コード例 #1
  * Returns HTML representing this Document.
  * @filter dg_icon_template Filters the DG icon HTML. Passes a single
  *    bool value indicating whether the gallery is using descriptions or not.
  * @return string The gallery HTML.
 public function __toString()
     include_once DG_PATH . 'inc/class-thumber.php';
     $data = '';
     $description = '';
     $target = $this->gallery->openLinkInNewWindow() ? '_blank' : '_self';
     if ($this->gallery->useFancyThumbs()) {
         $thumb_obj = DG_Thumb::getThumb($this->ID);
         if (!is_null($thumb_obj)) {
             if ($thumb_obj->isSuccess()) {
                 // icon has already been generated so include it in generated gallery
                 $thumb = $thumb_obj->getUrl();
         } else {
             // include a data-* attribute for client side to asynchronously request icon after gallery load
             $data = 'data-id="' . $this->ID . '"';
     if (!isset($thumb)) {
         $thumb = DG_DefaultThumber::init()->getThumbnail($this->ID);
     $repl = array($this->link, $thumb, $this->title_attribute, $this->title, $target, $this->extension, $this->size, $this->path, $data);
     $find = array('%link%', '%img%', '%title_attribute%', '%title%', '%target%', '%extension%', '%size%', '%path%', '%data%');
     // if descriptions then add filterable tag and value to replaced tag
     if ($this->gallery->useDescriptions()) {
         $repl[] = $this->description;
         $find[] = '%description%';
         $description = '   <p>%description%</p>';
     $doc_icon = '   <div class="document-icon">' . PHP_EOL . '      <a href="%link%" target="%target%">' . PHP_EOL . '         <img src="%img%" title="%title_attribute%" alt="%title_attribute%" %data%/>' . PHP_EOL . '         <span class="title">%title%</span>' . PHP_EOL . '      </a>' . PHP_EOL . '   </div>' . PHP_EOL . $description;
     // allow developers to filter icon output
     $doc_icon = apply_filters('dg_icon_template', $doc_icon, $this->gallery->useDescriptions(), $this->ID);
     return str_replace($find, $repl, $doc_icon);
コード例 #2
 * Validate settings for the tab.
function dg_validate_settings($values)
    global $dg_options;
    $ret = $dg_options;
    include_once DG_PATH . 'inc/class-gallery.php';
    $thumbs_cleared = false;
    // handle gallery shortcode defaults
    $errs = array();
    $ret['gallery'] = DG_Gallery::sanitizeDefaults(null, $values['gallery_defaults'], $errs);
    foreach ($errs as $k => $v) {
        add_settings_error(DG_OPTION_NAME, str_replace('_', '-', $k), $v);
    // handle setting width
    if (isset($values['thumbnail_generation']['width'])) {
        $width = (int) $values['thumbnail_generation']['width'];
        if ($width > 0) {
            $ret['thumber']['width'] = $width;
        } else {
            add_settings_error(DG_OPTION_NAME, 'thumber-width', __('Invalid width given: ', 'document-gallery') . $values['thumbnail_generation']['width']);
    // handle setting height
    if (isset($values['thumbnail_generation']['height'])) {
        $height = (int) $values['thumbnail_generation']['height'];
        if ($height > 0) {
            $ret['thumber']['height'] = $height;
        } else {
            add_settings_error(DG_OPTION_NAME, 'thumber-height', __('Invalid height given: ', 'document-gallery') . $values['thumbnail_generation']['height']);
    // delete thumb cache to force regeneration if max dimensions changed
    if ($ret['thumber']['width'] !== $dg_options['thumber']['width'] || $ret['thumber']['height'] !== $dg_options['thumber']['height']) {
    // handle setting the active thumbers
    foreach (array_keys($ret['thumber']['active']) as $k) {
        $ret['thumber']['active'][$k] = isset($values['thumbnail_generation'][$k]);
    // if new thumbers available, clear failed thumbnails for retry
    if (!$thumbs_cleared) {
    // handle modified CSS
    if (trim($ret['css']['text']) !== trim($values['css'])) {
        $ret['css']['text'] = trim($values['css']);
    return $ret;
コード例 #3
  * Removes all metadata related to a thumbnail for the given attachment ID(s). This allows
  * the plugin to attempt to re-generate the thumbnail for this attachment next time it
  * is requested in a gallery or through some other means.
