function b_d3pipes_async_show($options) { $mydirname = empty($options[0]) ? 'd3pipes' : $options[0]; $unique_id = empty($options[1]) ? uniqid(rand()) : htmlspecialchars($options[1], ENT_QUOTES); $pipe_ids = empty($options[2]) ? array(0) : explode(',', preg_replace('/[^0-9,:]/', '', $options[2])); $max_entries = empty($options[3]) ? 0 : intval($options[3]); $this_template = empty($options[4]) ? 'db:' . $mydirname . '_block_async.html' : trim($options[4]); $union_class = @$options[5] == 'separated' ? 'separated' : 'mergesort'; $link2clipping = empty($options[6]) ? false : true; $keep_pipeinfo = empty($options[7]) ? false : true; if (preg_match('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', $mydirname)) { die('Invalid mydirname'); } $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module'); $module =& $module_handler->getByDirname($mydirname); $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config'); $configs = $config_handler->getConfigList($module->mid()); $constpref = '_MB_' . strtoupper($mydirname); // insert javascript if necessary d3pipes_insert_javascript4async(); $block = array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'mod_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname, 'mod_imageurl' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname . '/' . $configs['images_dir'], 'mod_config' => $configs, 'unique_id' => $unique_id, 'pipe_ids' => $pipe_ids, 'max_entries' => $max_entries, 'union_class' => $union_class, 'link2clipping' => $link2clipping, 'keep_pipeinfo' => $keep_pipeinfo, 'lang_async_noscript' => constant($constpref . "_ASYNC_NOSCRIPT")); if (empty($options['disable_renderer'])) { require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/libs/altsys/class/D3Tpl.class.php'; $tpl = new D3Tpl(); $tpl->assign('block', $block); $ret['content'] = $tpl->fetch($this_template); return $ret; } else { return $block; } }
function b_d3pipes_blockedit_common($options, $type = 'async') { $mydirname = empty($options[0]) ? 'd3pipes' : $options[0]; //$unique_id = empty( $options[1] ) ? uniqid(rand()) : $options[1] ; $pipe_ids = empty($options[2]) ? array('') : explode(',', preg_replace('/[^0-9,:]/', '', $options[2])); $max_entries = empty($options[3]) ? 0 : intval($options[3]); $this_template = empty($options[4]) ? '' : trim($options[4]); $union_class = @$options[5] == 'separated' ? 'separated' : 'mergesort'; $link2clipping = empty($options[6]) ? false : true; $keep_pipeinfo = empty($options[7]) ? false : true; if (preg_match('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', $mydirname)) { die('Invalid mydirname'); } require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/libs/altsys/class/D3Tpl.class.php'; $tpl = new D3Tpl(); $tpl->assign(array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'type' => $type, 'uniqid' => uniqid(rand()), 'pipe_ids' => $pipe_ids, 'pipe_options' => b_d3pipes_get_pipe_options($mydirname), 'max_entries' => $max_entries, 'this_template' => $this_template, 'union_class' => $union_class, 'link2clipping' => $link2clipping, 'keep_pipeinfo' => $keep_pipeinfo, 'union_options' => array('separated' => _MB_D3PIPES_UNIONOPTION_SEPARATED, 'mergesort' => _MB_D3PIPES_UNIONOPTION_MERGESORT))); return $tpl->fetch('db:' . $mydirname . '_blockedit_async.html'); }
function b_d3pipes_sync_show($options) { $mydirname = empty($options[0]) ? 'd3pipes' : $options[0]; $unique_id = empty($options[1]) ? uniqid(rand()) : htmlspecialchars($options[1], ENT_QUOTES); // just dummy $pipe_ids = empty($options[2]) ? array(0) : explode(',', preg_replace('/[^0-9,:]/', '', $options[2])); $max_entries = empty($options[3]) ? 0 : intval($options[3]); $this_template = empty($options[4]) ? 'db:' . $mydirname . '_block_sync.html' : trim($options[4]); $union_class = @$options[5] == 'separated' ? 'separated' : 'mergesort'; $link2clipping = empty($options[6]) ? false : true; $keep_pipeinfo = empty($options[7]) ? false : true; if (preg_match('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', $mydirname)) { die('Invalid mydirname'); } $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module'); $module =& $module_handler->getByDirname($mydirname); $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config'); $configs = $config_handler->getConfigList($module->mid()); $constpref = '_MB_' . strtoupper($mydirname); // Union object $union_obj =& d3pipes_common_get_joint_object($mydirname, 'union', $union_class, sizeof($pipe_ids) == 1 ? $pipe_ids[0] . ':' . $max_entries : implode(',', $pipe_ids) . '||' . ($keep_pipeinfo ? 