コード例 #1
ファイル: Calc.php プロジェクト: 222elm/dotprojectFrame
  * Returns the abbreviated weekday name for the given date
  * @param int $pn_day   the day of the month, default is current local day
  * @param int $pn_month the month, default is current local month
  * @param int $pn_year  the year in four digit format, default is current
  *                       local year
  * @param int $length   the length of abbreviation
  * @return   string     the abbreviated name of the day of the week
  * @access   public
  * @static
  * @see      Date_Calc::getWeekdayFullname()
 function getWeekdayAbbrname($pn_day = 0, $pn_month = 0, $pn_year = null, $length = 3)
     if (is_null($pn_year)) {
         $pn_year = Date_Calc::dateNow('%Y');
     if (empty($pn_month)) {
         $pn_month = Date_Calc::dateNow('%m');
     if (empty($pn_day)) {
         $pn_day = Date_Calc::dateNow('%d');
     $weekday_names = Date_Calc::getWeekDays(true);
     $weekday = Date_Calc::dayOfWeek($pn_day, $pn_month, $pn_year);
     return $weekday_names[$weekday];
コード例 #2
ファイル: Calc.php プロジェクト: noikiy/owaspbwa
  * Returns the full weekday name for the given date
  * @param string year in format CCYY, default current local year
  * @param string month in format MM, default current local month
  * @param string day in format DD, default current local day
  * @access public
  * @return string full month name
 function getWeekdayFullname($day = "", $month = "", $year = "")
     if (empty($year)) {
         $year = Date_Calc::dateNow("%Y");
     if (empty($month)) {
         $month = Date_Calc::dateNow("%m");
     if (empty($day)) {
         $day = Date_Calc::dateNow("%d");
     $weekday_names = Date_Calc::getWeekDays();
     $weekday = Date_Calc::dayOfWeek($day, $month, $year);
     return $weekday_names[$weekday];
コード例 #3
  * Returns the full weekday name for the given date
  * @param int    $day     the day of the month, default is current local day
  * @param int    $month   the month, default is current local month
  * @param int    $year    the year in four digit format, default is current local year
  * @return string  the full name of the day of the week
  * @access public
  * @static
 function getWeekdayFullname($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0)
     if (empty($year)) {
         $year = Date_Calc::dateNow('%Y');
     if (empty($month)) {
         $month = Date_Calc::dateNow('%m');
     if (empty($day)) {
         $day = Date_Calc::dateNow('%d');
     $weekday_names = Date_Calc::getWeekDays();
     $weekday = Date_Calc::dayOfWeek($day, $month, $year);
     return $weekday_names[$weekday];
コード例 #4
  * Extended version of 'format()' with variable-length formatting codes
  * Most codes reproduce the no of digits equal to the length of the code,
  * for example, 'YYY' will return the last 3 digits of the year, and so
  * the year 2007 will produce '007', and the year 89 will produce '089',
  * unless the no-padding code is used as in 'NPYYY', which will return
  * '89'.
  * For negative values, the sign will be discarded, unless the 'S' code
  * is used in combination, but note that for positive values the value
  * will be padded with a leading space unless it is suppressed with
  * the no-padding modifier, for example for 2007:
  *  <code>YYYY</code> returns '2007'
  *  <code>SYYYY</code> returns ' 2007'
  *  <code>NPSYYYY</code> returns '2007'
  * The no-padding modifier 'NP' can be used with numeric codes to
  * suppress leading (or trailing in the case of code 'F') noughts, and
  * with character-returning codes such as 'DAY' to suppress trailing
  * spaces, which will otherwise be padded to the maximum possible length
  * of the return-value of the code; for example, for Monday:
  *  <code>Day</code> returns 'Monday   ' because the maximum length of
  *                  this code is 'Wednesday';
  *  <code>NPDay</code> returns 'Monday'
  * N.B. this code affects the code immediately following only, and
  * without this code the default is always to apply padding.
  * Most character-returning codes, such as 'MONTH', will
  * set the capitalization according to the code, so for example:
  *  <code>MONTH</code> returns upper-case spelling, e.g. 'JANUARY'
  *  <code>Month</code> returns spelling with first character of each word
  *                    capitalized, e.g. 'January'
  *  <code>month</code> returns lower-case spelling, e.g. 'january'
  * Where it makes sense, numeric codes can be combined with a following
  * 'SP' code which spells out the number, or with a 'TH' code, which
  * renders the code as an ordinal ('TH' only works in English), for
  * example, for 31st December:
  *  <code>DD</code> returns '31'
  *  <code>DDTH</code> returns '31ST'
  *  <code>DDth</code> returns '31st'
  *  <code>DDSP</code> returns 'THIRTY-ONE'
  *  <code>DDSp</code> returns 'Thirty-one'
  *  <code>DDsp</code> returns 'thirty-one'
  *  <code>DDSPTH</code> returns 'THIRTY-FIRST'
  *  <code>DDSpth</code> returns 'Thirty-first'
  *  <code>DDspth</code> returns 'thirty-first'
  * All formatting options:
  *  <code>-</code> All punctuation and white-space is reproduced unchanged
  *  <code>/</code>
  *  <code>,</code>
  *  <code>.</code>
  *  <code>;</code>
  *  <code>:</code>
  *  <code> </code>
  *  <code>"text"</code> Quoted text is reproduced unchanged (escape using
  *                     '\')
  *  <code>AD</code> AD indicator with or without full stops; N.B. if you
  *                 are using 'Astronomical' year numbering then 'A.D./B.C.'
  *                 indicators will be out for negative years
  *  <code>A.D.</code> 
  *  <code>AM</code> Meridian indicator with or without full stops
  *  <code>A.M.</code> 
  *  <code>BC</code> BC indicator with or without full stops
  *  <code>B.C.</code> 
  *  <code>BCE</code> BCE indicator with or without full stops
  *  <code>B.C.E.</code> 
  *  <code>CC</code> Century, i.e. the year divided by 100, discarding the
  *                 remainder; 'S' prefixes negative years with a minus sign
  *  <code>SCC</code> 
  *  <code>CE</code> CE indicator with or without full stops
  *  <code>C.E.</code> 
  *  <code>D</code> Day of week (0-6), where 0 represents Sunday
  *  <code>DAY</code> Name of day, padded with blanks to display width of the
  *                  widest name of day in the locale of the machine
  *  <code>DD</code> Day of month (1-31)
  *  <code>DDD</code> Day of year (1-366)
  *  <code>DY</code> Abbreviated name of day
  *  <code>FFF</code> Fractional seconds; no radix character is printed.  The
  *                  no of 'F's determines the no of digits of the
  *                  part-second to return; e.g. 'HH:MI:SS.FF'
  *  <code>F[integer]</code> The integer after 'F' specifies the number of
  *                         digits of the part-second to return.  This is an
  *                         alternative to using F[integer], and 'F3' is thus
  *                         equivalent to using 'FFF'.
  *  <code>HH</code> Hour of day (0-23)
  *  <code>HH12</code> Hour of day (1-12)
  *  <code>HH24</code> Hour of day (0-23)
  *  <code>ID</code> Day of week (1-7) based on the ISO standard
  *  <code>IW</code> Week of year (1-52 or 1-53) based on the ISO standard
  *  <code>IYYY</code> 4-digit year based on the ISO 8601 standard; 'S'
  *                   prefixes negative years with a minus sign
  *  <code>SIYYY</code> 
  *  <code>IYY</code> Last 3, 2, or 1 digit(s) of ISO year
  *  <code>IY</code> 
  *  <code>I</code> 
  *  <code>J</code> Julian day - the number of days since Monday, 24th
  *                November, 4714 B.C. (proleptic Gregorian calendar)
  *  <code>MI</code> Minute (0-59)
  *  <code>MM</code> Month (01-12; January = 01)
  *  <code>MON</code> Abbreviated name of month
  *  <code>MONTH</code> Name of month, padded with blanks to display width of
  *                    the widest name of month in the date language used for
  *  <code>PM</code> Meridian indicator with or without full stops
  *  <code>P.M.</code> 
  *  <code>Q</code> Quarter of year (1, 2, 3, 4; January - March = 1)
  *  <code>RM</code> Roman numeral month (I-XII; January = I); N.B. padded
  *                 with leading spaces.
