create() public method

This will use the currently set index values for the key. No other values are set unless they are passed in through the $p_values parameter.
public create ( array $p_values = null ) : boolean
$p_values array Extra values to be set at create time, in the form of: (DB Column Name) => (value)
return boolean TRUE if the record was added, false if not.
コード例 #1
ファイル: Translation.php プロジェクト: sourcefabric/newscoop
  * Create a translation of a phrase.  If the phrase ID is set in the
  * constructor, we assume that the phrase already exists and we are
  * just creating a translation, and not a new phrase.
  * @param string $p_text
  * 		Optional. The translation text.
  * @return boolean
 public function create($p_text = null)
     if (!isset($this->m_data['phrase_id'])) {
         $this->m_data['phrase_id'] = Translation::__GeneratePhraseId();
     return parent::create(array("translation_text" => $p_text));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Language.php プロジェクト: sourcefabric/newscoop
  * Create the language.  Creates the directory on disk to store the
  * translation files.
  * @param array $p_values
  * @return mixed
  * 		Return TRUE on success and PEAR_Error on failure.
 public function create($p_values = null)
     $success = parent::create($p_values);
     if ($success) {
     return $success;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ContextBox.php プロジェクト: nidzix/Newscoop
 public function create($p_article_no)
     if (empty($p_article_no)) {
         return false;
     $columns['fk_article_no'] = (int) $p_article_no;
     $result = parent::create($columns);
     return $result;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Issue.php プロジェクト: nidzix/Newscoop
  * Create an issue.
  * @param string $p_shortName
  * @param array $p_values
  * @return boolean
 public function create($p_shortName, $p_values = null)
     $tmpValues = array('ShortName' => $p_shortName);
     if (!is_null($p_values)) {
         $tmpValues = array_merge($p_values, $tmpValues);
     $success = parent::create($tmpValues);
     return $success;
コード例 #5
ファイル: AuthorType.php プロジェクト: sourcefabric/newscoop
  * @param string $p_name
  * @return bool
 public function create($p_name = null)
     if (empty($p_name)) {
         return false;
     $columns['type'] = (string) $p_name;
     $result = parent::create($columns);
     return $result;
コード例 #6
ファイル: CampPlugin.php プロジェクト: nidzix/Newscoop
 public function create($p_name, $p_version, $p_enabled = true)
     // Create the record
     $this->m_data['Name'] = $p_name;
     $values = array('Version' => $p_version, 'Enabled' => $p_enabled ? 1 : 0);
     $success = parent::create($values);
     if (!$success) {
         return false;
コード例 #7
  	 * @param array $p_values
  	 * @return boolean
  	public function create($p_values = null)
  		$success = parent::create($p_values);
  		$publicationObj = new Publication($this->m_data['IdPublication']);
		if (function_exists("camp_load_translation_strings")) {
		$logtext = getGS('The default subscription time for ($1 "$2":$3) has been added.', getGS("Publication"), $publicationObj->getName(), $this->m_data['CountryCode']);
		Log::Message($logtext, null, 4);
		return $success;
  	} // fn create
コード例 #8
ファイル: Country.php プロジェクト: nistormihai/Newscoop
	public function create($p_values = null)
		$success = parent::create($p_values);
		if ($success) {
			if (function_exists("camp_load_translation_strings")) {
			$logtext = getGS('Country $1 added', $this->m_data['Name']." (".$this->m_data['Code'].")");
			Log::Message($logtext, null, 131);
		return $success;
	} // fn create
コード例 #9
     * Create an link blogentry <-> topic record in the database.
     * @return void
    function create()
        global $g_ado_db;

