function toGeoJSON($resultFileURI) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); /* * Load error => return an empty GeoJSON */ if (@$doc->load($resultFileURI) === false) { $geojson = array('type' => 'FeatureCollection', 'features' => array()); return json_encode($geojson); } $entries = $doc->getElementsByTagname('entry'); /* * No SearchResult => return an empty GeoJSON */ if ($entries->item(0) == null) { /* * GeoJSON */ $geojson = array('type' => 'FeatureCollection', 'features' => array()); return json_encode($geojson); } /* * GeoJSON */ $geojson = array('type' => 'FeatureCollection', 'features' => array()); foreach ($entries as $entry) { /** * Add feature */ $feature = array('type' => 'Feature', 'geometry' => pointToGeoJSONGeometry($entry->getElementsByTagname('lng')->item(0)->nodeValue, $entry->getElementsByTagname('lat')->item(0)->nodeValue), 'properties' => array('name' => $entry->getElementsByTagname('title')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'description' => $entry->getElementsByTagname('summary')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'url' => $entry->getElementsByTagname('wikipediaUrl')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'img_url' => $entry->getElementsByTagname('thumbnailImg')->item(0)->nodeValue)); // Add feature array to feature collection array array_push($geojson['features'], $feature); } return json_encode($geojson); }
public function openGame($idx) { $file = $this->games[$idx]['name']; $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = true; $doc->formatOutput = true; // modify state $libxml_previous_state = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); // parse $doc->loadHTMLFile("Games/" . $file); // Usuwanie scriptow - bład z tagamiw scripcie $domNodeList = $doc->getElementsByTagname('script'); $domElemsToRemove = array(); foreach ($domNodeList as $domElement) { $domElemsToRemove[] = $domElement; } foreach ($domElemsToRemove as $domElement) { $domElement->parentNode->removeChild($domElement); } $xpath = new DomXpath($doc); // traverse all results foreach ($xpath->query('//div[@tiddler]') as $tid) { if ($tid->getAttribute('tiddler') != 'checkvars') { $this->tiddlers[$tid->getAttribute('tiddler')] = $tid->nodeValue; } } // handle errors libxml_clear_errors(); // restore libxml_use_internal_errors($libxml_previous_state); }
function outputToGeoJSON($theData) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML($theData); /* * Get the SearchResults object */ $searchResults = $doc->getElementsByTagname('SearchResults'); /* * No SearchResult => return an error */ if ($searchResults->item(0) == null) { /* * Send an error */ $geojson = array('error' => array('message' => urldecode($theData))); return json_encode($geojson); } /* * GeoJSON */ $geojson = array('type' => 'FeatureCollection', 'totalResults' => $searchResults->item(0)->getAttribute('numberOfRecordsMatched'), 'features' => array()); $dataObjects = $doc->getElementsByTagname('Record'); $array = array("\r\n", "\n\r", "\n", "\r"); foreach ($dataObjects as $dataObject) { /* * Footprint is processed from LowerCorner / UpperCorner properties * Order is Longitude Latitude * If no footprint is found, skip the data */ if ($dataObject->getElementsByTagName('LowerCorner')->length > 0 && $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('UpperCorner')->length > 0) { $lowerCorner = explode(' ', $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('LowerCorner')->item(0)->nodeValue); $upperCorner = explode(' ', $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('UpperCorner')->item(0)->nodeValue); /* * Bug from INSPIRE catalog ? * Be sure that lowerCorner is lower right and not lower left */ $lonmin = min(floatval($lowerCorner[0]), floatval($upperCorner[0])); $lonmax = max(floatval($lowerCorner[0]), floatval($upperCorner[0])); $latmin = min(floatval($lowerCorner[1]), floatval($upperCorner[1])); $latmax = max(floatval($lowerCorner[1]), floatval($upperCorner[1])); } else { /** * Footprint is null => skip data */ continue; } /** Skip whole earth dataset */ if ($lonmin == -180 && $lonmax == 180 && $latmin == -90 && $latmax == 90) { continue; } /** * Add feature */ $feature = array('type' => 'Feature', 'geometry' => bboxToGeoJSONGeometry($lonmin, $latmin, $lonmax, $latmax), 'properties' => array('identifier' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('identifier')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('identifier')->item(0)->nodeValue : "", 'modified' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('modified')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('modified')->item(0)->nodeValue : "", 'title' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('title')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue : "", 'type' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('type')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('type')->item(0)->nodeValue : "", 'subject' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('subject')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('subject')->item(0)->nodeValue : "", 'format' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('format')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('format')->item(0)->nodeValue : "", 'creator' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('creator')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('creator')->item(0)->nodeValue : "", 'publisher' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('publisher')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('publisher')->item(0)->nodeValue : "", 'abstract' => str_replace($array, "", $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('abstract')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('abstract')->item(0)->nodeValue : ""), 'language' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('language')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('language')->item(0)->nodeValue : "", 'thumbnail' => "", 'quicklook' => "")); // Add feature array to feature collection array array_push($geojson['features'], $feature); } return json_encode($geojson); }