1 : 0)); $union_obj->setModConfigs($configs); $entries = $union_obj->execute(array(), $max_entries); $pipes_entries = method_exists($union_obj, 'getPipesEntries') ? $union_obj->getPipesEntries() : array(); $errors = $union_obj->getErrors(); // language file of main.php $langman =& D3LanguageManager::getInstance(); $langman->read('main.php', $mydirname, basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); $block = array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'mod_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname, 'mod_imageurl' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname . '/' . $configs['images_dir'], 'xoops_config' => $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig'], 'mod_config' => $configs, 'pipe_ids' => $pipe_ids, 'max_entries' => $max_entries, 'union_class' => $union_class, 'link2clipping' => $link2clipping, 'keep_pipeinfo' => $keep_pipeinfo, 'errors' => $errors, 'entries' => $entries, 'pipes_entries' => $pipes_entries, 'timezone_offset' => xoops_getUserTimestamp(0)); if (empty($options['disable_renderer'])) { require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/libs/altsys/class/D3Tpl.class.php'; $tpl = new D3Tpl(); $tpl->assign('block', $block); $ret['content'] = $tpl->fetch($this_template); return $ret; } else { return $block; } }
<?php // send header if (!headers_sent()) { $cache_limit = 3600; session_cache_limiter('public'); header("Expires: " . date('r', intval(time() / $cache_limit) * $cache_limit + $cache_limit)); header("Cache-Control: public, max-age={$cache_limit}"); header("Last-Modified: " . date('r', intval(time() / $cache_limit) * $cache_limit)); header('Content-Type: text/css'); } if (is_object($xoopsUser)) { $xoops_isuser = true; $xoops_userid = $xoopsUser->getVar('uid'); $xoops_uname = $xoopsUser->getVar('uname'); $xoops_isadmin = $xoopsUserIsAdmin; } else { $xoops_isuser = false; $xoops_userid = 0; $xoops_uname = ''; $xoops_isadmin = false; } require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/libs/altsys/class/D3Tpl.class.php'; $tpl = new D3Tpl(); $tpl->assign(array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'mod_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname, 'xoops_config' => $xoopsConfig, 'mod_config' => $xoopsModuleConfig, 'xoops_theme' => $xoopsConfig['theme_set'], 'xoops_imageurl' => XOOPS_THEME_URL . '/' . $xoopsConfig['theme_set'] . '/', 'xoops_themecss' => xoops_getcss($xoopsConfig['theme_set']), 'xoops_isuser' => $xoops_isuser, 'xoops_userid' => $xoops_userid, 'xoops_uname' => $xoops_uname, 'xoops_isadmin' => $xoops_isadmin)); $tpl->display('db:' . $mydirname . '_main.css'); exit;
if (!empty($_POST['create_union_pipe'])) { $values4sql = "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'" . mysql_real_escape_string(serialize(array(array('joint' => 'union', 'joint_class' => 'mergesort', 'option' => implode(',', $pipe_ids))))) . "','" . _MD_A_D3PIPES_TITLE_WIZ_INNERUNION . "','" . mysql_real_escape_string(XOOPS_URL . '/') . "','{$weight}'"; $db->queryF("INSERT INTO " . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_pipes") . " (created_time,modified_time,joints,name,url,weight) VALUES ({$values4sql})"); } redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . "/modules/{$mydirname}/admin/index.php?page=pipe", 3, _MD_A_D3PIPES_MSG_PIPEUPDATED); exit; } // // form stage // $modules = array(); foreach ($module_handler->getList(null, true) as $dirname => $name) { $modules[$dirname] = array('name' => $name, 'joints' => array()); } $joint_objs = d3pipes_common_get_joint_objects($mydirname, 'block'); foreach ($joint_objs as $joint_obj) { foreach ($joint_obj->getValidDirnames() as $dirname) { if (isset($modules[$dirname])) { $modules[$dirname]['joints'][] = array('type' => 'block', 'class' => strtolower(substr(get_class($joint_obj), strlen('D3pipesBlock'))), 'name' => $joint_obj->getMyname4disp()); } } } // // display stage // xoops_cp_header(); include dirname(__FILE__) . '/mymenu.php'; $tpl = new D3Tpl(); $tpl->assign(array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'mod_name' => $xoopsModule->getVar('name'), 'mod_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname, 'mod_imageurl' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname . '/' . $xoopsModuleConfig['images_dir'], 'mod_config' => $xoopsModuleConfig, 'yesno_options' => array(1 => _YES, 0 => _NO), 'modules' => $modules, 'gticket_hidden' => $xoopsGTicket->getTicketHtml(__LINE__, 1800, 'd3pipes_admin'))); $tpl->display('db:' . $mydirname . '_admin_wizard_inner.html'); xoops_cp_footer();
function form_edit($bid, $mode = 'edit') { $bid = intval($bid); //HACK by domifara $block = new XoopsBlock($bid); if (!$block->getVar('bid')) { // new defaults $bid = 0; $mode = 'new'; $block->setVar('mid', 0); $block->setVar('block_type', 'C'); } switch ($mode) { case 'clone': $form_title = _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_CLONEFORM; $button_value = _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_BTN_CLONE; $next_op = 'clone_ok'; // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbsObj =& AltsysBreadcrumbs::getInstance(); $breadcrumbsObj->appendPath('', _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_CLONEFORM); break; case 'new': $form_title = _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_NEWFORM; $button_value = _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_BTN_NEW; $next_op = 'new_ok'; // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbsObj =& AltsysBreadcrumbs::getInstance(); $breadcrumbsObj->appendPath('', _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_NEWFORM); break; case 'edit': default: $form_title = _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_EDITFORM; $button_value = _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_BTN_EDIT; $next_op = 'edit_ok'; // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbsObj =& AltsysBreadcrumbs::getInstance(); $breadcrumbsObj->appendPath('', _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_EDITFORM); break; } $is_custom = in_array($block->getVar('block_type'), array('C', 'E')) ? true : false; $block_template = $block->getVar('template', 'n'); $block_template_tplset = ''; if (!