        // Create the record
        $success = parent::create();
        if (!$success) {
        $CampCache = CampCache::singleton();
        return true;
    } // fn create
コード例 #10
ファイル: Language.php プロジェクト: nidzix/Newscoop
  * Create the language.  Creates the directory on disk to store the
  * translation files.
  * @param array $p_values
  * @return mixed
  * 		Return TRUE on success and PEAR_Error on failure.
 public function create($p_values = null)
     $success = parent::create($p_values);
     if ($success) {
         $result = Localizer::CreateLanguageFiles($this->m_data['Code']);
         if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
             return $result;
     return $success;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Soundcloud.php プロジェクト: nidzix/Newscoop
 public function create($p_article_id, $p_track_id, $p_track_data)
     if (empty($p_article_id) || empty($p_track_id) || empty($p_track_data)) {
         return false;
     $values = array('article_id' => $p_article_id, 'track_id' => $p_track_id, 'track_data' => serialize($p_track_data));
     $success = parent::create($values);
     if (!$success) {
         return false;
     $CampCache = CampCache::singleton();
     return true;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Section.php プロジェクト: nidzix/Newscoop
  * Create a new Section.
  * @param string $p_name
  * @param string $p_shortName
 public function create($p_name, $p_shortName, $p_columns = null)
     if (!is_array($p_columns)) {
         $p_columns = array();
     $p_columns['Name'] = $p_name;
     $p_columns['ShortName'] = $p_shortName;
     $success = parent::create($p_columns);
     if ($success) {
         global $g_ado_db;
         $sql = "UPDATE `Sections` s" . " JOIN `Issues` AS i ON i.`IdPublication` = s.`IdPublication` AND i.`Number` = s.`NrIssue` AND i.`IdLanguage` = s.`IdLanguage`" . " SET `fk_issue_id` = i.`id` WHERE " . " s.`IdPublication` = " . $this->m_data['IdPublication'] . " AND s.`NrIssue` = " . $this->m_data['NrIssue'] . " AND s.`Number` = " . $this->m_data['Number'] . " AND s.`IdLanguage` = " . $this->m_data['IdLanguage'];
     return $success;
コード例 #13
ファイル: AuthorType.php プロジェクト: nistormihai/Newscoop
  * @param string $p_name
  * @return bool
 public function create($p_name)
     if (empty($p_name)) {
         return false;
     $columns['type'] = (string) $p_name;
     $result = parent::create($columns);
     if ($result) {
         if (function_exists("camp_load_translation_strings")) {
         $logText = getGS('Author type "$1" created.', $p_name);
         Log::Message($logText, null, 175);
     return $result;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Language.php プロジェクト: nistormihai/Newscoop
	 * Create the language.  Creates the directory on disk to store the
	 * translation files.
	 * @param array $p_values
	 * @return mixed
	 * 		Return TRUE on success and PEAR_Error on failure.
	public function create($p_values = null)
		$success = parent::create($p_values);
		if ($success) {
		        $result = Localizer::CreateLanguageFiles($this->m_data['Code']);
			if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
				return $result;
			if (function_exists("camp_load_translation_strings")) {
			$logtext = getGS('Language "$1" ($2) added', $this->m_data['Name'], $this->m_data['OrigName']);
			Log::Message($logtext, null, 101);
		return $success;
	} // fn create
コード例 #15
ファイル: Issue.php プロジェクト: nistormihai/Newscoop
	 * Create an issue.
	 * @param string $p_shortName
	 * @param array $p_values
	 * @return boolean
	public function create($p_shortName, $p_values = null)
	    $tmpValues = array('ShortName' => $p_shortName);
	    if (!is_null($p_values)) {
	       $tmpValues = array_merge($p_values, $tmpValues);
	    $success = parent::create($tmpValues);
	    if ($success) {
			if (function_exists("camp_load_translation_strings")) {
	    	$logtext = getGS('Issue "$1" ($2) added in publication $3',
				 $this->m_data['Name'], $this->m_data['Number'],
    		Log::Message($logtext, null, 11);
	    return $success;
	} // fn create
コード例 #16
ファイル: DebateSection.php プロジェクト: nidzix/Newscoop
  * Create an link debate <-> publication record in the database.
  * @return void
 function create()
     global $g_ado_db;
     // Create the record
     $success = parent::create();
     if (!$success) {
     if (function_exists("camp_load_translation_strings")) {
     $logtext = getGS('Debate Id $1 created.', $this->m_data['IdDebate']);
     Log::Message($logtext, null, 31);
     $CampCache = CampCache::singleton();
     return true;
コード例 #17
ファイル: Section.php プロジェクト: nistormihai/Newscoop
	 * Create a new Section.
	 * @param string $p_name
	 * @param string $p_shortName
	public function create($p_name, $p_shortName, $p_columns = null)
		if (!is_array($p_columns)) {
			$p_columns = array();
		$p_columns['Name'] = $p_name;
		$p_columns['ShortName'] = $p_shortName;
		$success = parent::create($p_columns);
		if ($success) {
			if (function_exists("camp_load_translation_strings")) {
			$logtext = getGS('Section "$1" ($2) added. (Publication: $3, Issue: $4)',
			Log::Message($logtext, null, 21);
		return $success;
	} // fn create
コード例 #18
ファイル: PollAnswer.php プロジェクト: nidzix/Newscoop
  * Create an poll answer in the database.  Use the SET functions to
  * change individual values.
  * @param string $p_fk_default_language_id
  * @param date $p_date_begin
  * @param date $p_date_end
  * @param int $p_nr_of_answers
  * @param bool $p_is_show_after_expiration
  * @return void
 function create($p_answer)
     global $g_ado_db;
     if (!strlen($p_answer)) {
         return false;
     // Create the record
     $values = array('answer' => $p_answer);
     $success = parent::create($values);
     if (!$success) {
     if (function_exists("camp_load_translation_strings")) {
     $logtext = getGS('Poll Id $1 created.', $this->m_data['IdPoll']);
     Log::Message($logtext, null, 31);
     $CampCache = CampCache::singleton();
     return true;
コード例 #19
ファイル: Blog.php プロジェクト: nistormihai/Newscoop
    function create($p_user_id, $p_language_id, $p_title, $p_info, $p_request_text, $p_feature)
        // Create the record
        $values = array(
            'fk_user_id'    => $p_user_id,
            'fk_language_id'=> $p_language_id,
            'title'         => $p_title,
            'info'          => $p_info,
            'request_text'  => $p_request_text,
            'feature'       => $p_feature,
            'date'     => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')