  *  <code>SS</code> Second (0-59)
  *  <code>SSSSS</code> Seconds past midnight (0-86399)
  *  <code>TZC</code> Abbreviated form of time zone name, e.g. 'GMT', or the
  *                  abbreviation for Summer time if the date falls in Summer
  *                  time, e.g. 'BST'.
  *                  N.B. this is not a unique identifier - for this purpose
  *                  use the time zone region (code 'TZR').
  *  <code>TZH</code> Time zone hour; 'S' prefixes the hour with the correct
  *                  sign, (+/-), which otherwise is not displayed.  Note
  *                  that the leading nought can be suppressed with the
  *                  no-padding code 'NP').  Also note that if you combine
  *                  with the 'SP' code, the sign will not be spelled out.
  *                  (I.e. 'STZHSp' will produce '+One', for example, and
  *                  not 'Plus One'.
  *                  'TZH:TZM' will produce, for example, '+05:30'.  (Also
  *                  see 'TZM' format code)
  *  <code>STZH</code> 
  *  <code>TZI</code> Whether or not the date is in Summer time (daylight
  *                  saving time).  Returns '1' if Summer time, else '0'.
  *  <code>TZM</code> Time zone minute, without any +/- sign.  (Also see
  *                  'TZH' format element)
  *  <code>TZN</code> Long form of time zone name, e.g.
  *                  'Greenwich Mean Time', or the name of the Summer time if
  *                  the date falls in Summer time, e.g.
  *                  'British Summer Time'.  N.B. this is not a unique
  *                  identifier - for this purpose use the time zone region
  *                  (code 'TZR').
  *  <code>TZO</code> Time zone offset in ISO 8601 form - that is, 'Z' if
  *                  UTC, else [+/-][hh]:[mm] (which would be equivalent
  *                  to 'STZH:TZM').  Note that this result is right padded
  *                  with spaces by default, (i.e. if 'Z').
  *  <code>TZS</code> Time zone offset in seconds; 'S' prefixes negative
  *                  sign with minus sign '-' if negative, and no sign if
  *                  positive (i.e. -43200 to 50400).
  *  <code>STZS</code>
  *  <code>TZR</code> Time zone region, that is, the name or ID of the time
  *                  zone e.g. 'Europe/London'.  This value is unique for
  *                  each time zone.
  *  <code>U</code> Seconds since the Unix Epoch -
  *                January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT
  *  <code>W</code> 'Absolute' week of month (1-5), counting week 1 as
  *                1st-7th of the year, regardless of the day
  *  <code>W1</code> Week of year (1-54), counting week 1 as the week that
  *                 contains 1st January
  *  <code>W4</code> Week of year (1-53), counting week 1 as the week that
  *                 contains 4th January (i.e. first week with at least 4
  *                 days)
  *  <code>W7</code> Week of year (1-53), counting week 1 as the week that
  *                 contains 7th January (i.e. first full week)
  *  <code>WW</code> 'Absolute' week of year (1-53), counting week 1 as
  *                 1st-7th of the year, regardless of the day
  *  <code>YEAR</code> Year, spelled out; 'S' prefixes negative years with
  *                  'MINUS'; N.B. 'YEAR' differs from 'YYYYSP' in that the
  *                   first will render 1923, for example, as 'NINETEEN
  *                   TWENTY-THREE, and the second as 'ONE THOUSAND NINE
  *                   HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE'
  *  <code>SYEAR</code> 
  *  <code>YYYY</code> 4-digit year; 'S' prefixes negative years with a minus
  *                   sign
  *  <code>SYYYY</code> 
  *  <code>YYY</code> Last 3, 2, or 1 digit(s) of year
  *  <code>YY</code> 
  *  <code>Y</code> 
  *  <code>Y,YYY</code> Year with thousands-separator in this position; five
  *                    possible separators
  *  <code>Y.YYY</code> 
  *  <code>YキYYY</code> N.B. space-dot (mid-dot, interpunct) is valid only in
  *                    ISO 8859-1 (so take care when using UTF-8 in
  *                    particular)
  *  <code>Y'YYY</code> 
  *  <code>Y YYY</code> 
  * In addition the following codes can be used in combination with other
  * codes;
  *  Codes that modify the next code in the format string:
  *  <code>NP</code> 'No Padding' - Returns a value with no trailing blanks
  *                 and no leading or trailing noughts; N.B. that the
  *                 default is to include this padding in the return string.
  *                 N.B. affects the code immediately following only.
  *  Codes that modify the previous code in the format string (can only
  *  be used with integral codes such as 'MM'):
  *  <code>TH</code> Ordinal number
  *  <code>SP</code> Spelled cardinal number
  *  <code>SPTH</code> Spelled ordinal number (combination of 'SP' and 'TH'
  *                   in any order)
  *  <code>THSP</code> 
  * Code 'SP' can have the following three variations (which can also be used
  * in combination with 'TH'):
  *  <code>SP</code> returns upper-case spelling, e.g. 'FOUR HUNDRED'
  *  <code>Sp</code> returns spelling with first character of each word
  *                 capitalized, e.g. 'Four Hundred'
  *  <code>sp</code> returns lower-case spelling, e.g. 'four hundred'
  * Code 'TH' can have the following two variations (although in combination
  * with code 'SP', the case specification of 'SP' takes precedence):
  *  <code>TH</code> returns upper-case ordinal suffix, e.g. 400TH
  *  <code>th</code> returns lower-case ordinal suffix, e.g. 400th
  * @param string $ps_format format string for returned date/time
  * @param string $ps_locale language name abbreviation used for formatting
  *                           numbers as spelled-out words
  * @return   string     date/time in given format
  * @access   public
  * @since    Method available since Release 1.5.0
 function format2($ps_format, $ps_locale = "en_GB")
     if (!preg_match('/^("([^"\\\\]|\\\\\\\\|\\\\")*"|(D{1,3}|S?C+|' . 'HH(12|24)?|I[DW]|S?IY*|J|M[IM]|Q|SS(SSS)?|S?TZ[HS]|' . 'TZM|U|W[W147]?|S?Y{1,3}([,.キ\' ]?YYY)*)(SP(TH)?|' . 'TH(SP)?)?|AD|A\\.D\\.|AM|A\\.M\\.|BCE?|B\\.C\\.(E\\.)?|CE|' . 'C\\.E\\.|DAY|DY|F(F*|[1-9][0-9]*)|MON(TH)?|NP|PM|' . 'P\\.M\\.|RM|TZ[CINOR]|S?YEAR|[^A-Z0-9"])*$/i', $ps_format)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError("Invalid date format '{$ps_format}'", DATE_ERROR_INVALIDFORMATSTRING);
     $ret = "";
     $i = 0;
     $hb_nopadflag = false;
     $hb_showsignflag = false;
     $hn_weekdaypad = null;
     $hn_monthpad = null;
     $hn_isoyear = null;
     $hn_isoweek = null;
     $hn_isoday = null;
     $hn_tzoffset = null;
     while ($i < strlen($ps_format)) {
         $hb_lower = false;
         if ($hb_nopadflag) {
             $hb_nopad = true;
         } else {
             $hb_nopad = false;
         if ($hb_showsignflag) {
             $hb_nosign = false;
         } else {
             $hb_nosign = true;
         $hb_nopadflag = false;
         $hb_showsignflag = false;
         switch ($hs_char = substr($ps_format, $i, 1)) {
             case "-":
             case "/":
             case ",":
             case ".":
             case ";":
             case ":":
             case " ":
                 $ret .= $hs_char;
                 $i += 1;
             case "\"":
                 preg_match('/(([^"\\\\]|\\\\\\\\|\\\\")*)"/', $ps_format, $ha_matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $i + 1);
                 $ret .= str_replace(array('\\\\', '\\"'), array('\\', '"'), $ha_matches[1][0]);
                 $i += strlen($ha_matches[0][0]) + 1;
             case "a":
                 $hb_lower = true;
             case "A":
                 if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 4)) == "A.D.") {
                     $ret .= $this->year >= 0 ? $hb_lower ? "a.d." : "A.D." : ($hb_lower ? "b.c." : "B.C.");
                     $i += 4;
                 } else {
                     if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "AD") {
                         $ret .= $this->year >= 0 ? $hb_lower ? "ad" : "AD" : ($hb_lower ? "bc" : "BC");
                         $i += 2;
                     } else {
                         if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
                             return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
                         if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 4)) == "A.M.") {
                             $ret .= $this->hour < 12 ? $hb_lower ? "a.m." : "A.M." : ($hb_lower ? "p.m." : "P.M.");
                             $i += 4;
                         } else {
                             if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "AM") {
                                 $ret .= $this->hour < 12 ? $hb_lower ? "am" : "AM" : ($hb_lower ? "pm" : "PM");
                                 $i += 2;
             case "b":
                 $hb_lower = true;
             case "B":
                 // Check for 'B.C.E.' first:
                 if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 6)) == "B.C.E.") {
                     if ($this->year >= 0) {
                         $hs_era = $hb_lower ? "c.e." : "C.E.";
                         $ret .= $hb_nopad ? $hs_era : str_pad($hs_era, 6, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
                     } else {
                         $ret .= $hb_lower ? "b.c.e." : "B.C.E.";
                     $i += 6;
                 } else {
                     if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "BCE") {
                         if ($this->year >= 0) {
                             $hs_era = $hb_lower ? "ce" : "CE";
                             $ret .= $hb_nopad ? $hs_era : str_pad($hs_era, 3, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
