コード例 #1
 public function afterAuth()
     $this->errorMessage = array();
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['code'])) {
         $this->errorMessage[] = "This isn't redirected from the providers site.";
         return false;
     $tokenID = $this->decodeIDToken($_REQUEST['code']);
     if ($tokenID === false || strlen($tokenID["username"]) < 1 || strlen($tokenID["email"]) < 1) {
         $this->errorMessage[] = "Nothing to get from the authenticating server. tokenID=" . var_export($tokenID, true);
         return false;
     $this->userInfo = array("username" => $tokenID["username"], "realname" => $tokenID["realname"], "email" => $tokenID["email"]);
     $dbProxy = new DB_Proxy();
     $dbProxy->initialize(null, null, null, false);
     $dbProxy->dbSettings->setLDAPExpiringSeconds(3600 * 24);
     $credential = $dbProxy->generateCredential(30);
     $param = array("username" => $tokenID["username"], "hashedpasswd" => $credential, "realname" => $tokenID["realname"], "email" => $tokenID["email"]);
     $this->isCreate = $dbProxy->dbClass->authSupportOAuthUserHandling($param);
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         $this->errorMessage[] = "authSupportOAuthUserHandling sends " . var_export($param, true) . ", returns {$this->isCreate}.";
         $this->errorMessage = array_merge($this->errorMessage, $dbProxy->logger->getDebugMessages());
     $this->errorMessage = array_merge($this->errorMessage, $dbProxy->logger->getErrorMessages());
     $oAuthStoring = isset($_COOKIE["_im_oauth_storing"]) ? $_COOKIE["_im_oauth_storing"] : "";
     $oAuthStoring = $oAuthStoring == 'session-storage' ? "true" : "false";
     $oAuthRealm = isset($_COOKIE["_im_oauth_realm"]) ? $_COOKIE["_im_oauth_realm"] : "";
     $this->jsCode = '';
     $this->jsCode .= 'function setAnyStore(key, val) {';
     $this->jsCode .= "var isSession = {$oAuthStoring}, realm = '{$oAuthRealm}';";
     $this->jsCode .= 'var d, isFinish = false, ex = 3600, authKey;';
     $this->jsCode .= 'd = new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime() + ex * 1000);';
     $this->jsCode .= 'authKey = key + ((realm.length > 0) ? ("_" + realm) : "");';
     $this->jsCode .= 'try {if (isSession){sessionStorage.setItem(authKey, val);isFinish = true;}}';
     $this->jsCode .= 'catch(ex){}';
     $this->jsCode .= 'if (!isFinish) {document.cookie = authKey + "=" + encodeURIComponent(val)';
     $this->jsCode .= '+ ";path=/;" + "max-age=" + ex + ";expires=" + d.toUTCString() + ";"';
     $this->jsCode .= '+ ((document.URL.substring(0, 8) == "https://") ? "secure;" : "")}}';
     $this->jsCode .= "setAnyStore('_im_username', '" . $tokenID["username"] . "');";
     $this->jsCode .= "setAnyStore('_im_credential', '" . $credential . "');";
     $this->jsCode .= "setAnyStore('_im_openidtoken', '" . $this->id_token . "');";
     if (count($this->errorMessage) < 1 && !(!$this->doRedirect && $this->isCreate)) {
         $this->jsCode .= "location.href = '" . $_COOKIE["_im_oauth_backurl"] . "';";
         return true;
     return true;