コード例 #1
ファイル: user_menu.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
function ShowMenuFiche($p_dossier)
    $cn = new Database($p_dossier);
    $mod = "&ac=" . $_REQUEST['ac'];
    $str_dossier = dossier::get() . $mod;
    echo '<div class="lmenu">';
    echo '<TABLE>';
    echo '<TR><TD colspan="1" class="mtitle"  style="width:auto" >
    <A class="mtitle" HREF="?p_action=fiche&action=add_modele&fiche=modele&' . $str_dossier . '">' . _('Création') . '</A></TD>
    <TD><A class="mtitle" HREF="?p_action=fiche&' . $str_dossier . '">' . _('Recherche') . '</A></TD>
    $Res = $cn->exec_sql("select fd_id,fd_label from fiche_def order by fd_label");
    $Max = Database::num_row($Res);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $Max; $i++) {
        $l_line = Database::fetch_array($Res, $i);
        printf('<TR><TD class="cell">
               <A class="mtitle" HREF="?p_action=fiche&action=modifier&fiche=%d&%s">%s</A></TD>
               <TD class="mshort">
               <A class="mtitle" HREF="?p_action=fiche&action=vue&fiche=%d&%s">Liste</A>
               </TR>', $l_line['fd_id'], $str_dossier, $l_line['fd_label'], $l_line['fd_id'], $str_dossier);
    echo "</TABLE>";
    echo '</div>';
コード例 #2
ファイル: modele.inc.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
if ($sa == 'remove') {
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['p_confirm'])) {
        echo _('Désolé, vous n\'avez pas coché la case');
        echo HtmlInput::button_anchor(_('Retour'), '?action=modele_mgt');
    $cn = new Database();
    $msg = "dossier";
    $name = $cn->get_value("select mod_name from modeledef where mod_id=\$1", array($_REQUEST['m']));
    if (strlen(trim($name)) == 0) {
        echo "<h2 class=\"error\"> {$msg} inexistant</h2>";
    $sql = "drop database " . domaine . "mod" . sql_string($_REQUEST['m']);
    if ($cn->exec_sql($sql) == false) {
        echo "<h2 class=\"error\">";
        printf(_("Base de donnée %s mod %s est accèdée, déconnectez-vous d'abord"), domaine, $_REQUEST['m']) . "</h2>";
    $sql = "delete from modeledef where mod_id=\$1";
    $cn->exec_sql($sql, array($_REQUEST['m']));
    print '<h2 class="error">';
    printf(_("Le modèle %s est effacé") . "</H2>", $name);
    echo HtmlInput::button_anchor(_('Retour'), '?action=modele_mgt');
echo '</div>';
コード例 #3
            if (trim($_POST['password']) != '') {
                $UserChange->pass = md5($_POST['password']);
            } else {
                $UserChange->pass = $UserChange->password;
} else {
    if ($sbaction == "delete") {
        // Delete the user
        $cn = new Database();
        $Res = $cn->exec_sql("delete from jnt_use_dos where use_id=\$1", array($uid));
        $Res = $cn->exec_sql("delete from ac_users where use_id=\$1", array($uid));
        echo "<center><H2 class=\"info\"> Utilisateur " . h($_POST['fname']) . " " . h($_POST['lname']) . " est effacé</H2></CENTER>";
        require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_iselect.php';
        require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/user.inc.php';
$it_pass = new IText('password');
$it_pass->value = "";
<FORM  id="user_detail_frm" METHOD="POST">

echo HtmlInput::hidden('UID', $uid);
コード例 #4
require_once '../include/constant.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_database.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/ac_common.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_dossier.php';
$gDossier = dossier::id();
$cn = new Database($gDossier);
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_user.php';
global $g_user;
$g_user = new User($cn);
if ($g_user->check_module("CFGDOC") == 0) {
// retrieve the document
$r = $cn->exec_sql("select md_id,md_lob,md_filename,md_mimetype\n                 from document_modele where md_id=\$1", array($_REQUEST['md_id']));