/** * Parsing the XML Doumenttype for elements named "field"! * Allocates the member variables currentElement, formElements. * Parses "field" for existing attributes, subfields and subelements like "default" and "required-if-fulltext". * At the end each found element is transformed to Zend_Element and stored in array. */ public function parse() { //parse root node for tags named 'field' foreach ($this->dom->getElementsByTagname('field') as $field) { $currentElement = new Publish_Model_FormElement($this->form); $currentElement->setAdditionalFields($this->additionalFields); $this->_parseAttributes($field, $currentElement); $this->_parseSubFields($field, $currentElement); $this->_parseDefaultEntry($currentElement, $field); $this->_parseRequiredIfFulltext($field, $currentElement); $currentElement->setPostValues($this->postValues); $group = $currentElement->initGroup(); $this->formElements[] = $group; if (!isset($group)) { $element = $currentElement->transform(); $this->formElements[] = $element; } } }
function atlas_preprocess_menu_tree(&$variables) { $tree = new DOMDocument(); @$tree->loadHTML($variables['tree']); $links = $tree->getElementsByTagname('li'); $parent = ''; foreach ($links as $link) { $parent = $link->getAttribute('data-menu-parent'); break; } $variables['menu_parent'] = $parent; }
public static function getTags(&$article, $tags) { $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; @$dom->loadHTML(strip_tags($article->summary . " " . $article->body, implode("", $tags))); $text = array(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $content = $dom->getElementsByTagname(str_replace(array('<', '>'), '', $tag)); foreach ($content as $item) { $text[] = $item->nodeValue; } } return $text; }
function get_xml_values() { //echo "In Get_XML_VALUES"; $url = ''; $const_string = array('title', 'deal_link', 'deal_image', 'description', 'submit_time', 'temperature', 'price', 'expired'); $arr = array(); try { $dom = new DOMDocument(1.0); $file = file_get_contents($url); $dom->loadXML($file); //Obtains all the necessary details from Hot UK deals $api_response = $dom->getElementsByTagname('api_response'); //echo ($api_response->item(0)->hasChildNodes()); if ($api_response->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) { $deal_node = $api_response->item(0)->getElementsByTagname('deals')->item(0); //echo '\n'.$deal_node->nodeName; if ($deal_node->hasChildNodes()) { $count = get_node_count($deal_node); //echo $count; //$incr =0; //echo '<\br>'.$deal_node->childNodes->item(0)->nodeName; foreach ($deal_node->childNodes as $values) { $item_array = array(); //deal_node is <deals> //children of deal_node are <api_item>'s foreach ($values->childNodes as $item) { //Loop through each node/element/item in <api_items> for ($i = 0; $i < count($const_string); $i++) { if (strcmp($item->nodeName, $const_string[$i]) == 0) { if (strcmp($const_string[$i], 'deal_image') == 0) { $item_array[$const_string[$i]] = $item->nodeValue; $result = array(); $image_id = preg_match_all("/[\\d-_]+/", $item_array[$const_string[$i]], $result); //$image_id = preg_match_all("/((?:[Tt]hreads\/)([\w\d-_]+))/", $item_array[$const_string[$i]], $result); $item_array['link'] = "" . $result[0][0] . ".jpg"; } $item_array[$const_string[$i]] = $item->nodeValue; break; } } } $arr[] = $item_array; } } } } catch (exception $e) { echo 'Exception Message: ', $e->getMessage(), '\\n'; } return $arr; }
function search($param) { $ret=array(); $search_str=$param['value']; $add_param=array(); $search_str=urlencode($search_str); $add_param[]="q=$search_str"; if($param['shown']) $add_param[]="exclude_place_ids={$param['shown']}"; if($param['viewbox']) $add_param[]="viewbox={$param['viewbox']}"; $add_param[]="format=xml"; $res=file_get_contents("". implode("&", $add_param)); $resdom=new DOMDocument(); $resdom->loadXML($res); $obl=$resdom->getElementsByTagname("place"); for($i=0; $i<$obl->length; $i++) { $ob=$obl->item($i); $type=$ob->getAttribute("osm_type"); if($type=="relation") $type="rel"; $id=$ob->getAttribute("osm_id"); $nominatim_id=$ob->getAttribute("place_id"); $ret_ob=array( 'osm_id' =>"{$type}_{$id}", 'osm_tags' =>array(), ); $ret_ob['osm_tags']['name']=$ob->getAttribute("display_name"); $ret_ob['osm_tags']['nominatim_id']=$nominatim_id; $ret_ob['osm_tags']['lat']=$ob->getAttribute("lat"); $ret_ob['osm_tags']['lon']=$ob->getAttribute("lon"); $ret[]=$ret_ob; } return $ret; }
/** * Get first link from the post content */ function knacc_get_content_link() { $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadHTML(apply_filters('the_content', get_the_content(''))); $link = $dom->getElementsByTagname('a'); if ($link->item(0)) { foreach ($link->item(0)->attributes as $attribute) { if ($attribute->name == 'href') { $link = $attribute->value; } } return $link; } else { return false; } }
