public function action_index() { //车型分类 $cartype = ORM::factory('car_kind')->order_by("displayorder", 'asc')->get_all(); //租车类型 $carattr = ORM::factory('car_attr')->where("pid=0 and isopen=1")->order_by("displayorder", 'asc')->get_all(); if (!empty($carattr)) { foreach ($carattr as $key => $value) { $carattr[$key]['nextlist'] = ORM::factory('car_attr')->where("pid=" . $value['id'] . " and isopen=1")->order_by("displayorder", 'asc')->get_all(); } } //租车价格 $carpricelist = ORM::factory('car_pricelist')->order_by("id", 'asc')->get_all(); //推荐租车信息 //$list = ORM::factory('car')->select(array('id','id'))->where("ishidden=0 and carprice>0")->order_by("displayorder",'asc')->limit("0,4")->get_all(); $list = DB::select_array(array('id', 'title', 'litpic', 'price'))->from('car')->where("ishidden=0 and price>0")->order_by("displayorder", 'asc')->limit("0,4")->execute()->as_array(); if (empty($list)) { $sql = "SELECT,a.title,a.litpic,min(b.adultprice) as carprice FROM sline_car a LEFT JOIN sline_car_suit_price b ON (b.carid = and b.adultprice!=0) WHERE a.ishidden=0 GROUP BY ORDER BY a.displayorder ASC limit 0,4 "; $query = DB::query(Database::SELECT, $sql); $list = $query->execute()->as_array(); } foreach ($list as $key => $value) { if (empty($value['litpic'])) { $list[$key]['litpic'] = Common::getDefaultImage(); } } //数据压入 $this->assign('cartype', $cartype); $this->assign('carattr', $carattr); $this->assign('carpricelist', $carpricelist); $this->assign('list', $list); $this->display('cars/index'); }
/** * News detail * * @access public * @return Response */ public function get_detail($slug = null) { $cols = array('', 'news.news_category_id', 'news.title', 'news.body', 'news.format', 'news.published_at', 'news.slug', array('', 'news_category_name'), array('news_category.label', 'news_category_label')); $query = \DB::select_array($cols)->from('news')->join('news_category', 'LEFT')->on('', '=', 'news.news_category_id')->where('slug', $slug)->and_where('is_published', 1); if (!($response = $query->execute()->current())) { throw new \HttpNotFoundException(); } $response['body'] = convert_body_by_format($response['body'], $response['format']); unset($response['format']); $cols = array('', array('', 'file_name'), array('file.type', 'file_type')); $query = \DB::select_array($cols)->from('news_image')->join('file', 'LEFT')->on('', '=', 'news_image.file_name')->where('news_id', $response['id']); $response['images'] = self::add_file_options($query->execute()->as_array(), 'img'); $cols = array('', array('', 'file_name'), array('file.original_filename', 'file_original_filename'), array('file.type', 'file_type')); $query = \DB::select_array($cols)->from('news_file')->join('file', 'LEFT')->on('', '=', 'news_file.file_name')->where('news_id', $response['id']); $response['files'] = self::add_file_options($query->execute()->as_array(), 'file'); $cols = array('uri', 'label'); $query = \DB::select_array($cols)->from('news_link')->where('news_id', $response['id']); $response['links'] = $query->execute()->as_array(); if (\Config::get('news.tags.isEnabled')) { $cols = array(''); $query = \DB::select_array($cols)->from('news_tag')->join('tag', 'LEFT')->on('', '=', 'news_tag.tag_id')->where('news_id', $response['id']); $response['tags'] = $query->execute()->as_array(); } return $this->response($response); }
/** * Load role * * @param integer|string $id */ public function __construct($id = null) { parent::__construct(); if ($id !== null) { $this->load(DB::select_array($this->fields())->where(is_numeric($id) ? 'id' : 'name', '=', $id)); } }
protected function get_filter_type() { $types = DB::select_array(array('type')) ->distinct(TRUE) ->from(Kohana::config('dblog.table')) ->execute() ->as_array('type', 'type'); return Arr::merge($types, array('' => __('any'))); }
