function delete_note($noteid) { $db = new DbConn(); $result = $db->fetch('select userid from notes where id = ?'); if ($result) { $db->exec('delete from notes where id = ?', $noteid); log_event(LOG_NOTE_DELETED, $result->userid, $noteid); } }
function log_event($messageId, $userId, $state = NULL) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->library('admin'); $adminId = $CI->admin->id(); if (!$adminId) { $adminId = NULL; } if (!$userId) { $userId = NULL; } $db = new DbConn(); $db->exec('insert into event_log (messageid, userid, adminid, state) values (?, ?, ?, ?)', $messageId, $userId, $adminId, $state); }
function index() { $this->load->helper('mail'); $db = new DbConn(); $mails = $db->query('select * from mails_scheduled where due <= NOW()'); while ($mail = $mails->next()) { $user_id = $mail->userid; $mail_id = $mail->mailid; $template = get_mail_template($mail_id, false); if (!$template) { continue; } send_user_mail($template, $user_id); $db->exec('delete from mails_scheduled where id = ?', $mail->id); } }
function login($username, $password, $persist) { $db = new DbConn(); $result = $db->query('select * from admins where email = ? and password = ?', $username, $password); if ($result->length != 1) { return FALSE; } $admin = $result->next(); $id = $admin->id; if (!$admin->token) { $token = md5(uniqid()); $db->exec('update admins set token = ? where email = ? and password = ?', $token, $username, $password); } else { $token = $admin->token; } $expire = $persist ? 157784630 : 0; set_cookie('admin_id', $id, $expire); set_cookie('admin_token', $token, $expire); return TRUE; }
<?php require_once ''; $id = $_POST['id']; $subject = $_POST['subject']; $htmlbody = $_POST['htmlbody']; $textbody = html_to_plaintext($htmlbody); $db = new DbConn(); if (!$id) { # New template $db->exec('insert into mail_templates () values ()'); $id = $db->last_insert_id(); } $rows = $db->exec('insert into mail_template_versions (templateid, subject, html, plaintext) values (?, ?, ?, ?)', (int) $id, $subject, $htmlbody, $textbody); if ($rows != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Insertion failed!"); } redirect("list.php?highlight={$id}");
require_once ''; require_once "{$base}/lib/EmailAddressValidator.php"; session_unset(); $firstname = trim($_POST['firstname']); $lastname = trim($_POST['lastname']); $email = trim($_POST['email']); $password = trim($_POST['password']); $password2 = trim($_POST['password2']); if ($password != $password2) { redirect('index.html?regerror=' . urlencode('Passwords do not match')); exit; } $user = get_user_by_email($email); if ($user) { redirect('index.html?regerror=' . urlencode('User already exists')); exit; } $validator = new EmailAddressValidator(); if (!$validator->check_email_address($email)) { redirect('index.html?regerror=' . urlencode('Invalid e-mail address')); exit; } $db = new DbConn(); $db->exec('INSERT INTO users (firstname, lastname, email, password) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', $firstname, $lastname, $email, $password); $newUser = get_user_by_email($email); if (!$newUser) { redirect('index.html?regerror=' . urlencode('An unknown error occurred')); exit; } $_SESSION['userid'] = $newUser->id; redirect('page1.html');
<?php session_start(); require_once ''; if (!$_SESSION['userid']) { redirect('login.php?error=1'); exit; } try { transition_user_to_state($_SESSION['userid'], STATUS_SUBMITTED); $db = new DbConn(); $db->exec('update users set submitdate = ? where id = ?', date_create(), $_SESSION['userid']); echo "OK"; } catch (Exception $e) { header('Content-Type: text/plain', true, 500); echo $e->getMessage(); }
function submit() { $user = $this->user->get_current_user(); $this->user->verify_draft($user); transition_user_to_state($user->id, STATUS_SUBMITTED); $db = new DbConn(); $db->exec('update users set submitdate = ? where id = ?', date_create(), $user->id); //redirect("apply/success"); $this->success(); }
function change_dates($userId) { $user = get_user($userId); if (!$user) { show_error('User not found', 404); } $arrival = $this->_to_date($this->input->post('arrivaldate')); $departure = $this->_to_date($this->input->post('departuredate')); $travelnotes = $this->input->post('travelnotes'); $confirmed = $this->input->post('datesconfirmed'); $db = new DbConn(); $rows = $db->exec('update users set arrivaldate = ?, departuredate = ?, travelnotes = ? where id = ?', $arrival, $departure, $travelnotes, (int) $userId); $arrival_str = $arrival->format('Y-m-d'); $departure_str = $arrival->format('Y-m-d'); log_event(LOG_TRAVEL_INFO_UPDATE, $userId, substr("Arrive: {$arrival_str}\nDepart: {$departure_str}\nNotes: {$travelnotes}", 0, 255)); if ($user->status == STATUS_ACCEPTED && $confirmed) { transition_user_to_state($userId, STATUS_CONFIRMED); } $this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'Changes saved successfully'); redirect("admin/volunteers/show/{$userId}"); }