$is_custom && $block_template) { // find template of the block $tplfile_handler =& xoops_gethandler('tplfile'); $found_templates = $tplfile_handler->find($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['template_set'], 'block', null, null, $block_template); $block_template_tplset = count($found_templates) > 0 ? $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['template_set'] : 'default'; } //HACK by domifara /* if ( !($block->getVar('c_type')) ){ $block->setVar('c_type','S'); } */ $block_data = $this->preview_request + array('bid' => $bid, 'name' => $block->getVar('name', 'n'), 'title' => $block->getVar('title', 'n'), 'weight' => intval($block->getVar('weight')), 'bcachetime' => intval($block->getVar('bcachetime')), 'side' => intval($block->getVar('side')), 'visible' => intval($block->getVar('visible')), 'template' => $block_template, 'template_tplset' => $block_template_tplset, 'options' => $block->getVar('options'), 'content' => $block->getVar('content', 'n'), 'is_custom' => $is_custom, 'type' => $block->getVar('block_type'), 'ctype' => $block->getVar('c_type')); $block4assign = array('name_raw' => $block_data['name'], 'title_raw' => $block_data['title'], 'content_raw' => $block_data['content'], 'cell_position' => $this->renderCell4BlockPosition($block_data), 'cell_module_link' => $this->renderCell4BlockModuleLink($block_data), 'cell_group_perm' => $this->renderCell4BlockReadGroupPerm($block_data), 'cell_options' => $this->renderCell4BlockOptions($block_data), 'content_preview' => $this->previewContent($block_data)) + $block_data; // display require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/libs/altsys/class/D3Tpl.class.php'; $tpl = new D3Tpl(); //dhtml include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopsformloader.php'; if ($block_data['ctype'] == 'H' || empty($block_data['ctype'])) { $editor_configs = array(); $editor_configs["name"] = "content_block"; $editor_configs["value"] = $block_data['content']; $editor_configs["rows"] = 20; $editor_configs["cols"] = 100; $editor_configs["width"] = "100%"; $editor_configs["height"] = "400px"; $editor_configs["editor"] = xoops_getModuleOption('blocks_editor', 'system'); $form = new XoopsFormEditor('', "textarea_content", $editor_configs); $rendered = $form->render(); $tpl->assign('altsys_x25_dhtmltextarea', $rendered); } else { $form = new XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea('', 'textarea_content', $block_data['content'], 80, 20); $rendered = $form->render(); $rendered = '<div id="textarea_content_bbcode_buttons_pre" style="display:block;">' . str_replace(array('<textarea', '</textarea><br />'), array('</div><textarea', '</textarea><div id="textarea_content_bbcode_buttons_post" style="display:block;">'), $rendered) . '</div>'; $tpl->assign('altsys_x25_dhtmltextarea', $rendered); } $tpl->assign(array('target_dirname' => $this->target_dirname, 'target_mname' => $this->target_mname, 'language' => $this->lang, 'cachetime_options' => $this->cachetime_options, 'ctype_options' => $this->ctype_options, 'block' => $block4assign, 'op' => $next_op, 'form_title' => $form_title, 'submit_button' => $button_value, 'common_fck_installed' => file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/common/fckeditor/fckeditor.js'), 'gticket_hidden' => $GLOBALS['xoopsGTicket']->getTicketHtml(__LINE__, 1800, 'myblocksadmin'))); //HACK by domifara $tpl->display('db:altsys_main_myblocksadmin_edit_4x25.html'); return; }
<strike>if ( file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/"...."/main.php") ) { include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/"...."/main.php"; } else { if ( file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH..../english/main.php") ) { include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH..../english/main.php"; } }</strike> require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH."/libs/altsys/class/D3LanguageManager.class.php" ; $langman =& D3LanguageManager::getInstance() ; $langman->read( "main.php" , $xoopsModule->getVar("dirname") ) ; </pre> '; } // // display stage // xoops_cp_header(); // mymenu altsys_include_mymenu(); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbsObj =& AltsysBreadcrumbs::getInstance(); if ($breadcrumbsObj->hasPaths()) { $breadcrumbsObj->appendPath(XOOPS_URL . '/modules/altsys/admin/index.php?mode=admin&lib=altsys&page=mylangadmin', _MI_ALTSYS_MENU_MYLANGADMIN); $breadcrumbsObj->appendPath('', $target_mname); } require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/libs/altsys/class/D3Tpl.class.php'; $tpl = new D3Tpl(); $tpl->assign(array('target_dirname' => $target_dirname, 'target_mname' => $target_mname, 'target_lang' => $target_lang, 'languages' => $languages, 'languages4disp' => $languages4disp, 'target_file' => $target_file, 'lang_files' => $lang_files, 'langfile_constants' => $langfile_constants, 'mylang_constants' => $mylang_constants, 'use_my_language' => strlen($langman->my_language) > 0, 'mylang_file_name' => htmlspecialchars($mylang_unique_path, ENT_QUOTES), 'cache_file_name' => htmlspecialchars($cache_file_name, ENT_QUOTES), 'cache_file_mtime' => intval($cache_file_mtime), 'timezone_offset' => xoops_getUserTimestamp(0), 'notice' => $notice4disp, 'already_read' => $already_read, 'gticket_hidden' => $xoopsGTicket->getTicketHtml(__LINE__, 1800, 'altsys'))); $tpl->display('db:altsys_main_mylangadmin.html'); xoops_cp_footer(); exit;
if (!defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH')) { exit; } $current_dirname = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', '', @$_GET['dirname']); $db =& Database::getInstance(); // get custom templates list($count) = $db->fetchRow($db->query("SELECT COUNT(t.tpl_module) AS tpl_count FROM " . $db->prefix("tplfile") . " t WHERE t.tpl_type='custom'")); if ($current_dirname == '_custom') { // $GLOBALS['altsysXoopsBreadcrumbs'][] = array( 'name' => _MYTPLSADMIN_CUSTOMTEMPLATE ) ; $custom_selected = true; } else { $custom_selected = false; } $adminmenu = array(array('selected' => $custom_selected, 'title' => _MYTPLSADMIN_CUSTOMTEMPLATE . " ({$count})", 'link' => '?mode=admin&lib=altsys&page=mytplsadmin&dirname=_custom')); // get modules/templates $mrs = $db->query("SELECT,m.dirname,COUNT(t.tpl_module) AS tpl_count FROM " . $db->prefix("modules") . " m LEFT JOIN " . $db->prefix("tplfile") . " t ON m.dirname=t.tpl_module WHERE m.isactive GROUP BY m.mid HAVING tpl_count>0 ORDER BY m.weight,m.mid"); // module loop while (list($name, $dirname, $count) = $db->fetchRow($mrs)) { if ($dirname == $current_dirname) { $adminmenu[] = array('selected' => true, 'title' => $name . " ({$count})", 'link' => '?mode=admin&lib=altsys&page=mytplsadmin&dirname=' . $dirname); //$GLOBALS['altsysXoopsBreadcrumbs'][] = array( 'name' => htmlspecialchars( $name , ENT_QUOTES ) ) ; } else { $adminmenu[] = array('selected' => false, 'title' => $name . " ({$count})", 'link' => '?mode=admin&lib=altsys&page=mytplsadmin&dirname=' . $dirname); } } // display require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/libs/altsys/class/D3Tpl.class.php'; $tpl = new D3Tpl(); $tpl->assign(array('adminmenu' => $adminmenu, 'highlight_color' => '#99ff99')); $tpl->display('db:altsys_inc_mymenusub.html');
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/include/common_functions.php'; require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/include/admin_functions.php'; require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/class/gtickets.php'; $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); $db =& Database::getInstance(); // // transaction stage // if (!empty($_POST['do_deletefetchcache'])) { d3pipes_common_delete_all_cache($mydirname); redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . "/modules/{$mydirname}/admin/index.php?page=cache", 3, _MD_A_D3PIPES_MSG_CACHEDELETED); exit; } if (!empty($_POST['do_clearlastfetch'])) { $db->query("UPDATE " . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_pipes") . " SET lastfetch_time=0"); redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . "/modules/{$mydirname}/admin/index.php?page=cache", 3, _MD_A_D3PIPES_MSG_PIPEUPDATED); exit; } // // form stage // // // display stage // xoops_cp_header(); include dirname(__FILE__) . '/mymenu.php'; $tpl = new D3Tpl(); $tpl->assign(array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'mod_name' => $xoopsModule->getVar('name'), 'mod_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname, 'mod_imageurl' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname . '/' . $xoopsModuleConfig['images_dir'], 'mod_config' => $xoopsModuleConfig)); $tpl->display('db:' . $mydirname . '_admin_cache.html'); xoops_cp_footer();