/** * Scan the component directory and get some useful info * @return type */ private function _scanComponent() { $path = $this->_root . '/component'; // Find the XML files foreach (new DirectoryIterator($path) as $fileInfo) { if ($fileInfo->isDot()) { continue; } if (!$fileInfo->isFile()) { continue; } $fname = $fileInfo->getFilename(); if (substr($fname, -4) != '.xml') { continue; } $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument(); $xmlDoc->load($path . '/' . $fname, LIBXML_NOBLANKS | LIBXML_NOCDATA | LIBXML_NOENT | LIBXML_NONET); $rootNodes = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagname('install'); $altRootNodes = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagname('extension'); if ($altRootNodes->length >= 1) { unset($rootNodes); $rootNodes = $altRootNodes; } if ($rootNodes->length < 1) { unset($xmlDoc); continue; } $root = $rootNodes->item(0); if (!$root->hasAttributes()) { unset($xmlDoc); continue; } if ($root->getAttribute('type') != 'component') { unset($xmlDoc); continue; } // Get the component name $component = strtolower($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->textContent); if (substr($component, 0, 4) != 'com_') { $component = 'com_' . $component; } // Get the <files> tags for front and back-end $siteFolder = $path; $allFilesTags = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('files'); $nodePath0 = $allFilesTags->item(0)->getNodePath(); $nodePath1 = $allFilesTags->item(1)->getNodePath(); if (in_array($nodePath0, array('/install/files', '/extension/files'))) { $siteFilesTag = $allFilesTags->item(0); $adminFilesTag = $allFilesTags->item(1); } else { $siteFilesTag = $allFilesTags->item(1); $adminFilesTag = $allFilesTags->item(0); } // Get the site and admin folders if ($siteFilesTag->hasAttribute('folder')) { $siteFolder = $path . '/' . $siteFilesTag->getAttribute('folder'); } if ($adminFilesTag->hasAttribute('folder')) { $adminFolder = $path . '/' . $adminFilesTag->getAttribute('folder'); } // Get the media folder $mediaFolder = null; $allMediaTags = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('media'); if ($allMediaTags->length >= 1) { $mediaFolder = $path . '/' . $allMediaTags->item(0)->getAttribute('folder'); } // Do we have a CLI folder $cliFolder = $path . '/cli'; if (!is_dir($cliFolder)) { $cliFolder = ''; } // Get the <languages> tags for front and back-end $langFolderSite = $path; $langFolderAdmin = $path; $allLanguagesTags = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('languages'); $nodePath0 = $allLanguagesTags->item(0)->getNodePath(); $nodePath1 = $allLanguagesTags->item(1)->getNodePath(); if (in_array($nodePath0, array('/install/languages', '/extension/languages'))) { $siteLanguagesTag = $allLanguagesTags->item(0); $adminLanguagesTag = $allLanguagesTags->item(1); } else { $siteLanguagesTag = $allLanguagesTags->item(1); $adminLanguagesTag = $allLanguagesTags->item(0); } // Get the site and admin language folders if ($siteLanguagesTag->hasAttribute('folder')) { $langFolderSite = $path . '/' . $siteLanguagesTag->getAttribute('folder'); } if ($adminLanguagesTag->hasAttribute('folder')) { $langFolderAdmin = $path . '/' . $adminLanguagesTag->getAttribute('folder'); } // Get the frontend languages $langFilesSite = array(); if ($siteLanguagesTag->hasChildNodes()) { foreach ($siteLanguagesTag->childNodes as $langFile) { if (!$langFile instanceof DOMElement) { continue; } $tag = $langFile->getAttribute('tag'); $langFilesSite[$tag][] = $langFolderSite . '/' . $langFile->textContent; } } // Get the backend languages $langFilesAdmin = array(); if ($adminLanguagesTag->hasChildNodes()) { foreach ($adminLanguagesTag->childNodes as $langFile) { if (!$langFile instanceof DOMElement) { continue; } $tag = $langFile->getAttribute('tag'); $langFilesAdmin[$tag][] = $langFolderAdmin . '/' . $langFile->textContent; } } if (empty($component)) { unset($xmlDoc); continue; } $this->_component = array('component' => $component, 'siteFolder' => $siteFolder, 'adminFolder' => $adminFolder, 'mediaFolder' => $mediaFolder, 'cliFolder' => $cliFolder, 'siteLangPath' => $langFolderSite, 'siteLangFiles' => $langFilesSite, 'adminLangPath' => $langFolderAdmin, 'adminLangFiles' => $langFilesAdmin); unset($xmlDoc); return; } }
echo "\n Usage : " . $_SERVER['argv'][0] . " path_to_product.xml" . "\n\n"; exit; } /* * Input xml product must exist */ if (!file_exists($file)) { echo "\n ERROR : " . $file . " does not exists" . "\n\n"; exit; } /* * Input xml product descriptor must exist and be a valid XML document */ $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load($file); if ($doc->getElementsByTagname('OTBProduct')->item(0) == NULL) { echo "\n ERROR : " . $file . " is not a valid jeotb product descriptor" . "\n\n"; exit; } /** * Database connection */ $dbh = pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=jeotb user=otb password=otb00") or die("Database connection error"); /** * Insert new entry within logger table * and return newly created astext(center) within * the $result variable */ $fields = "(identifier,acquisition,archive,creation,description,location,metadata,title,type,wms_layer,wms_url,footprint)"; $values = "'" . pg_escape_string($doc->getElementsByTagName('identifier')->item(0)->nodeValue) . "','" . pg_escape_string($doc->getElementsByTagName('acquisition')->item(0)->nodeValue) . "','" . pg_escape_string($doc->getElementsByTagName('archive')->item(0)->nodeValue) . "','" . date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME"]) . "','" . pg_escape_string($doc->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->nodeValue) . "','" . pg_escape_string($doc->getElementsByTagName('town')->item(0)->nodeValue) . ", " . $doc->getElementsByTagName('country')->item(0)->nodeValue . "','" . pg_escape_string($doc->getElementsByTagName('metadata')->item(0)->nodeValue) . "','" . pg_escape_string($doc->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue) . "','" . pg_escape_string($doc->getElementsByTagName('type')->item(0)->nodeValue) . "','" . pg_escape_string($doc->getElementsByTagName('layer')->item(0)->nodeValue) . "','" . pg_escape_string($doc->getElementsByTagName('url')->item(0)->nodeValue) . "'," . "GeomFromText('" . $doc->getElementsByTagName('footprint')->item(0)->nodeValue . "',4326)"; $query = "INSERT INTO products " . $fields . " VALUES (" . $values . ")";
