コード例 #1
  * Insert one changes logs to the database
  * @author Jonathan Sandoval <*****@*****.**>
  * @param   String       $typéChange    The type of the change to efect (insert, update, delete)
  * @param   String       $descriptionC  The description of the change
  * @return  boolean      If was posible to insert the data
 static function addChangesLogs($typeChange = "", $descriptionC = "")
     if ($typeChange == "") {
         return false;
     $date = time();
     $user = SessionManager::getCurrentUser();
     if ($user === NULL) {
         return false;
     $idUser = $user->getId();
     $tableChangesLogs = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_CHANGES_LOGS');
     $query = "INSERT INTO {$tableChangesLogs}\r\n                          (date, idUser, type, description) \r\n                          VALUES \r\n                          ({$date}, {$idUser}, '{$typeChange}', '{$descriptionC}')";
     return DatabaseManager::singleAffectedRow($query);
コード例 #2
  * Search one confirmation by one similar name
  * @author Jonathan Sandoval <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  Confirmation   $confirmation Pseudo-confirmation with the data to search
  * @param  string         $operator     To search with 'or' or 'and'
  * @param  string         $order        The type of sort of the Confirmation
  * @param  integer        $begin        The number of page to display the registry
  * @return Array[Confirmation] $confirmations  Confirmation  with the similar name or null
 static function advancedSearchConfirmation($confirmation = null, $operator = 'AND', $order = 'id', $begin = 0)
     if ($confirmation === null) {
         return null;
     $tableConfirmation = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_CONFIRMATION');
     $tablePerson = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_PERSON');
     $tableChurch = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_CHURCH');
     $celebrationDate = $confirmation->getCelebrationDate();
     $queryOwner = "(";
     $posibleOwner = $confirmation->getIdOwner()[0];
     $queryFather = "(";
     $posibleFather = $confirmation->getIdOwner()[1];
     $queryMother = "(";
     $posibleMother = $confirmation->getIdOwner()[2];
     $queryChurch = "(";
     $posibleChurch = $confirmation->getIdChurch();
     if ($posibleOwner !== NULL) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($posibleOwner) - 1; $i++) {
             $queryOwner = $queryOwner . $posibleOwner[$i]->getId() . ",";
         $queryOwner = $queryOwner . $posibleOwner[sizeof($posibleOwner) - 1]->getId() . ")";
         $queryOwner = "(o.id IN " . $queryOwner . ")";
     if ($posibleFather !== NULL) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($posibleFather) - 1; $i++) {
             $queryFather = $queryFather . $posibleFather[$i]->getId() . ",";
         $queryFather = $queryFather . $posibleFather[sizeof($posibleFather) - 1]->getId() . ")";
         $queryFather = "((fa.id IN " . $queryFather . ") OR fa.id IS NULL)";
     if ($posibleMother !== NULL) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($posibleMother) - 1; $i++) {
             $queryMother = $queryMother . $posibleMother[$i]->getId() . ",";
         $queryMother = $queryMother . $posibleMother[sizeof($posibleMother) - 1]->getId() . ")";
         $queryMother = "((mo.id IN " . $queryMother . ") OR mo.id IS NULL)";
     if ($posibleChurch !== NULL) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($posibleChurch) - 1; $i++) {
             $queryChurch = $queryChurch . $posibleChurch[$i]->getId() . ",";
         $queryChurch = $queryChurch . $posibleChurch[sizeof($posibleChurch) - 1]->getId() . ")";
         $queryChurch = "(c.id IN " . $queryChurch . ")";
     if ($confirmation->getId() == 0) {
         $id = '';
     } else {
         $id = $confirmation->getId();
     if ($confirmation->getIdBookRegistry() == 0) {
         $idBookRegistry = '';
     } else {
         $idBookRegistry = $confirmation->getIdBookRegistry()->getId();