                         } else {
                             $ret .= $hb_lower ? "bce" : "BCE";
                         $i += 3;
                     } else {
                         if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 4)) == "B.C.") {
                             $ret .= $this->year >= 0 ? $hb_lower ? "a.d." : "A.D." : ($hb_lower ? "b.c." : "B.C.");
                             $i += 4;
                         } else {
                             if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "BC") {
                                 $ret .= $this->year >= 0 ? $hb_lower ? "ad" : "AD" : ($hb_lower ? "bc" : "BC");
                                 $i += 2;
             case "c":
                 $hb_lower = true;
             case "C":
                 if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 4)) == "C.E.") {
                     if ($this->year >= 0) {
                         $hs_era = $hb_lower ? "c.e." : "C.E.";
                         $ret .= $hb_nopad ? $hs_era : str_pad($hs_era, 6, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
                     } else {
                         $ret .= $hb_lower ? "b.c.e." : "B.C.E.";
                     $i += 4;
                 } else {
                     if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "CE") {
                         if ($this->year >= 0) {
                             $hs_era = $hb_lower ? "ce" : "CE";
                             $ret .= $hb_nopad ? $hs_era : str_pad($hs_era, 3, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
                         } else {
                             $ret .= $hb_lower ? "bce" : "BCE";
                         $i += 2;
                     } else {
                         // Code C(CCC...):
                         $hn_codelen = 1;
                         while (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 1)) == "C") {
                         // Check next code is not 'CE' or 'C.E.'
                         if ($hn_codelen > 1 && (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen - 1, 4)) == "C.E." || strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen - 1, 2)) == "CE")) {
                         $hn_century = intval($this->year / 100);
                         $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 4);
                         $hs_century = $this->_formatNumber($hn_century, $hs_numberformat, $hn_codelen, $hb_nopad, $hb_nosign, $ps_locale);
                         if (Pear::isError($hs_century)) {
                             return $hs_century;
                         $ret .= $hs_century;
                         $i += $hn_codelen + strlen($hs_numberformat);
             case "d":
                 $hb_lower = true;
             case "D":
                 if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "DAY") {
                     $hs_day = Date_Calc::getWeekdayFullname($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
                     if (!$hb_nopad) {
                         if (is_null($hn_weekdaypad)) {
                             // Set week-day padding variable:
                             $hn_weekdaypad = 0;
                             foreach (Date_Calc::getWeekDays() as $hs_weekday) {
                                 $hn_weekdaypad = max($hn_weekdaypad, strlen($hs_weekday));
                         $hs_day = str_pad($hs_day, $hn_weekdaypad, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
                     $ret .= $hb_lower ? strtolower($hs_day) : (substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 1) == "A" ? strtoupper($hs_day) : $hs_day);
                     $i += 3;
                 } else {
                     if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "DY") {
                         $hs_day = Date_Calc::getWeekdayAbbrname($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
                         $ret .= $hb_lower ? strtolower($hs_day) : (substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 1) == "Y" ? strtoupper($hs_day) : $hs_day);
                         $i += 2;
                     } else {
                         if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "DDD" && strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 3)) != "DAY" && strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 2)) != "DY") {
                             $hn_day = Date_Calc::dayOfYear($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
                             $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 3, 4);
                             $hs_day = $this->_formatNumber($hn_day, $hs_numberformat, 3, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                             if (Pear::isError($hs_day)) {
                                 return $hs_day;
                             $ret .= $hs_day;
                             $i += 3 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
                         } else {
                             if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "DD" && strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 3)) != "DAY" && strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 2)) != "DY") {
                                 $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
                                 $hs_day = $this->_formatNumber($this->day, $hs_numberformat, 2, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                                 if (Pear::isError($hs_day)) {
                                     return $hs_day;
                                 $ret .= $hs_day;
                                 $i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
                             } else {
                                 // Code 'D':
                                 $hn_day = Date_Calc::dayOfWeek($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
                                 $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 4);
                                 $hs_day = $this->_formatNumber($hn_day, $hs_numberformat, 1, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                                 if (Pear::isError($hs_day)) {
                                     return $hs_day;
                                 $ret .= $hs_day;
                                 $i += 1 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
             case "f":
             case "F":
                 if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
                     return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
                 $hn_codelen = 1;
                 if (is_numeric(substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 1))) {
                     while (is_numeric(substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 1))) {
                     $hn_partsecdigits = substr($ps_format, $i + 1, $hn_codelen - 1);
                 } else {
                     while (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 1)) == "F") {
                     // Check next code is not F[numeric]:
                     if ($hn_codelen > 1 && is_numeric(substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 1))) {
                     $hn_partsecdigits = $hn_codelen;
                 $hs_partsec = (string) $this->partsecond;
                 if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+)(\\.([0-9]+))?E-([0-9]+)$/i', $hs_partsec, $ha_matches)) {
                     $hs_partsec = str_repeat("0", $ha_matches[4] - strlen($ha_matches[1])) . $ha_matches[1] . $ha_matches[3];
                 } else {
                     $hs_partsec = substr($hs_partsec, 2);
                 $hs_partsec = substr($hs_partsec, 0, $hn_partsecdigits);
                 // '_formatNumber() will not work for this because the
                 // part-second is an int, and we want it to behave like a float:
                 if ($hb_nopad) {
                     $hs_partsec = rtrim($hs_partsec, "0");
                     if ($hs_partsec == "") {
                         $hs_partsec = "0";
                 } else {
                     $hs_partsec = str_pad($hs_partsec, $hn_partsecdigits, "0", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
                 $ret .= $hs_partsec;
                 $i += $hn_codelen;
             case "h":
             case "H":
                 if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
                     return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
                 if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 4)) == "HH12") {
                     $hn_hour = $this->hour % 12;
                     if ($hn_hour == 0) {
                         $hn_hour = 12;
                     $hn_codelen = 4;
                 } else {
                     // Code 'HH' or 'HH24':
                     $hn_hour = $this->hour;
                     $hn_codelen = strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 4)) == "HH24" ? 4 : 2;
                 $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 4);
                 $hs_hour = $this->_formatNumber($hn_hour, $hs_numberformat, 2, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                 if (Pear::isError($hs_hour)) {
                     return $hs_hour;
                 $ret .= $hs_hour;
                 $i += $hn_codelen + strlen($hs_numberformat);
             case "i":
             case "I":
                 if (is_null($hn_isoyear)) {
                     list($hn_isoyear, $hn_isoweek, $hn_isoday) = Date_Calc::isoWeekDate($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
                 if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "ID" && strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 3)) != "DAY") {
                     $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