  * @param int|int[] $ids Which thumbnails to delete.
 public static function deleteThumbnails($ids)
コード例 #4
  * Delete all thumb entries that do not have an actual image associated with them due to failed generation.
 public static function purgeFailedThumbs()
     global $wpdb;
     $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = '" . self::$meta_key . "' AND meta_value LIKE '%:%::'");
     // force re-query next time
     self::$thumbs = null;
コード例 #5
  * Runs when DG is uninstalled for an individual blog.
 private static function _uninstall($blog)
     DG_Thumb::purgeThumbs(null, $blog);
コード例 #6
  * Render a Meta Box.
  * @param $post WP_Post The post.
 public static function renderMetaBox($post)
     // Disabling scripts that have nothing to do with Edit Media pages
     remove_filter('mce_external_plugins', array(__CLASS__, 'mce_external_plugins'));
     remove_filter('mce_css', array(__CLASS__, 'dg_plugin_mce_css'));
     wp_nonce_field(DG_OPTION_NAME . '_meta_box', DG_OPTION_NAME . '_meta_box_nonce');
     $ID = $post->ID;
     $options = DG_Thumber::getOptions();
     $thumb = DG_Thumb::getThumb($ID, $options['width'] . 'x' . $options['height']);
     $icon = !is_null($thumb) && $thumb->isSuccess() ? $thumb->getUrl() : DG_DefaultThumber::getInstance()->getThumbnail($ID);
     echo '<table id="ThumbsTable" class="wp-list-table widefat fixed media" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . '<tbody><tr data-entry="' . $ID . '"><td class="column-icon media-icon"><img src="' . $icon . '" />' . '</td><td class="column-thumbupload">' . '<span class="manual-download">' . '<span class="dashicons dashicons-upload"></span>' . '<span class="html5dndmarker">Drop file here<span> or </span></span>' . '<span class="buttons-area">' . '<input id="upload-button' . $ID . '" type="file" />' . '<input id="trigger-button' . $ID . '" type="button" value="Select File" class="button" />' . '</span>' . '</span>' . '</td></tr></tbody></table>' . (is_null($thumb) ? '<span class="dashicons dashicons-info"></span><span class="">Please note this attachment hasn&#39;t been used in any Document Gallery instance and so there is no autogenerated thumbnail, in the meantime default one is used instead.</span>' : '') . PHP_EOL;
 * Render the Thumbnail table.
function dg_render_thumbnail_section()
    global $dg_url_params;
    include_once DG_PATH . 'inc/class-thumber.php';
    static $limit_options = array(10, 25, 75);
    static $order_options = array('asc', 'desc');
    static $orderby_options = array('date', 'title');
    $options = DG_Thumber::getOptions();
    // find subset of thumbs to be included
    $orderby = $dg_url_params['orderby'] = dg_get_orderby_param($orderby_options);
    $order = $dg_url_params['order'] = dg_get_order_param($order_options);
    $limit = $dg_url_params['limit'] = dg_get_limit_param();
    /** @var DG_Thumb[] $thumbs */
    $thumbs = DG_Thumb::getThumbs($options['width'] . 'x' . $options['height']);
    uasort($thumbs, 'dg_cmp_thumb');
    $thumbs_number = count($thumbs);
    $lastsheet = ceil($thumbs_number / $limit);
    $sheet = isset($_REQUEST['sheet']) ? absint($_REQUEST['sheet']) : 1;
    if ($sheet === 0 || $sheet > $lastsheet) {
        $sheet = 1;
    $offset = ($sheet - 1) * $limit;
    $thumbs = array_slice($thumbs, $offset, $limit, true);
    // https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/12212
    $posts = array();
    if (!empty($thumbs)) {
        $posts = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'any', 'post_status' => 'any', 'numberposts' => -1, 'post__in' => array_keys($thumbs), 'orderby' => 'post__in'));
    foreach ($posts as $post) {
        $path_parts = pathinfo($post->guid);
        $thumb = $thumbs[$post->ID];
        $thumbs[$post->ID] = array();
        $t =& $thumbs[$post->ID];
        $t['timestamp'] = $thumb->getTimestamp();
        $t['title'] = dg_get_thumb_title($post);
        $t['ext'] = isset($path_parts['extension']) ? $path_parts['extension'] : '';
        $t['description'] = $post->post_content;
        $t['icon'] = $thumb->isSuccess() ? $thumb->getUrl() : DG_DefaultThumber::getInstance()->getThumbnail($post->ID);
    $select_limit = '';
    foreach ($limit_options as $l_o) {
        $select_limit .= '<option value="' . $l_o . '"' . selected($limit, $l_o, false) . '>' . $l_o . '</option>' . PHP_EOL;