if (!empty($_GET['tags'])) { $tags = explode(',', $_GET['tags']); } } error_reporting(E_ALL); $filename = 'feed.xml'; $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->formatOutput = true; $dom->load($filename); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $xpath->registerNamespace('foo', ''); $entries = $xpath->query('//foo:entry/foo:id[. = "' . $url . '"]/..'); if ($entries->length != 0) { die("URL already added."); } $dom->getElementsByTagname('updated')->item(0)->nodeValue = date(DateTime::RFC3339); $first_entry = $dom->getElementsByTagname('entry')->item(0); $new_entry = new AtomEntryNode($dom); $new_entry->setFromURL($url); $dom->documentElement->insertBefore($new_entry->get(), $first_entry); $dom->save($filename); const SILENT = 1; include './create.index.php'; #header('Location: ./'); ################ class AtomEntryNode { protected $dom; protected $content = null; protected $inner; public function __construct(DOMDocument $dom)
$xml = BASEDIR . 'cache/plugins_xml.php'; if (file_exists($xml)) { $xmllastmod = filemtime($xml); } $xml = get_fileinfo('', false, true, $xmllastmod); if ($xml['modified'] === true) { Cache::array_save('xml', 'plugins', $xml); } else { Cache::array_load('xml', 'plugins', true); } //$xml['data'] = decode_bb_all($xml['data'], 0 , true); $xmlDOM = new DOMDocument(); $xmlDOM->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $xmlDOM->loadXML($xml['data']); $data = array(); $items = $xmlDOM->getElementsByTagname('item'); foreach ($items as $item) { $tmp = array(); $nodes = $item->childNodes; for ($n = 0; $n < $nodes->length; ++$n) { $tmp[$nodes->item($n)->nodeName] = $nodes->item($n)->nodeValue; } $data[$item->parentNode->nodeName][] = $tmp; } unset($xmlDOM, $xml, $items, $item, $nodes, $tmp); function array_key_prefix(&$array, $prefix) { $ret = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $ret[$prefix . $key] = $value; array_shift($array);
/** * Highlighter method for PHP source code * * The source code is highlighted by PHP native method. * Afterwords a DOMDocument will be generated with each * line in a seperate node. * * @param String $sourceCode The PHP source code * * @return DOMDocument */ protected function _highlightPhpCode($sourceCode) { $code = highlight_string($sourceCode, true); $sourceDom = new DOMDocument(); $sourceDom->loadHTML($code); //fetch <code>-><span>->children from php generated html $sourceElements = $sourceDom->getElementsByTagname('code')->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->childNodes; //create target dom $targetDom = new DOMDocument(); $targetNode = $targetDom->createElement('ol'); $targetNode->setAttribute('class', 'code'); $targetDom->appendChild($targetNode); $li = $targetDom->createElement('li'); $targetNode->appendChild($li); // iterate through all <span> elements foreach ($sourceElements as $sourceElement) { if (!$sourceElement instanceof DOMElement) { $span = $targetDom->createElement('span'); $span->nodeValue = htmlspecialchars($sourceElement->wholeText); $li->appendChild($span); continue; } if ('br' === $sourceElement->tagName) { // create new li and new line $li = $targetDom->createElement('li'); $targetNode->appendChild($li); continue; } $elementClass = $this->_mapPhpColors($sourceElement->getAttribute('style')); foreach ($sourceElement->childNodes as $sourceChildElement) { if ($sourceChildElement instanceof DOMElement && 'br' === $sourceChildElement->tagName) { // create new li and new line $li = $targetDom->createElement('li'); $targetNode->appendChild($li); } else { // apend content to current li element // apend content to urrent li element $span = $targetDom->createElement('span'); $span->nodeValue = htmlspecialchars($sourceChildElement->wholeText); $span->setAttribute('class', $elementClass); $li->appendChild($span); } } } return $targetDom; }
#!/usr/bin/php <? $sql=pg_connect("dbname=gis");// user=www password=cityrunner host=localhost"); $dom=new DOMDocument(); $dom->load("/osm/skunkosm/render/overlay_ch.xml"); //$box=array(1823787.494884305,6138504.867525934,1825010.487336868,6139727.859978498); $box=array(1813797.75987783, 6130153.02441634, 1834395.04941202, 6151816.81425115); $layers=$dom->getElementsByTagname("Layer"); foreach($layers as $l) { print "* Layer, class ".$l->getAttribute("name")."\n"; $params=$l->getElementsByTagname("Parameter"); foreach($params as $p) { if($p->getAttribute("name")=="table") { $time=time(); $res=pg_query("select * from {$p->firstChild->data} where way && setSRID('BOX3D($box[0] $box[1],$box[2] $box[3])'::box3d,900913)"); print "Time: ".(time()-$time)."s\n"; print "Rows: ".pg_num_rows($res)."\n"; } } }
function get_blockquote() { $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadHTML(apply_filters('the_content', get_the_content(''))); $blockquotes = $dom->getElementsByTagname('blockquote'); if ($blockquotes->length > 0) { // First blockquote $blockquote = $blockquotes->item(0); $cite = $blockquote->getElementsByTagName('cite')->item(0); $p = $blockquote->getElementsByTagName('p'); $cite_content = ''; if ($cite && $p) { // Remove the cite from the paragraph foreach ($p as $paragraph) { try { $paragraph->removeChild($cite); } catch (Exception $e) { } } $cite_content = $dom->saveXML($cite); } $blockquote_content = ''; foreach ($p as $paragraph) { if (strlen(trim($paragraph->nodeValue)) > 0) { $blockquote_content .= $dom->saveXML($paragraph); } else { $paragraph->parentNode->removeChild($paragraph); } $blockquote->parentNode->removeChild($blockquote); $remaining_content = $dom->saveXML(); } return $blockquote_content; // $cite_content or $remaining_content } }
<?php $sx = simplexml_load_file('./test.xml'); //print_r($sx->title); foreach ($sx as $y) { //print($y->nodeValue); //print_r($y->nodeType); //print_r($y->__toString()); } $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->load('./test.xml'); foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagname('title') as $title) { print_r($title->nodeValue); }