        $success = parent::create($values);

        if (!$success) {
            return false;

        $CampCache = CampCache::singleton();
        return true;
コード例 #20
ファイル: Poll.php プロジェクト: nidzix/Newscoop
  * Create an poll in the database.  Use the SET functions to
  * change individual values.
  * @param date $p_date_begin
  * @param date $p_date_end
  * @param int $p_nr_of_answers
  * @param bool $p_votes_per_user
  * @return void
 public function create($p_title, $p_question, $p_date_begin, $p_date_end, $p_nr_of_answers, $p_votes_per_user)
     global $g_ado_db;
     if (!strlen($p_title) || !strlen($p_question) || !$p_date_begin || !$p_date_end || !$p_nr_of_answers) {
         return false;
     $this->m_data['poll_nr'] = $this->generatePollNumber();
     // Create the record
     $values = array('date_begin' => $p_date_begin, 'date_end' => $p_date_end, 'nr_of_answers' => $p_nr_of_answers, 'title' => $p_title, 'question' => $p_question, 'votes_per_user' => $p_votes_per_user);
     $success = parent::create($values);
     if (!$success) {
         return false;
     if (function_exists("camp_load_translation_strings")) {
     $logtext = getGS('Poll Id $1 created.', $this->m_data['IdPoll']);
     Log::Message($logtext, null, 31);
     $CampCache = CampCache::singleton();
     return true;
コード例 #21
ファイル: Publication.php プロジェクト: nidzix/Newscoop
  * Create the publication.
  * This is a wrapper around DatabaseObject::create(),
  * but also logs a message and notifies the Parser.
  * @param array $p_values
  * @return boolean
 public function create($p_values = null)
     $created = parent::create($p_values);
     return $created;
コード例 #22
	 * Create a ban item.
	 * @param int $p_type
	 * 		Can be one of:
	 * @param boolean $p_isRegex
	 * 		Set to TRUE if $p_matchString is a regular expression,
	 * 		set to FALSE if	it isnt.
	 * @param string $p_matchString
	 * 		String to match to see if something is banned.
	 * @param int $p_forumId
	 * 		If the forum ID is set to zero, the ban will apply to all forums.
	 * 		If it is set to a number greater that zero (a forum ID),
	 * 		then the ban will only apply to that forum.
	 * @return boolean
	public function create($p_type, $p_isRegex, $p_matchString, $p_forumId = 0) {
		global $PHORUM;
	    if (!is_numeric($p_type) || !is_numeric($p_forumId)
	    	|| !in_array($p_type, $this->m_allowedTypes)) {
	    	return false;
	    $p_isRegex = $p_isRegex ? "1": "0";

//	    if ($p_type == PHORUM_BAD_IPS) {
//	   		// Fetch the settings and pretend they were returned to
//			// us instead of setting a global variable.
//			phorum_db_load_settings();
//			$settings = $PHORUM['SETTINGS'];
//			// Lookup the IP address, convert to hostname
//	        if ($settings["dns_lookup"]) {
//	            $resolved = @gethostbyaddr($p_matchString);
//	            if (!empty($resolved) && ($resolved != $p_matchString) ) {
//	                $p_matchString = $resolved;
//	            }
//	        }
//	    }