     $query = "SELECT b.* \r\n                        FROM {$tableConfirmation} AS b LEFT JOIN {$tablePerson} AS o ON b.idOwner = o.id \r\n                        LEFT JOIN {$tablePerson} AS fa ON o.idFather = fa.id\r\n                        LEFT JOIN {$tablePerson} AS mo ON o.idMother = mo.id\r\n                        JOIN {$tableChurch} AS c  ON b.idChurch = c.id\r\n                        WHERE b.id               LIKE '%{$id}%'               {$operator}\r\n                              b.confirmationDate      LIKE '%{$celebrationDate}%'  {$operator} ";
     //Join the Query with the posibiitation query
     if ($queryOwner != '(') {
         $query = $query . $queryOwner . " " . $operator . " ";
     } else {
         $query = $query . "(o.id IN ())" . $operator . " ";
     if ($queryFather != '(') {
         $query = $query . $queryFather . " " . $operator . " ";
     } else {
         $query = $query . "(fa.id IN ())" . $operator . " ";
     if ($queryMother != '(') {
         $query = $query . $queryMother . " " . $operator . " ";
     } else {
         $query = $query . "(mo.id IN ())" . $operator . " ";
     if ($queryChurch != '(') {
         $query = $query . $queryChurch . " " . $operator . " ";
     } else {
         $query = $query . "(c.id IN ())" . $operator . " ";
     if ($idBookRegistry !== NULL) {
         $query = $query . "b.idConfirmationRegistry LIKE '%{$idBookRegistry}%'";
     } else {
         $query = $query . "b.idConfirmationRegistry LIKE '%%'";
     if ($order == 'nameChild') {
         $query = $query . " ORDER BY o.names";
     } else {
         if ($order == 'nameChurch') {
             $query = $query . " ORDER BY c.name";
         } else {
             $query = $query . " ORDER BY b.id DESC";
     $query = $query . " LIMIT " . strval($begin * 10) . ", 11 ";
     $arrayConfirmations = DatabaseManager::multiFetchAssoc($query);
     $confirmations = array();
     if ($arrayConfirmations !== NULL) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($arrayConfirmations as $confirmation) {
             if ($i == 10) {
             $confirmations[] = self::ArrayToConfirmation($confirmation);
         return $confirmations;
     } else {
         return null;
コード例 #3
  * Search one defuntion by one similar name
  * @author Jonathan Sandoval <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  Defuntion        $defuntion      Pseudo-defuntion with the data to search
  * @param  string         $operator     To search with 'or' or 'and'
  * @param  string         $order        The type of sort of the Defuntion
  * @param  integer        $begin        The number of page to display the registry
  * @return Array[Defuntion] $defuntions     Defuntion objects with the similar name or null
 static function advancedSearchDefuntion($defuntion = null, $operator = 'AND', $order = 'id', $begin = 0)
     if ($defuntion === null) {
         return null;
     $tableDefuntion = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_DEFUNTION');
     $tablePerson = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_PERSON');
     $tableChurch = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_CHURCH');
     $celebrationDate = $defuntion->getDeadDate();
     $queryOwner = "(";
     $posibleOwner = $defuntion->getIdOwner()[0];
     $queryChurch = "(";
     $posibleChurch = $defuntion->getIdChurch();
     if ($posibleOwner !== NULL) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($posibleOwner) - 1; $i++) {
             $queryOwner = $queryOwner . $posibleOwner[$i]->getId() . ",";
         $queryOwner = $queryOwner . $posibleOwner[sizeof($posibleOwner) - 1]->getId() . ")";
         $queryOwner = "(o.id IN " . $queryOwner . ")";
     if ($posibleChurch !== NULL) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($posibleChurch) - 1; $i++) {
             $queryChurch = $queryChurch . $posibleChurch[$i]->getId() . ",";
         $queryChurch = $queryChurch . $posibleChurch[sizeof($posibleChurch) - 1]->getId() . ")";
         $queryChurch = "(c.id IN " . $queryChurch . ")";
     $defuntion->getId() == 0 ? $id = '' : ($id = $defuntion->getId());
