $text .= " by " . $sendername; } $text .= ".\n\n"; $text .= "You have " . $unread . " unread message" . ($unread == 1 ? "" : "s") . " out of a total of " . $all . " message" . ($all == 1 ? "" : "s") . " in your inbox.\n"; $text .= "To view your inbox, login to [1] and click on \n"; $text .= "the inbox icon, on the top of the page.\n"; $text .= "\n"; $text .= "Best regards,\n"; $text .= "The AppDB team\n"; $body = preg_replace("/\\[1\\]/", "<a href='http://" . $_SERVER["APPLICATION_UI_HOSTNAME"] . "' target='_blank'>EGI Applications Database</a>", $text); $body = "<html><head></head><body><pre>" . $body . "</pre></body></html>"; $text = preg_replace("/\\[1\\]/", "EGI Applications Database [1]", $text); $text .= "\n\n________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n"; $text .= "[1]. http://" . $_SERVER["APPLICATION_UI_HOSTNAME"]; //sendMultipartMail($subject,$recipients,$text,$body,'*****@*****.**','enadyskolopassword'); EmailService::sendReport($subject, $recipients, $text, $body); }