	    // Check if this ban item already exists
	    $repeats = Phorum_ban_item::GetBanItems($p_type, $p_isRegex, $p_matchString, $p_forumId);

	    // Add it if it doesnt exist
	    if (count($repeats) == 0) {
		    $columns = array("type" => $p_type,
		    				 "forum_id" => $p_forumId,
		    				 "string" => $p_matchString,
		    				 "pcre" => $p_isRegex);
			$success = parent::create($columns);
			return $success;
	    return true;
	} // fn create
コード例 #23
ファイル: Article.php プロジェクト: nistormihai/Newscoop
     * Create an article in the database.  Use the SET functions to
     * change individual values.
     * If you would like to "place" the article using the publication ID,
     * issue number, and section number, you can only do so if all three
     * of these parameters are present.  Otherwise, the article will remain
      * unplaced.
     * @param string $p_articleType
     * @param string $p_name
     * @param int $p_publicationId
     * @param int $p_issueNumber
     * @param int $p_sectionNumber
     * @return void
    public function create($p_articleType, $p_name = null, $p_publicationId = null, $p_issueNumber = null, $p_sectionNumber = null)
        global $g_ado_db;

        $this->m_data['Number'] = $this->__generateArticleNumber();
        $this->m_data['ArticleOrder'] = $this->m_data['Number'];

        // Create the record
        $values = array();
        if (!is_null($p_name)) {
            $values['Name'] = $p_name;
        // Only categorize the article if all three arguments:
        // $p_publicationId, $p_issueNumber, and $p_sectionNumber
        // are present.
        if (is_numeric($p_publicationId)
            && is_numeric($p_issueNumber)
            && is_numeric($p_sectionNumber)
            && ($p_publicationId > 0)
            && ($p_issueNumber > 0)
            && ($p_sectionNumber > 0) ) {
            $values['IdPublication'] = (int)$p_publicationId;
            $values['NrIssue'] = (int)$p_issueNumber;
            $values['NrSection'] = (int)$p_sectionNumber;
        $values['ShortName'] = $this->m_data['Number'];
        $values['Type'] = $p_articleType;
        $values['Public'] = 'Y';

        if (!is_null($p_publicationId) && $p_publicationId > 0) {
            $where = " WHERE IdPublication = $p_publicationId AND NrIssue = $p_issueNumber"
                    . " and NrSection = $p_sectionNumber";
        } else {
            $where = '';

        // compute article order number
        $queryStr = "SELECT MIN(ArticleOrder) AS min FROM Articles$where";
        $articleOrder = $g_ado_db->GetOne($queryStr);
        if (is_null($articleOrder) || !isset($values['NrSection'])) {
            $articleOrder = $this->m_data['Number'];
        } else {
            $increment = $articleOrder > 0 ? 1 : 2;
            $queryStr = "UPDATE Articles SET ArticleOrder = ArticleOrder + $increment $where";
            $articleOrder = 1;
        $values['ArticleOrder'] = $articleOrder;

        $success = parent::create($values);
        if (!$success) {
        $this->setProperty('UploadDate', 'NOW()', true, true);

        // Insert an entry into the article type table.
        $articleData = new ArticleData($this->m_data['Type'],