     $query = "SELECT b.* \r\n                        FROM {$tableDefuntion} AS b LEFT JOIN {$tablePerson} AS o ON b.idOwner = o.id \r\n                        JOIN {$tableChurch} AS c  ON b.idChurch = c.id\r\n                        WHERE b.id          LIKE '%{$id}%'              {$operator}\r\n                              b.deadDate    LIKE '%{$celebrationDate}%' {$operator} ";
     //Join the Query with the posibiitation query
     if ($queryOwner != '(') {
         $query = $query . $queryOwner . " " . $operator . " ";
     } else {
         $query = $query . "(o.id IN ())" . $operator . " ";
     if ($queryChurch != '(') {
         $query = $query . $queryChurch . " ";
     } else {
         $query = $query . "(c.id IN ())" . " ";
     if ($order == 'nameChild') {
         $query = $query . " ORDER BY o.names";
     } else {
         if ($order == 'nameChurch') {
             $query = $query . " ORDER BY c.name";
         } else {
             $query = $query . " ORDER BY b.id DESC";
     $query = $query . " LIMIT " . strval($begin * 10) . ", 11 ";
     $arrayDefuntions = DatabaseManager::multiFetchAssoc($query);
     $defuntions = array();
     if ($arrayDefuntions !== NULL) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($arrayDefuntions as $defuntion) {
             if ($i == 10) {
             $defuntions[] = self::ArrayToDefuntion($defuntion);
         return $defuntions;
     } else {
         return null;
コード例 #4
  * Search one Message by one similar messagename
  * @author Jonathan Sandoval <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  string           $value    String with the similar messagename
  * @return Array[Message]   $messages    Message objects with the similar messagename
 static function getConversation($idUser1 = null, $idUser2 = null, $limit = '10')
     if ($idUser1 == null || $idUser2 == null) {
         return null;
     $tableMessage = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_MESSAGE');
     $query = "SELECT {$tableMessage}.*\r\n                          FROM {$tableMessage}\r\n                          WHERE ({$tableMessage}.idUserFrom = {$idUser1} AND\r\n                                 {$tableMessage}.idUserTo   = {$idUser2}) OR\r\n                                ({$tableMessage}.idUserTo   = {$idUser1} AND\r\n                                 {$tableMessage}.idUserFrom = {$idUser2})\r\n                               ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$limit}";
     $arrayMessages = DatabaseManager::multiFetchAssoc($query);
     $messages = array();
     if ($arrayMessages === null) {
         return null;
     foreach ($arrayMessages as $Message) {
         $messages[] = self::ArrayToMessage($Message);
     return $messages;
コード例 #5
  * Search one church by one similar name
  * @author Jonathan Sandoval <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  Church        $church      Pseudo-church with the data to search
  * @param  string        $order       The type of sort of the Church
  * @param  integer       $begin       The number of page to display the registry
  * @param  string        $operator    To search with 'or' or 'and'
  * @return Array[Church] $churchs     Church objects with the similar name or null
 static function advancedSearchChurch($church = null, $order = 'id', $begin = -1, $operator = 'AND')
     if ($church === null) {
         return null;
     $tableChurch = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_CHURCH');
     $tableVicar = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_VICAR');
     $tableDean = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_DEAN');
     $tableCity = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_CITY');
     $church->getId() <= 0 ? $id = '' : ($id = $church->getId());
     $name = $church->getName();
     $type = $church->getType();
     $church->getCode() <= 0 ? $code = '' : ($code = $church->getCode());
     $address = $church->getAddress();
     $colony = $church->getColony();
     $church->getPostalCode() <= 0 ? $postalCode = '' : ($postalCode = $church->getPostalCode());