/** * Action: search */ public function action_search() { $this->data['users'] = array(); // Search term $term = trim(Arr::get($_REQUEST, 'q', '')); // Search fields $search = explode(':', Arr::get($_REQUEST, 'search', 'username')); // Result limit $limit = (int) Arr::get($_REQUEST, 'limit', 25); // Result order $order = Arr::get($_REQUEST, 'order', 'username.asc'); // Result fields $field = explode(':', Arr::get($_REQUEST, 'field', 'id:username')); // Term must be at least 2 characters if (strlen($term) >= 2) { // 500 events max $limit = min($limit, 500); // Get order $orders = $this->_prepare_order($order, self::$_orderable); $orders = empty($orders) ? array('username' => 'asc') : $orders; // Get fields $fields = empty($field) ? self::$_fields : array_intersect($field, self::$_fields); $fields = empty($fields) ? array('id', 'username') : $fields; // Get search $searches = empty($search) ? self::$_searchable : array_intersect($search, self::$_searchable); $searches = empty($searches) ? array('username') : $searches; // Build query $user = new Model_User(); $users = DB::select_array($user->fields()); // Find friends first if ($user_id = Arr::get($_REQUEST, 'user', 0)) { $users->join('friends', 'LEFT')->on('', '=', 'friends.friend_id')->on('friends.user_id', '=', DB::expr((int) $user_id))->order_by('friends.created', 'ASC'); } foreach ($orders as $column => $direction) { $users->order_by($column, $direction); } $users->where_open(); foreach ($searches as $search) { $search_term = $term; switch ($search) { case 'city': $search = 'city_name'; break; case 'username': $search = 'username_clean'; $search_term = Text::clean($term); break; } $users->or_where($search, 'ILIKE', '%' . $search_term . '%'); } $users->where_close(); // Build data foreach ($user->load($users, $limit) as $user) { $this->data['users'][] = $this->_prepare_user($user, $fields); } } }
/** * Find Newsfeed items. * * @static * @param integer $limit * @param array $users User ids * @return Database_Result */ public static function find_items($limit = 20, array $users = null) { $newsfeeditem = new Model_NewsfeedItem(); $query = DB::select_array($newsfeeditem->fields())->order_by('id', 'DESC'); if (is_array($users)) { $query = $query->where('user_id', 'IN', $users); } return $newsfeeditem->load($query, $limit); }
/** * メールアドレス、パスワードの整合性テスト * * @dataProvider login_user_data_provider */ public function test_validate_user($input, $expected) { $test = Auth::instance()->validate_user($input['email'], $input['password']); if ($expected['id']) { $expected = \DB::select_array(\Config::get('web2auth.table_columns', array('*')))->where('id', '=', $expected['id'])->from(\Config::get('web2auth.table_name'))->execute(\Config::get('web2auth.db_connection'))->current(); } else { $expected = false; } $this->assertEquals($expected, $test); }
/** * Find Notifications for user. * * @static * @param Model_User $target * @return Model_Notification[] */ public function find_by_target(Model_User $target) { // User notifications $query = DB::select_array($this->fields())->where('target_id', '=', $target->id)->order_by('id', 'DESC'); // Admin notifications if ($target->has_role('admin', 'photo moderator')) { $query = $query->or_where_open()->where('class', '=', Notification_Galleries::CLASS_GALLERIES)->and_where('type', '=', Notification_Galleries::TYPE_IMAGE_REPORT)->or_where_close(); } return $this->load($query, 0); }
public function force_login($user_id = '') { if (empty($user_id)) { return false; } $this->user = \DB::select_array(\Config::get('complexauth.table_columns', array('*')))->from(\Config::get('complexauth.table_name'))->where('id', '=', $user_id)->execute(\Config::get('complexauth.db_connection'))->current(); if ($this->user == false) { $this->user = \Config::get('complexauth.guest_login', true) ? static::$guest_login : false; \Session::delete(\Config::get('complexauth.username_post_key')); return false; } \Session::set(\Config::get('complexauth.username_post_key'), $this->user[\Config::get('complexauth.username_post_key')]); return true; }