                     $hs_isoday = $this->_formatNumber($hn_isoday, $hs_numberformat, 1, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                     if (Pear::isError($hs_isoday)) {
                         return $hs_isoday;
                     $ret .= $hs_isoday;
                     $i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
                 } else {
                     if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "IW") {
                         $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
                         $hs_isoweek = $this->_formatNumber($hn_isoweek, $hs_numberformat, 2, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                         if (Pear::isError($hs_isoweek)) {
                             return $hs_isoweek;
                         $ret .= $hs_isoweek;
                         $i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
                     } else {
                         // Code I(YYY...):
                         $hn_codelen = 1;
                         while (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 1)) == "Y") {
                         $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 4);
                         $hs_isoyear = $this->_formatNumber($hn_isoyear, $hs_numberformat, $hn_codelen, $hb_nopad, $hb_nosign, $ps_locale);
                         if (Pear::isError($hs_isoyear)) {
                             return $hs_isoyear;
                         $ret .= $hs_isoyear;
                         $i += $hn_codelen + strlen($hs_numberformat);
             case "j":
             case "J":
                 $hn_jd = Date_Calc::dateToDays($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
                 $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 4);
                 // Allow sign if negative; allow all digits (specify nought);
                 // suppress padding:
                 $hs_jd = $this->_formatNumber($hn_jd, $hs_numberformat, 0, true, false, $ps_locale);
                 if (Pear::isError($hs_jd)) {
                     return $hs_jd;
                 $ret .= $hs_jd;
                 $i += 1 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
             case "m":
                 $hb_lower = true;
             case "M":
                 if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "MI") {
                     if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
                         return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
                     $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
                     $hs_minute = $this->_formatNumber($this->minute, $hs_numberformat, 2, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                     if (Pear::isError($hs_minute)) {
                         return $hs_minute;
                     $ret .= $hs_minute;
                     $i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
                 } else {
                     if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "MM") {
                         $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
                         $hs_month = $this->_formatNumber($this->month, $hs_numberformat, 2, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                         if (Pear::isError($hs_month)) {
                             return $hs_month;
                         $ret .= $hs_month;
                         $i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
                     } else {
                         if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 5)) == "MONTH") {
                             $hs_month = Date_Calc::getMonthFullname($this->month);
                             if (!$hb_nopad) {
                                 if (is_null($hn_monthpad)) {
                                     // Set month padding variable:
                                     $hn_monthpad = 0;
                                     foreach (Date_Calc::getMonthNames() as $hs_monthofyear) {
                                         $hn_monthpad = max($hn_monthpad, strlen($hs_monthofyear));
                                 $hs_month = str_pad($hs_month, $hn_monthpad, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
                             $ret .= $hb_lower ? strtolower($hs_month) : (substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 1) == "O" ? strtoupper($hs_month) : $hs_month);
                             $i += 5;
                         } else {
                             if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "MON") {
                                 $hs_month = Date_Calc::getMonthAbbrname($this->month);
                                 $ret .= $hb_lower ? strtolower($hs_month) : (substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 1) == "O" ? strtoupper($hs_month) : $hs_month);
                                 $i += 3;
             case "n":
             case "N":
                 // No-Padding rule 'NP' applies to the next code (either trailing
                 // spaces or leading/trailing noughts):
                 $hb_nopadflag = true;
                 $i += 2;
             case "p":
                 $hb_lower = true;
             case "P":
                 if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
                     return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
                 if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 4)) == "P.M.") {
                     $ret .= $this->hour < 12 ? $hb_lower ? "a.m." : "A.M." : ($hb_lower ? "p.m." : "P.M.");
                     $i += 4;
                 } else {
                     if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "PM") {
                         $ret .= $this->hour < 12 ? $hb_lower ? "am" : "AM" : ($hb_lower ? "pm" : "PM");
                         $i += 2;
             case "q":
             case "Q":
                 // N.B. Current implementation ignores the day and year, but
                 // it is possible that a different implementation might be
                 // desired, so pass these parameters anyway:
                 $hn_quarter = Date_Calc::quarterOfYear($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
                 $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 4);
                 $hs_quarter = $this->_formatNumber($hn_quarter, $hs_numberformat, 1, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                 if (Pear::isError($hs_quarter)) {
                     return $hs_quarter;
                 $ret .= $hs_quarter;
                 $i += 1 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
             case "r":
                 $hb_lower = true;
             case "R":
                 // Code 'RM':
                 switch ($this->month) {
                     case 1:
                         $hs_monthroman = "i";
                     case 2:
                         $hs_monthroman = "ii";
                     case 3:
                         $hs_monthroman = "iii";
                     case 4:
                         $hs_monthroman = "iv";
                     case 5:
                         $hs_monthroman = "v";
                     case 6:
                         $hs_monthroman = "vi";
                     case 7:
                         $hs_monthroman = "vii";
                     case 8:
                         $hs_monthroman = "viii";
                     case 9:
                         $hs_monthroman = "ix";
                     case 10:
                         $hs_monthroman = "x";
                     case 11:
                         $hs_monthroman = "xi";
                     case 12:
                         $hs_monthroman = "xii";
                 $hs_monthroman = $hb_lower ? $hs_monthroman : strtoupper($hs_monthroman);
                 $ret .= $hb_nopad ? $hs_monthroman : str_pad($hs_monthroman, 4, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                 $i += 2;
             case "s":
             case "S":
                 // Check for 'SSSSS' before 'SS':
                 if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 5)) == "SSSSS") {
                     if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
                         return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
                     $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 5, 4);
                     $hn_second = Date_Calc::secondsPastMidnight($this->hour, $this->minute, $this->second);
                     $hs_second = $this->_formatNumber($hn_second, $hs_numberformat, 5, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                     if (Pear::isError($hs_second)) {
                         return $hs_second;
                     $ret .= $hs_second;
                     $i += 5 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
                 } else {
                     if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "SS") {
                         if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
                             return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
                         $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
                         $hs_second = $this->_formatNumber($this->second, $hs_numberformat, 2, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                         if (Pear::isError($hs_second)) {
                             return $hs_second;
                         $ret .= $hs_second;
                         $i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
                     } else {
                         // One of the following codes:
                         //  'SC(CCC...)'
                         //  'SY(YYY...)'
                         //  'SIY(YYY...)'