    $thead = '<tr>' . '<th scope="col" class="manage-column column-cb check-column">' . '<label class="screen-reader-text" for="cb-select-all-%1$d">' . __('Select All', 'document-gallery') . '</label>' . '<input id="cb-select-all-%1$d" type="checkbox">' . '</th>' . '<th scope="col" class="manage-column column-icon">' . __('Thumbnail', 'document-gallery') . '</th>' . '<th scope="col" class="manage-column column-title ' . ($orderby != 'title' ? 'sortable desc' : 'sorted ' . $order) . '"><a href="?' . http_build_query(array_merge($dg_url_params, array('orderby' => 'title', 'order' => $orderby != 'title' ? 'asc' : ($order == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc')))) . '"><span>' . __('File name', 'document-gallery') . '</span><span class="sorting-indicator"></span></th>' . '<th scope="col" class="manage-column column-description">' . __('Description', 'document-gallery') . '</th>' . '<th scope="col" class="manage-column column-thumbupload"></th>' . '<th scope="col" class="manage-column column-date ' . ($orderby != 'date' ? 'sortable asc' : 'sorted ' . $order) . '"><a href="?' . http_build_query(array_merge($dg_url_params, array('orderby' => 'date', 'order' => $orderby != 'date' ? 'desc' : ($order == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc')))) . '"><span>' . __('Date', 'document-gallery') . '</span><span class="sorting-indicator"></span></th>' . '</tr>';
    $pagination = '<div class="alignleft bulkactions"><button class="button action deleteSelected">' . __('Delete Selected', 'document-gallery') . '</button></div><div class="tablenav-pages">' . '<span class="displaying-num">' . $thumbs_number . ' ' . _n('item', 'items', $thumbs_number, 'document-gallery') . '</span>' . ($lastsheet > 1 ? '<span class="pagination-links">' . '<a class="first-page' . ($sheet == 1 ? ' disabled' : '') . '" title="' . __('Go to the first page', 'document-gallery') . '"' . ($sheet == 1 ? '' : ' href="?' . http_build_query($dg_url_params) . '"') . '>«</a>' . '<a class="prev-page' . ($sheet == 1 ? ' disabled' : '') . '" title="' . __('Go to the previous page', 'document-gallery') . '"' . ($sheet == 1 ? '' : ' href="?' . http_build_query(array_merge($dg_url_params, array('sheet' => $sheet - 1))) . '"') . '>‹</a>' . '<span class="paging-input">' . '<input class="current-page" title="' . __('Current page', 'document-gallery') . '" type="text" name="paged" value="' . $sheet . '" size="' . strlen($sheet) . '" maxlength="' . strlen($sheet) . '"> ' . __('of', 'document-gallery') . ' <span class="total-pages">' . $lastsheet . '</span></span>' . '<a class="next-page' . ($sheet == $lastsheet ? ' disabled' : '') . '" title="' . __('Go to the next page', 'document-gallery') . '"' . ($sheet == $lastsheet ? '' : ' href="?' . http_build_query(array_merge($dg_url_params, array('sheet' => $sheet + 1))) . '"') . '>›</a>' . '<a class="last-page' . ($sheet == $lastsheet ? ' disabled' : '') . '" title="' . __('Go to the last page', 'document-gallery') . '"' . ($sheet == $lastsheet ? '' : ' href="?' . http_build_query(array_merge($dg_url_params, array('sheet' => $lastsheet))) . '"') . '>»</a>' . '</span>' : ' <b>|</b> ') . '<span class="displaying-num"><select dir="rtl" class="limit_per_page">' . $select_limit . '</select> ' . __('items per page', 'document-gallery') . '</span>' . '</div>' . '<br class="clear" />';

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var URL_params = <?php 
    echo wp_json_encode($dg_url_params);
    <div class="thumbs-list-wrapper">
            <div class="tablenav top"><?php 
    echo $pagination;
            <table id="ThumbsTable" class="wp-list-table widefat fixed media"
                   cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    printf($thead, 1);
    printf($thead, 2);
    foreach ($thumbs as $tid => $thumb) {
        $icon = $thumb['icon'];
        $title = $thumb['title'];
        $ext = $thumb['ext'];
        $description = $thumb['description'];
        $date = DocumentGallery::localDateTimeFromTimestamp($thumb['timestamp']);
                    <tr data-entry="<?php 
        echo $tid;
                        <td scope="row" class="check-column">
        echo DG_OPTION_NAME;
        echo $tid;
                        <td class="column-icon media-icon"><img src="<?php 
        echo $icon;
" /></td>
                        <td class="title column-title">
