public static function refreshCurrencies() { parent::refreshCurrencies(); if (!($feed = Tools::simplexml_load_file(_GOINTERPAY_RATES_URL_ . Configuration::get('GOINTERPAY_MERCHANT_ID')))) { return Tools::displayError('Cannot parse Interpay feed.'); } foreach ($feed->rateOffer as $currency) { if ($currency->buyCurrency != 'USD') { continue; } $currency_to_update_id = Currency::getIdByIsoCode($currency->sellCurrency); if ($currency_to_update_id) { $currency_to_update = new Currency((int) $currency_to_update_id); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($currency_to_update)) { $currency_to_update->conversion_rate = (double) $currency->rate; $currency_to_update->update(); Db::getInstance()->Execute(' UPDATE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'currency SET rateoffer_id = \'' . pSQL($currency->id) . '\', expiry = \'' . pSQL($currency->expiry) . '\' WHERE id_currency = ' . (int) $currency_to_update_id); } } } Configuration::updateValue('GOINTERPAY_CURRENCY_UPDATE', time()); }
function displayConfirm() { global $cookie, $smarty, $ppPayment, $cart; if (!$cookie->isLogged(true)) { header('location:../../../'); exit; die('Not logged'); } unset($cookie->paypal_token); /*if ($cart->id_currency != $ppPayment->getCurrency((int)$cart->id_currency)->id) { $cart->id_currency = (int)($ppPayment->getCurrency((int)$cart->id_currency)->id); $cookie->id_currency = (int)($cart->id_currency); $cart->update(); Tools::redirect('modules/'.$ppPayment->name.'/payment/submit.php'); }*/ $smarty->assign('hide_header', 1); // Display all and exit include _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/header.php'; $smarty->assign(array('logo' => $ppPayment->getLogo(), 'cust_currency' => $cart->id_currency, 'currency' => CurrencyCore::getCurrency($cart->id_currency), 'total' => $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH), 'this_path_ssl' => Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $ppPayment->name . '/', 'mode' => 'payment/')); echo $ppPayment->display('paypal.php', 'confirm.tpl'); include _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/footer.php'; die; }
public function generateFiltersBlock($selectedFilters = array()) { global $smarty, $link, $cookie; $id_lang = (int) $cookie->id_lang; $id_manufacturer = Tools::getValue('id_manufacturer', false); $new_products = Tools::getValue('latest', false); $sale_products = Tools::getValue('sale', false); $express_shipping = Tools::getValue('express_shipping', false); $cat_id = Tools::getValue('cat_id', false); /* If the current category isn't defined of if it's homepage, we have nothing to display */ $id_parent = (int) Tools::getValue('id_category', Tools::getValue('id_category_layered', 1)); if ($id_parent == 1 && !$this->search_query && !$id_manufacturer && !$new_products && !$sale_products && !$express_shipping && !$cat_id) { return; } $curr_currency = CurrencyCore::getCurrency($cookie->id_currency); /* First we need to get all subcategories of current category */ $category = new Category((int) $id_parent); $selectedCategory = $category->getName($id_lang); //Set parent category if its a category navigation and current category is not the root if ($id_manufacturer || $this->search_query || $category->id_parent != 1) { $smarty->assign('parentID', $category->id_parent); } $subCategories = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS(' SELECT c.id_category, c.id_parent, FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'category c LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'category_lang cl ON (cl.id_category = c.id_category) WHERE c.nleft > ' . (int) $category->nleft . ' and c.nright <= ' . (int) $category->nright . ' AND = 1 AND c.id_parent = ' . (int) $category->id . ' AND cl.id_lang = ' . (int) $cookie->id_lang . ' ORDER BY c.position, c.id_parent ASC'); try { $resultSet = $this->getResults($id_parent, $this->search_query, $id_manufacturer, $selectedFilters); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } $filterBlocks = array(); //category filter block $filterBlocks[] = array('type' => 'category', 'name' => 'Categories', 'is_category' => true, 'values' => null); $filterBlocks[] = array('type' => 'pr', 'name' => 'Prices', 'is_category' => false, 