function form_edit($bid, $mode = 'edit') { $bid = intval($bid); //HACK by domifara if (defined('XOOPS_CUBE_LEGACY')) { $handler =& xoops_gethandler('block'); $block =& $handler->create(false); $block->load($bid); } else { $block = new XoopsBlock($bid); } if (!$block->getVar('bid')) { // new defaults $bid = 0; $mode = 'new'; $block->setVar('mid', 0); $block->setVar('block_type', 'C'); } switch ($mode) { case 'clone': $form_title = _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_CLONEFORM; $button_value = _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_BTN_CLONE; $next_op = 'clone_ok'; // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbsObj =& AltsysBreadcrumbs::getInstance(); $breadcrumbsObj->appendPath('', _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_CLONEFORM); break; case 'new': $form_title = _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_NEWFORM; $button_value = _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_BTN_NEW; $next_op = 'new_ok'; // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbsObj =& AltsysBreadcrumbs::getInstance(); $breadcrumbsObj->appendPath('', _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_NEWFORM); break; case 'edit': default: $form_title = _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_EDITFORM; $button_value = _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_BTN_EDIT; $next_op = 'edit_ok'; // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbsObj =& AltsysBreadcrumbs::getInstance(); $breadcrumbsObj->appendPath('', _MD_A_MYBLOCKSADMIN_EDITFORM); break; } $is_custom = in_array($block->getVar('block_type'), array('C', 'E')) ? true : false; $block_template = $block->getVar('template', 'n'); $block_template_tplset = ''; if (!$is_custom && $block_template) { // find template of the block $tplfile_handler =& xoops_gethandler('tplfile'); $found_templates = $tplfile_handler->find($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['template_set'], 'block', null, null, $block_template); $block_template_tplset = count($found_templates) > 0 ? $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['template_set'] : 'default'; } //HACK by domifara /* if ( !($block->getVar('c_type')) ){ $block->setVar('c_type','S'); } */ $block_data = $this->preview_request + array('bid' => $bid, 'name' => $block->getVar('name', 'n'), 'title' => $block->getVar('title', 'n'), 'weight' => intval($block->getVar('weight')), 'bcachetime' => intval($block->getVar('bcachetime')), 'side' => intval($block->getVar('side')), 'visible' => intval($block->getVar('visible')), 'template' => $block_template, 'template_tplset' => $block_template_tplset, 'options' => $block->getVar('options'), 'content' => $block->getVar('content', 'n'), 'is_custom' => $is_custom, 'type' => $block->getVar('block_type'), 'ctype' => $block->getVar('c_type')); $block4assign = array('name_raw' => $block_data['name'], 'title_raw' => $block_data['title'], 'content_raw' => $block_data['content'], 'cell_position' => $this->renderCell4BlockPosition($block_data), 'cell_module_link' => $this->renderCell4BlockModuleLink($block_data), 'cell_group_perm' => $this->renderCell4BlockReadGroupPerm($block_data), 'cell_options' => $this->renderCell4BlockOptions($block_data), 'content_preview' => $this->previewContent($block_data)) + $block_data; // display require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/libs/altsys/class/D3Tpl.class.php'; $tpl = new D3Tpl(); //HACK by domifara if (defined('XOOPS_CUBE_LEGACY')) { $tpl->assign('xoops_cube_legacy', true); include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopsformloader.php'; } else { $tpl->assign('xoops_cube_legacy', false); } $tpl->assign(array('target_dirname' => $this->target_dirname, 'target_mname' => $this->target_mname, 'language' => $this->lang, 'cachetime_options' => $this->cachetime_options, 'ctype_options' => $this->ctype_options, 'block' => $block4assign, 'op' => $next_op, 'form_title' => $form_title, 'submit_button' => $button_value, 'common_fck_installed' => file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/common/fckeditor/fckeditor.js'), 'gticket_hidden' => $GLOBALS['xoopsGTicket']->getTicketHtml(__LINE__, 1800, 'myblocksadmin'))); if (defined('XOOPS_CUBE_LEGACY')) { $tpl->display('db:altsys_main_myblocksadmin_edit_4legacy.html'); } else { $tpl->display('db:altsys_main_myblocksadmin_edit.html'); } return; }
if (isset($pipes4assign[$pipe_id])) { // EDIT (DETAIL) $template = 'admin_pipe_edit.html'; $pipe4edit = $pipes4assign[$pipe_id]; $pipe4edit['joints'] = array_merge($pipe4edit['joints'], array_fill(0, 3, $blank_joint)); } else { // NEW $pipe_id = -1; $template = 'admin_pipe_edit.html'; $pipe4edit = array('id' => -1, 'name' => '', 'joints' => array(array('joint' => 'fetch', 'joint_class' => d3pipes_common_get_default_joint_class($mydirname, 'fetch'), 'option' => ''), array('joint' => 'parse', 'joint_class' => d3pipes_common_get_default_joint_class($mydirname, 'parse'), 'option' => ''), array('joint' => 'utf8to', 'joint_class' => d3pipes_common_get_default_joint_class($mydirname, 'utf8to'), 'option' => $xoopsModuleConfig['internal_encoding']), array('joint' => 'clip', 'joint_class' => d3pipes_common_get_default_joint_class($mydirname, 'clip'), 'option' => ''))); $pipe4edit['joints'] = array_merge($pipe4edit['joints'], array_fill(0, 3, $blank_joint)); } } // joint_classes options $joint_classes_options = array(); foreach ($all_joints as $joint_type => $joint_type_name) { $joint_classes_options[$joint_type_name] = array(); foreach (d3pipes_admin_fetch_classes($mydirname, $joint_type) as $joint_class) { $joint_classes_options[$joint_type_name][$joint_type . '::' . $joint_class] = defined('_MD_D3PIPES_CLASS_' . strtoupper($joint_type . $joint_class)) ? constant('_MD_D3PIPES_CLASS_' . strtoupper($joint_type . $joint_class)) : $joint_class; } } $joint_classes_options[_NONE] = array('::' => '----'); // // display stage // xoops_cp_header(); include dirname(__FILE__) . '/mymenu.php'; $tpl = new D3Tpl(); $tpl->assign(array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'mod_name' => $xoopsModule->getVar('name'), 'mod_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname, 'mod_imageurl' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname . '/' . $xoopsModuleConfig['images_dir'], 'mod_config' => $xoopsModuleConfig, 'pipe_id' => $pipe_id, 'pipes' => $pipes4assign, 'pipe' => $pipe4edit, 'all_joints' => $all_joints, 'joint_classes_options' => $joint_classes_options, 'gticket_hidden' => $xoopsGTicket->getTicketHtml(__LINE__, 1800, 'd3pipes_admin'))); $tpl->display('db:' . $mydirname . '_' . $template); xoops_cp_footer();
// create form for pipe admin $post_hiddens = array(); if (empty($lacked_requests)) { // base (fetch & parse) $post_hiddens = array('name' => $requests['name'], 'url' => $requests['url'], 'joint_weights[0]' => 0, 'joint_classes[0]' => 'fetch::', 'joint_option[0]' => $requests['rssurl'], 'joint_weights[2]' => 20, 'joint_classes[2]' => 'parse::', 'joint_option[2]' => '', 'joint_weights[9]' => 90, 'joint_classes[9]' => 'cache::', 'joint_option[9]' => '3600'); // xml's encoding to UTF-8 if necessary if (strtolower($requests['rssencoding']) != 'utf-8') { $post_hiddens += array('joint_weights[1]' => 10, 'joint_classes[1]' => 'utf8from::', 'joint_option[1]' => $requests['rssencoding']); } // UTF8 to internal_encoding for entries if necessary if (strtolower($xoopsModuleConfig['internal_encoding']) != 'utf-8') { $post_hiddens += array('joint_weights[3]' => 30, 'joint_classes[3]' => 'utf8to::', 'joint_option[3]' => $xoopsModuleConfig['internal_encoding']); } // allowhtml -> reassign::contentencoded if ($requests['allowhtml']) { $post_hiddens += array('joint_weights[4]' => 40, 'joint_classes[4]' => 'reassign::allowhtml'); } // clip or cache if ($requests['clip']) { $post_hiddens += array('joint_weights[5]' => 50, 'joint_classes[5]' => 'clip::', 'joint_option[5]' => '3600'); } } // // display stage // xoops_cp_header(); include dirname(__FILE__) . '/mymenu.php'; $tpl = new D3Tpl(); $tpl->assign(array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'mod_name' => $xoopsModule->getVar('name'), 'mod_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname, 'mod_imageurl' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname . '/' . $xoopsModuleConfig['images_dir'], 'mod_config' => $xoopsModuleConfig, 'yesno_options' => array(1 => _YES, 0 => _NO), 'requests_raw' => $requests, 'lacked_requests' => $lacked_requests, 'error_messages' => $error_messages, 'post_hiddens' => $post_hiddens, 'gticket_hidden' => $xoopsGTicket->getTicketHtml(__LINE__, 1800, 'd3pipes_admin'))); $tpl->display('db:' . $mydirname . '_admin_wizard_fetch.html'); xoops_cp_footer();
} } if (!empty($_POST['do_deleteolder']) || !empty($_POST['count_deleteolder'])) { $olderthan = intval(@$_POST['olderthan']); $result = $db->query("SELECT clipping_id FROM " . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_clippings") . " c {$d3comment_join4sql} WHERE c.pubtime<UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-({$olderthan}*86400) AND ({$whr_protect})"); while (list($clipping_id) = $db->fetchRow($result)) { $target_clipping_ids[] = intval($clipping_id); } } if ((!empty($_POST['do_deleteunlinks']) || !empty($_POST['do_deleteolder'])) && !empty($target_clipping_ids)) { if (!$xoopsGTicket->check(true, 'd3pipes_admin')) { redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . '/', 3, $xoopsGTicket->getErrors()); } $db->query("DELETE FROM " . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_clippings") . " WHERE clipping_id IN (" . implode(",", $target_clipping_ids) . ")"); redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . "/modules/{$mydirname}/admin/index.php?page=clipping", 3, _MD_A_D3PIPES_MSG_CLIPPINGUPDATED); exit; } // // form stage // list($total_clippings) = $db->fetchRow($db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_clippings"))); $selected_clippings = sizeof($target_clipping_ids); // // display stage // xoops_cp_header(); include dirname(__FILE__) . '/mymenu.php'; $tpl = new D3Tpl(); $tpl->assign(array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'mod_name' => $xoopsModule->getVar('name'), 'mod_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname, 'mod_imageurl' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname . '/' . $xoopsModuleConfig['images_dir'], 'mod_config' => $xoopsModuleConfig, 'total_clippings' => $total_clippings, 'selected_clippings' => empty($_POST) ? -1 : $selected_clippings, 'olderthan' => $olderthan, 'gticket_hidden' => $xoopsGTicket->getTicketHtml(__LINE__, 1800, 'd3pipes_admin'))); $tpl->display('db:' . $mydirname . '_admin_clipping.html'); xoops_cp_footer();
