コード例 #1
ファイル: Youtube.php プロジェクト: crazy-codes/bbcode
     * Parsuje YOUTUBE
     * @param array $tag wszystkie informacje o tagu
     * @param array $openNode tag otwierajacy
     * @param array $body zawertosc pomiedzy tagiem otwierajacym a zamykajacym
     * @param array $closeNode tak zamykajacy
     * @param BbCodeSettings $settings
    public function checkMovie($tag, &$openNode, &$body, &$closeNode, $settings)
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../DataValidator.php';
        // wyciagamy caly tekst
        $bodyStr = '';
        foreach ($body as &$el) {
            $bodyStr .= $el['text'];
            // wersja do wyswietlenia
            $el['text'] = '';
        // sprawdzamy czy ciag jest urlem
        $str = DataValidator::checkUrl($bodyStr);
        // skoro nie jest urlem wiec ISTNIEJE prawdopodobienstwo, ze jest to id filmu
        if ($str == false) {
            $idMovie = htmlspecialchars($bodyStr);
        } elseif (preg_match('/watch\\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+)/i', $str, $matches)) {
            // szukanie id filmu
            $idMovie = $matches[1];
        } else {
            // nie ma id wiec lipa
            $openNode = $settings->removeNode($openNode);
            $closeNode = $settings->removeNode($closeNode);
            return false;
        // zamkniecie nie jest nam potrzebne
        $closeNode['text'] = '';
        // Ustawiamy content
        $openNode['text'] = '<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="560" height="349"
src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/' . $idMovie . '?rel=0" frameborder="0">
        //ustawiamy link dla zaufanego bbcode
        $body[key($body)]['tagText'] = $str;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Image.php プロジェクト: crazy-codes/bbcode
  * Parsuje IMG
  * @param array $tag
  * @param array $openNode
  * @param array $body
  * @param array $cNode
  * @param BbCodeSettings $settings
 public function checkImg($tag, &$openNode, &$body, &$cNode, $settings)
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../DataValidator.php';
     $src = '';
     if (isset($openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['img'])) {
         $src = DataValidator::checkUrl($openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['img']);
     $bodyStr = '';
     foreach ($body as $el) {
         $bodyStr .= $el['text'];
     $bodyUrl = DataValidator::checkUrl($bodyStr);
     if ($bodyUrl) {
         $src = $bodyUrl;
     } else {
         if ($bodyStr) {
             $openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['alt'] = $bodyStr;
     if ($src == false) {
         $openNode = $settings->removeNode($openNode, $settings->removeInvalidTags);
         $cNode = $settings->removeNode($cNode, $settings->removeInvalidTags);
         return false;
     $openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['src'] = $src;
     if (isset($openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['img'])) {
         $tagSizes = explode('x', $openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['img']);
         if (is_array($tagSizes)) {
             $tagSizes = array_map('trim', $tagSizes);
             if (isset($tagSizes[0]) && is_numeric($tagSizes[0])) {
                 $openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['width'] = round($tagSizes[0]);
             if (isset($tagSizes[1]) && is_numeric($tagSizes[1])) {
                 $openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['height'] = round($tagSizes[1]);
     // wlaczona kontrola wielkosci zdjecia i czy zawsze mozemy taką kontrolę przeprowadzic
     if ($this->imageMaxWidth > 0 || $this->imageMaxHeight > 0 || $this->imageMinHeight > 0 || $this->imageMinHeight > 0) {
         if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && $this->checkRealImageSize) {
             // ustawienie maksymalnego czasu pobierania info o zdjeciu
             $oldDefaultSocketTimeout = ini_get('default_socket_timeout');
             $socketTimeout = 5;
             if (isset($this->socketTimeout) && $this->socketTimeout >= 0) {
                 $socketTimeout = $this->socketTimeout;
             ini_set('default_socket_timeout', $socketTimeout);
             $size = @getimagesize($openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['src']);
             // z roznych przyczyn nie udalo sie pobrac zdjecia badz nie jest on plikiem graficznym
             if (!$size) {
                 $openNode = $settings->removeNode($openNode);
