コード例 #1
  * Onload callback for tl_content
  * Add language field to all content palettes
  * @param DataContainer $dc
 public function appendGridComponents(DataContainer $dc = null)
     // add grid to all palettes
     foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_content']['palettes'] as $key => $value) {
         // if element is '__selector__' OR 'default' OR the palette has already a language key
         if ($key == '__selector__' || $key == 'default' || strpos($value, ',grid(?=\\{|,|;|$)') !== false) {
         $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_content']['palettes'][$key] = $value . ';{grid_legend:hide},grid_xs,grid_sm,grid_md,grid_lg,grid_visible,grid_hidden,col_no_padding,col_centered,col_newline;{grid_order_legend:hide},pull_xs,pull_sm,pull_md,pull_lg,push_xs,push_sm,push_md,push_lg,offset_xs,offset_sm,offset_md,offset_lg';
コード例 #2
ファイル: tl_content.php プロジェクト: verstaerker/i18nl10n
  * Onload callback for tl_content
  * Add language field to all content palettes
  * @param DataContainer $dc
 public function appendLanguageInput(DataContainer $dc = null)
     // add language section to all palettes
     foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_content']['palettes'] as $key => $value) {
         // if element is '__selector__' OR 'default' OR the palette has already a language key
         if ($key == '__selector__' || $key == 'default' || strpos($value, ',language(?=\\{|,|;|$)') !== false) {
         $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_content']['palettes'][$key] = $value . ';{i18nl10n_legend:hide},language';
コード例 #3
 public function generate()
     if (TL_MODE == 'BE') {
         $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard');
         $objTemplate->wildcard = '### FRONTENDEDIT FORM VALIDATOR ###';
         $objTemplate->title = $this->headline;
         $objTemplate->id = $this->id;
         $objTemplate->link = $this->name;
         $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id;
         return $objTemplate->parse();
     $this->noIdBehavior = 'redirect';
     return parent::generate();
コード例 #4
 public function generate()
     if (TL_MODE == 'BE') {
         $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard');
         $objTemplate->wildcard = '### FORMHYBRID READER ###';
         $objTemplate->title = $this->headline;
         $objTemplate->id = $this->id;
         $objTemplate->link = $this->name;
         $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id;
         return $objTemplate->parse();
     $this->strWrapperId .= $this->id;
     $this->dca = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->formHybridDataContainer];
     // Set the item from the auto_item parameter
     if (!isset($_GET['items']) && \Config::get('useAutoItem') && isset($_GET['auto_item'])) {
         \Input::setGet('items', \Input::get('auto_item'));
     $this->intId = $this->intId ?: (\Input::get('items') ?: \Input::get('id'));
     if ($this->addExistanceConditions) {
         $arrConditions = deserialize($this->existanceConditions, true);
         $strItemClass = \Model::getClassFromTable($this->formHybridDataContainer);
         if (!empty($arrConditions)) {
             $arrColumns = array();
             $arrValues = array();
             foreach ($arrConditions as $arrCondition) {
                 $arrColumns[] = $arrCondition['field'] . '=?';
                 $arrValues[] = $this->replaceInsertTags($arrCondition['value']);
             if (($objItem = $strItemClass::findOneBy($arrColumns, $arrValues)) !== null) {
                 $this->intId = $objItem->id;
     // Do not index or cache the page if no item has been specified
     if (!$this->intId) {
         /** @var \PageModel $objPage */
         global $objPage;
         $objPage->noSearch = 1;
         $objPage->cache = 0;
     return parent::generate();
コード例 #5
 public function generate()
     if (TL_MODE == 'BE') {
         $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard');
         $objTemplate->wildcard = '### FORMHYBRID LIST ###';
         $objTemplate->title = $this->headline;
         $objTemplate->id = $this->id;
         $objTemplate->link = $this->name;
         $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&table=tl_module&act=edit&id=' . $this->id;
         return $objTemplate->parse();
     $this->dca = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->formHybridDataContainer];
     $this->strWrapperId .= $this->id;
     $this->strTemplate = $this->customTpl ?: ($this->strTemplate ?: ($this->isTableList ? 'mod_formhybrid_list_table' : 'mod_formhybrid_list'));
     $this->itemTemplate = $this->itemTemplate ?: ($this->isTableList ? 'formhybrid_list_item_table_default' : 'formhybrid_list_item_default');
     return parent::generate();
コード例 #6
  * @param \DataContainer $dc
  * @return array
 protected function getParameters(\DataContainer $dc)
     if (!$dc->activeRecord) {
         return array();
     $strType = $this->getType($dc);
     $arrParameters = array();
     $arrFields = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'];
     if (is_array($arrFields)) {
         foreach ($arrFields as $strField => $arrField) {
             if (isset($dc->activeRecord->{$strField})) {
                 $arrParameters[$strField] = $this->renderParameterValue($dc->table, $this->getAccountLanguage($dc), $strField, $dc->activeRecord->{$strField});
     // Replace the password, because it's generated new
     $arrParameters['password'] = $this->getPostPassword($dc->id);
     // HOOK: replaceAccountMailParameters
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['replaceAccountMailParameters']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['replaceAccountMailParameters'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['replaceAccountMailParameters'] as $callback) {
             if (is_array($callback)) {
                 $arrParameters = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($strType, $arrParameters, $dc);
             } elseif (is_callable($callback)) {
                 $arrParameters = $callback($strType, $arrParameters, $dc);
     return $arrParameters;