if (Database::num_row($r) == 0) {
    echo_error("Invalid Document");
$row = Database::fetch_array($r, 0);
$tmp = tempnam($_ENV['TMP'], 'document_');
$cn->lo_export($row['md_lob'], $tmp);
ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
header("Pragma: public");
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate");
header('Content-type: ' . $row['md_mimetype']);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="' . $row['md_filename'] . '"', FALSE);
コード例 #5
ファイル: class_dossier.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
  *connect to folder and give to admin. the profile Admin(builtin)
  * @param int $p_id dossier::id()
 static function synchro_admin($p_id)
     // connect to target
     $cn = new Database($p_id);
     if (!$cn->exist_table("profile_menu")) {
         echo_warning("Dossier invalide");
     // connect to repo
     $repo = new Database();
     $a_admin = $repo->get_array("select use_login from ac_users where\n\t\t\tuse_admin=1 and use_active=1");
     try {
          * synchro global
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($a_admin); $i++) {
             $exist = $cn->get_value("select p_id from profile_user\n\t\t\t\t\twhere user_name=\$1", array($a_admin[$i]['use_login']));
             if ($exist == "") {
                 $cn->exec_sql("insert into profile_user(user_name,p_id) values(\$1,1)", array($a_admin[$i]['use_login']));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
コード例 #6
ファイル: param_sec.inc.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
// Action = save
if (isset($_POST['ok'])) {
    try {
        $sec_User = new User($cn, $_POST['user_id']);
        // save profile
        /* Save first the ledger */
        $a = $cn->get_array('select jrn_def_id from jrn_def');
        foreach ($a as $key) {
            $id = $key['jrn_def_id'];
            $priv = sprintf("jrn_act%d", $id);
            $count = $cn->get_value('select count(*) from user_sec_jrn where uj_login=$1 ' . ' and uj_jrn_id=$2', array($sec_User->login, $id));
            if ($count == 0) {
                $cn->exec_sql('insert into user_sec_jrn (uj_login,uj_jrn_id,uj_priv)' . ' values ($1,$2,$3)', array($sec_User->login, $id, $_POST[$priv]));
            } else {
                $cn->exec_sql('update user_sec_jrn set uj_priv=$1 where uj_login=$2 and uj_jrn_id=$3', array($_POST[$priv], $sec_User->login, $id));
        /* now save all the actions */
        $a = $cn->get_array('select ac_id from action');
        foreach ($a as $key) {
            $id = $key['ac_id'];
            $priv = sprintf("action%d", $id);
            if (!isset($_POST[$priv])) {
                $cn->exec_sql("delete from user_sec_act where ua_act_id=\$1", array($id));
            $count = $cn->get_value('select count(*) from user_sec_act where ua_login=$1 ' . ' and ua_act_id=$2', array($sec_User->login, $id));
            if ($_POST[$priv] == 1 && $count == 0) {
コード例 #7
ファイル: audit_log.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
 *   along with NOALYSS; if not, write to the Free Software
 *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
// Copyright Author Dany De Bontridder danydb@aevalys.eu
 * \brief let you see the list of the connexion
if (!defined('ALLOWED')) {
<DIV class="content" style="width:80%;margin-left:10%">
<span class="notice">Liste limitée aux 100 dernières connexions</span>
$cn = new Database();
$cn->exec_sql("select ac_user,ac_ip,to_char(ac_date,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI') as fmt_date,ac_state,ac_module from audit_connect order by ac_date desc limit 100 ");
<TABLE CLASS="result" style="border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:2">
echo _("Utilisateur");
echo _("Date");
echo _("Adresse");