                 $cNode = $settings->removeNode($cNode);
                 $openNode['text'] = '[Nieprawidłowe zdjęcie]';
                 return false;
         } elseif (isset($openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['width']) || isset($openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['height'])) {
             $size = array();
             $size[0] = isset($openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['width']) ? $openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['width'] : false;
             $size[1] = isset($openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['height']) ? $openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['height'] : false;
             if ($size[0] === false && $size[1] === false) {
                 $size = false;
         if (isset($size) && $size) {
             //pomocnicze zachowanie wymiarow
             $mainWidth = $size[0];
             $mainHeight = $size[1];
             $width = isset($openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['width']) ? $openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['width'] : $size[0];
             $height = isset($openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['height']) ? $openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['height'] : $size[1];
             // szerokosc
             if ($this->imageMaxWidth > 0 && $width > $this->imageMaxWidth) {
                 $width = $this->imageMaxWidth;
                 $height = $this->imageMaxWidth * $height / $width;
             // wysokosc
             if ($this->imageMaxHeight > 0 && $height > $this->imageMaxHeight) {
                 $height = $this->imageMaxHeight;
                 $width = $this->imageMaxHeight * $width / $height;
             $width = round($width);
             $height = round($height);
             if ($this->imageMinWidth > 0 && $this->imageMinWidth > $width) {
                 $width = $this->imageMinWidth;
             if ($this->imageMinHeight > 0 && $this->imageMinHeight > $height) {
                 $height = $this->imageMinHeight;
             if ($width != $mainWidth) {
                 $openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['width'] = $width;
             if ($height != $mainHeight) {
                 $openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['height'] = $height;
         // przywrocenie domyslnego ustawienia
         if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && $this->checkRealImageSize) {
             ini_set('default_socket_timeout', $oldDefaultSocketTimeout);
     // ustawianie ostatecznie pobranych argumentow
     $imgValue = '';
     if (isset($openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['width'])) {
         $imgValue .= $openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['width'];
     if (isset($openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['height'])) {
         $imgValue .= 'x' . $openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['height'];
     if ($imgValue) {
         $openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['img'] = $imgValue;
     // usuwamy zawartosc body
     foreach ($body as $key => &$el) {
         if ($el['type'] != 0) {
             $el = array('type' => 0, 'text' => '', 'tagText' => $el['text']);
         } else {
             $el = array('type' => 0, 'text' => '', 'tagText' => $el['text']);
     $cNode['text'] = '';
     $openNode = BbCode::rebuildNode($tag, $openNode, $settings);
     $openNode['text'] = substr($openNode['text'], 0, -1) . '/>';
     // domykamy img :)
コード例 #3
ファイル: BbCode.php プロジェクト: crazy-codes/bbcode
  * 	Sprawdza i buduję listę parametrów taga na podstawie podanego tekstu
  * 	@param array $tagInfo tablica ustawień taga wyciągnięta z filtra bądź z {@link $tags}
  * 	@param string $text tekst z którego należy wyciągnąć atrybuty
  * 	@return mixed - false w przypadku braku atrybutów, -1 w przypadku brak wymaganych atrybutów, tablica parametrów w przypadku prawidłowego odczytania parametrów
 private function _parseAttributes($tagInfo, $text)
     $attr = $tagInfo['attributes'];
     // ustawienia atrybutów taga
     $tagAttributes = array();
     // atrybuty taga
     $text = substr($text, 1, -1);
     preg_match_all('/\\s*([a-z0-9-_]+)=(\'.+?\'|".+?"|\\S*)\\s*/i', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     if (count($matches) == 0) {
         // nie ma wymaganego argumentu
         if (isset($tagInfo['required_attributes'])) {
             return -1;
