コード例 #1
ファイル: UnionProcessor.php プロジェクト: ortegon000/tienda
  * MySQL supports a special form of UNION:
  * (select ...)
  * union
  * (select ...)
  * This function handles this query syntax. Only one such subquery
  * is supported in each UNION block. (select)(select)union(select) is not legal.
  * The extra queries will be silently ignored.
 protected function processMySQLUnion($queries)
     $unionTypes = array('UNION', 'UNION ALL');
     foreach ($unionTypes as $unionType) {
         if (empty($queries[$unionType])) {
         foreach ($queries[$unionType] as $key => $tokenList) {
             foreach ($tokenList as $z => $token) {
                 $token = trim($token);
                 if ($token === "") {
                 // starts with "(select"
                 if (preg_match("/^\\(\\s*select\\s*/i", $token)) {
                     $processor = new DefaultProcessor();
                     $queries[$unionType][$key] = $processor->process($this->removeParenthesisFromStart($token));
                 $processor = new SQLProcessor();
                 $queries[$unionType][$key] = $processor->process($queries[$unionType][$key]);
     // it can be parsed or not
     return $queries;
コード例 #2
  * It parses the given SQL statement and generates a detailled 
  * output array for every part of the statement. The method can 
  * also generate [position] fields within the output, which hold 
  * the character position for every statement part. The calculation 
  * of the positions needs some time, if you don't need positions in
  * your application, set the parameter to false.
  * @param String  $sql           The SQL statement.
  * @param boolean $calcPositions True, if the output should contain [position], false otherwise.
  * @return array An associative array with all meta information about the SQL statement.
 public function parse($sql, $calcPositions = false)
     $processor = new DefaultProcessor();
     $queries = $processor->process($sql);
     // calc the positions of some important tokens
     if ($calcPositions) {
         $calculator = new PositionCalculator();
         $queries = $calculator->setPositionsWithinSQL($sql, $queries);
     // store the parsed queries
     $this->parsed = $queries;
     return $this->parsed;
コード例 #3
 protected function processFromExpression(&$parseInfo)
     $res = array();
     // exchange the join types (join_type is save now, saved_join_type holds the next one)
     $parseInfo['join_type'] = $parseInfo['saved_join_type'];
     // initialized with JOIN
     $parseInfo['saved_join_type'] = $parseInfo['next_join_type'] ? $parseInfo['next_join_type'] : 'JOIN';
     // we have a reg_expr, so we have to parse it
     if ($parseInfo['ref_expr'] !== false) {
         $unparsed = $this->splitSQLIntoTokens($this->removeParenthesisFromStart($parseInfo['ref_expr']));
         // here we can get a comma separated list
         foreach ($unparsed as $k => $v) {
             if ($this->isCommaToken($v)) {
                 $unparsed[$k] = "";
         $processor = new ExpressionListProcessor();
         $parseInfo['ref_expr'] = $processor->process($unparsed);
     // there is an expression, we have to parse it
     if (substr(trim($parseInfo['table']), 0, 1) == '(') {
         $parseInfo['expression'] = $this->removeParenthesisFromStart($parseInfo['table']);
         if (preg_match("/^\\s*select/i", $parseInfo['expression'])) {
             $processor = new DefaultProcessor();
             $parseInfo['sub_tree'] = $processor->process($parseInfo['expression']);
             $res['expr_type'] = ExpressionType::SUBQUERY;
         } else {
             $tmp = $this->splitSQLIntoTokens($parseInfo['expression']);
             $parseInfo['sub_tree'] = $this->process($tmp);
             $res['expr_type'] = ExpressionType::TABLE_EXPRESSION;
     } else {
         $res['expr_type'] = ExpressionType::TABLE;
         $res['table'] = $parseInfo['table'];
         $res['no_quotes'] = $this->revokeQuotation($parseInfo['table']);
     $res['alias'] = $parseInfo['alias'];
     $res['join_type'] = $parseInfo['join_type'];
     $res['ref_type'] = $parseInfo['ref_type'];
     $res['ref_clause'] = $parseInfo['ref_expr'];
     $res['base_expr'] = trim($parseInfo['expression']);
     $res['sub_tree'] = $parseInfo['sub_tree'];
     return $res;
コード例 #4
 protected function processDefault($token)
     $processor = new DefaultProcessor($this->options);
     return $processor->process($token);
コード例 #5
 protected function processTopLevel($sql)
     $processor = new DefaultProcessor();
     return $processor->process($sql);
コード例 #6
 private function revokeQuotation($token)
     $defProc = new DefaultProcessor();
     return $defProc->revokeQuotation($token);
コード例 #7
 protected function processSQLDefault($unparsed)
     $processor = new DefaultProcessor();
     return $processor->process($unparsed);
コード例 #8
 protected function processColumns($cols)
     if ($cols === false) {
         return $cols;