public static function run() { try { $users = \DB::select_array(['id', 'username'])->from('users')->execute(); \DB::start_transaction(); foreach ($users as $user) { \DB::update('auctions')->value('won_user', $user['id'])->where('won_user', '=', $user['username'])->execute(); } \DB::commit_transaction(); \DBUtil::modify_fields('auctions', ['won_user' => ['constraint' => 11, 'type' => 'int', 'name' => 'user_id']]); } catch (Exception $e) { \DB::rollback_transaction(); } }
/** * Find Newsfeed items. * * @static * @param integer $limit * @param array $users User ids * @return Model_NewsfeedItem[] */ public static function find_items($limit = 20, array $users = null) { $newsfeeditem = new Model_NewsfeedItem(); $query = DB::select_array($newsfeeditem->fields())->order_by('stamp', 'DESC'); if (is_array($users)) { $query = $query->where('user_id', 'IN', $users); // Include friend events $friend_ids = array(); foreach ($users as $user_id) { $friend_ids[] = json_encode(array('friend_id' => $user_id)); } $query = $query->or_where_open()->where('class', '=', 'user')->and_where('type', '=', 'friend')->and_where('data', 'IN', $friend_ids)->or_where_close(); } return $newsfeeditem->load($query, $limit); }
public function action_reset_password() { if (\Input::post()) { $to = trim(\Input::post('email')); $user = \DB::select_array(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_columns', array('*')))->where('email', '=', $to)->from(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_name'))->as_object()->execute(\Config::get('simpleauth.db_connection'))->current(); $data['password'] = \Auth::reset_password($user->username); $val = \Validation::forge(); $val->add_field('email', 'email', 'required|valid_email'); if ($val->run()) { // Create an instance $email = \Email::forge(); // Set the from address $email->from('*****@*****.**', 'Les RHs'); // Set the to address $email->to($to); // Set a subject $email->subject('New password'); // And set the body. $email->html_body(\View::forge('email/template.twig', $data)); try { $email->send(); } catch (\EmailValidationFailedException $e) { // The validation failed } catch (\EmailSendingFailedException $e) { // The driver could not send the email } \Session::set_flash('success', 'A new password has been sent'); \Response::redirect('/'); } else { // repopulate the email field and give some error text back to the view. $data['email'] = $to; \Session::set_flash('error', $val->error()); } } $data['actions'] = ['back' => ['label' => 'Back', 'url' => 'auth']]; $this->template->title = "Reset password"; $this->template->content = \View::forge('auth/password.twig', $data); }
/** * Find all groups * * @return Model_Forum_Group[] */ public function find_all() { return $this->load(DB::select_array($this->fields())->where('status', '=', self::STATUS_NORMAL)->order_by('sort', 'ASC'), null); }
/** * Get new notes * * @param Model_User $user * @return Database_Result */ public function find_new_notes(Model_User $user) { return $this->load(DB::select_array($this->fields())->where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->and_where('new_note', '>', 0), null); }
/** * Checks if given field(s) in a given table exists. * * @param string $table Table name * @param string|array $columns columns to check * @return bool */ public static function field_exists($table, $columns, $db = null) { if (!is_array($columns)) { $columns = array($columns); } try { \DB::select_array($columns)->from($table)->limit(1)->execute($db ? $db : static::$connection); return true; } catch (\Database_Exception $e) { return false; } }