コード例 #8
ファイル: ac_common.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
 * \brief Minimal  page header for each page, used for small popup window
 * \param p_theme default theme
 * \param $p_script
 * \param $p_script2  another js script
 * \return none
function html_min_page_start($p_theme = "", $p_script = "", $p_script2 = "")
    $cn = new Database();
    if ($p_theme != "") {
        $Res = $cn->exec_sql("select the_filestyle from theme\n                           where the_name='" . $p_theme . "'");
        if (Database::num_row($Res) == 0) {
            $style = "style-classic.css";
        } else {
            $s = Database::fetch_array($Res, 0);
            $style = $s['the_filestyle'];
    } else {
        $style = "style-classic.css";
    // end if
    echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 FINAL//EN">';
    echo "<HTML>";
    if ($p_script2 != "") {
        $p_script2 = '<script src="' . $p_script2 . '" type="text/javascript"></script>';
    echo "<HEAD>\n    <TITLE>NOALYSS</TITLE>\n    <META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF8\">\n    <LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"{$style}\" media=\"screen\">\n    <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"style-print.css\" media=\"print\">" . $p_script2 . "\n    <script src=\"js/scripts.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n    <script src=\"js/acc_ledger.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n    <script src=\"js/smoke.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>";
    echo '</HEAD>
    echo "<BODY {$p_script}>";
    /* If we are on the user_login page */
    if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'user_login.php') {
コード例 #9
ファイル: ajax_misc.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
        header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
        echo <<<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    case 'mod_cat_doc':
        require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/template/document_mod_change.php';
    case 'dsp_tva':
        $cn = new Database($gDossier);
        $Res = $cn->exec_sql("select * from tva_rate order by tva_rate desc");
        $Max = Database::num_row($Res);
        $r = "";
        $r = HtmlInput::anchor_close('tva_select');
        $r .= h2(_('Choisissez la TVA '), 'class="title"');
        $r .= '<div >';
        $r .= _('Filter') . " " . HtmlInput::filter_table("tva_select_table", '0,1,2,3', 1);
        $r .= '<TABLE style="width:100%" id="tva_select_table">';
        $r .= th(_('code'));
        $r .= th(_('Taux'));
        $r .= th(_('Symbole'));
        $r .= th(_('Explication'));
        for ($i = 0; $i < $Max; $i++) {
            $row = Database::fetch_array($Res, $i);
            if (!isset($compute)) {
                if (!isset($code)) {
コード例 #10
ファイル: restore.inc.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
     $lname = $id . " Restauration :" . sql_string($_FILES['file']['name']);
 } else {
     $lname = $id . " " . $_REQUEST['database'];
 $sql = "insert into modeledef (mod_id,mod_name,mod_desc) values (" . $id . ",'Restauration" . $lname . "','" . $ldesc . "') ";
 try {
 } catch (Exception $e) {
     echo '<span class="error">' . _("Echec de la restauration ") . '</span>';
 $name = domaine . "mod" . $id;
 $cn->exec_sql("create database " . $name . " encoding='utf8'");
 $args = "   -d {$name} " . $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
 $status = exec(PG_RESTORE . $args);
 $test = new Database($id, 'mod');
 if ($test->exist_table('version')) {
     echo '<h2 class="info"> ' . _('Restauration réussie du dossier ') . $lname . '</h2>';
 } else {
     echo '<h2 class="error"> ' . _('Problème lors de la restauration ') . $lname . '</h2>';
