コード例 #1
 protected function processRecord($record, $columnMap, &$results, $preview = false)
     $class = $this->objectClass;
     $title = trim($record['Title']);
     $item = trim($record['ListItem']);
     $existingList = DataList::get_data_list($title);
     if (!$existingList) {
         $existingList = new DataList();
         $existingList->Title = $title;
     // now add the item to that list
     $existingItem = DataObject::get_one('DataListItem', '"Title"=\'' . Convert::raw2sql($item) . '\' AND "ListID" = ' . (int) $existingList->ID);
     if (!$existingItem) {
         $existingItem = new DataListItem();
         $existingItem->Title = $item;
         $existingItem->ListID = $existingList->ID;
 function getFormField()
     $sourceList = $this->getSetting('SourceList') ? $this->getSetting('SourceList') : null;
     // first off lets go and output all the options we need
     $fields = $this->Parent()->Fields();
     $source = null;
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if ($field->Name == $sourceList) {
             $source = $field;
     $optionLists = array();
     if ($source) {
         // all our potential lists come from the source list's data list source, so we need to go load that
         // first, then iterate it and build all the additional required lists
         $sourceList = DataList::get_data_list($source->getSetting('ListTitle'));
         if ($sourceList) {
             $items = $sourceList->Items();
             // now lets create a bunch of option fields
             foreach ($items as $sourceItem) {
                 // now get the data list that is represented by this one
                 $list = DataList::get_data_list($sourceItem->Title);
                 if ($list) {
                     // add its items to this lists' list of items
                     $listItems = $list->Items()->map('Title', 'Title');
                     $optionLists[$sourceItem->Title] = $listItems;
         $me = new DropdownField($this->Name, $this->Title, array());
         if (count($optionLists)) {
             $me = new DependentDropdownField($this->Name, $this->Title, $optionLists, $source->Name);
         return $me;
     // return a new list
     return new LiteralField($this->Name);
    public function Field()
        $dependScript = '';
        // lets find out if we've got an existing selection in our dependon list
        if ($this->form) {
            $dependent = $this->form->Fields()->dataFieldByName($this->dependentOn);
            if ($dependent && $dependent->Value()) {
                $dependScript = "showList('" . Convert::raw2js($dependent->Value()) . "', '" . Convert::raw2js($this->value) . "');";
        $dependentName = $this->dependentOn;
        if (strpos($dependentName, '.')) {
            $dependentName = substr($dependentName, strrpos($dependentName, '.') + 1);
        $listItems = array();
        if (is_string($this->dependentLists)) {
            $list = DataList::get_data_list($this->dependentLists);
            if ($list) {
                $this->dependentLists = $list->Items()->map('Title', 'Title');
        foreach ($this->dependentLists as $listTitle) {
            $list = DataList::get_data_list($listTitle);
            if ($list) {
                $listItems[$listTitle] = $list->Items()->map('Title', 'Title');
        $jsonStruct = Convert::raw2json($listItems);
        $jscript = <<<JSCRIPT
(function (\$) {
\t\$().ready(function () {
\t\tvar listOptions = {$jsonStruct};
\t\tvar me = \$('select[name={$this->name}]');

\t\t * Shows the specified list when needed
\t\t */
\t\tvar showList = function(name, value) {
\t\t\t// need to create all the options
\t\t\tif (listOptions[name]) {
\t\t\t\tfor (var k in listOptions[name]) {
\t\t\t\t\tvar sel = '';
\t\t\t\t\tif (k == value) {
\t\t\t\t\t\tsel = ' selected="selected"';
\t\t\t\t\tme.append('<option val="' + k + '"' + sel + '>' + k + '</option>');

\t\t\$('select[name={$dependentName}]').change(function () {
\t\t\t// when this list changes, make sure to update the contained list items
\t\t\tvar _this = \$(this);
\t\t\tif (_this.val()) {

        Requirements::customScript($jscript, $this->name . 'dropdown');
        return parent::Field();