     if ($cols[0] === '(' && substr($cols, -1) === ')') {
         $parsed = array('expr_type' => ExpressionType::BRACKET_EXPRESSION, 'base_expr' => $cols, 'sub_tree' => false);
     $cols = $this->removeParenthesisFromStart($cols);
     if (stripos($cols, 'SELECT') === 0) {
         $processor = new DefaultProcessor();
         $parsed['sub_tree'] = array(array('expr_type' => ExpressionType::QUERY, 'base_expr' => $cols, 'sub_tree' => $processor->process($cols)));
     } else {
         $processor = new ColumnListProcessor();
         $parsed['sub_tree'] = $processor->process($cols);
         $parsed['expr_type'] = ExpressionType::COLUMN_LIST;
     return $parsed;
コード例 #9
 public function process($tokens)
     $resultList = array();
     $skip_next = false;
     $prev = new ExpressionToken();
     foreach ($tokens as $k => $v) {
         $curr = new ExpressionToken($k, $v);
         if ($curr->isWhitespaceToken()) {
         if ($skip_next) {
             // skip the next non-whitespace token
             $skip_next = false;
         /* is it a subquery? */
         if ($curr->isSubQueryToken()) {
             $processor = new DefaultProcessor();
         } elseif ($curr->isEnclosedWithinParenthesis()) {
             /* is it an in-list? */
             $localTokenList = $this->splitSQLIntoTokens($this->removeParenthesisFromStart($curr->getTrim()));
             if ($prev->getUpper() === 'IN') {
                 foreach ($localTokenList as $k => $v) {
                     $tmpToken = new ExpressionToken($k, $v);
                     if ($tmpToken->isCommaToken()) {
                 $localTokenList = array_values($localTokenList);
             } elseif ($prev->getUpper() === 'AGAINST') {
                 $match_mode = false;
                 foreach ($localTokenList as $k => $v) {
                     $tmpToken = new ExpressionToken($k, $v);
                     switch ($tmpToken->getUpper()) {
                         case 'WITH':
                             $match_mode = 'WITH QUERY EXPANSION';
                         case 'IN':
                             $match_mode = 'IN BOOLEAN MODE';
                     if ($match_mode !== false) {
                 $tmpToken = $this->process($localTokenList);
                 if ($match_mode !== false) {
                     $match_mode = new ExpressionToken(0, $match_mode);
                     $tmpToken[] = $match_mode->toArray();
             } elseif ($prev->isColumnReference() || $prev->isFunction() || $prev->isAggregateFunction()) {
                 // if we have a colref followed by a parenthesis pair,
                 // it isn't a colref, it is a user-function
                 // TODO: this should be a method, because we need the same code
                 // below for unspecified tokens (expressions).
                 $localExpr = new ExpressionToken();
                 $tmpExprList = array();
                 foreach ($localTokenList as $k => $v) {
                     $tmpToken = new ExpressionToken($k, $v);
                     if (!$tmpToken->isCommaToken()) {
                         $tmpExprList[] = $v;
                     } else {
                         // an expression could have multiple parts split by operands
                         // if we have a comma, it is a split-point for expressions
                         $tmpExprList = array_values($tmpExprList);
                         $localExprList = $this->process($tmpExprList);
                         if (count($localExprList) > 1) {
                             $localExprList = $localExpr->toArray();
                             $localExprList['alias'] = false;
                             $localExprList = array($localExprList);
                         if (!$curr->getSubTree()) {
                         } else {
                             $tmpExprList = $curr->getSubTree();
                             $curr->setSubTree(array_merge($tmpExprList, $localExprList));
                         $tmpExprList = array();
                         $localExpr = new ExpressionToken();
                 $tmpExprList = array_values($tmpExprList);
                 $localExprList = $this->process($tmpExprList);
                 if (count($localExprList) > 1) {
                     $localExprList = $localExpr->toArray();
                     $localExprList['alias'] = false;
                     $localExprList = array($localExprList);
                 if (!$curr->getSubTree()) {
                 } else {
                     $tmpExprList = $curr->getSubTree();
                     $curr->setSubTree(array_merge($tmpExprList, $localExprList));
                 if ($prev->isColumnReference()) {
                 $curr = $prev;
             // we have parenthesis, but it seems to be an expression
             if ($curr->isUnspecified()) {
                 // TODO: the localTokenList could contain commas and further expressions,
                 // we must handle that like function parameters (see above)!