     $cn->exec_sql('delete from modeledef where mod_id=$1', array($id));
     $cn->exec_sql('drop database ' . $name);
 $new_cn = new Database($id, 'mod');
 $new_cn->apply_patch($name, 0);
コード例 #11
ファイル: ajax_ledger.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
     echo "   <LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"{$theme}\" media=\"screen\">";
     echo "</head><body class=\"op_detail_frame\">";
     echo "<h2>" . _("Document") . "</h2>";
     echo '<div class="op_detail_frame">';
     echo '<FORM METHOD="POST" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" id="form_file">';
     $sp = new ISpan('file' . $div);
     $sp->style = "display:none;width:155;height:15;background-color:red;color:white;font-size:10";
     $sp->value = _("Chargement");
     echo $sp->input();
     echo HtmlInput::hidden('act', 'loadfile');
     echo dossier::hidden();
     echo HtmlInput::hidden('jr_id', $jr_id);
     echo HtmlInput::hidden('div', $div);
     echo '<INPUT TYPE="FILE" name="pj" onchange="getElementById(\'file' . $div . '\').style.display=\'inline\';submit(this);">';
     echo '</FORM>';
     $ret = $cn->exec_sql("select jr_pj from jrn where jr_id=\$1", array($jr_id));
     if (Database::num_row($ret) != 0) {
         $r = Database::fetch_array($ret, 0);
         $old_oid = $r['jr_pj'];
         if (strlen($old_oid) != 0) {
             // check if this pj is used somewhere else
             $c = $cn->count_sql("select * from jrn where jr_pj=" . $old_oid);
             if ($c == 1) {
         $cn->exec_sql("update jrn set jr_pj=null, jr_pj_name=null, " . "jr_pj_type=null  where jr_id=\$1", array($jr_id));
 echo '</div>';
コード例 #12
ファイル: recover.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh

Noalyss team
        echo '<p style="position:absolute;z-index:2;top:25px;left: 50px; background-color:whitesmoke;">
L\'email a été envoyé avec un lien et le nouveau mot de passe, vérifiez vos spams</p>';
} elseif ($action == "req") {
    $request_id = HtmlInput::default_value_request("req", "");
    if (strlen(trim($request_id)) == SIZE_REQUEST) {
        require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_database.php';
        $cn = new Database(0);
        $value = $cn->get_value("select password from recover_pass where request=\$1 and created_on > now() - interval '12 hours' and recover_on is null", array($request_id));
        if ($cn->get_affected() > 0) {
            $cn->exec_sql("update ac_users set use_pass=md5(rp.password) from recover_pass as rp where rp.use_id=ac_users.use_id and request=\$1", array($request_id));
            $cn->exec_sql("update recover_pass set recover_by=\$1 , recover_on=now() where request=\$2", array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $request_id));
    <p style="position:absolute;z-index:2;top:25px;left: 50px; background-color:whitesmoke;">
            Opération réussie , vous pouvez vous connecter avec votre nouveau mot de passe
    } else {
        die("Requête inconnue");
コード例 #13

//This file is part of NOALYSS and is under GPL
//see licence.txt
if (!defined('ALLOWED')) {
    die('Appel direct ne sont pas permis');
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_database.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_user.php';
$cn = new Database($_GET['gDossier']);
if (isset($_REQUEST['pa_id'])) {
    $res = $cn->exec_sql("select po_name,po_description from  poste_analytique where pa_id=\$1 ~* and (po_description ~* \$2 or po_name ~* \$3 order by po_id limit 12", array($_REQUEST['pa_id'], $_POST['anccard'], $_POST['anccard']));
} else {
    $res = $cn->exec_sql("select po_name,po_description from  poste_analytique where po_description ~* \$1 or po_name ~* \$2 order by po_id limit 12 ", array($_POST['anccard'], $_POST['anccard']));