                         //  'STZH'
                         //  'STZS'
                         //  'SYEAR'
                         $hb_showsignflag = true;
                         if ($hb_nopad) {
                             $hb_nopadflag = true;
             case "t":
             case "T":
                 // Code TZ[...]:
                 if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZR") {
                     // This time-zone-related code can be called when the time is
                     // invalid, but the others should return an error:
                     $ret .= $this->getTZID();
                     $i += 3;
                 } else {
                     if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
                         return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
                     if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZC") {
                         $ret .= $this->getTZShortName();
                         $i += 3;
                     } else {
                         if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZH") {
                             if (is_null($hn_tzoffset)) {
                                 $hn_tzoffset = $this->getTZOffset();
                             $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 3, 4);
                             $hn_tzh = intval($hn_tzoffset / 3600000);
                             // Suppress sign here (it is added later):
                             $hs_tzh = $this->_formatNumber($hn_tzh, $hs_numberformat, 2, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                             if (Pear::isError($hs_tzh)) {
                                 return $hs_tzh;
                             // Display sign, even if positive:
                             $ret .= ($hb_nosign ? "" : ($hn_tzh >= 0 ? '+' : '-')) . $hs_tzh;
                             $i += 3 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
                         } else {
                             if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZI") {
                                 $ret .= $this->inDaylightTime() ? '1' : '0';
                                 $i += 3;
                             } else {
                                 if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZM") {
                                     if (is_null($hn_tzoffset)) {
                                         $hn_tzoffset = $this->getTZOffset();
                                     $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 3, 4);
                                     $hn_tzm = intval($hn_tzoffset % 3600000 / 60000);
                                     // Suppress sign:
                                     $hs_tzm = $this->_formatNumber($hn_tzm, $hs_numberformat, 2, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                                     if (Pear::isError($hs_tzm)) {
                                         return $hs_tzm;
                                     $ret .= $hs_tzm;
                                     $i += 3 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
                                 } else {
                                     if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZN") {
                                         $ret .= $this->getTZLongName();
                                         $i += 3;
                                     } else {
                                         if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZO") {
                                             if (is_null($hn_tzoffset)) {
                                                 $hn_tzoffset = $this->getTZOffset();
                                             $hn_tzh = intval(abs($hn_tzoffset) / 3600000);
                                             $hn_tzm = intval(abs($hn_tzoffset) % 3600000 / 60000);
                                             if ($hn_tzoffset == 0) {
                                                 $ret .= $hb_nopad ? "Z" : "Z     ";
                                             } else {
                                                 // Display sign, even if positive:
                                                 $ret .= ($hn_tzoffset >= 0 ? '+' : '-') . sprintf("%02d", $hn_tzh) . ":" . sprintf("%02d", $hn_tzm);
                                             $i += 3;
                                         } else {
                                             if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 3)) == "TZS") {
                                                 if (is_null($hn_tzoffset)) {
                                                     $hn_tzoffset = $this->getTZOffset();
                                                 $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 3, 4);
                                                 $hn_tzs = intval($hn_tzoffset / 1000);
                                                 $hs_tzs = $this->_formatNumber($hn_tzs, $hs_numberformat, 5, $hb_nopad, $hb_nosign, $ps_locale);
                                                 if (Pear::isError($hs_tzs)) {
                                                     return $hs_tzs;
                                                 $ret .= $hs_tzs;
                                                 $i += 3 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
             case "u":
             case "U":
                 if ($this->ob_invalidtime) {
                     return $this->_getErrorInvalidTime();
                 $hn_unixtime = $this->getTime();
                 $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 4);
                 // Allow sign if negative; allow all digits (specify nought);
                 // suppress padding:
                 $hs_unixtime = $this->_formatNumber($hn_unixtime, $hs_numberformat, 0, true, false, $ps_locale);
                 if (Pear::isError($hs_unixtime)) {
                     return $hs_unixtime;
                 $ret .= $hs_unixtime;
                 $i += 1 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
             case "w":
             case "W":
                 // Check for 'WW' before 'W':
                 if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "WW") {
                     $hn_week = Date_Calc::weekOfYearAbsolute($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
                     $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
                     $hs_week = $this->_formatNumber($hn_week, $hs_numberformat, 2, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                     if (Pear::isError($hs_week)) {
                         return $hs_week;
                     $ret .= $hs_week;
                     $i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
                 } else {
                     if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "W1") {
                         $hn_week = Date_Calc::weekOfYear1st($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
                         $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
                         $hs_week = $this->_formatNumber($hn_week, $hs_numberformat, 2, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                         if (Pear::isError($hs_week)) {
                             return $hs_week;
                         $ret .= $hs_week;
                         $i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
                     } else {
                         if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "W4") {
                             $ha_week = Date_Calc::weekOfYear4th($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
                             $hn_week = $ha_week[1];
                             $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
                             $hs_week = $this->_formatNumber($hn_week, $hs_numberformat, 2, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                             if (Pear::isError($hs_week)) {
                                 return $hs_week;
                             $ret .= $hs_week;
                             $i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
                         } else {
                             if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) == "W7") {
                                 $ha_week = Date_Calc::weekOfYear7th($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
                                 $hn_week = $ha_week[1];
                                 $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 2, 4);
                                 $hs_week = $this->_formatNumber($hn_week, $hs_numberformat, 2, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                                 if (Pear::isError($hs_week)) {
                                     return $hs_week;
                                 $ret .= $hs_week;
                                 $i += 2 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
                             } else {
                                 // Code 'W':
                                 $hn_week = Date_Calc::weekOfMonthAbsolute($this->day, $this->month, $this->year);
                                 $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + 1, 4);
                                 $hs_week = $this->_formatNumber($hn_week, $hs_numberformat, 1, $hb_nopad, true, $ps_locale);
                                 if (Pear::isError($hs_week)) {
                                     return $hs_week;
                                 $ret .= $hs_week;
                                 $i += 1 + strlen($hs_numberformat);
             case "y":
             case "Y":
                 // Check for 'YEAR' first:
                 if (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i, 4)) == "YEAR") {
                     switch (substr($ps_format, $i, 2)) {
                         case "YE":
                             $hs_spformat = "SP";
                         case "Ye":
                             $hs_spformat = "Sp";
                             $hs_spformat = "sp";
                     if (($hn_yearabs = abs($this->year)) < 100 || $hn_yearabs % 100 < 10) {
                         $hs_numberformat = $hs_spformat;
                         // Allow all digits (specify nought); padding irrelevant:
                         $hs_year = $this->_formatNumber($this->year, $hs_numberformat, 0, true, $hb_nosign, $ps_locale);
                         if (Pear::isError($hs_year)) {
                             return $hs_year;
                         $ret .= $hs_year;
                     } else {
                         // Year is spelled 'Nineteen Twelve' rather than
                         // 'One thousand Nine Hundred Twelve':
                         $hn_century = intval($this->year / 100);
                         $hs_numberformat = $hs_spformat;
                         // Allow all digits (specify nought); padding irrelevant:
                         $hs_century = $this->_formatNumber($hn_century, $hs_numberformat, 0, true, $hb_nosign, $ps_locale);
                         if (Pear::isError($hs_century)) {
                             return $hs_century;
                         $ret .= $hs_century . " ";
                         $hs_numberformat = $hs_spformat;
                         // Discard sign; padding irrelevant:
                         $hs_year = $this->_formatNumber($this->year, $hs_numberformat, 2, false, true, $ps_locale);
                         if (Pear::isError($hs_year)) {
                             return $hs_year;
                         $ret .= $hs_year;
                     $i += 4;
                 } else {
                     // Code Y(YYY...):
                     $hn_codelen = 1;
                     while (strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 1)) == "Y") {
                     $hs_thousandsep = null;
                     $hn_thousandseps = 0;
                     if ($hn_codelen <= 3) {
                         while (preg_match('/([,.キ\' ])YYY/i', substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 4), $ha_matches)) {
                             $hn_codelen += 4;
                             $hs_thousandsep = $ha_matches[1];
                     // Check next code is not 'YEAR'
                     if ($hn_codelen > 1 && strtoupper(substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen - 1, 4)) == "YEAR") {
                     $hs_numberformat = substr($ps_format, $i + $hn_codelen, 4);
                     $hs_year = $this->_formatNumber($this->year, $hs_numberformat, $hn_codelen - $hn_thousandseps, $hb_nopad, $hb_nosign, $ps_locale, $hs_thousandsep);
                     if (Pear::isError($hs_year)) {
                         return $hs_year;
                     $ret .= $hs_year;
                     $i += $hn_codelen + strlen($hs_numberformat);
                 $ret .= $hs_char;
     return $ret;
コード例 #5
ファイル: evEvent.class.php プロジェクト: NewRoute/evlist
  *  Creates the edit form
  *  @param integer $id Optional ID, current record used if zero
  *  @return string HTML for edit form
 public function Edit($eid = '', $rp_id = 0, $saveaction = '')
     // If an eid is specified and this is an object, then read the
     // event data- UNLESS a repeat ID is given in which case we're
     // editing a repeat and already have the info we need.
