if (isset($_POST['dynwid_save']) && $_POST['dynwid_save'] == 'yes') { $lead = __('Widget options saved.', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); $msg = '<a href="themes.php?page=dynwid-config">' . __('Return', DW_L10N_DOMAIN) . '</a> ' . __('to Dynamic Widgets overview', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); DWMessageBox::create($lead, $msg); } else { if (isset($_GET['work']) && $_GET['work'] == 'none') { DWMessageBox::setTypeMsg('error'); $text = __('Dynamic does not mean static hiding of a widget.', DW_L10N_DOMAIN) . ' ' . __('Hint', DW_L10N_DOMAIN) . ': <a href="widgets.php">' . __('Remove', DW_L10N_DOMAIN) . '</a>' . ' ' . __('the widget from the sidebar', DW_L10N_DOMAIN) . '.'; DWMessageBox::setMessage($text); DWMessageBox::output(); } else { if (isset($_GET['work']) && $_GET['work'] == 'nonedate') { DWMessageBox::setTypeMsg('error'); $text = __('The From date can\'t be later than the To date.', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); DWMessageBox::setMessage($text); DWMessageBox::output(); } } } ?> <h3><?php _e('Edit options for the widget', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> : <em><?php echo $DW->getName($widget_id); ?> </em></h3> <?php echo DW_DEBUG ? '<pre>ID = ' . $widget_id . '</pre><br />' : ''; ?>