$nb = Database::num_row($res);
echo "<ul>";
for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++) {
    $row = Database::fetch_array($res, $i);
    echo "<li>";
    echo $row['po_name'];
    echo '<span class="informal"> ' . $row['po_description'] . '</span></li>';
echo "</ul>";
コード例 #14
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/user_menu.php';
echo '<div id="acc_update" class="inner_box" style="display:none;position:absolute;text-align:left;z-index:1"></div>';
/* Store the p_start parameter */
$g_start = HtmlInput::default_value_get('p_start', 1);
<a  id="top"></a>

<div class="content">

<DIV CLASS="myfieldset" style="width:auto">
$Ret = $cn->exec_sql("select pcm_val,pcm_lib,pcm_val_parent,pcm_type,array_to_string(array_agg(j_qcode) , ',') as acode\n\tfrom tmp_pcmn left join vw_poste_qcode on (j_poste=pcm_val) where substr(pcm_val::text,1,1)='" . $g_start . "'" . "  group by pcm_val,pcm_lib,pcm_val_parent, pcm_type  order by pcm_val::text");
$MaxRow = Database::num_row($Ret);
<span style="display:inline;margin: 15px 15px 15px 15px">
<input type="button" id="pcmn_update_add_bt" class="smallbutton" value="<?php 
echo _('Ajout poste comptable');
echo _('Filtre') . " " . HtmlInput::filter_table("account_tbl_id", "0,1,2,3,4", 1);
echo HtmlInput::hidden('p_action', 'pcmn');
//echo HtmlInput::hidden('sa','detail');
echo dossier::hidden();
コード例 #15
 * \brief Verify the saldo of ledger: independant file
if (!defined('ALLOWED')) {
    die('Appel direct ne sont pas permis');
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_user.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_acc_bilan.php';
global $g_captcha, $g_failed, $g_succeed;
$cn = new Database(dossier::id());
$exercice = $g_user->get_exercice();
echo '<div class="content">';
$sql_year = " and j_tech_per in (select p_id from parm_periode where p_exercice='" . $g_user->get_exercice() . "')";
echo '<div class="myfieldset"><h1 class="legend">' . _('Vérification des journaux') . '</h1>';
$sql = "select jrn_def_id,jrn_def_name from jrn_def";
$res = $cn->exec_sql($sql);
$jrn = Database::fetch_all($res);
echo '<table class="result">';
echo tr(th(_('Journal')) . th(_('Débit'), ' style="display:right"') . th(_("Crédit"), ' style="display:right"') . th(_("Différence"), ' style="display:right"') . th(''));
$ix = 0;
foreach ($jrn as $l) {
    $id = $l['jrn_def_id'];
    $name = $l['jrn_def_name'];
    $deb = $cn->get_value("select sum (j_montant) from jrnx where j_debit='t' and j_jrn_def={$id} {$sql_year} ");
    $cred = $cn->get_value("select sum (j_montant) from jrnx where j_debit='f' and j_jrn_def={$id}  {$sql_year} ");
    if ($cred == $deb) {
        $result = $g_succeed;
    } else {
        $result = $g_failed;
    $class = $ix % 2 == 0 ? 'odd' : "even";
コード例 #16
$g_user = new User($cn);
$inside_dossier = false;
if (isset($_REQUEST['gDossier']) && $_REQUEST['gDossier'] != 0) {
    $msg = "";
    $cn = new Database($_REQUEST['gDossier']);
    $g_user->cn = $cn;
    $inside_dossier = true;
    $local_pref = $g_user->get_preference();
// Theme
$repo = new Database();
// charge tous les styles
$res = $repo->exec_sql("select the_name from theme\n                    order by the_name");
$style = new ISelect('style_user');
$style->value = $repo->make_array("select the_name,the_name\n\tfrom theme\n\torder by the_name");
$style->selected = $_SESSION['g_theme'];

<div class="content" >

	<fieldset style="margin: 1%"><legend><?php 
echo _('Options Générales');
コード例 #17
ファイル: periode.inc.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
            $per->jrn_def_id = $jrn_def_id;
    $choose = "yes";
if ($action == "delete_per") {
    $p_per = $_GET["p_per"];
    // Check if the periode is not used
    if ($cn->count_sql("select * from jrnx where j_tech_per={$p_per}") != 0) {