        if (function_exists("camp_load_translation_strings")) {
        Log::ArticleMessage($this, getGS('Article created.'), null, 31, TRUE);
    } // fn create
コード例 #24
ファイル: ArticleTypeField.php プロジェクト: nidzix/Newscoop
  * Create a column in the table.
  * @param string $p_type
  *		Can be one of: 'text', 'date', 'body', 'switch', 'numeric'.
 public function create($p_type, array $p_params = array())
     global $g_ado_db;
     $p_type = strtolower($p_type);
     $numericPrecision = isset($p_params['precision']) ? $p_params['precision'] : null;
     $types = self::DatabaseTypes(null, $numericPrecision);
     if ($this->getPrintName() != 'NULL' && !array_key_exists($p_type, $types)) {
         return false;
     if ($p_type == self::TYPE_TOPIC && $this->getPrintName() != 'NULL') {
         if (!isset($p_params['root_topic_id']) && !is_numeric($p_params['root_topic_id'])) {
             return false;
         $rootTopicId = (int) $p_params['root_topic_id'];
         $queryStr2 = "INSERT INTO TopicFields (ArticleType, FieldName, RootTopicId) " . "VALUES (" . $g_ado_db->escape($this->m_data['type_name']) . ", " . $g_ado_db->escape($this->m_data['field_name']) . ", '{$rootTopicId}')";
         if (!$g_ado_db->Execute($queryStr2)) {
             return false;
     if ($this->getPrintName() != 'NULL') {
         $queryStr = "ALTER TABLE `X" . $this->m_data['type_name'] . "` ADD COLUMN `" . $this->getName() . '` ' . $types[$p_type];
         $success = $g_ado_db->Execute($queryStr);
     if ($this->getPrintName() == 'NULL' || $success) {
         $data = array();
         if ($this->getPrintName() != 'NULL') {
             if ($p_type == self::TYPE_BODY && isset($p_params['is_content'])) {
                 $data['is_content_field'] = (int) $p_params['is_content'];
             if ($p_type == self::TYPE_BODY && isset($p_params['editor_size'])) {
                 $data['field_type_param'] = 'editor_size=' . $p_params['editor_size'];
             if ($p_type == self::TYPE_NUMERIC && isset($p_params['precision'])) {
                 $data['field_type_param'] = 'precision=' . (int) $p_params['precision'];
             if ($p_type == self::TYPE_TEXT && isset($p_params['maxsize'])) {
                 $data['max_size'] = (int) $p_params['maxsize'];
             $data['field_type'] = $p_type;
             $data['field_weight'] = $this->getNextOrder();
         $success = parent::create($data);
     if ($success) {
         if ($p_type == self::TYPE_COMPLEX_DATE && isset($p_params['event_color'])) {
             $success = $this->setColor($p_params['event_color']);
     if ($success) {
     return $success;
コード例 #25
     * Create an interview in the database. Use the SET functions to
     * change individual values.
     * @param date $p_date_begin
     * @param date $p_date_end
     * @param int $p_nr_of_answers
     * @param bool $p_is_show_after_expiration
     * @return void
    public function create($p_fk_questioneer_user_id = null, $p_question = null, $p_status = 'draft')
        global $g_ado_db;

        $this->m_data['item_id'] = NULL; // fix position generating

        // Create the record
        $values = array(
            'fk_questioneer_user_id' => $p_fk_questioneer_user_id,
            'question' => $p_question,
            'status' => $p_status

        $success = parent::create($values);
        if (!$success) {
            return false;

        $query = "  SELECT  MAX(position) + 1 AS next
                    FROM    {$this->m_dbTableName}
                    WHERE   fk_interview_id = {$this->m_data['fk_interview_id']}";
        $max = $g_ado_db->getRow($query);

        // Set position
        $query = "  UPDATE  {$this->m_dbTableName}
                    SET     position = {$max['next']}
                    WHERE   item_id = {$this->m_data['item_id']}";
        $res = $g_ado_db->execute($query);

        if (function_exists("camp_load_translation_strings")) {
        $logtext = getGS('Poll Id $1 created.', $this->m_data['IdPoll']);
        Log::Message($logtext, null, 31);

        $CampCache = CampCache::singleton();
        return true;
    } // fn create
コード例 #26
ファイル: Phorum_forum.php プロジェクト: nistormihai/Newscoop
	 * Create a forum.
	 * @return boolean
	public function create()
		$columns = array(

			// display

			// display

			// ???

			// display

			// display

			// display

			// retreive

			// Display
			// Used in phorum_db_get_thread_list() to determine how
			// many threads to show on a page.

			// Used in phorum_db_get_messages() -
			// max number of messages to get.


			// Whether to check for duplicates when posting a message.
			// 0 => false
			// 1 => true

			// Count the number of times each message has been viewed
			// 0 => "No"
			// 1 => "Yes, show views added to subject"
			// 2 => "Yes, show views as extra column"