/** * $template_id - * $user - User id or assoc array */ function send_user_mail($template, $user, $to = NULL) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->library('email'); $CI->load->library('admin'); $volunteer_coordinator = $CI->admin->get_volunteer_coordinator(); $mail_sender_name = $CI->config->item('mail_sender_name'); $mail_sender_email = $CI->config->item('mail_sender_email'); if (!is_array($user)) { $user = get_user_assoc($user); } if ($template->recipient == MAILRECIPIENT_ADMIN || $to) { $user['application_url'] = site_url('admin/volunteers/show/' . $user['id']); } $user['homepage_url'] = base_url(); $user['admin_email'] = $volunteer_coordinator->email; $user['admin_name'] = $volunteer_coordinator->name; $mail = render_mail($template, $user); $CI->email->initialize(array('mailtype' => 'html')); $CI->email->clear(TRUE); $CI->email->from($mail_sender_email, $mail_sender_name); if ($volunteer_coordinator) { $CI->email->reply_to($volunteer_coordinator->email, $volunteer_coordinator->name); } if ($to) { $CI->email->to($to); } else { if ($template->recipient == MAILRECIPIENT_APPLICANT) { $CI->email->to($user['email']); } else { if ($template->recipient == MAILRECIPIENT_ADMIN) { $CI->load->library('admin'); // get all admin e-mails $emails = $CI->admin->get_admin_emails(); $CI->email->to(implode(', ', $emails)); } } } $CI->email->subject($mail->subject); $CI->email->message($mail->html); $CI->email->set_alt_message($mail->plaintext); /* The filenames that the attachments use on disk are not human-readable--they have IDs, not the original filenames. To restore the original filenames we must create a temp directory structure and then copy the files to the temp dir, attach from there, send the file, then clean up the temp dir. */ $tmp = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'vteer_mail_'); if (!unlink($tmp) || !mkdir($tmp)) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create temp dir"); } while ($attachment = $template->attachments->next()) { $filedata = make_attachment_path($attachment->id); $subtmp = $tmp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $attachment->id; $filetmp = $subtmp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $attachment->filename; if (!mkdir($subtmp) || !copy($filedata, $filetmp)) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to attach file"); } $CI->email->attach($filetmp); } $CI->email->send(); if ($template->recurrence) { schedule_mail($user['id'], $template->templateid, new DateTime($template->recurrence)); } $db = new DbConn(); $db->exec('insert into mails_sent (userid, templateverid, sent) values (?, ?, ?)', $user['id'], $template->id, date_create()); deltree($tmp); }
<?php require_once ''; $db = new DbConn(); $mails = $db->query('select * from mails_scheduled where due <= UTC_TIMESTAMP()'); while ($mail = $mails->next()) { $user_id = $mail->userid; $mail_id = $mail->mailid; $id = $mail->id; $template = get_mail_template($mail_id, false); if (!$template) { continue; } send_user_mail($template, $user_id); $db->exec('insert into mails_sent (userid, templateverid) values (?, ?)', $user_id, $template->id); $db->exec('delete from mails_scheduled where id = ?', $mail->id); }
function upload() { if ($_FILES['file']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { echo 'File upload failed'; die($_FILES['file']['error']); } $filename = $_FILES['file']['name']; $filetype = $_FILES['file']['type']; $filesize = filesize($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); $db = new DbConn(); $db->exec('insert into mail_attachments (filename, type, size) values (?, ?, ?)', $filename, $filetype, $filesize); $fileId = $db->last_insert_id(); $destfile = make_attachment_path($fileId); if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $destfile)) { die('Upload failed'); } $this->load->view('admin/header'); $this->load->view('admin/mail/uploaded', array('fileid' => $fileId, 'filename' => $filename, 'filesize' => $filesize, 'filetype' => $filetype)); $this->load->view('admin/footer'); }
function merge_data($userid, $jsonData) { $newData = json_decode($jsonData, true); if (is_null($newData)) { throw new RuntimeException("JSON decoding failed!"); } $user = get_user($userid); if (!$user) { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown user {$userid}"); } $oldJson = $user->data && strlen($user->data) > 0 ? $user->data : "{}"; $oldData = json_decode($oldJson, true); if (is_null($oldData)) { throw new RuntimeException("JSON decoding failed!"); } foreach ($newData as $key => $val) { if (is_null($val)) { unset($oldData[$key]); } else { $oldData[$key] = $val; } } $mergedJson = json_encode($oldData); //echo $mergedJson; $db = new DbConn(); $db->exec('UPDATE users SET data = ? WHERE id = ?', $mergedJson, $userid); }