function b_altsys_admin_menu_show($options) { global $xoopsUser; $mydirname = empty($options[0]) ? 'altsys' : $options[0]; $this_template = empty($options[1]) ? 'db:' . $mydirname . '_block_admin_menu.html' : trim($options[1]); if (preg_match('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', $mydirname)) { die('Invalid mydirname'); } if (!is_object(@$xoopsUser)) { return array(); } // coretype $coretype = altsys_get_core_type(); // mid_selected if (is_object(@$GLOBALS["xoopsModule"])) { $mid_selected = $GLOBALS["xoopsModule"]->getVar("mid"); // for system->preferences if ($mid_selected == 1 && @$_GET["fct"] == "preferences" && @$_GET["op"] == "showmod" && !empty($_GET["mod"])) { $mid_selected = intval($_GET["mod"]); } } else { $mid_selected = 0; } $db =& Database::getInstance(); $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module'); $current_module =& $module_handler->getByDirname($mydirname); $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config'); $current_configs = $config_handler->getConfigList($current_module->mid()); $moduleperm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm'); $admin_mids = $moduleperm_handler->getItemIds('module_admin', $xoopsUser->getGroups()); $modules = $module_handler->getObjects(new Criteria('mid', '(' . implode(',', $admin_mids) . ')', 'IN'), true); $block = array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'mod_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname, 'mod_imageurl' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname . '/' . $current_configs['images_dir'], 'mod_config' => $current_configs); foreach ($modules as $mod) { $mid = intval($mod->getVar('mid')); $dirname = $mod->getVar('dirname'); $modinfo = $mod->getInfo(); $submenus4assign = array(); $adminmenu = array(); $adminmenu4altsys = array(); unset($adminmenu_use_altsys); @(include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $dirname . '/' . @$modinfo['adminmenu']); // from admin_menu.php etc. $adminmenu = array_merge($adminmenu, $adminmenu4altsys); foreach ($adminmenu as $sub) { $link = empty($sub['altsys_link']) ? $sub['link'] : $sub['altsys_link']; if (isset($sub['show']) && $sub['show'] === false) { continue; } $submenus4assign[] = array('title' => $myts->makeTboxData4Show($sub['title']), 'url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $dirname . '/' . htmlspecialchars($link, ENT_QUOTES)); } // for modules overriding Module.class.php (eg. Analyzer for XC) if (empty($submenus4assign) && defined('XOOPS_CUBE_LEGACY') && !empty($modinfo['cube_style'])) { $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module'); $module =& $module_handler->get($mid); $moduleObj =& Legacy_Utils::createModule($module); $modinfo['adminindex'] = $moduleObj->getAdminIndex(); $modinfo['adminindex_absolute'] = true; foreach ($moduleObj->getAdminMenu() as $sub) { if (@$sub['show'] === false) { continue; } $submenus4assign[] = array('title' => $myts->makeTboxData4Show($sub['title']), 'url' => strncmp($sub['link'], 'http', 4) === 0 ? htmlspecialchars($sub['link'], ENT_QUOTES) : XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $dirname . '/' . htmlspecialchars($sub['link'], ENT_QUOTES)); } } else { if (empty($adminmenu4altsys)) { // add preferences if ($mod->getVar('hasconfig') && !in_array($mod->getVar('dirname'), array('system', 'legacy'))) { $submenus4assign[] = array('title' => _PREFERENCES, 'url' => htmlspecialchars(altsys_get_link2modpreferences($mid, $coretype), ENT_QUOTES)); } // add help if (defined('XOOPS_CUBE_LEGACY') && !empty($modinfo['help'])) { $submenus4assign[] = array('title' => _HELP, 'url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/legacy/admin/index.php?action=Help&dirname=' . $dirname); } } } $module4assign = array('mid' => $mid, 'dirname' => $dirname, 'name' => $mod->getVar('name'), 'version_in_db' => sprintf('%.2f', $mod->getVar('version') / 100.0), 'version_in_file' => sprintf('%.2f', $modinfo['version']), 'description' => htmlspecialchars(@$modinfo['description'], ENT_QUOTES), 'image' => htmlspecialchars($modinfo['image'], ENT_QUOTES), 'isactive' => $mod->getVar('isactive'), 'hasmain' => $mod->getVar('hasmain'), 'hasadmin' => $mod->getVar('hasadmin'), 'hasconfig' => $mod->getVar('hasconfig'), 'weight' => $mod->getVar('weight'), 'adminindex' => htmlspecialchars(@$modinfo['adminindex'], ENT_QUOTES), 'adminindex_absolute' => @$modinfo['adminindex_absolute'], 'submenu' => $submenus4assign, 'selected' => $mid == $mid_selected ? true : false, 'dot_suffix' => $mid == $mid_selected ? 'selected_opened' : 'closed'); $block['modules'][] = $module4assign; } require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/libs/altsys/class/D3Tpl.class.php'; $tpl = new D3Tpl(); $tpl->assign('block', $block); $ret['content'] = $tpl->fetch($this_template); return $ret; }