/** * Checks if given field(s) in a given table exists. * * @param string $table Table name * @param string|array $columns columns to check * @param string $db the database connection to use * @return bool */ public static function field_exists($table, $columns, $db = null) { if (!is_array($columns)) { $columns = array($columns); } try { \DB::select_array($columns)->from($table)->limit(1)->execute($db ? $db : static::$connection); return true; } catch (\Database_Exception $e) { // check if we have a DB connection at all $connection = \Database_Connection::instance($db ? $db : static::$connection)->has_connection(); // if no connection could be made, re throw the exception if (!$connection) { throw $e; } return false; } }
public function action_ajax_get() { $webid = Arr::get($_GET, 'webid'); $arr = DB::select_array(array('id', 'kindname', 'weburl', 'webroot', 'webprefix'))->from('destinations')->where("iswebsite=1 and isopen=1")->order_by("displayorder", 'asc')->execute()->as_array(); $out = array(); foreach ($arr as $row) { $tr = ' <tr> <td height="40" align="center">' . $row['id'] . '</td> <td class="pl-30">' . $row['kindname'] . '</td> <td align="left"><input type="text" name="weburl[]" class="tb-text text_300 pl-5" value="' . $row['weburl'] . '" /></td> <td align="center"><a href="javascript:;" class="row-mod-btn" onclick="addmenu(' . $row['id'] . ',\'' . $row['kindname'] . '\',this);"></a></td> <td align="center" onclick="del(' . $row['id'] . ',this);">' . Common::getIco('show') . '<input type="hidden" name="id[]" value="' . $row['id'] . '"/></td> </tr> '; array_push($out, $tr); } echo json_encode(array('trlist' => $out)); }
/** * Action: search */ public function action_search() { $this->data['venues'] = array(); $term = trim(Arr::get($_REQUEST, 'q', '')); $search = explode(':', Arr::get($_REQUEST, 'search', 'name')); $limit = (int) Arr::get($_REQUEST, 'limit', 25); $order = Arr::get($_REQUEST, 'order', 'name.asc'); $field = explode(':', Arr::get($_REQUEST, 'field', 'id:name:city')); // Term must be at least 2 characters if (strlen($term) >= 3) { // 500 events max $limit = min($limit, 500); // Get order $orders = $this->_prepare_order($order, self::$_orderable); $orders = empty($orders) ? array('name' => 'asc') : $orders; // Get fields $fields = empty($field) ? self::$_fields : array_intersect($field, self::$_fields); $fields = empty($fields) ? array('id', 'name') : $fields; // Get search $searches = empty($search) ? self::$_searchable : array_intersect($search, self::$_searchable); $searches = empty($searches) ? array('name') : $searches; // Build query $venue = new Model_Venue(); $venues = DB::select_array($venue->fields()); foreach ($orders as $column => $direction) { $venues->order_by($column, $direction); } $venues->where_open(); foreach ($searches as $search) { if ($search == 'city') { $search .= '_name'; } $venues->or_where($search, 'ILIKE', '%' . $term . '%'); } $venues->where_close(); // Build data foreach ($venue->load($venues, $limit) as $venue) { $this->data['venues'][] = $this->_prepare_venue($venue, $fields); } } }
/** * Get new blog comments count for user. * * @param Model_User $user * @return Database_Result */ public function find_new_comments(Model_User $user) { return $this->load(DB::select_array($this->fields())->where('author_id', '=', $user->id)->and_where('new_comment_count', '>', 0), null); }
/** * Get image notes * * @return Database_Result */ public function notes() { return $this->find_related('image_notes', DB::select_array(Model_Image_Note::factory()->fields())->order_by('x', 'ASC')->order_by('id', 'ASC')); }
/** * Get product data (code, price, attributes, images) * * @access public * @param $product object * @return */ public static function product_data($product = false, $attributes_json = null, $post_select = false, $attributeid = false) { if (!