                 // this should solve issue 51
         } elseif ($curr->isVariableToken()) {
             # a variable
             # it can be quoted
             $curr->setNoQuotes(trim(trim($curr->getToken()), '@'), "`'\"");
         } else {
             /* it is either an operator, a colref or a constant */
             switch ($curr->getUpper()) {
                 case '*':
                     // o subtree
                     // single or first element of expression list -> all-column-alias
                     if (empty($resultList)) {
                     // if the last token is colref, const or expression
                     // then * is an operator
                     // but if the previous colref ends with a dot, the * is the all-columns-alias
                     if (!$prev->isColumnReference() && !$prev->isConstant() && !$prev->isExpression() && !$prev->isBracketExpression() && !$prev->isAggregateFunction() && !$prev->isVariable()) {
                     if ($prev->isColumnReference() && $prev->endsWith(".")) {
                         // tablealias dot *
                         continue 2;
                         // skip the current token
                 case ':=':
                 case 'AND':
                 case '&&':
                 case 'BETWEEN':
                 case 'AND':
                 case 'BINARY':
                 case '&':
                 case '~':
                 case '|':
                 case '^':
                 case 'DIV':
                 case '/':
                 case '<=>':
                 case '=':
                 case '>=':
                 case '>':
                 case 'IS':
                 case 'NOT':
                 case '<<':
                 case '<=':
                 case '<':
                 case 'LIKE':
                 case '%':
                 case '!=':
                 case '<>':
                 case 'REGEXP':
                 case '!':
                 case '||':
                 case 'OR':
                 case '>>':
                 case 'RLIKE':
                 case 'SOUNDS':
                 case 'XOR':
                 case 'IN':
                 case 'NULL':
                 case '-':
                 case '+':
                     // differ between preceding sign and operator
                     if ($prev->isColumnReference() || $prev->isFunction() || $prev->isAggregateFunction() || $prev->isConstant() || $prev->isSubQuery() || $prev->isExpression() || $prev->isBracketExpression() || $prev->isVariable()) {
                     } else {
                     switch ($curr->getToken(0)) {
                         case "'":
                         case '"':
                             // it is a string literal
                         case '`':
                             // it is an escaped colum name
                             if (is_numeric($curr->getToken())) {
                                 if ($prev->isSign()) {
                                     // it is a negative numeric constant
                                     continue 3;
                                     // skip current token
                                 } else {
                             } else {
         /* is a reserved word? */
         if (!$curr->isOperator() && !$curr->isInList() && !$curr->isFunction() && !$curr->isAggregateFunction() && PHPSQLParserConstants::isReserved($curr->getUpper())) {
             if (PHPSQLParserConstants::isAggregateFunction($curr->getUpper())) {
             } elseif ($curr->getUpper() === 'NULL') {
                 // it is a reserved word, but we would like to set it as constant
             } else {
                 if (PHPSQLParserConstants::isParameterizedFunction($curr->getUpper())) {
                     // issue 60: check functions with parameters
                     // -> colref (we check parameters later)
                     // -> if there is no parameter, we leave the colref
                 } elseif (PHPSQLParserConstants::isFunction($curr->getUpper())) {
                 } else {
         // issue 94, INTERVAL 1 MONTH
         if ($curr->isConstant() && PHPSQLParserConstants::isParameterizedFunction($prev->getUpper())) {
         if ($prev->isConstant() && PHPSQLParserConstants::isParameterizedFunction($curr->getUpper())) {
         if ($curr->isUnspecified()) {
         $resultList[] = $curr;
         $prev = $curr;
     // end of for-loop
     return $this->toArray($resultList);