function xmlToGeoJSON($theData) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML($theData); /* * Initialiaze GeoJSON */ $geojson = array('type' => 'FeatureCollection', 'totalResults' => 0, 'features' => array()); /* * Number of objects returned */ $disasters = $doc->getElementsByTagname('disaster'); if ($disasters->item(0) == null) { return json_encode($geojson); } $count = 0; /* * Process all RegistryPackages */ foreach ($disasters as $disaster) { // Get longitude and latitude coordinates $lonlat = explode(" ", $disaster->getElementsByTagname('pos')->item(0)->nodeValue); /* * Automatic correction of incorrect disasters * * Possible values * EARTHQUAKE * FLOOD * FIRE * ICE * LANDSLIDE * OCEAN_STORM (CYCLONE, HURRICANE, TYPHOON) * OIL_SPILL * OCEAN_WAVE (TSUNAMI) * VOLCANIC_ERUPTION * OTHER (INDUSTRIAL_ACCIDENT, WIND_STORM, TORNADO...) * */ $title = $disaster->getElementsByTagname('title')->item(0)->nodeValue; $type = $disaster->getElementsByTagname('type')->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($type == "OTHER") { /* * Check for disaster type within title * Hypothesis is that disaster type is the first word within the title */ $words = explode(' ', $title); foreach ($words as $word) { $word = strtolower(str_replace(",", "", trim($word))); if (in_array($word, array('flood', 'flooding', 'floods'))) { $type = 'FLOOD'; break; } else { if (in_array($word, array('ocean', 'tsunami', 'huricane', 'hurricane-force'))) { $type = 'CYCLONE'; break; } else { if (in_array($word, array('landslide', 'landslides'))) { $type = 'LANDSLIDE'; break; } else { if (in_array($word, array('earthquake'))) { $type = 'EARTHQUAKE'; break; } } } } /* else if (in_array($first, ['snow','ice'])) { $type = ''; break; } else if (in_array($first, ['debris'])) { $type = ''; break; }*/ } } /* * Add feature array to feature collection array */ array_push($geojson['features'], array('type' => 'Feature', 'geometry' => pointToGeoJSONGeometry(floatval($lonlat[1]), floatval($lonlat[0])), 'properties' => array('title' => $title, 'date' => $disaster->getElementsByTagname('date')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'call-id' => $disaster->getElementsByTagname('call-id')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'type' => $type, 'description' => $disaster->getElementsByTagname('description')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'link' => $disaster->getElementsByTagname('link')->item(0)->nodeValue))); $count++; } // Update totalResults $geojson["totalResults"] = $count; return json_encode($geojson); }
function toGeoJSON($resultFileURI) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); /* * Load error => return an empty GeoJSON */ if (@$doc->load($resultFileURI) === false) { $geojson = array('type' => 'FeatureCollection', 'features' => array()); return json_encode($geojson); } $entries = $doc->getElementsByTagname('entry'); /* * No SearchResult => return an empty GeoJSON */ if ($entries->item(0) == null) { $geojson = array('type' => 'FeatureCollection', 'features' => array()); return json_encode($geojson); } /* * GeoJSON */ $geojson = array('type' => 'FeatureCollection', 'features' => array()); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $pos = $entry->getElementsByTagName('pos')->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($pos) { /** * Order of $coord = lat,lon */ $coords = explode(" ", $pos); /** * Add feature */ $feature = array('type' => 'Feature', 'geometry' => pointToGeoJSONGeometry($coords[1], $coords[0]), 'properties' => array('name' => $entry->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'description' => $entry->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'url' => $entry->getElementsByTagName('player')->item(0)->getAttribute('url'), 'thumbnail' => $entry->getElementsByTagName('thumbnail')->item(0)->getAttribute('url'))); // Add feature array to feature collection array array_push($geojson['features'], $feature); } } return json_encode($geojson); }
* <ra>10.68469</ra> * <dec>41.26904</dec> * <time>524</time> * </result> * */ $doc = new DOMDocument(); if ($doc->loadXML(getRemoteData($url, null, false))) { /* * Initialiaze GeoJSON */ $geojson = array('type' => 'FeatureCollection', 'features' => array()); /* * Parse result and populate geojson result */ $result = $doc->getElementsByTagname('result')->item(0); if ($result != null) { $ra = $result->getElementsByTagname('ra')->item(0)->nodeValue; $dec = $result->getElementsByTagname('dec')->item(0)->nodeValue; /* * Only exploitable results are processed */ if ($ra && $dec) { /* * Galactic to Equatorial coordinates transformation */ $pos = array($ra, $dec); if ($r === "e") { /* Important : see geometry.php */ $pos = spheric2proj($pos); } else {
function writexml($dom, $url) { global $arrArgs, $arrArgs2, $targetdir, $logHandle, $errorhandle; echo 'writexml for ' . $url . "\n"; if ($arrArgs['verb'] == 'ListRecords') { $recordList = $dom->getElementsByTagname('record'); echo 'writexml: record list: ' . $recordList->length . " elements\n"; if (!$recordList->length) { message('no records found for ' . $url, true); return; } foreach ($recordList as $record) { // create new file $oaiID = $record->getElementsByTagname('identifier')->item(0)->nodeValue; $fileName = strtr(trim($oaiID), '/:', '_-'); $i = 0; $theSets = array(); while ($newSet = $record->getElementsByTagname('setSpec')->item($i)) { array_push($theSets, $newSet->nodeValue); $i++; } $theFileName = getFolder($theSets); $theFileName .= $fileName . '.xml'; echo 'New file: ' . $theFileName . "\n"; if (is_file($theFileName)) { continue; } printMetadata($record, $theFileName, $oaiID); unset($theFileName); unset($oaiID); } return; } if ($arrArgs['verb'] == 'ListIdentifiers') { $idList = $dom->getElementsByTagname('identifier'); if (!$idList->length) { return; } $urlBase = $arrArgs['oaiURL'] . '?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=' . $arrArgs2['metadataPrefix'] . '&identifier='; foreach ($idList as $id) { $theFileName = $targetdir . strtr(trim($id->nodeValue), '/:', '_-') . '.xml'; if (is_file($theFileName)) { continue; } $recordxml = getXML($urlBase . trim($id->nodeValue)); $record = new DOMDocument(); $record->loadXML($recordxml); $metadataList = $record->getElementsByTagname('metadata'); if ($metadataList->length) { $metadata = $metadataList->item(0); printMetadata($metadata, $theFileName, $id->nodeValue); unset($metadata); } else { message('no record found ' . $id->nodeValue, true); } } } }