     // This probably needs to change, since we should always read event
     // data during construction.
     if (!$this->isSubmitter) {
         // At least submit privilege required
     } elseif ($eid != '' && $rp_id == 0 && is_object($this)) {
         // If an id is passed in, then read that record
         if (!$this->Read($eid)) {
             return 'Invalid object ID';
     } elseif (isset($_POST['eid']) && !empty($_POST['eid'])) {
         // Returning to an existing form, probably due to errors
         // Make sure the current user has access to this event.
         if (!$this->hasAccess(3)) {
     $T = new Template($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/evlist/templates/');
     if ($_SYSTEM['disable_jquery_slimbox']) {
         $T->set_file('editor', 'editor.uikit.thtml');
     } else {
         $T->set_file('editor', 'editor.thtml');
     // Basic tabs for editing both events and instances, show up on
     // all edit forms
     //$tabs = array('ev_info', 'ev_schedule', 'ev_location', 'ev_contact',);
     $tabs = array('ev_info', 'ev_location', 'ev_contact');
     $rp_id = (int) $rp_id;
     if ($rp_id > 0) {
         // Make sure the current user has access to this event.
         if (!$this->hasAccess(3)) {
         if ($saveaction == 'savefuturerepeat') {
             $alert_msg = EVLIST_alertMessage($LANG_EVLIST['editing_future'], 'warning');
         } else {
             $alert_msg = EVLIST_alertMessage($LANG_EVLIST['editing_instance'], 'info');
         // Set the static calendar name for the edit form.  Can't
         // change it for a single instance.
         $cal_name = DB_getItem($_TABLES['evlist_calendars'], 'cal_name', "cal_id='" . (int) $this->cal_id . "'");
         $T->set_var(array('contact_section' => 'true', 'is_repeat' => 'true', 'cal_name' => $cal_name));
         // Override our dates & times with those from the repeat.
         // $rp_id is passed when this is called from class evRepeat.
         // Maybe that should pass in the repeat's data instead to avoid
         // another DB lookup.  An array of values could be used.
         $Rep = DB_fetchArray(DB_query("SELECT * \n                    FROM {$_TABLES['evlist_repeat']}\n                    WHERE rp_id='{$rp_id}'"), false);
         if ($Rep) {
             $this->date_start1 = $Rep['rp_date_start'];
             $this->date_end1 = $Rep['rp_date_end'];
             $this->time_start1 = $Rep['rp_time_start1'];
             $this->time_end1 = $Rep['rp_time_end1'];
             $this->time_start2 = $Rep['rp_time_start2'];
             $this->time_end2 = $Rep['rp_time_end2'];
     } else {
         // Editing the main event record
         if ($this->id != '' && $this->recurring == 1) {
             $alert_msg = EVLIST_alertMessage($LANG_EVLIST['editing_series'], 'error');
         if ($this->isAdmin) {
             $tabs[] = 'ev_perms';
             // Add permissions tab, event edit only
             $T->set_var('permissions_editor', 'true');
         $T->set_var(array('contact_section' => 'true', 'category_section' => 'true', 'upcoming_chk' => $this->show_upcoming ? EVCHECKED : ''));
     $action_url = EVLIST_URL . '/event.php';
     $delaction = 'delevent';
     if (isset($_GET['from']) && $_GET['from'] == 'admin') {
         $cancel_url = EVLIST_ADMIN_URL . '/index.php';
     } else {
         $cancel_url = EVLIST_URL . '/index.php';
     switch ($saveaction) {
         case 'saverepeat':
         case 'savefuturerepeat':
         case 'saveevent':
         case 'moderate':
             // Approving a submission
             $saveaction = 'approve';
             $delaction = 'disapprove';
             $action_url = EVLIST_ADMIN_URL . '/index.php';
             $cancel_url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/moderation.php';
             $saveaction = 'saveevent';
     $retval = '';
     //$recinterval = '';
     $recweekday = '';
     $ownerusername = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'username', "uid='{$this->owner_id}'");
     $retval .= COM_startBlock($LANG_EVLIST['event_editor']);
     $summary = $this->Detail->summary;
     $full_description = $this->Detail->full_description;
     $location = $this->Detail->location;
     if (($this->isAdmin || $_EV_CONF['allow_html'] == '1' && $_USER['uid'] > 1) && $A['postmode'] == 'html') {
         $postmode = '2';
     } else {
         $postmode = '1';
         $summary = htmlspecialchars(COM_undoClickableLinks(COM_undoSpecialChars($this->Detail->summary)));
         $full_description = htmlspecialchars(COM_undoClickableLinks(COM_undoSpecialChars($this->Detail->full_description)));
         $location = htmlspecialchars(COM_undoClickableLinks(COM_undoSpecialChars($this->Detail->location)));
     $starthour2 = '';
     $startminute2 = '';
     $endhour2 = '';
     $endminute2 = '';
     if ($this->date_end1 == '' || $this->date_end1 == '0000-00-00') {
         $this->date_end1 = $this->date_start1;
     if ($this->date_start1 != '' && $this->date_start1 != '0000-00-00') {
         list($startmonth1, $startday1, $startyear1, $starthour1, $startminute1) = $this->DateParts($this->date_start1, $this->time_start1);
     } else {
         list($startmonth1, $startday1, $startyear1, $starthour1, $startminute1) = $this->DateParts(date('Y-m-d', time()), date('H:i:s', time()));
     // The end date can't be before the start date
     if ($this->date_end1 >= $this->date_start1) {
         list($endmonth1, $endday1, $endyear1, $endhour1, $endminute1) = $this->DateParts($this->date_end1, $this->time_end1);
         $days_interval = Date_Calc::dateDiff($endday1, $endmonth1, $endyear1, $startday1, $startmonth1, $startyear1);
     } else {
         $days_interval = 0;
         $endmonth1 = $startmonth1;
         $endday1 = $startday1;
         $endyear1 = $startyear1;
         $endhour1 = $starthour1;
         $endminute1 = $startminute1;
     if ($this->recurring != '1') {
         $T->set_var(array('recurring_show' => ' style="display:none;"', 'format_opt' => '0'));
         //for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) {
         //    $T->set_var('format' . $i . 'show', ' style="display:none;"');
     } else {
         $option = empty($this->rec_data['type']) ? '0' : (int) $this->rec_data['type'];
         $T->set_var(array('recurring_show' => '', 'recurring_checked' => EVCHECKED, 'format_opt' => $option));
     if (isset($this->rec_data['stop']) && !empty($this->rec_data['stop'])) {
         $T->set_var(array('stopdate' => $this->rec_data['stop'], 'd_stopdate' => EVLIST_formattedDate($this->rec_data['stop'])));
     if (!empty($this->rec_data['skip'])) {
         $T->set_var("skipnext{$this->rec_data['skip']}_checked", EVCHECKED);
     if (!empty($this->rec_data['freq'])) {
         $freq = (int) $this->rec_data['freq'];
         if ($freq < 1) {
             $freq = 1;
     } else {
         $freq = 1;
     $T->set_var(array('freq_text' => $LANG_EVLIST['rec_periods'][$this->rec_data['type']] . '(s)', 'rec_freq' => $freq));
     foreach ($LANG_EVLIST['rec_intervals'] as $key => $str) {
         $T->set_var('dom_int_txt_' . $key, $str);
         if (is_array($this->rec_data['interval'])) {
             if (in_array($key, $this->rec_data['interval'])) {
                 $T->set_var('dom_int_chk_' . $key, EVCHECKED);
     // Set up the recurring options needed for the current event
     switch ($option) {
         case 0:
         case EV_RECUR_MONTHLY:
             if (is_array($this->rec_data['listdays'])) {
                 foreach ($this->rec_data['listdays'] as $mday) {