     $phoneNumber = $church->getPhoneNumber();
     $vicar = $church->getIdVicar();
     $dean = $church->getIdDean();
     $city = $church->getIdCity();
     $query = "SELECT {$tableChurch}.*\r\n                          FROM {$tableChurch} \r\n                                LEFT JOIN {$tableDean}  ON {$tableChurch}.idDean  = {$tableDean}.id\r\n                                LEFT JOIN {$tableVicar} ON {$tableChurch}.idVicar = {$tableVicar}.id\r\n                                LEFT JOIN {$tableCity}  ON {$tableChurch}.idCity  = {$tableCity}.id\r\n                          WHERE {$tableChurch}.id          LIKE '%{$id}%'          {$operator}\r\n                                {$tableChurch}.name        LIKE '%{$name}%'        {$operator}\r\n                                {$tableChurch}.type        LIKE '%{$type}%'        {$operator}\r\n                                {$tableChurch}.code        LIKE '%{$code}%'        {$operator}\r\n                                {$tableChurch}.address     LIKE '%{$address}%'     {$operator}\r\n                                {$tableChurch}.colony      LIKE '%{$colony}%'      {$operator}\r\n                                {$tableChurch}.postalCode  LIKE '%{$postalCode}%'  {$operator}\r\n                                {$tableChurch}.phoneNumber LIKE '%{$phoneNumber}%' {$operator}\r\n                                ({$tableDean}.id           LIKE '%{$dean}%'        OR\r\n                                 {$tableDean}.name         LIKE '%{$dean}%'      ) {$operator}\r\n                                ({$tableVicar}.id          LIKE '%{$vicar}%'       OR\r\n                                 {$tableVicar}.name        LIKE '%{$vicar}%'     ) {$operator}\r\n                                ({$tableCity}.id           LIKE '%{$city}%'        OR\r\n                                 {$tableCity}.name         LIKE '%{$city}%'      )\r\n                                ORDER BY {$order}";
     $query = $query . " LIMIT " . strval($begin * 10) . ", 11 ";
     $arrayChurchs = DatabaseManager::multiFetchAssoc($query);
     if ($arrayChurchs === null) {
         return null;
     } else {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($arrayChurchs as $church) {
             if ($i == 10) {
             $churchs[] = self::ArrayToChurch($church);
         return $churchs;
コード例 #6
  * Search one proof by one similar name
  * @author Jonathan Sandoval <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  Proof        $proof      Pseudo-proof with the data to search
  * @param  string         $operator     To search with 'or' or 'and'
  * @param  string         $order        The type of sort of the Proof
  * @param  integer        $begin        The number of page to display the registry
  * @return Array[Proof] $proofs     Proof objects with the similar name or null
 static function advancedSearchProof($proof = null, $operator = 'AND', $order = 'id', $begin = 0)
     if ($proof === null) {
         return null;
     $tableProof = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_PROFF_TALKS');
     $tablePerson = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_PERSON');
     $tableChurch = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_CHURCH');
     $queryOwner = "(";
     $posibleOwner = $proof->getIdOwner()[0];
     $queryFather = "(";
     $posibleFather = $proof->getIdOwner()[1];
     $queryMother = "(";
     $posibleMother = $proof->getIdOwner()[2];
     $queryChurch = "(";
     $posibleChurch = $proof->getIdChurch();
     if ($posibleOwner !== NULL) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($posibleOwner) - 1; $i++) {
             $queryOwner = $queryOwner . $posibleOwner[$i]->getId() . ",";
         $queryOwner = $queryOwner . $posibleOwner[sizeof($posibleOwner) - 1]->getId() . ")";
         $queryOwner = "(o.id IN " . $queryOwner . ")";
     if ($posibleFather !== NULL) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($posibleFather) - 1; $i++) {
             $queryFather = $queryFather . $posibleFather[$i]->getId() . ",";