$product) { return; } $out['current_attributes'] = null; $out['code'] = null; $out['images'] = null; $out['select'] = null; $out['select_name'] = null; $out['sx'] = null; // select (attribute) order $out['retail_price'] = null; $out['sale'] = null; $out['price'] = 0; $out['price_type'] = null; $current_attributes = array(); $select = array(); $select_name = array(); $sx = array(); $options = array(); if (json_decode($attributes_json) != null) { $current_attributes = Model_Attribute::find(array('where' => array('attributes' => $attributes_json, 'product_id' => $product->id, 'active' => 1), 'limit' => 1)); } //get attributes per product $prod_attributes = \Product\Model_Attribute::find_by_product_id($product->id); $a_attribute_ids = array(); if ($prod_attributes) { foreach ($prod_attributes as $attr_id) { array_push($a_attribute_ids, $attr_id->id); } } // NRB-Gem: if current URL is Pricing Group -> Products // Get pricing_attribute_price from current Pricing Group // Products can belong to multiple Pricing Groups $a_groups = \Sentry::user()->groups(); if ($a_attribute_ids) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $a_cond = array(array('product_attribute_id', 'in', $a_attribute_ids)); if (\Uri::segment(2) != 'admin' && \Sentry::user()->groups() && $a_groups[0]) { $a_cond['user_group_id'] = $a_groups[0]['id']; } if (\Uri::segment(3) == 'group' && \Uri::segment(4) == 'products') { $a_cond['pricing_group_id'] = \Uri::segment(5); } $product_sale_price = \Product\Model_Attribute_Price::find(array('where' => $a_cond)); } } // NRB-Gem: check if logged in user can buy product for discounted rate if (\Uri::segment(2) != 'admin' && \Sentry::user()->groups() && !\Sentry::user()->is_admin() && $a_groups[0]) { $o_product_group_options = \DB::select_array(array('able_to_buy'))->from('product_group_options')->join('product_to_groups')->on('product_group_options.product_group_id', '=', 'product_to_groups.group_id')->where('product_group_options.user_group_id', $a_groups[0]['id'])->where('able_to_buy', 1)->where('product_to_groups.product_id', $product->id)->execute(); $a_result = $o_product_group_options->as_array(); $product_sale_price = $a_result && $a_result[0]['able_to_buy'] ? $product_sale_price : false; } // Get all product attributes $product_attributes = Model_Product::get_product_attributes($product); // Product with attributes if ($product_attributes) { // Set current attribute if ($current_attributes && isset($product_attributes[$current_attributes[0]->id])) { $current_attributes = $product_attributes[$current_attributes[0]->id]; } elseif ($post_select && count($post_select) > 1) { foreach ($post_select as $sk => $sv) { if (!isset($post_select_pop)) { $post_select_pop = $post_select; array_pop($post_select_pop); } $count = count($post_select_pop); foreach ($product_attributes as $pk => $pv) { $i = 0; $not_exists = array(); foreach ($pv as $pkk => $pvv) { if ($i >= $count) { continue; } if (!isset($post_select_pop[$pvv->attribute->id]) || $post_select_pop[$pvv->attribute->id] != $pvv->option->id) { $not_exists[] = true; } $i++; } if (empty($not_exists)) { $current_attributes = $product_attributes[$pk]; break 2; } } if (empty($current_attributes) && $count > 1) { array_pop($post_select_pop); } } if (empty($current_attributes)) { $current_attributes = reset($product_attributes); } } elseif ($product->default_attributes) { $current_attributes = $product_attributes[reset($product->default_attributes)->id]; } else { $current_attributes = reset($product_attributes); } foreach ($current_attributes as $k => $v) { $options[] = $v->option->id; } foreach ($product_attributes as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $kk => $vv) { $select_name[$vv->attribute->id] = $vv->attribute->name != '' ? $vv->attribute->name : $vv->attribute->title; $select_tmp[$k][$vv->attribute->id][$vv->option->id] = $vv->option->title; foreach ($options as $option_key => $option_value) { if ($kk == $option_key) { $select[$vv->attribute->id][$vv->option->id] = $vv->option->title; if ($vv->option->id != $option_value) { continue 3; } } } } } } if ($select) { $sx = array_keys($select_name); } $b_use_original_price = false; if (!empty($current_attributes)) { $attr_obj = $current_attributes[0]->product_attribute; $out['current_attributes'] = $current_attributes; $out['code'] = $attr_obj->product_code; if (!empty($attr_obj->images)) { $out['images'] = $attr_obj->images; } $out['select'] = $select; $out['select_name'] = $select_name; $out['sx'] = $sx; $out['stock_quantity'] = $attr_obj->stock_quantity; $out['retail_price'] = $attr_obj->retail_price; // NRB-Gem: changed condition from: (!empty($product_sale_price) && $product_sale_price[0]->price != 0) // fix for attributes with sale price are not displayed if (!empty($product_sale_price)) { $out['with_attr'] = array('attribute' => array()); foreach ($product_sale_price as $with_attr) { $out['with_attr']['able_discount'][$with_attr->product_attribute_id] = $with_attr->able_discount; if ($out['with_attr']['able_discount'][$with_attr->product_attribute_id]) { $out['with_attr']['discount'][$with_attr->product_attribute_id] = $with_attr->discount; $out['with_attr']['price'][$with_attr->product_attribute_id] = $with_attr->price; } $out['with_attr']['attribute'][$with_attr->product_attribute_id] = ''; foreach ($product_attributes as $o_prod_attr) { $a_attr = array(); foreach ($o_prod_attr as $o_attr) { if ($with_attr->product_attribute_id == $o_attr->product_attribute->id) { $a_attr[] = $o_attr->option->title; } } $out['with_attr']['attribute'][$with_attr->product_attribute_id] .= implode(' | ', $a_attr); } // NRB-Gem: do not display inactive attribute if (empty($out['with_attr']['attribute'][$with_attr->product_attribute_id])) { unset($out['with_attr']['attribute'][$with_attr->product_attribute_id]); unset($out['with_attr']['able_discount'][$with_attr->product_attribute_id]); unset($out['with_attr']['discount'][$with_attr->product_attribute_id]); unset($out['with_attr']['price'][$with_attr->product_attribute_id]); } } // NRB-Gem: get default prices foreach ($prod_attributes as $attr) { if (isset($out['with_attr']['discount'][$attr->id]) && $out['with_attr']['discount'][$attr->id] > 0) { $out['with_attr']['price'][$attr->id] = $attr->retail_price - $attr->retail_price * ($out['with_attr']['discount'][$attr->id] / 100); } else { if (isset($out['with_attr']['price'][$attr->id]) && !$out['with_attr']['price'][$attr->id]) { $out['with_attr']['price'][$attr->id] = $attr->sale_price ? $attr->sale_price : $attr->retail_price; } } } $out['sale'] = \Product\Model_Product::calculate_discount($product, $product_sale_price[0]->discount); $out['price'] = \Product\Model_Product::calculate_discount($product, $product_sale_price[0]->price); $out['price_type'] = 'sale_price'; // NRB-Gem: Set discounted rate from product_attribute_price Product attributes if ($attributes_json) { foreach ($current_attributes as $o_attribute) { if ($o_attribute->product_attribute->attributes == $attributes_json) { if ($out['with_attr']['able_discount'][$o_attribute->product_attribute->id]) { if ($out['with_attr']['discount'][$o_attribute->product_attribute->id] > 0) { $out['price'] = $out['retail_price'] - $out['retail_price'] * ($out['with_attr']['discount'][$o_attribute->product_attribute->id] / 100); } else { $out['price'] = $out['with_attr']['price'][$o_attribute->product_attribute->id]; } } else { $b_use_original_price = true; } } } } } else { $out['price'] = \Product\Model_Product::calculate_discount($product, $attr_obj->retail_price); $out['price_type'] = 'retail_price'; $b_use_original_price = true; } // NRB-Gem: Display original price if Discount price is not enabled (used by non-ajax request) if (\Uri::segment(1) == 'product' && !