                     $T->set_var('mdchk' . $mday, EVCHECKED);
         case EV_RECUR_WEEKLY:
             $T->set_var('listdays_val', COM_stripslashes($rec_data[0]));
             if (is_array($this->rec_data['listdays']) && !empty($this->rec_data['listdays'])) {
                 foreach ($this->rec_data['listdays'] as $day) {
                     $day = (int) $day;
                     if ($day > 0 && $day < 8) {
                         $T->set_var('daychk' . $day, EVCHECKED);
         case EV_RECUR_DOM:
             $recweekday = $this->rec_data['weekday'];
         case EV_RECUR_DATES:
             $T->set_var(array('stopshow' => 'style="display:none;"', 'custom_val' => implode(',', $this->rec_data['custom'])));
     $start1 = EVLIST_TimeSelect('start1', $this->time_start1);
     $start2 = EVLIST_TimeSelect('start2', $this->time_start2);
     $end1 = EVLIST_TimeSelect('end1', $this->time_end1);
     $end2 = EVLIST_TimeSelect('end2', $this->time_end2);
     $cal_select = COM_optionList($_TABLES['evlist_calendars'], 'cal_id,cal_name', $this->cal_id, 1, 'cal_status = 1 ' . COM_getPermSQL('AND', 0, 2));
     $navbar = new navbar();
     $cnt = 0;
     foreach ($tabs as $id) {
         $navbar->add_menuitem($LANG_EVLIST[$id], 'showhideEventDiv("' . $id . '",' . $cnt . ');return false;', true);
     if ($this->AdminMode) {
         $action_url .= '?admin=true';
     $T->set_var(array('action_url' => $action_url, 'navbar' => $navbar->generate(), 'alert_msg' => $alert_msg, 'cancel_url' => $cancel_url, 'eid' => $this->id, 'rp_id' => $rp_id, 'title' => $this->Detail->title, 'summary' => $summary, 'description' => $full_description, 'location' => $location, 'status_checked' => $this->status == 1 ? EVCHECKED : '', 'url' => $this->Detail->url, 'street' => $this->Detail->street, 'city' => $this->Detail->city, 'province' => $this->Detail->province, 'country' => $this->Detail->country, 'postal' => $this->Detail->postal, 'contact' => $this->Detail->contact, 'email' => $this->Detail->email, 'phone' => $this->Detail->phone, 'startdate1' => $this->date_start1, 'enddate1' => $this->date_end1, 'd_startdate1' => EVLIST_formattedDate($this->date_start1), 'd_enddate1' => EVLIST_formattedDate($this->date_end1), 'start_hour_options1' => $start1['hour'], 'start_minute_options1' => $start1['minute'], 'startdate1_ampm' => $start1['ampm'], 'end_hour_options1' => $end1['hour'], 'end_minute_options1' => $end1['minute'], 'enddate1_ampm' => $end1['ampm'], 'start_hour_options2' => $start2['hour'], 'start_minute_options2' => $start2['minute'], 'startdate2_ampm' => $start2['ampm'], 'end_hour_options2' => $end2['hour'], 'end_minute_options2' => $end2['minute'], 'enddate2_ampm' => $end2['ampm'], 'recurring_format_options' => EVLIST_GetOptions($LANG_EVLIST['rec_formats'], $option), 'recurring_weekday_options' => EVLIST_GetOptions(Date_Calc::getWeekDays(), $recweekday, 1), 'dailystop_label' => sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['stop_label'], $LANG_EVLIST['day_by_date'], ''), 'monthlystop_label' => sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['stop_label'], $LANG_EVLIST['year_and_month'], $LANG_EVLIST['if_any']), 'yearlystop_label' => sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['stop_label'], $LANG_EVLIST['year'], $LANG_EVLIST['if_any']), 'listdays_label' => sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['custom_label'], $LANG_EVLIST['days_of_week'], ''), 'listdaystop_label' => sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['stop_label'], $LANG_EVLIST['date_l'], $LANG_EVLIST['if_any']), 'intervalstop_label' => sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['stop_label'], $LANG_EVLIST['year_and_month'], $LANG_EVLIST['if_any']), 'custom_label' => sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['custom_label'], $LANG_EVLIST['dates'], ''), 'datestart_note' => $LANG_EVLIST['datestart_note'], 'src' => isset($_GET['src']) && $_GET['src'] == 'a' ? '1' : '0', 'rem_status_checked' => $this->enable_reminders == 1 ? EVCHECKED : '', 'del_button' => $this->id == '' ? '' : 'true', 'saveaction' => $saveaction, 'delaction' => $delaction, 'owner_id' => $this->owner_id, 'enable_reminders' => $_EV_CONF['enable_reminders'], 'iso_lang' => EVLIST_getIsoLang(), 'hour_mode' => $_CONF['hour_mode'], 'days_interval' => $days_interval, 'display_format' => $_CONF['shortdate'], 'ts_start' => strtotime($this->date_start1), 'ts_end' => strtotime($this->date_end1), 'cal_select' => $cal_select, 'contactlink_chk' => $this->options['contactlink'] == 1 ? EVCHECKED : '', 'lat' => $this->Detail->lat, 'lng' => $this->Detail->lng, 'perm_msg' => $LANG_ACCESS['permmsg'], 'last' => $LANG_EVLIST['rec_intervals'][5], 'doc_url' => EVLIST_getDocURL('event.html'), 'mootools' => $_SYSTEM['disable_mootools'] ? '' : 'true'));
     if ($_EV_CONF['enable_rsvp']) {
         $TickTypes = evTicketType::GetTicketTypes();
         //$T->set_block('editor', 'Tickets', 'tTypes');
         $tick_opts = '';
         foreach ($TickTypes as $tick_id => $tick_obj) {
             // Check enabled tickets. Ticket type 1 enabled by default
             if (isset($this->options['tickets'][$tick_id]) || $tick_id == 1) {
                 $checked = 'checked="checked"';
                 $fee = (double) $this->options['tickets'][$tick_id]['fee'];
             } else {
                 $checked = '';
                 $fee = 0;
             $tick_opts .= '<tr><td><input name="tickets[' . $tick_id . ']" type="checkbox" ' . $checked . ' value="' . $tick_id . '" /></td>' . '<td>' . $tick_obj->description . '</td>' . '<td><input type="text" name="tick_fees[' . $tick_id . ']" value="' . $fee . '" size="8" /></td></tr>' . LB;
                   'tick_id' => $tic['id'],
                   'tick_desc' => $tic['description'],
                   'tick_fee' => $fee,
                   'tick_enabled' => $enabled ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
               ) ) ;
               //$T->parse('tTypes', 'Tickets', true);*/
         if ($_EV_CONF['rsvp_print'] > 0) {
             $rsvp_print_chk = 'rsvp_print_chk' . $this->options['rsvp_print'];
             $rsvp_print = 'true';
         } else {
             $rsvp_print = '';
             $rsvp_print_chk = 'no_rsvp_print';
         $T->set_var(array('enable_rsvp' => 'true', 'reg_chk' . $this->options['use_rsvp'] => EVCHECKED, 'rsvp_wait_chk' => $this->options['rsvp_waitlist'] == 1 ? EVCHECKED : '', 'max_rsvp' => $this->options['max_rsvp'], 'max_user_rsvp' => $this->options['max_user_rsvp'], 'rsvp_cutoff' => $this->options['rsvp_cutoff'], 'use_rsvp' => $this->options['use_rsvp'], 'rsvp_waitlist' => $this->options['rsvp_waitlist'], 'tick_opts' => $tick_opts, 'rsvp_print' => $rsvp_print, $rsvp_print_chk => 'checked="checked"'));
     // if rsvp_enabled
     // Split & All-Day settings
     if ($this->allday == 1) {
         // allday, can't be split, no times
         $T->set_var(array('starttime1_show' => 'style="display:none;"', 'endtime1_show' => 'style="display:none;"', 'datetime2_show' => 'style="display:none;"', 'allday_checked' => EVCHECKED, 'split_checked' => '', 'split_show' => 'style="display:none;"'));
     } elseif ($this->split == '1') {
         $T->set_var(array('split_checked' => EVCHECKED, 'allday_checked' => '', 'allday_show' => 'style="display:none"'));
     } else {
         $T->set_var(array('datetime2_show' => 'style="display:none;"'));
     // Category fields. If $_POST['categories'] is set, then this is a
     // form re-entry due to an error saving. Populate checkboxes from the
     // submitted form. Include the user-added category, if any.