			// Virtual root folder
	} // fn create
コード例 #27
  * @param array $p_values
  * @return boolean
 public function create($p_values = null)
     $success = parent::create($p_values);
     $publicationObj = new Publication($this->m_data['IdPublication']);
     return $success;
コード例 #28
ファイル: Article.php プロジェクト: alvsgithub/Newscoop
  * Create an article in the database.  Use the SET functions to
  * change individual values.
  * If you would like to "place" the article using the publication ID,
  * issue number, and section number, you can only do so if all three
  * of these parameters are present.  Otherwise, the article will remain
  * unplaced.
  * @param  string $p_articleType
  * @param  string $p_name
  * @param  int    $p_publicationId
  * @param  int    $p_issueNumber
  * @param  int    $p_sectionNumber
  * @return void
 public function create($p_articleType = null, $p_name = null, $p_publicationId = null, $p_issueNumber = null, $p_sectionNumber = null)
     global $g_ado_db;
     $translator = \Zend_Registry::get('container')->getService('translator');
     $this->m_data['Number'] = $this->__generateArticleNumber();
     $this->m_data['ArticleOrder'] = $this->m_data['Number'];
     // Create the record
     $values = array();
     if (!is_null($p_name)) {
         $values['Name'] = $p_name;
     // Only categorize the article if all three arguments:
     // $p_publicationId, $p_issueNumber, and $p_sectionNumber
     // are present.
     if (is_numeric($p_publicationId) && is_numeric($p_issueNumber) && is_numeric($p_sectionNumber) && $p_publicationId > 0 && $p_issueNumber > 0 && $p_sectionNumber > 0) {
         $values['NrIssue'] = (int) $p_issueNumber;
         $values['NrSection'] = (int) $p_sectionNumber;
     $values['ShortName'] = $this->m_data['Number'];
     $values['Type'] = $p_articleType;
     $values['Public'] = 'Y';
     $values['IdPublication'] = (int) $p_publicationId;
     if (!is_null($p_publicationId) && $p_publicationId > 0) {
         $where = " WHERE IdPublication = {$p_publicationId} AND NrIssue = {$p_issueNumber}" . " and NrSection = {$p_sectionNumber}";
     } else {
         $where = '';
     // compute article order number
     $queryStr = "SELECT MIN(ArticleOrder) AS min FROM Articles{$where}";
     $articleOrder = $g_ado_db->GetOne($queryStr);
     if (is_null($articleOrder) || !isset($values['NrSection'])) {
         $articleOrder = $this->m_data['Number'];
     } else {
         $increment = $articleOrder > 0 ? 1 : 2;
         $queryStr = "UPDATE Articles SET ArticleOrder = ArticleOrder + {$increment} {$where}";
         $articleOrder = 1;
     $values['ArticleOrder'] = $articleOrder;
     $success = parent::create($values);
     if (!$success) {
     $this->setProperty('UploadDate', 'NOW()', true, true);
     // Insert an entry into the article type table.
     $articleData = new ArticleData($this->m_data['Type'], $this->m_data['Number'], $this->m_data['IdLanguage']);
     $cacheService = \Zend_Registry::get('container')->getService('newscoop.cache');
     Log::ArticleMessage($this, $translator->trans('Article created.', array(), 'api'), null, 31, TRUE);
コード例 #29
  * I am checking if the instance's username and password are empty because
  * I am running this function in the __construct() which will get called when
  * instantiate() gets called which I do not want because no values are passed
  * in for the __construct() and therefore it would insert a blank user into my
  * database every time.
  * If there was a successful create then the instance's id get set to whatever
  * mysql gives back since it will auto increment in the database.
  * To abstract the attributes I need to first return an associative array of
  * the key value pairings.
  * I have found it easier to rewrite the CRUD for the user because I am using
  * a hashed password.
  * @return boolean True on success and false on fail.
 protected function create()
     global $db;
     // Don't forget the Sql syntax good habits
     // "INSERT INTO [table_name] (key, key, ...) VALUES ('value', 'value', ..)
     // single quote around the values so they are literal and then I will
     // escape all values with escape_string() to prevent sql injects"
     if (!empty($this->username) && !empty($this->password)) {
         return parent::create() ? true : false;
     return false;
コード例 #30
ファイル: IPAccess.php プロジェクト: nistormihai/Newscoop
	public function create($p_userId, $p_startIP, $p_addresses = 1)
		$startIP = null;
		$startIPstring = '';
		if (!is_null($p_startIP)) {
			if (!is_array($p_startIP)) {
				$startIP = $this->__string2array($p_startIP);
				$startIPstring = $p_startIP;
			} else {
				$startIPstring = $this->__array2string($p_startIP);
			$startIP = $this->__array2int($p_startIP);
	    $tmpValues = array('IdUser'=>$p_userId, 'StartIP'=>$startIP, 'Addresses'=>$p_addresses);
	    $result = parent::create($tmpValues);
	    if ($result) {
	    	$user = new User($p_userId);
			$logtext = getGS('IP Group $1 added for user $2', "$startIPstring:$p_addresses",
			Log::Message($logtext, null, 57);
		return $result;