$attributes_json) { $a_prod_attr_keys = array_keys($product_attributes); $attr_id = $a_prod_attr_keys[0]; if (isset($out['with_attr']['able_discount'][$attr_id])) { if (isset($out['with_attr']['discount']) && $out['with_attr']['discount'][$attr_id] > 0) { $out['price'] = $out['retail_price'] - $out['retail_price'] * ($out['with_attr']['discount'][$attr_id] / 100); } else { $out['price'] = isset($out['with_attr']['price']) ? $out['with_attr']['price'][$attr_id] : ''; } } else { $b_use_original_price = true; $attributes_json = true; } } // NRB-Gem: Set original discounted rate for Product attributes if ($b_use_original_price && $attributes_json) { if ($attr_obj->sale_price > 0) { $out['price'] = $attr_obj->sale_price; $out['price_type'] = 'sale_price'; } else { $out['price'] = $attr_obj->retail_price; unset($out['price_type']); } } } } else { $p = $product->attributes[0]; $out['current_attributes'] = null; $out['code'] = $p->product_code; $out['images'] = $p->images; $out['retail_price'] = $p->retail_price; $out['stock_quantity'] = $p->stock_quantity; $out['able_discount'] = isset($product_sale_price[0]) ? $product_sale_price[0]->able_discount : 0; if (!empty($product_sale_price) && $product_sale_price[0]->price != 0) { if ($out['able_discount']) { $out['sale'] = \Product\Model_Product::calculate_discount($p, $product_sale_price[0]->discount); $out['price'] = \Product\Model_Product::calculate_discount($p, $product_sale_price[0]->price); } $out['price_type'] = 'sale_price'; } else { $out['sale'] = isset($product_sale_price[0]) ? $product_sale_price[0]->discount : 0; $out['price'] = \Product\Model_Product::calculate_discount($product, $p->retail_price); $out['price_type'] = 'retail_price'; } // NRB-Gem: Display original price if Discount price is not enabled if ($out['able_discount']) { if ($product_sale_price[0]->discount > 0) { $out['price'] = $p->retail_price - $p->retail_price * ($product_sale_price[0]->discount / 100); } } else { if ($p->sale_price > 0) { $out['price'] = $p->sale_price; $out['price_type'] = 'sale_price'; } else { unset($out['price_type']); $out['price'] = $p->retail_price; } } } $prod_category = Model_Product_To_Categories::find_by_product_id($product->id); $category = \Product\Model_Category::find_one_by_id($prod_category[0]->category_id); $out['category_id'] = $prod_category ? $prod_category[0]->category_id : null; $out['category'] = $category ? $category->title : null; // Product without attributes if (empty($out['current_attributes'])) { $out['code'] = $product->code; } // Set images from product if there is no images in product attribute if (empty($out['images']) && !empty($product->images)) { $out['images'] = $product->images; } return $out; }
/** * Select one record from database * * @param int $record_id - primary key of $this->tableName table * @return mysql_object - record object */ public function getRecord($record_id) { $query = DB::select_array($this->fieldNames)->from($this->tableName)->where($this->fieldNames[0], "=", $record_id); $result = $query->as_object()->execute(); return $result; }
/** * Find new private messages * * @static * @param Model_User $user * @return Model_Forum_Private_Recipient[] */ public static function find_new_private_messages(Model_User $user) { $recipient = Model_Forum_Private_Recipient::factory(); return $recipient->load(DB::select_array($recipient->fields())->where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->where('unread', '>', 0), null); }
/** * Find private message topics * * @static * @param Model_User $user * @param integer $offset * @param integer $limit * @return Model_Forum_Private_Topic[] */ public static function find_topics(Model_User $user, $offset = 0, $limit = 10) { $topic = new Model_Forum_Private_Topic(); return $topic->load(DB::select_array($topic->fields())->join('forum_private_recipients')->on('', '=', 'forum_private_recipients.forum_topic_id')->where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->order_by('last_post_id', 'DESC')->offset($offset), $limit); }
/** * Find topic posts by page. * * @param integer $offset * @param integer $limit * @return Model_Forum_Post[] */ public function posts($offset, $limit) { $post = Model_Forum_Private_Post::factory(); $query = DB::select_array($post->fields())->where('forum_topic_id', '=', $this->id)->order_by('created', 'ASC'); if ($offset || $limit) { return $post->load($query->offset($offset), $limit); } else { return $post->load($query, null); } }