// fetch link2clipping $link2clipping = empty($_GET['link2clipping']) ? false : true; // fetch keep_pipeinfo $keep_pipeinfo = empty($_GET['keep_pipeinfo']) ? false : true; // fetch pipe_row $pipe_ids = empty($_GET['pipe_ids']) ? array(0) : explode(',', preg_replace('/[^0-9,:]/', '', $_GET['pipe_ids'])); if (sizeof($pipe_ids) == 1) { // single pipe $pipe4assign = d3pipes_common_get_pipe4assign($mydirname, intval($pipe_ids[0])); if (empty($pipe4assign)) { $entries = array(); $errors = array('Invalid pipe_id'); } else { $entries = d3pipes_common_fetch_entries($mydirname, $pipe4assign, $max_entries, $errors, $xoopsModuleConfig); } $pipes_entries = array(); } else { // Union object $union_obj =& d3pipes_common_get_joint_object($mydirname, 'union', $union_class, implode(',', $pipe_ids) . '||' . ($keep_pipeinfo ? 1 : 0)); $union_obj->setModConfigs($xoopsModuleConfig); $entries = $union_obj->execute(array(), $max_entries); $pipes_entries = method_exists($union_obj, 'getPipesEntries') ? $union_obj->getPipesEntries() : array(); $errors = $union_obj->getErrors(); } // assign require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/libs/altsys/class/D3Tpl.class.php'; $xoopsTpl = new D3Tpl(); $xoopsTpl->assign(array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'mod_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname, 'mod_imageurl' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname . '/' . $xoopsModuleConfig['images_dir'], 'xoops_config' => $xoopsConfig, 'mod_config' => @$xoopsModuleConfig, 'xoops_breadcrumbs' => @$xoops_breadcrumbs, 'xoops_pagetitle' => @$pagetitle4assign, 'errors' => $errors, 'entries' => $entries, 'pipes_entries' => $pipes_entries, 'link2clipping' => $link2clipping, 'keep_pipeinfo' => $keep_pipeinfo, 'timezone_offset' => xoops_getUserTimestamp(0), 'xoops_module_header' => d3pipes_main_get_link2maincss($mydirname) . "\n" . $xoopsTpl->get_template_vars("xoops_module_header"))); $html = addslashes(strtr($xoopsTpl->fetch('db:' . $mydirname . '_main_jsbackend.html'), "\n\r", " ")); echo "d3pipes_insert_html('{$mydirname}_async_block_{$unique_id}','{$html}');"; exit;
$mymenu_link = substr(strstr($mymenu_uri, '/admin/'), 1); // highlight foreach (array_keys($adminmenu) as $i) { if ($mymenu_link == $adminmenu[$i]['link']) { $adminmenu[$i]['selected'] = true; $adminmenu_hilighted = true; $GLOBALS['altsysAdminPageTitle'] = $adminmenu[$i]['title']; } else { $adminmenu[$i]['selected'] = false; } } if (empty($adminmenu_hilighted)) { foreach (array_keys($adminmenu) as $i) { if (substr($adminmenu[$i]['link'], 0, 6) === 'admin/' && stristr($mymenu_uri, $adminmenu[$i]['link'])) { $adminmenu[$i]['selected'] = true; $GLOBALS['altsysAdminPageTitle'] = $adminmenu[$i]['title']; break; } } } // link conversion from relative to absolute foreach (array_keys($adminmenu) as $i) { if (stristr($adminmenu[$i]['link'], XOOPS_URL) === false) { $adminmenu[$i]['link'] = XOOPS_MODULE_URL . "/{$mydirname}/" . $adminmenu[$i]['link']; } } // display require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/libs/altsys/class/D3Tpl.class.php'; $tpl = new D3Tpl(); $tpl->assign(array('adminmenu' => $adminmenu)); $tpl->display('db:altsys_inc_mymenu.html');
redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname . '/', 3, _MD_D3PIPES_ERR_INVALIDPIPEID); exit; } // fetch entries $entries = d3pipes_common_fetch_entries($mydirname, $pipe4assign, $max_entries, $errors, $xoopsModuleConfig); // check lastfetch_time if (empty($pipe4assign['lastfetch_time'])) { $lastfetch_time = 0; foreach ($entries as $entry) { $lastfetch_time = max(@$entry['pipe']['lastfetch_time'], $lastfetch_time); } $pipe4assign['lastfetch_time'] = empty($lastfetch_time) ? time() : $lastfetch_time; } } // get lastmodified of all over of entries $entries_lastmodified = 0; foreach ($entries as $entry) { $entries_lastmodified = max($entries_lastmodified, $entry['pubtime']); } // Utf8from object $utf8from_obj =& d3pipes_common_get_joint_object_default($mydirname, 'utf8from', $xoopsModuleConfig['internal_encoding']); // assign require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/libs/altsys/class/D3Tpl.class.php'; $xoopsTpl = new D3Tpl(); $xoopsTpl->assign(array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'mod_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname, 'mod_imageurl' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname . '/' . $xoopsModuleConfig['images_dir'], 'xoops_config' => $xoopsConfig, 'xoops_config_utf8' => array_map('d3pipes_common_filter_ietoutf8', $xoopsConfig), 'mod_config' => @$xoopsModuleConfig, 'xoops_breadcrumbs' => @$xoops_breadcrumbs, 'xoops_pagetitle' => @$pagetitle4assign, 'errors' => $errors, 'pipe' => $utf8from_obj->execute($pipe4assign), 'entries' => $utf8from_obj->execute($entries), 'entries_lastmodified' => $entries_lastmodified, 'timezone_offset' => xoops_getUserTimestamp(0), 'style' => $style, 'link_prefer' => $link_prefer, 'xoops_module_header' => d3pipes_main_get_link2maincss($mydirname) . "\n" . $xoopsTpl->get_template_vars("xoops_module_header"))); if (function_exists('mb_http_output')) { mb_http_output('pass'); } header('Content-Type:text/xml; charset=utf-8'); $xoopsTpl->display('db:' . $mydirname . '_independent_' . $style . '.html'); exit;