         } elseif (isset($tagInfo['default_attributes'])) {
             foreach ($tagInfo['default_attributes'] as $attrName) {
                 $attrOptions = $tagInfo['attributes'][$attrName];
                 $this->_parseDefaultAttribute($attrName, $attrOptions, 'no_enter', $tagAttributes);
             return $tagAttributes;
         } else {
             return false;
     foreach ($matches as $attribute) {
         $tagAttr = strtolower($attribute[1]);
         if (strlen($attribute[2]) == 0) {
         // jezelo koncza sie na ' lub " to trzeba to usunac
         $attribute[2] = trim($attribute[2], '"\'');
          if(in_array($attribute[2][0], array('\'', '"'))) $attribute[2]=substr($attribute[2],1);
          if(in_array($attribute[2][strlen($attribute[2])-1], array('\'', '"'))) $attribute[2]=substr($attribute[2],0, -1);
         if (!$this->settings->trustText) {
             require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/DataValidator.php';
             // sprawdzanie w liscie mozliwych atrybutow ale takze czy atrybut sie nei powtarza
             if (!isset($attr[$tagAttr]) || isset($tagAttributes[$tagAttr])) {
             $options = $attr[$tagAttr];
             if (isset($options['no_changeable']) && $options['no_changeable']) {
             switch ($options['type']) {
                 case 'number':
                     $str = @DataValidator::parseNumber($attribute[2], isset($options['dimensions']) ? $options['dimensions'] : null, isset($options['default_dimension']) ? $options['default_dimension'] : null, true);
                 case 'url':
                     $str = @DataValidator::checkUrl($attribute[2]);
                 case 'string':
                     $str = @DataValidator::checkStringValues($attribute[2], isset($options['values']) ? $options['values'] : null, isset($options['replace']) ? $options['replace'] : null);
             if ($str == false && isset($tagInfo['default_attributes']) && in_array($tagAttr, $tagInfo['default_attributes'])) {
                 $this->_parseDefaultAttribute($tagAttr, $options, 'no_valid', $tagAttributes);
             } elseif ($str == false) {
             } else {
                 $str = htmlspecialchars($str);
         } else {
             $str = $attribute[2];
         $tagAttributes[$tagAttr] = $str;
     if (isset($tagInfo['default_attributes'])) {
         foreach ($tagInfo['default_attributes'] as $dAttribute) {
             if (!isset($tagAttributes[$dAttribute])) {
                 $this->_parseDefaultAttribute($dAttribute, $tagInfo['attributes'][$dAttribute], 'no_enter', $tagAttributes);
     if (isset($tagInfo['required_attributes'])) {
         //sprawdzanie czy wystapily wszystkie wymagane atrybuty
         foreach ($tagInfo['required_attributes'] as $rAttribute) {
             if (!isset($tagAttributes[$rAttribute])) {
                 return -1;
     return $tagAttributes ? $tagAttributes : false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Url.php プロジェクト: crazy-codes/bbcode
  * Parsuje URL
  * @param array $tag
  * @param array $openNode
  * @param array $body
  * @param array $cNode
  * @param BbCodeSettings $settings
 public function parseUrl($tag, &$openNode, &$body, &$cNode, $settings)
     if (isset($openNode['attributes']['tag_attributes']['url'])) {
         return false;
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../DataValidator.php';
     $str = false;
     $inImg = false;
     foreach ($body as &$el) {
         // szukamy urla w tekscie
         if ($el['type'] == BbCode::NODE_TYPE_TEXT) {
             $str = DataValidator::checkUrl($el['text']);
             if ($str !== false) {
                 if (!$inImg) {
                     $str = $this->shortUrl($el['text'], self::URL_LENGTH);
         // jezeli jest obrazek i posiada adres obrazka to adres jest przepisywany do [URL]
         if ($el['type'] == BbCode::NODE_TYPE_OPEN && $el['tagname'] == 'img') {
             if (isset($el['attributes']['tag_attributes']['img'])) {
                 $inImg = true;
                 $str = $el['attributes']['tag_attributes']['img'];
         if ($el['type'] == BbCode::NODE_TYPE_CLOSE && $el['tagname'] == 'img') {
             $inImg = false;
     if ($str === false) {
         $openNode = $settings->removeNode($openNode);
         $cNode = $settings->removeNode($cNode);
         return false;
     $openNode['attributes'] = array('tag_attributes' => array('url' => $str));
     $openNode = BbCode::rebuildNode($tag, $openNode, $settings);