public function parseMultiXML($xml, $ccnum) { if ($this->getDebug()) { $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream($this->getLogPath()); $logger = new Zend_Log($writer); $logger->info("MultiParseXML..."); } $ccnum = 'XXXX' . substr($ccnum, -4, 4); $pos = strpos($xml, "<?xml version="); $fixedXML = substr($xml, $pos); $fixedXML = preg_replace('/xmlns="(.+?)"/', '', $fixedXML); $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadXML($fixedXML); //print_r($dom); $profileID = array(); $CardNo = array(); $ProfileIDs = $dom->getElementsByTagname('customerPaymentProfileId'); $index = 0; foreach ($ProfileIDs as $Profile) { $value = $Profile->nodeValue; $profileID[] = $value; $index++; } //print_r($profileID); $Cards = $dom->getElementsByTagname('cardNumber'); foreach ($Cards as $Card) { $value = $Card->nodeValue; $CardNo[] = $value; } //print_r($CardNo); for ($iindex = 0; $iindex < $index; $iindex++) { if ($this->getDebug()) { $logger->info(" Payment: " . $profileID[$iindex]); $logger->info(" Card Number: " . $CardNo[$iindex]); } if ($CardNo[$iindex] == $ccnum) { $returnvalue = $profileID[$iindex]; break; } $returnvalue = $profileID[0]; } return $returnvalue; }
function outputToGeoJSON($theData, $nbOfResults) { // Load the GetFeature result document $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML($theData); /* * Initialiaze GeoJSON */ $geojson = array('type' => 'FeatureCollection', 'totalResults' => $nbOfResults, 'features' => array()); // Check root element if ($doc->getElementsByTagname('FeatureCollection')->item(0) === null) { /* * Send an error */ $geojson = array('error' => array('message' => "Invalid response from server")); return json_encode($geojson); } // Get the DataStrip root element $dataObjects = $doc->getElementsByTagname('DataStrip'); // Roll over each feature foreach ($dataObjects as $dataObject) { // Initialize empty properties array $properties = array(); $properties["identifier"] = $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('identifier')->item(0)->nodeValue; $properties["startDate"] = $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('startDate')->item(0)->nodeValue; $properties["completionDate"] = $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('completionDate')->item(0)->nodeValue; $properties["acquisitionSubType"] = $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('acquisitionSubType')->item(0)->nodeValue; $properties["serialIdentifier"] = $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('serialIdentifier')->item(0)->nodeValue; $properties["orbitNumber"] = $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('orbitNumber')->item(0)->nodeValue; $properties["cloudCoverPercentage"] = $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('cloudCoverPercentage')->item(0)->nodeValue; $properties["archivingCenter"] = $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('archivingCenter')->item(0)->nodeValue; $posList = $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('posList')->item(0)->nodeValue; // Album, quicklook and thumbnails $browses = $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('BrowseInformation'); foreach ($browses as $browse) { $type = $browse->getElementsByTagName('type')->item(0)->nodeValue; $properties[strtolower($type)] = $browse->getElementsByTagName('fileName')->item(0)->nodeValue; } // Masks $masks = $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('MaskInformation'); foreach ($masks as $mask) { $type = $mask->getElementsByTagName('type')->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($mask->getElementsByTagName('referenceSystemIdentifier')->item(0)->nodeValue === "4326") { $properties[strtolower($type)] = $mask->getElementsByTagName('fileName')->item(0)->nodeValue; } } /* * Add feature */ $feature = array('type' => 'Feature', 'geometry' => posListToGeoJSONGeometry($posList, LATLON), 'properties' => $properties); /* * Add feature array to feature collection array */ array_push($geojson['features'], $feature); } return json_encode($geojson); }
<?php $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->load(__DIR__ . '/address-book.xml'); foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagname('person') as $person) { $firstname = $person->getElementsByTagname('firstname'); $firstname_text_value = $firstname->item(0)->firstChild->nodeValue; $lastname = $person->getElementsByTagname('lastname'); $lastname_text_value = $lastname->item(0)->firstChild->nodeValue; print "{$firstname_text_value} {$lastname_text_value}\n"; }
<?php require_once './helper.php'; $template = new DOMDocument(); $template->loadHTMLFile('template.html'); $feed = new DOMDocument(); $feed->load('feed.xml'); $list = $template->getElementById('linklist'); $i = 0; foreach ($feed->getElementsByTagname('entry') as $entry) { $li = $template->createElement('li'); $list->appendChild($li); createNode($template, $li, $entry, !defined('EDIT') && $i++ < 15); if (defined('EDIT')) { $tags = ''; $taglist = $entry->getElementsByTagname('category'); foreach ($taglist as $tagtag) { $tags .= $tagtag->firstChild->nodeValue . ', '; } $div = $template->createElement('div'); $form = $template->createElement('form'); $input = $template->createElement('input'); $input->setAttribute('style', 'width: 400px'); $input->setAttribute('value', $tags); $form->appendChild($input); $div->appendChild($form); $li->appendChild($div); } } $container = $template->getElementById('tagcloud'); $list = $feed->getElementsByTagName('category');