        alert(' Désolé mais cette période est utilisée');
    } else {
        $count = $cn->get_value("select count(*) from parm_periode;");
        if ($count > 1) {
            $Res = $cn->exec_sql("delete from parm_periode where p_id={$p_per}");
        } else {
            alert(' Désolé mais vous devez avoir au moins une période');
    $choose = "yes";
if ($action == 'reopen') {
    $jrn_def_id = isset($_GET['jrn_def_id']) ? $_GET['jrn_def_id'] : 0;
    $per = new Periode($cn);
    $jrn_def_id = isset($_GET['jrn_def_id']) ? $_GET['jrn_def_id'] : 0;
    $choose = "yes";
コード例 #18
ファイル: show_document.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
if ($action == "upd_doc") {
    if ($g_user->check_action(VIEWDOC) == 1) {
        $doc = new Document($cn, $_REQUEST['d_id']);
        if ($g_user->can_write_action($doc->ag_id)) {
            // retrieve the document
/* remove the operation from action_gestion_operation */
if ($action == 'rmop') {
    $json = '{"ago_id":"-1"}';
    $dt_id = $cn->get_value("select ag_id from action_gestion_operation where ago_id=\$1", array($_REQUEST['id']));
    if ($g_user->check_action(RMDOC) == 1 && $g_user->can_write_action($dt_id) == true) {
        $cn->exec_sql("delete from action_gestion_operation where ago_id=\$1", array($_REQUEST['id']));
        $json = sprintf('{"ago_id":"%s"}', $_REQUEST['id']);
    header("Content-type: text/html; charset: utf8", true);
    print $json;
/* remove the comment from action_gestion_operation */
if ($action == 'rmcomment') {
    $json = '{"agc_id":"-1"}';
    $dt_id = $cn->get_value("select ag_id from action_gestion_comment where agc_id=\$1", array($_REQUEST['id']));
    if ($g_user->check_action(RMDOC) == 1 && $g_user->can_write_action($dt_id) == true) {
        $cn->exec_sql("delete from action_gestion_comment where agc_id=\$1", array($_REQUEST['id']));
        $json = sprintf('{"agc_id":"%s"}', $_REQUEST['id']);
    header("Content-type: text/html; charset: utf8", true);
    print $json;
コード例 #19
ファイル: direct.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
 *   NOALYSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with NOALYSS; if not, write to the Free Software
 *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
require_once '../include/constant.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_database.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_user.php';
$cn = new Database($_GET['gDossier']);
global $g_user;
$g_user = new User($cn);
$res = $cn->exec_sql("select distinct code,description from get_profile_menu(\$1) where code ~* \$2 or description ~* \$3 order by code limit 5  ", array($g_user->get_profile(), $_POST['acs'], $_POST['acs']));
$nb = Database::num_row($res);
echo "<ul>";
for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++) {
    $row = Database::fetch_array($res, $i);
    echo "<li>";
    echo $row['code'];
    echo '<span class="informal"> ' . $row['description'] . '</span></li>';
echo "</ul>";
if ($nb == 0) {
    echo _('Aucune correspondance');
コード例 #20
ファイル: dossier.inc.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
 $msg = "dossier";
 $name = $cn->get_value("select dos_name from ac_dossier where dos_id=\$1", array($dossier_id));
 if (strlen(trim($name)) == 0) {
     echo "<h2 class=\"error\"> {$msg} " . _('inexistant') . "</h2>";
  * Check if db exists
 $str_name = domaine . 'dossier' . $dossier_id;
 $database_exist = $cn->exist_database($str_name);
 // if db exists for postgres then drop it
 if ($database_exist == 1) {
     $sql = "drop database " . domaine . "dossier" . sql_string($_REQUEST['d']);
     if ($cn->exec_sql($sql) == false) {
         echo "<h2 class=\"error\"> ";
         echo _('Base de donnée ') . domaine . "dossier" . $_REQUEST['d'] . _("est accèdée, déconnectez-vous d'abord") . "</h2>";