        echo home_url('/?attachment_id=' . $tid);
        sprintf(__("View '%s' attachment page", 'document-gallery'), $title);
                                    <span class="editable-title"><?php 
        echo $title;
        echo $ext;
                            <span class="dashicons dashicons-edit"></span>
								<span class="edit-controls">
									<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span>
									<span class="dashicons dashicons-no"></span>
                        <td class="column-description">
                            <div class="editable-description"><?php 
        echo $description;
                            <span class="dashicons dashicons-edit"></span>
								<span class="edit-controls">
									<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span>
									<span class="dashicons dashicons-no"></span>
									<span class="dashicons dashicons-update"></span>
                        <td class="column-thumbupload">
								<span class="manual-download">
									<span class="dashicons dashicons-upload"></span>
									<span class="html5dndmarker">Drop file here<span> or </span></span>
									<span class="buttons-area">
										<input id="upload-button<?php 
        echo $tid;
" type="file" />
										<input id="trigger-button<?php 
        echo $tid;
" type="button" value="Select File" class="button" />
                            <div class="progress animate invis">
                        <td class="date column-date"><?php 
        echo $date;
            <div class="tablenav bottom"><?php 
    echo $pagination;
コード例 #8
  * Template that handles generating a thumbnail.
  * If image has already been generated through other means, $pg may be set to the system path where the
  * thumbnail is located. In this case, $generator will not be invoked, but *will* be kept for historical purposes.
  * @param DG_AbstractThumber|string $generator Takes ID and pg and returns path to temp file or false.
  * @param int $ID ID for the attachment that we need a thumbnail for.
  * @param int|string $pg Page number of the attachment to get a thumbnail for or the system path to the image to be used.
  * @return DG_Thumb|bool The generated thumbnail or false on failure.
 private static function thumbnailGenerationHarness($generator, $ID, $pg = 1)
     // handle system page in $pg variable
     if (is_string($pg) && !is_numeric($pg)) {
         $temp_path = $pg;
     } elseif (is_a($generator, 'DG_AbstractThumber')) {
         // delegate thumbnail generation to $generator
         if (false === ($temp_path = $generator->getThumbnail($ID, $pg))) {
             return false;
         // NOTE: get string representation to be stored with thumb in DB
         $generator = get_class($generator);
     } else {
         DG_Logger::writeLog(DG_LogLevel::Error, 'Attempted to call thumbnailGenerationHarness with invalid generator: ' . print_r($generator, true));
         return false;
     // get some useful stuff
     $doc_path = get_attached_file($ID);
     $dirname = dirname($doc_path);
     $basename = basename($doc_path);
     if (false === ($len = strrpos($basename, '.'))) {
         $len = strlen($basename);
     $extless = substr($basename, 0, $len);
     $ext = self::getExt($temp_path);
     $thumb_name = self::getUniqueThumbName($dirname, $extless, $ext);
     $thumb_path = "{$dirname}/{$thumb_name}";
     // scale generated image down
     $img = wp_get_image_editor($temp_path);
     if (is_wp_error($img)) {
         DG_Logger::writeLog(DG_LogLevel::Error, __('Failed to get image editor: ', 'document-gallery') . $img->get_error_message());
         return false;
     $options = self::getOptions();
     $img->resize($options['width'], $options['height'], false);
     $err = $img->save($thumb_path);
     if (is_wp_error($err)) {
         DG_Logger::writeLog(DG_LogLevel::Error, __('Failed to save image: ', 'document-gallery') . $err->get_error_message());
         return false;
     // do some cleanup
     // save new thumb
     DG_Logger::writeLog(DG_LogLevel::Detail, 'Creating thumb object.');
     $upload = wp_upload_dir();
     $thumb = new DG_Thumb();
     $thumb->setDimensions($options['width'] . 'x' . $options['height']);
     $thumb->setRelativePath(substr($thumb_path, strlen($upload['basedir']) + 1));
     return $thumb;