     // If not from a form re-entry, get the checked categories from the
     // evlist_lookup table.
     if ($_EV_CONF['enable_categories'] == '1') {
         $cresult = DB_query("SELECT tc.id, tc.name\n                FROM {$_TABLES['evlist_categories']} tc \n                WHERE tc.status='1' ORDER BY tc.name");
         while ($A = DB_fetchArray($cresult, false)) {
             if (isset($_POST['categories']) && is_array($_POST['categories'])) {
                 // Coming from a form re-entry
                 $chk = in_array($A['id'], $_POST['categories']) ? EVCHECKED : '';
             } else {
                 $chk = in_array($A['id'], $this->categories) ? EVCHECKED : '';
             $catlist .= '<input type="checkbox" name="categories[]" ' . 'value="' . $A['id'] . '" ' . $chk . ' />' . '&nbsp;' . $A['name'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
         $T->set_var('catlist', $catlist);
         if (isset($_POST['newcat'])) {
             $T->set_var('newcat', $_POST['newcat']);
         if ($_USER['uid'] > 1 && $rp_id == 0) {
             $T->set_var('category_section', 'true');
             $T->set_var('add_cat_input', 'true');
     // Enable the post mode selector if we allow HTML and the user is
     // logged in, or if this user is an authorized editor
     if ($this->isAdmin || $_EV_CONF['allow_html'] == '1' && $_USER['uid'] > 1) {
         $T->set_var(array('postmode_options' => EVLIST_GetOptions($LANG_EVLIST['postmodes'], $postmode), 'allowed_html' => COM_allowedHTML('evlist.submit')));
         if ($postmode == 'plaintext') {
             // plaintext, hide postmode selector
             $T->set_var('postmode_show', ' style="display:none"');
         $T->parse('event_postmode', 'edit_postmode');
     if ($this->isAdmin) {
         $T->set_var(array('owner_username' => COM_stripslashes($ownerusername), 'owner_dropdown' => COM_optionList($_TABLES['users'], 'uid,username', $this->owner_id, 1, "uid <> 1"), 'group_dropdown' => SEC_getGroupDropdown($this->group_id, 3)));
         if ($rp_id == 0) {
             // can only change permissions on main event
             $T->set_var('permissions_editor', SEC_getPermissionsHTML($this->perm_owner, $this->perm_group, $this->perm_members, $this->perm_anon));
     } else {
         $T->set_var('group_id', $this->group_id);
     // Latitude & Longitude part of location, if Location plugin is used
     if ($_EV_CONF['use_locator']) {
         $T->set_var(array('use_locator' => 'true', 'loc_selection' => GEO_optionList()));
     $T->parse('output', 'editor');
     $retval .= $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));
     $retval .= COM_endBlock();
     return $retval;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Calendar.php プロジェクト: Artea/freebeer
  * Constructor.
  * @param int
  * HTML_CALENDAR_FULL: Full calendar, days are not links
  * HTML_CALENDAR_TINY: Tiny calendar, days are links
  * @access public
 function fbHTML_Calendar($size = HTML_CALENDAR_FULL, $path = null)
     global $_SERVER;
     // < 4.1.0
     $this->setPath(isset($path) ? $path : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
     $this->_weekDays = Date_Calc::getWeekDays();
     if (DATE_CALC_BEGIN_WEEKDAY == 1) {
         array_push($this->_weekDays, array_shift($this->_weekDays));
コード例 #7
ファイル: calc.php プロジェクト: MagnusA/Date
compare(date('d'), Date_Calc::getDay(), 'getDay');
compare(327, Date_Calc::dayOfYear(22, 11, 2000), 'dayOfYear');
compare('November', Date_Calc::getMonthFullname(11), 'getMonthFullname');
compare('Nov', Date_Calc::getMonthAbbrname(11), 'getMonthAbbrname');
compare('Saturday', Date_Calc::getWeekdayFullname(1, 1, 2005), 'getWeekdayFullname');
compare('Sat', Date_Calc::getWeekdayAbbrname(1, 1, 2005), 'getWeekdayAbbrname');
compare(11, Date_Calc::getMonthFromFullName('November'), 'getMonthFromFullName');
compare(327, Date_Calc::dayOfYear('22', '11', '2000'), 'dayOfYear str');
compare('November', Date_Calc::getMonthFullname('11'), 'getMonthFullname str');
compare('Nov', Date_Calc::getMonthAbbrname('11'), 'getMonthAbbrname str');
compare('Saturday', Date_Calc::getWeekdayFullname('01', '01', '2005'), 'getWeekdayFullname str');
compare('Sat', Date_Calc::getWeekdayAbbrname('01', '01', '2005'), 'getWeekdayAbbrname str');
$exp = array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
compare($exp, Date_Calc::getMonthNames(), 'getMonthNames');
$exp = array('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday');
compare($exp, Date_Calc::getWeekDays(), 'getWeekDays');
compare(3, Date_Calc::dayOfWeek(22, 11, 2000), 'dayOfWeek');
compare(47, Date_Calc::weekOfYear(22, 11, 2000), 'weekOfYear');
compare(4, Date_Calc::quarterOfYear(22, 11, 2000), 'quarterOfYear');
compare(3, Date_Calc::dayOfWeek('22', '11', '2000'), 'dayOfWeek str');
compare(47, Date_Calc::weekOfYear('22', '11', '2000'), 'weekOfYear str');
compare(4, Date_Calc::quarterOfYear('22', '11', '2000'), 'quarterOfYear str');
compare(28, Date_Calc::daysInMonth(2, 1900), 'daysInMonth 1');
compare(29, Date_Calc::daysInMonth(2, 1996), 'daysInMonth 2');
compare(29, Date_Calc::daysInMonth(2, 2000), 'daysInMonth 3');
compare(28, Date_Calc::daysInMonth(2, 2001), 'daysInMonth 4');
compare(30, Date_Calc::daysInMonth(11, 2000), 'daysInMonth 5');
compare(28, Date_Calc::daysInMonth('02', 1900), 'daysInMonth 1 str');
compare(29, Date_Calc::daysInMonth('02', 1996), 'daysInMonth 2 str');
compare(29, Date_Calc::daysInMonth('02', 2000), 'daysInMonth 3 str');
compare(28, Date_Calc::daysInMonth('02', 2001), 'daysInMonth 4 str');