         $queryFather = $queryFather . $posibleFather[sizeof($posibleFather) - 1]->getId() . ")";
         $queryFather = "((fa.id IN " . $queryFather . ") OR fa.id IS NULL)";
     if ($posibleMother !== NULL) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($posibleMother) - 1; $i++) {
             $queryMother = $queryMother . $posibleMother[$i]->getId() . ",";
         $queryMother = $queryMother . $posibleMother[sizeof($posibleMother) - 1]->getId() . ")";
         $queryMother = "((mo.id IN " . $queryMother . ") OR mo.id IS NULL)";
     if ($posibleChurch !== NULL) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($posibleChurch) - 1; $i++) {
             $queryChurch = $queryChurch . $posibleChurch[$i]->getId() . ",";
         $queryChurch = $queryChurch . $posibleChurch[sizeof($posibleChurch) - 1]->getId() . ")";
         $queryChurch = "(c.id IN " . $queryChurch . ")";
     $typeProof = "'%%'";
     if ($proof->getType() == '1') {
         $typeProof = "'B'";
     } else {
         if ($proof->getType() == '2') {
             $typeProof = "'E'";
         } else {
             if ($proof->getType() == '3') {
                 $typeProof = "'C'";
             } else {
                 if ($proof->getType() == '4') {
                     $typeProof = "'X'";
     $query = "SELECT b.* \r\n                        FROM {$tableProof} AS b LEFT JOIN {$tablePerson} AS o ON b.idOwner = o.id \r\n                        LEFT JOIN {$tablePerson} AS fa ON o.idFather = fa.id\r\n                        LEFT JOIN {$tablePerson} AS mo ON o.idMother = mo.id\r\n                        JOIN {$tableChurch} AS c  ON b.idChurch = c.id\r\n                        WHERE b.type LIKE {$typeProof} {$operator} ";
     //Join the Query with the posibiitation query
     if ($queryOwner != '(') {
         $query = $query . $queryOwner . " " . $operator . " ";
     } else {
         $query = $query . "(o.id IN ())" . $operator . " ";
     if ($queryFather != '(') {
         $query = $query . $queryFather . " " . $operator . " ";
     } else {
         $query = $query . "(fa.id IN ())" . $operator . " ";
     if ($queryMother != '(') {
         $query = $query . $queryMother . " " . $operator . " ";
     } else {
         $query = $query . "(mo.id IN ())" . $operator . " ";
     if ($queryChurch != '(') {
         $query = $query . $queryChurch . " ";
     } else {
         $query = $query . "(c.id IN ())" . " ";
     if ($order == 'nameChild') {
         $query = $query . " ORDER BY o.names";
     } else {
         if ($order == 'nameChurch') {
             $query = $query . " ORDER BY c.name";
         } else {
             $query = $query . " ORDER BY b.id DESC";
     $query = $query . " LIMIT " . strval($begin * 10) . ", 11 ";
     $arrayProofs = DatabaseManager::multiFetchAssoc($query);
     $proofs = array();
     if ($arrayProofs !== NULL) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($arrayProofs as $proof) {
             if ($i == 10) {
             $proofs[] = self::ArrayToProofTalks($proof);
         return $proofs;
     } else {
         return null;
コード例 #7
  * search one city by one similar name
  * @author Jonathan Sandoval <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  string      $value   string with the similar name
  * @return Array[City] $cities  City objects with the similar name
 static function searchCity($value = '')
     if ($value === '') {
         return null;
     $tableCity = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_CITY');
     $tableState = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_STATE');
     $query = "SELECT {$tableCity}.*\n                          FROM {$tableCity}\n                          WHERE {$tableCity}.name LIKE '%{$value}%'";
     $arrayCities = DatabaseManager::multiFetchAssoc($query);
     $cities = array();
     foreach ($arrayCities as $city) {
         $cities[] = self::ArrayToCity($city);
     return $cities;
コード例 #8
  * Search one Person by one similar names