/** * Find updated venues. * * @param integer $limit * @return Database_Result */ public function find_updated($limit = 20) { return $this->load(DB::select_array($this->fields())->where('modified', 'IS NOT', null)->order_by('modified', 'DESC'), $limit); }
/** * Update a user's properties * Note: Username cannot be updated, to update password the old password must be passed as old_password * * @param Array properties to be updated including profile fields * @param string * @return bool */ public function update_user($values, $username = null) { $username = $username ?: $this->user['username']; $current_values = \DB::select_array(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_columns', array('*')))->where('username', '=', $username)->from(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_name'))->execute(\Config::get('simpleauth.db_connection')); if (empty($current_values)) { throw new \SimpleUserUpdateException('Username not found', 4); } $update = array(); if (array_key_exists('username', $values)) { throw new \SimpleUserUpdateException('Username cannot be changed.', 5); } if (array_key_exists('password', $values)) { if (empty($values['old_password']) or $current_values->get('password') != $this->hash_password(trim($values['old_password']))) { throw new \SimpleUserWrongPassword('Old password is invalid'); } $password = trim(strval($values['password'])); if ($password === '') { throw new \SimpleUserUpdateException('Password can\'t be empty.', 6); } $update['password'] = $this->hash_password($password); unset($values['password']); } if (array_key_exists('old_password', $values)) { unset($values['old_password']); } if (array_key_exists('email', $values)) { $email = filter_var(trim($values['email']), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); if (!$email) { throw new \SimpleUserUpdateException('Email address is not valid', 7); } $update['email'] = $email; unset($values['email']); } if (array_key_exists('group', $values)) { if (is_numeric($values['group'])) { $update['group'] = (int) $values['group']; } unset($values['group']); } if (!empty($values)) { $profile_fields = @unserialize($current_values->get('profile_fields')) ?: array(); foreach ($values as $key => $val) { if ($val === null) { unset($profile_fields[$key]); } else { $profile_fields[$key] = $val; } } $update['profile_fields'] = serialize($profile_fields); } $update['updated_at'] = \Date::forge()->get_timestamp(); $affected_rows = \DB::update(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_name'))->set($update)->where('username', '=', $username)->execute(\Config::get('simpleauth.db_connection')); // Refresh user if ($this->user['username'] == $username) { $this->user = \DB::select_array(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_columns', array('*')))->where('username', '=', $username)->from(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_name'))->execute(\Config::get('simpleauth.db_connection'))->current(); } return $affected_rows > 0; }
/** * Get a random flyer * * @param boolean $unknown Limit to unknown fliers (not linked to an event) * @return Model_Flyer */ public function find_random($unknown = false) { $query = DB::select_array($this->fields())->order_by(DB::expr('RANDOM()')); if ($unknown) { $query = $query->where('event_id', 'IS', null); } return $this->load($query); }
/** * Find events happening now. * * @return Model_Event[] */ public function find_now() { return $this->load(DB::select_array($this->fields())->where(DB::expr(time()), 'BETWEEN', DB::expr('stamp_begin AND stamp_end'))->order_by('city_name', 'ASC'), null); }
/** * Get area by bind. * * @param string $bind * @return Model_Forum_Area */ public function find_by_bind($bind) { return $this->load(DB::select_array($this->fields())->where('area_type', '=', Model_Forum_Area::TYPE_BIND)->where('is_hidden', '=', false)->where('bind', '=', $bind)); }