function outputToGeoJSON($theData) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML($theData); /* * Get the SearchResults object */ $searchResults = $doc->getElementsByTagname('SearchResults'); /* * No SearchResult => return an error */ if ($searchResults->item(0) == null) { /* * Send an error */ $geojson = array('error' => array('message' => urldecode($theData))); return json_encode($geojson); } /* * GeoJSON */ $geojson = array('type' => 'FeatureCollection', 'totalResults' => $searchResults->item(0)->getAttribute('numberOfRecordsMatched'), 'features' => array()); $dataObjects = $doc->getElementsByTagname('Record'); $array = array("\r\n", "\n\r", "\n", "\r"); foreach ($dataObjects as $dataObject) { /* * Footprint is processed from LowerCorner / UpperCorner properties * Order is Longitude Latitude * If no footprint is found, skip the data */ if ($dataObject->getElementsByTagName('LowerCorner')->length > 0 && $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('UpperCorner')->length > 0) { $lowerCorner = explode(' ', $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('LowerCorner')->item(0)->nodeValue); $upperCorner = explode(' ', $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('UpperCorner')->item(0)->nodeValue); /* * Bug from INSPIRE catalog ? * Be sure that lowerCorner is lower left */ $lonmin = min(floatval($lowerCorner[0]), floatval($upperCorner[0])); $lonmax = max(floatval($lowerCorner[0]), floatval($upperCorner[0])); $latmin = min(floatval($lowerCorner[1]), floatval($upperCorner[1])); $latmax = max(floatval($lowerCorner[1]), floatval($upperCorner[1])); } else { /** * Footprint is null => skip data */ continue; } /* Skip whole earth dataset if ($lonmin == -180 && $lonmax == 180 && $latmin == -90 && $latmax == 90) { continue; } */ /* * Subject is a repeatable element */ $subjects = array(); if ($dataObject->getElementsByTagName('subject')->length > 0) { foreach ($dataObject->getElementsByTagName('subject') as $subject) { array_push($subjects, $subject->nodeValue); } } /** * Add feature */ $feature = array('type' => 'Feature', 'geometry' => bboxToGeoJSONGeometry($lonmin, $latmin, $lonmax, $latmax), 'properties' => array('identifier' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('identifier')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('identifier')->item(0)->nodeValue : NULL, 'modified' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('modified')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('modified')->item(0)->nodeValue : NULL, 'title' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('title')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue : NULL, 'type' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('type')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('type')->item(0)->nodeValue : NULL, 'subject' => $subjects, 'source' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('source')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('source')->item(0)->nodeValue : NULL, 'format' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('format')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('format')->item(0)->nodeValue : NULL, 'creator' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('creator')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('creator')->item(0)->nodeValue : NULL, 'publisher' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('publisher')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('publisher')->item(0)->nodeValue : NULL, 'abstract' => str_replace($array, "", $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('abstract')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('abstract')->item(0)->nodeValue : NULL), 'language' => $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('language')->length > 0 ? $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('language')->item(0)->nodeValue : NULL)); /** * This part is specific to CWIC ISO catalog */ $url = null; $references = $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('references'); foreach ($references as $reference) { $attr = $reference->getAttribute('scheme'); if ($attr == "urn:x-cwic:Onlink:MimeType:application/x-hdfeos") { $url = $reference->nodeValue; if (!isset($feature['properties']['services'])) { $feature['properties']['services'] = array(); } if (!isset($feature['properties']['services']['download'])) { $feature['properties']['services']['download'] = array(); } $feature['properties']['services']['download'] = array('url' => $reference->nodeValue); } else { if ($attr == "urn:x-cwic:Browse") { $feature['properties']['thumbnail'] = $reference->nodeValue; $feature['properties']['quicklook'] = $reference->nodeValue; } } if (!empty($feature['properties']['thumbnail']) && !empty($url)) { break; } } /* * This part is specific to I4D ISO catalog (Airbus Defense and Space) * * <dc:URI protocol="OGC:WMS" name="products" description="ORT_SPOT6_20140620_101138400_000">...</dc:URI> * <dc:URI protocol="CDRDMC" name="">ORT_SPOT6_20140620_101138400_0002015-01-14T15:41:54</dc:URI> * <dc:URI protocol="WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download" name="">...</dc:URI> * <dc:URI name="thumbnail">...</dc:URI> * <dc:URI name="large_thumbnail">...