  * @author Jonathan Sandoval <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  string        $names       Name of the person to search
  * @param  string        $lastname1   First lastname of the person to search
  * @param  string        $lastname2   Second lastname of the person to search
  * @param  boolean       $exact       If wants a exact search or if wants a similar
  * @param  string        $operator    Select one operator fot the search like "AND" or "OR"
  * @return Array[Person] $persons     Person objects with the similar names
 static function searchPersonsByNames($names = '', $lastname1 = '', $lastname2 = '', $exact = true, $operator = 'AND')
     if ($value === '') {
         return null;
     $tablePerson = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_PERSON');
     $query = '';
     if ($exact) {
         $query = "SELECT {$tablePerson}.*\n                          FROM {$tablePerson} \n                          WHERE {$tablePerson}.names     = '{$names}'     {$operator}\n                                {$tablePerson}.lastname1 = '{$lastname1}' {$operator}\n                                {$tablePerson}.lastname2 = '{$lastname2}'";
     } else {
         $query = "SELECT {$tablePerson}.*\n                           FROM {$tablePerson} \n                           WHERE {$tablePerson}.names     LIKE '{$names}%'     {$operator}\n                                 {$tablePerson}.lastname1 LIKE '{$lastname1}%' {$operator}\n                                 {$tablePerson}.lastname2 LIKE '{$lastname2}%'";
     $arrayPersons = DatabaseManager::multiFetchAssoc($query);
     $persons = array();
     if ($arrayPersons === null) {
         return null;
     foreach ($arrayPersons as $Person) {
         $persons[] = self::ArrayToPerson($Person);
     return $persons;
コード例 #9
  * Recover all the rector from one church
  * @author Jonathan Sandoval <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  string          $idChurch   Id of one church
  * @return Array[Church]               Rector that worked in the church
 static function getAllFormerChurchs($idRector = '', $order = 'id', $begin = -1)
     if ($idRector == '') {
         return null;
     } else {
         $tableRector = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_RECTOR');
         $tableChurch = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_CHURCH');
         $tablePerson = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_PERSON');
         $tableUnion = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_FORMER_RECTOR_CHURCH');
         $query = "SELECT {$tableChurch}.*\r\n                              FROM {$tableChurch}\r\n                              LEFT JOIN {$tableUnion}\r\n                              ON {$tableUnion}.idChurch = {$tableChurch}.id\r\n                              WHERE {$tableUnion}.idRector = {$idRector}\r\n                              ORDER BY {$order}";
         if ($begin !== -1) {
             $query = $query . " LIMIT " . strval($begin * 10) . ", 11 ";
         $arrayChurchs = DatabaseManager::multiFetchAssoc($query);
         $churchs = array();
         if ($arrayChurchs === null) {
             return null;
         } else {
             if ($begin !== -1) {
                 $i = 0;
                 foreach ($arrayChurchs as $church) {
                     if ($i == 10) {
                     $churchs[] = ChurchManager::ArrayToChurch($church);
             } else {
                 foreach ($arrayChurchs as $church) {
                     $churchs[] = ChurchManager::ArrayToChurch($church);
             return $churchs;
コード例 #10
  * Search one marriage by one similar name
  * @author Jonathan Sandoval <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  Marriage        $marriage    Pseudo-marriage with the data to search
  * @param  string         $operator     To search with 'or' or 'and'
  * @param  string         $order        The type of sort of the Marriage
  * @param  integer        $begin        The number of page to display the registry
  * @return Array[Marriage] $marriages   Marriage objects with the similar name or null