 // clean tables about this dossier
 $sql = "delete from  jnt_use_dos where dos_id=\$1";
 $cn->exec_sql($sql, array($dossier_id));
 $sql = "delete from ac_dossier where dos_id=\$1";
 $cn->exec_sql($sql, array($dossier_id));
 print '<h2 class="error">';
 printf(_("Le dossier %s est effacé") . '</h2>', h($name));
 echo HtmlInput::button_anchor(_('Retour'), '?action=dossier_mgt');
コード例 #21
ファイル: class_user.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
  * Save the password from PREFERENCE MODULE
  * @param type $p_email
 function save_email($p_email)
     $repo = new Database();
     $repo->exec_sql("update ac_users set use_email=\$1 where use_login=\$2", array($p_email, $_SESSION['g_user']));
コード例 #22
  *remove all the schema from the plugins
  * @param Database $p_cn
 static function clean(Database $p_cn)
     $a_ext = array("tva_belge", "amortissement", "impdol", "coprop", "importbank");
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($a_ext); $i++) {
         if ($p_cn->exist_schema($a_ext[$i])) {
             $p_cn->exec_sql("drop schema " . $a_ext[$i] . " cascade");
コード例 #23
ファイル: show_pj.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
    echo_error("Missing parameters");
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_database.php';
$jr_grpt_id = $_GET['jr_grpt_id'];
$cn = new Database($gDossier);
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_user.php';
global $g_user;
$g_user = new User($cn);
if (isNumber($jr_grpt_id) != 1) {
    die(_('Données invalides'));
// retrieve the jrn
$r = $cn->exec_sql("select jr_def_id from jrn where jr_grpt_id={$jr_grpt_id}");
if (Database::num_row($r) == 0) {
    echo_error("Invalid operation id jr_grpt_id={$jr_grpt_id}");
$a = Database::fetch_array($r, 0);
$jrn = $a['jr_def_id'];
if ($g_user->check_jrn($jrn) == 'X') {
    /* Cannot Access */
    exit - 1;
$ret = $cn->exec_sql("select jr_pj,jr_pj_name,jr_pj_type from jrn where jr_grpt_id={$jr_grpt_id}");
if (Database::num_row($ret) == 0) {
コード例 #24
    $pdf->Cell(0, 7, 'Bloqué', 0, 0, 'R');
if ($SecUser->admin == 1) {
    $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
    $pdf->setFillColor(239, 251, 255);
    $pdf->Cell(40, 7, 'Administrateur', 1, 1, 'R');
$pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
// Journal
$pdf->Cell(0, 7, 'Accès journaux', 1, 0, 'C');
$pdf->SetFont('DejaVu', '', 6);
$Res = $cn->exec_sql("select jrn_def_id,jrn_def_name  from jrn_def ");
$SecUser->db = $cn;
for ($e = 0; $e < Database::num_row($Res); $e++) {
    $row = Database::fetch_array($Res, $e);
    $pdf->Cell(40, 6, $row['jrn_def_name']);
    $priv = $SecUser->check_jrn($row['jrn_def_id']);
    switch ($priv) {
        case 'X':
            $pdf->SetTextColor(255, 0, 34);
            $pdf->Cell(30, 6, "Pas d'accès");
        case 'R':
            $pdf->SetTextColor(54, 233, 0);
            $pdf->Cell(30, 6, "Lecture");
        case 'O':
コード例 #25
ファイル: setup.php プロジェクト: Kloadut/noalyss_ynh
    for ($i = 4; $i <= $MaxVersion; $i++) {
        if ($db->get_value(' select val from repo_version') <= $i) {
            $db->execute_script('sql/patch/ac-upgrade' . $i . '.sql');
<p style="text-align: center">
		<A style="" class="button" HREF="../index.php">Connectez-vous à NOALYSS</A>
 * If multi folders
$Resdossier = $cn->exec_sql("select dos_id, dos_name from ac_dossier");
$MaxDossier = $cn->size($Resdossier);
// Upgrade the folders
for ($e = 0; $e < $MaxDossier; $e++) {
    $db_row = Database::fetch_array($Resdossier, $e);
    echo "<h3>Patching " . $db_row['dos_name'] . '</h3>';
    $name = $cn->format_name($db_row['dos_id'], 'dos');
    if ($cn->exist_database($name) > 0) {
        $db = new Database($db_row['dos_id'], 'dos');
    } else {
        echo_warning(_("Dossier inexistant") . " {$name}");