</dc:URI> */ $uris = $dataObject->getElementsByTagName('URI'); foreach ($uris as $uri) { $name = $uri->getAttribute('name'); $protocol = $uri->getAttribute('protocol'); if (!empty($name)) { if ($name === "thumbnail") { $feature['properties']['thumbnail'] = $uri->nodeValue; } else { if ($name === "large_thumbnail") { $feature['properties']['quicklook'] = $uri->nodeValue; } } } if (!empty($protocol)) { if ($protocol === "WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download") { if (!isset($feature['properties']['services'])) { $feature['properties']['services'] = array(); } if (!isset($feature['properties']['services']['download'])) { $feature['properties']['services']['download'] = array(); } $feature['properties']['services']['download'] = array('url' => $uri->nodeValue); } else { if ($protocol === "OGC:WMS") { if (!isset($feature['properties']['services'])) { $feature['properties']['services'] = array(); } if (!isset($feature['properties']['services']['browse'])) { $feature['properties']['services']['browse'] = array(); } $feature['properties']['services']['browse'] = array('layer' => array('type' => 'WMS', 'title' => $uri->getAttribute('description'), 'url' => $uri->nodeValue . '?dim_product=' . $uri->getAttribute('description'), 'layers' => 'products')); } } } } // Add feature array to feature collection array array_push($geojson['features'], $feature); } return json_encode($geojson); }
/** If you want to store the file somewhere on the server: //stores the file somewhere and sets the target path of the timetable $target_path = "../../timeMap/excelFiles/" . trim($timetable_name, " "); if(move_uploaded_file($timetable_tmp, $target_path)) { echo "The file ". $timetable_name . " has been uploaded to " . $target_path; $_SESSION['timetable'] = $target_path; } **/ //initiialise variables: $timetable = new DOMDocument(); $timetable->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE; //$timetable->loadHTMLFile($target_path); $timetable->loadHTMLFile($timetable_tmp_dir); $lectures = $timetable->getElementsByTagname('tr'); $lecture = array(); $sem1 = array(); $sem2 = array(); $timetable_arr = array(); $x = 0; //convert from DOM to array foreach ($lectures as $tag) { $timetable_arr[$x] = $tag->nodeValue; ++$x; } /*** MAIN PART TO SORT/SPLIT THE TIMETABLE: ***/ //Â == chr(194) //chr(160) == chr(93) == ] //replacing 't' with  , ']' with ']t' and :00 with :00t to split the string evenly // so i can get position 1 - 5 when i preg_split to match mon - fri
/** * Highlighter method for PHP source code * * The source code is highlighted by PHP native method. * Afterwords a DOMDocument will be generated with each * line in a seperate node. * * @param String $sourceCode The PHP source code * * @return DOMDocument */ protected function _highlightPhpCode($sourceCode) { $code = highlight_string($sourceCode, true); if (extension_loaded('mbstring') && !mb_check_encoding($code, 'UTF-8')) { $detectOrder = mb_detect_order(); $detectOrder[] = 'iso-8859-1'; $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($code, $detectOrder, true); if ($encoding === false) { error_log('Error detecting file encoding'); } $code = mb_convert_encoding($code, 'UTF-8', $encoding); } $sourceDom = new DOMDocument(); $sourceDom->loadHTML('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>' . $code); //fetch <code>-><span>->children from php generated html $sourceElements = $sourceDom->getElementsByTagname('code')->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->childNodes; //create target dom $targetDom = new DOMDocument(); $targetNode = $targetDom->createElement('ol'); $targetNode->setAttribute('class', 'code'); $targetDom->appendChild($targetNode); $li = $targetDom->createElement('li'); $targetNode->appendChild($li); // iterate through all <span> elements foreach ($sourceElements as $sourceElement) { if (!$sourceElement instanceof DOMElement) { $span = $targetDom->createElement('span'); $span->nodeValue = htmlspecialchars($sourceElement->wholeText); $li->appendChild($span); continue; } if ('br' === $sourceElement->tagName) { // create new li and new line $li = $targetDom->createElement('li'); $targetNode->appendChild($li); continue; } $elementClass = $this->_mapPhpColors($sourceElement->getAttribute('style')); foreach ($sourceElement->childNodes as $sourceChildElement) { if ($sourceChildElement instanceof DOMElement && 'br' === $sourceChildElement->tagName) { // create new li and new line $li = $targetDom->createElement('li'); $targetNode->appendChild($li); } else { // apend content to current li element // apend content to urrent li element $span = $targetDom->createElement('span'); $span->nodeValue = htmlspecialchars($sourceChildElement->wholeText); $span->setAttribute('class', $elementClass); $li->appendChild($span); } } } return $targetDom; }
/** * Implements template_preprocess_menu_tree() * 1. Pick the data attributes for menu name and depth, * save them as elements in the $variables array * then the template_menu_tree hook can add them as CSS classes */ function bear_skin_preprocess_menu_tree(&$variables) { $tree = new DOMDocument(); @$tree->loadHTML($variables['tree']); $links = $tree->getElementsByTagname('li'); $menu_name = ''; $menu_depth = ''; foreach ($links as $link) { // get the attributes and save them $menu_name = $link->getAttribute('data-menu-name'); $menu_depth = $link->getAttribute('data-menu-depth'); break; } $variables['menu_name'] = $menu_name; $variables['menu_depth'] = $menu_depth; }
/** * Check for existence of scripting elements * * @param string $html * * @return bool */ protected function isScripted($html) { if (preg_match('/<script[^>]*>.*?<\\/script>/is', $html)) { return true; } try { $doc = new \DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML($html); foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagname('*') as $element) { foreach (iterator_to_array($element->attributes) as $name => $attribute) { if (in_array($name, $this->javaScriptEvents)) { return true; } } } } catch (\Exception $e) { // Do nothing } return false; }