 static function advancedSearchMarriage($marriage = null, $operator = 'AND', $order = 'id', $begin = 0)
     if ($marriage === null) {
         return null;
     $tableMarriage = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_MARRIAGE');
     $tablePerson = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_PERSON');
     $tableChurch = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_CHURCH');
     $celebrationDate = $marriage->getCelebrationDate();
     $queryBoy = "(";
     $posibleBoy = $marriage->getIdBoyfriend();
     $queryGirl = "(";
     $posibleGirl = $marriage->getIdGirlfriend();
     $queryChurch = "(";
     $posibleChurch = $marriage->getIdChurchMarriage();
     if ($posibleBoy !== NULL) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($posibleBoy) - 1; $i++) {
             $queryBoy = $queryBoy . $posibleBoy[$i]->getId() . ",";
         $queryBoy = $queryBoy . $posibleBoy[sizeof($posibleBoy) - 1]->getId() . ")";
         $queryBoy = "((b.id IN " . $queryBoy . ") OR b.id IS NULL)";
     if ($posibleGirl !== NULL) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($posibleGirl) - 1; $i++) {
             $queryGirl = $queryGirl . $posibleGirl[$i]->getId() . ",";
         $queryGirl = $queryGirl . $posibleGirl[sizeof($posibleGirl) - 1]->getId() . ")";
         $queryGirl = "((g.id IN " . $queryGirl . ") OR g.id IS NULL)";
     if ($posibleChurch !== NULL) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($posibleChurch) - 1; $i++) {
             $queryChurch = $queryChurch . $posibleChurch[$i]->getId() . ",";
         $queryChurch = $queryChurch . $posibleChurch[sizeof($posibleChurch) - 1]->getId() . ")";
         $queryChurch = "(c.id IN " . $queryChurch . ")";
     if ($marriage->getId() == 0) {
         $id = '';
     } else {
         $id = $marriage->getId();
     if ($marriage->getIdBookRegistry() == 0) {
         $idBookRegistry = '';
     } else {
         $idBookRegistry = $marriage->getIdBookRegistry()->getId();
     $query = "SELECT m.* \r\n                        FROM {$tableMarriage} AS m \r\n                        LEFT JOIN {$tablePerson} AS b ON m.idBoyfriend = b.id\r\n                        LEFT JOIN {$tablePerson} AS g ON m.idGirlfriend = g.id\r\n                        JOIN {$tableChurch} AS c  ON m.idChurchMarriage = c.id\r\n                        WHERE m.id               LIKE '%{$id}%'               {$operator}\r\n                              m.marriageDate     LIKE '%{$celebrationDate}%'  {$operator} ";
     //Join the Query with the posibiitation query
     if ($queryBoy != '(') {
         $query = $query . $queryBoy . " " . $operator . " ";
     } else {
         $query = $query . "(b.id IN ())" . $operator . " ";
     if ($queryGirl != '(') {
         $query = $query . $queryGirl . " " . $operator . " ";
     } else {
         $query = $query . "(g.id IN ())" . $operator . " ";
     if ($queryChurch != '(') {
         $query = $query . $queryChurch . " " . $operator . " ";
     } else {
         $query = $query . "(c.id IN ())" . $operator . " ";
     if ($idBookRegistry !== NULL) {
         $query = $query . "m.idMarriageRegistry LIKE '%{$idBookRegistry}%'";
     } else {
         $query = $query . "m.idMarriageRegistry LIKE '%%'";
     if ($order == 'nameBoy') {
         $query = $query . " ORDER BY b.lastname1";
     } else {
         if ($order == 'nameGirl') {
             $query = $query . " ORDER BY g.lastname1";
         } else {
             if ($order == 'nameChurch') {
                 $query = $query . " ORDER BY c.name";
             } else {
                 $query = $query . " ORDER BY m.id DESC";
     $query = $query . " LIMIT " . strval($begin * 10) . ", 11 ";
     $arrayMarriages = DatabaseManager::multiFetchAssoc($query);
     $marriages = array();
     if ($arrayMarriages !== NULL) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($arrayMarriages as $marriage) {
             if ($i == 10) {
             $marriages[] = self::ArrayToMarriage($marriage);
         return $marriages;
     } else {
         return null;