コード例 #1
  * The router is set to /action and this segment of the url is overloaded
  * so that /someRecipient is also valid.  This __call method is invoked
  * whenever this segment of the url is not a defined action and in these
  * cases, the $actionMethod may be a valid recipient.  These sre trapped
  * here and, if valid, the request is re-dispatched to the index action to
  * which we pass a recipient parameter.
  * If a valid recipient is not found then execution is passed to the  parent
  * __call method.
  * @param string $actionMethod Url segment.
  * @param array  $args         Request arguments.
  * @return null
 public function __call($actionMethod, $args)
     $logger = ESAPI::getAuditor('IndexController');
     // I do not anticipate this happening often...
     if (!is_string($actionMethod)) {
         return parent::__call($actionMethod, $args);
     // If there's less than two recipients defined, we don't need to trap
     // usernames. ignore them.
     if ($this->_recipientsConfig->count() < 2) {
         return parent::__call($actionMethod, $args);
     // Strip the trailing 'Action' from the method name.
     $method = null;
     $detectedCharacterEncoding = mb_detect_encoding($actionMethod);
     $len = mb_strlen($actionMethod, $detectedCharacterEncoding);
     if (mb_substr($actionMethod, $len - 6, 6, $detectedCharacterEncoding) == 'Action') {
         $method = mb_substr($actionMethod, 0, $len - 6, $detectedCharacterEncoding);
     } else {
         $method = $actionMethod;
     // Validate the possible recipient and, if valid, add a 'recipient'
     // request param and continue on to the indexAction of this controller.
     $recipientValidator = new Custom_Validate_ValidRecipient($this->_recipientsConfig);
     if ($recipientValidator->isValid($method)) {
         $this->_request->setParams(array('recipient' => $method, 'action' => 'index'));
     return parent::__call($actionMethod, $args);
コード例 #2
  * Generates an option in the recipient select element for each recipient
  * display name defined in the recpients Zend_Config object.
  * If there are less than two recipients the the select element will be
  * deleted from the form.
  * @return null
 private function _setRecipientSelector()
     // If the list of recipients contains less than two recipients then we
     // remove the unecessary select element from the form.
     if (sizeof($this->_recipients) < 2 && $this->recipientMap instanceof Zend_Form_Element) {
         $this->_conditionallyUseCaptcha = false;
     // If the url contained a valid recipient name then that name will be
     // the selected option in the form.  The request parameter 'recipient'
     // will be set and it should exactly match a defined recipient.
     // Note that the user may have set the recipient parameter so validation
     // of that parameter must be done here.
     $fc = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
     $validRecipient = $fc->getRequest()->getParam('recipient', null);
     if ($validRecipient !== null) {
         $recipientValidator = new Custom_Validate_ValidRecipient($this->_recipients);
         if ($recipientValidator->isValid($validRecipient) === false) {
             $validRecipient = null;
     if ($validRecipient === null) {
         $this->_conditionallyUseCaptcha = false;
     // Before we generate an option for each valid recipient, get any
     // existing options - these will be dummy options (there should ideally
     // be just one) that are not valid recipients but allow us to generate
     // a select element that does not have a pre-selected option and fails
     // to validate if one of the dummy values is selected so that the user
     // is reminded to select a recipient.
     $dummy = $this->recipientMap->getMultiOptions();
     // Now add a multi option for each recipient.  If validRecipient is set
     // then mark the corresponding element as the selected one (setValue()).
     $validRecipientLower = null;
     if ($validRecipient !== null) {
         $charEnc = mb_detect_encoding($validRecipient);
         $validRecipientLower = mb_strtolower($validRecipient, $charEnc);
     // Get a whitespace removal filter
     $whitespace = new Zend_Filter_PregReplace(array('match' => '/ /', 'replace' => ''));
     foreach ($this->_recipients as $_ => $cfg) {
         foreach ($cfg as $key => $displayName) {
             if ($key !== 'display') {
             $this->recipientMap->addMultiOption($displayName, $displayName);
             if ($validRecipientLower !== null) {
                 $charEnc = mb_detect_encoding($displayName);
                 $displayNameL = mb_strtolower($displayName, $charEnc);
                 $displayNameS = $whitespace->filter($displayNameL);
                 if ($validRecipientLower === $displayNameL || $validRecipientLower === $displayNameS) {
     $o = array('recipients' => $this->_recipients, 'dummy' => $dummy);
     $this->recipientMap->addValidator('validRecipient', false, $o);