'values' => null); $filterBlocks[] = array('type' => 'manufacturer', 'name' => 'Brands', 'is_category' => false, 'values' => null); $filterBlocks[] = array('type' => 'fabric', 'name' => 'Fabrics', 'is_category' => false, 'values' => null); $filterBlocks[] = array('type' => 'stone', 'name' => 'Stones', 'is_category' => false, 'values' => null); $filterBlocks[] = array('type' => 'plating', 'name' => 'Platings', 'is_category' => false, 'values' => null); $filterBlocks[] = array('type' => 'material', 'name' => 'Materials', 'is_category' => false, 'values' => null); $filterBlocks[] = array('type' => 'look', 'name' => 'Looks', 'is_category' => false, 'values' => null); $filterBlocks[] = array('type' => 'size', 'name' => 'Sizes', 'is_category' => false, 'values' => null); $filterBlocks[] = array('type' => 'customization', 'name' => 'Costomization', 'is_category' => false, 'values' => null); $filterBlocks[] = array('type' => 'color', 'name' => 'Colors', 'is_category' => false, 'values' => null); $filterBlocks[] = array('type' => 'handbag_occasion', 'name' => 'Occasions', 'is_category' => false, 'values' => null); $filterBlocks[] = array('type' => 'handbag_style', 'name' => 'Styles', 'is_category' => false, 'values' => null); $filterBlocks[] = array('type' => 'handbag_material', 'name' => 'Materials', 'is_category' => false, 'values' => null); $filterBlocks[] = array('type' => 'sla', 'name' => 'Shipped In', 'is_category' => false, 'values' => null); $selectedBrands = array(); foreach ($selectedFilters['manufacturer'] as $selectedMan) { $selectedBrands[] = $selectedMan['id']; } $selectedPrices = array(); foreach ($selectedFilters['pr'] as $selectedprice) { $selectedPrices[] = $selectedprice['id']; } $selectedColors = array(); foreach ($selectedFilters['color'] as $selectedcolor) { $selectedColors[] = $selectedcolor['id']; } $selectedFabrics = array(); foreach ($selectedFilters['fabric'] as $selectedfabric) { $selectedFabrics[] = $selectedfabric['id']; } $selectedStones = array(); foreach ($selectedFilters['stone'] as $selectedstone) { $selectedStones[] = $selectedstone['id']; } $selectedPlatings = array(); foreach ($selectedFilters['plating'] as $selectedplating) { $selectedPlatings[] = $selectedplating['id']; } $selectedMaterials = array(); foreach ($selectedFilters['material'] as $selectedmaterial) { $selectedMaterials[] = $selectedmaterial['id']; } $selectedLooks = array(); foreach ($selectedFilters['look'] as $selectedlook) { $selectedLooks[] = $selectedlook['id']; } $selectedSizes = array(); foreach ($selectedFilters['size'] as $selectedsize) { $selectedSizes[] = $selectedsize['id']; } $selectedcustomizationTypes = array(); foreach ($selectedFilters['customization'] as $selectedcustomizationType) { $selectedcustomizationTypes[] = $selectedcustomizationType['id']; } $selectedHandbagOcassions = array(); foreach ($selectedFilters['handbag_occasion'] as $selectedhandbag_occasion) { $selectedHandbagOccasions[] = $selectedhandbag_occasion['id']; } $selectedHandbagStyles = array(); foreach ($selectedFilters['handbag_style'] as $selectedhandbag_style) { $selectedHandbagStyles[] = $selectedhandbag_style['id']; } $selectedHandbagMaterials = array(); foreach ($selectedFilters['handbag_material'] as $selectedhandbag_material) { $selectedHandbagMaterials[] = $selectedhandbag_material['id']; } $selectedSlas = array(); foreach ($selectedFilters['sla'] as $selectedsla) { $selectedSlas[] = $selectedsla['id']; } foreach ($filterBlocks as &$filterBlock) { if ($filterBlock['type'] == 'category') { $c = array(); foreach ($subCategories as $subCat) { $c[] = (int) $subCat['id_category']; $filterBlock['values'][(int) $subCat['id_category']]['name'] = $subCat['name']; //init the number of product in this category if (!isset($filterBlock['values'][(int) $subCat['id_category']]['nbr'])) { $filterBlock['values'][(int) $subCat['id_category']]['nbr'] = 0; } } //get cat numers form facet field $catFacet = $resultSet->getFacetSet()->getFacet('cat_id'); $catCounts = $catFacet->getValues(); //count nbr product in category foreach ($c as $idSubCategory) { $filterBlock['values'][(int) $idSubCategory]['nbr'] = $catCounts[(int) $idSubCategory]; } } elseif ($filterBlock['type'] == 'manufacturer') { $filterBlock['name'] = $this->l('Brands'); $man = array(); if ($manFacet = $resultSet->getFacetSet()->getFacet('brand_id')) { $manCounts = $manFacet->getValues(); foreach ($manCounts as $manID => $manCount) { $manName = Manufacturer::getNameById($manID); $filterBlock['values'][(int) $manID]['name'] = $manName; $filterBlock['values'][(int) $manID]['nbr'] = $manCount; if (isset($selectedFilters['manufacturer']) and in_array($manID, $selectedBrands)) { $filterBlock['values'][(int) $manID]['checked'] = true; } } } } elseif ($filterBlock['type'] == 'pr') { $priceFacet = $resultSet->getFacetSet()->getFacet('priceranges'); $priceCounts = $priceFacet->getValues(); $prCounts = array(1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0); foreach ($priceCounts as $priceRange => $priceCount) { if ($cookie->id_currency == 4) { $rangeStart = floatval($priceRange); if ($rangeStart >= 0.0 && $rangeStart < 1000.0) { $prCounts[1] += $priceCount; } elseif ($rangeStart >= 1000.0 && $rangeStart < 2500.0) { $prCounts[2] += $priceCount; } elseif ($rangeStart >= 2500.0 && $rangeStart < 5000.0) { $prCounts[3] += $priceCount; } elseif ($rangeStart >= 5000.0 && $rangeStart < 10000.0) { $prCounts[4] += $priceCount; } } else { $conversion_rate = $curr_currency['conversion_rate']; $rangeStart = floatval($priceRange); if ($rangeStart >= 0.0 && $rangeStart < Tools::ps_round(50 / $conversion_rate)) { $prCounts[1] += $priceCount; } elseif ($rangeStart >= Tools::ps_round(50 / $conversion_rate) && $rangeStart < Tools::ps_round(100 / $conversion_rate)) { $prCounts[2] += $priceCount; } elseif ($rangeStart >= Tools::ps_round(100 / $conversion_rate) && $rangeStart < Tools::ps_round(150 / $conversion_rate)) { $prCounts[3] += $priceCount; } elseif ($rangeStart >= Tools::ps_round(150 / $conversion_rate) && $rangeStart < Tools::ps_round(200 / $conversion_rate)) { $prCounts[4] += $priceCount; } } } $prCounts[5] = $priceFacet->getAfter(); if ($cookie->id_currency == 4) { $filterBlock['values'][1]['name'] = '< Rs. 1000'; $filterBlock['values'][1]['nbr'] = $prCounts[1]; if (isset($selectedFilters['pr']) and in_array(1, $selectedPrices)) { $filterBlock['values'][1]['checked'] = true; } $filterBlock['values'][2]['name'] = 'Rs. 1000 - Rs. 2500'; $filterBlock['values'][2]['nbr'] = $prCounts[2]; if (isset($selectedFilters['pr']) and in_array(2, $selectedPrices)) { $filterBlock['values'][2]['checked'] = true; } $filterBlock['values'][3]['name'] = 'Rs. 2500 - Rs. 5000'; $filterBlock['values'][3]['nbr'] = $prCounts[3]; if (isset($selectedFilters['pr']) and in_array(3, $selectedPrices)) { $filterBlock['values'][3]['checked'] = true; } $filterBlock['values'][4]['name'] = 'Rs. 5000 - Rs. 10000'; $filterBlock['values'][4]['nbr'] = $prCounts[4]; if (isset($selectedFilters['pr']) and in_array(4, $selectedPrices)) { $filterBlock['values'][4]['checked'] = true; } $filterBlock['values'][5]['name'] = '> Rs. 10000'; $filterBlock['values'][5]['nbr'] = $prCounts[5]; if (isset($selectedFilters['pr']) and in_array(5, $selectedPrices)) { $filterBlock['values'][5]['checked'] = true; } } else { $sign = $curr_currency['sign']; $filterBlock['values'][1]['name'] = '< ' . $sign . ' 50'; $filterBlock['values'][1]['nbr'] = $prCounts[1]; if (isset($selectedFilters['pr']) and in_array(1, $selectedPrices)) { $filterBlock['values'][1]['checked'] = true; } $filterBlock['values'][2]['name'] = '' . $sign . ' 50 - ' . $sign . ' 100'; $filterBlock['values'][2]['nbr'] = $prCounts[2]; if (isset($selectedFilters['pr']) and in_array(2, $selectedPrices)) { $filterBlock['values'][2]['checked'] = true; } $filterBlock['values'][3]['name'] = '' . $sign . ' 100 - ' . $sign . ' 150'; $filterBlock['values'][3]['nbr'] = $prCounts[3]; if (isset($selectedFilters['pr']) and in_array(3, $selectedPrices)) { $filterBlock['values'][3]['checked'] = true; } $filterBlock['values'][4]['name'] = '' . $sign . ' 150 - ' . $sign . ' 200'; $filterBlock['values'][4]['nbr'] = $prCounts[4]; if (isset($selectedFilters['pr']) and in_array(4, $selectedPrices)) { $filterBlock['values'][4]['checked'] = true; } $filterBlock['values'][5]['name'] = '> ' . $sign . ' 200'; $filterBlock['values'][5]['nbr'] = $prCounts[5]; if (isset($selectedFilters['pr']) and in_array(5, $selectedPrices)) { $filterBlock['values'][5]['checked'] = true; } } } elseif ($filterBlock['type'] == 'fabric') { $filterBlock['name'] = $this->l('Fabrics'); if ($fabricFacet = $resultSet->getFacetSet()->getFacet('fabric')) { $fabricCounts = $fabricFacet->getValues(); foreach ($fabricCounts as $fabricID => $manCount) { if ($fabricID != '') { $filterBlock['values'][$fabricID]['name'] = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $fabricID)); $filterBlock['values'][$fabricID]['nbr'] = $manCount; if (isset($selectedFilters['fabric']) and in_array($fabricID, $selectedFabrics)) { $filterBlock['values'][$fabricID]['checked'] = true; } } } } } elseif ($filterBlock['type'] == 'stone') { $filterBlock['name'] = 'Stones'; if ($stoneFacet = $resultSet->getFacetSet()->getFacet('stone')) { $stoneCounts = $stoneFacet->getValues(); foreach ($stoneCounts as $stoneID => $manCount) { if ($stoneID != '') { $filterBlock['values'][$stoneID]['name'] = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $stoneID)); $filterBlock['values'][$stoneID]['nbr'] = $manCount; if (isset($selectedFilters['stone']) and in_array($stoneID, $selectedStones)) { $filterBlock['values'][$stoneID]['checked'] = true; } } } } } elseif ($filterBlock['type'] == 'plating') { $filterBlock['name'] = 'Platings'; if ($platingFacet = $resultSet->getFacetSet()->getFacet('plating')) { $platingCounts = $platingFacet->getValues(); foreach ($platingCounts as $platingID => $manCount) { if ($platingID != '') { $filterBlock['values'][$platingID]['name'] = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $platingID)); $filterBlock['values'][$platingID]['nbr'] = $manCount; if (isset($selectedFilters['plating']) and in_array($platingID, $selectedPlatings)) { $filterBlock['values'][$platingID]['checked'] = true; } } } } } elseif ($filterBlock['type'] == 'material') { $filterBlock['name'] = 'Materials'; if ($materialFacet = $resultSet->getFacetSet()->getFacet('material')) { $materialCounts = $materialFacet->getValues(); foreach ($materialCounts as $materialID => $manCount) { if ($materialID != '') { $filterBlock['values'][$materialID]['name'] = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $materialID)); $filterBlock['values'][$materialID]['nbr'] = $manCount; if (isset($selectedFilters['material']) and in_array($materialID, $selectedMaterials)) { $filterBlock['values'][$materialID]['checked'] = true; } } } } } elseif ($filterBlock['type'] == 'look') { $filterBlock['name'] = $this->l('Looks'); if ($lookFacet = $resultSet->getFacetSet()->getFacet('look')) { $lookCounts = $lookFacet->getValues(); foreach ($lookCounts as $lookID => $manCount) { if ($lookID != '') { $filterBlock['values'][$lookID]['name'] = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $lookID)); $filterBlock['values'][$lookID]['nbr'] = $manCount; if (isset($selectedFilters['look']) and in_array($lookID, $selectedLooks)) { $filterBlock['values'][$lookID]['checked'] = true; } } } } } elseif ($filterBlock['type'] == 'size') { $filterBlock['name'] = $this->l('Sizes'); if ($sizeFacet = $resultSet->getFacetSet()->getFacet('size')) { $sizeCounts = $sizeFacet->getValues(); foreach ($sizeCounts as $sizeID => $sizeCount) { $filterBlock['values'][$sizeID]['name'] = ucwords($sizeID); $filterBlock['values'][$sizeID]['nbr'] = $sizeCount; if (isset($selectedFilters['size']) and in_array($sizeID, $selectedSizes)) { $filterBlock['values'][$sizeID]['checked'] = true; } } } } elseif ($filterBlock['type'] == 'customization') { $filterBlock['name'] = $this->l('Customization'); if ($custFacet = $resultSet->getFacetSet()->getFacet('is_customizable')) { $custCounts = $custFacet->getValues(); if (count($custCounts) > 1) { foreach ($custCounts as $custType => $custCount) { $filterBlock['values'][$custType]['name'] = $custType == 0 ? "Ready to wear" : "Customizable"; $filterBlock['values'][$custType]['nbr'] = $custCount; if (isset($selectedFilters['customization']) and in_array($custType, $selectedcustomizationTypes)) { $filterBlock['values'][$custType]['checked'] = true; } } } } } elseif ($filterBlock['type'] == 'color') { $filterBlock['name'] = $this->l('Colors'); if ($colorFacet = $resultSet->getFacetSet()->getFacet('color')) { $colorCounts = $colorFacet->getValues(); foreach ($colorCounts as $colorID => $colorCount) { $filterBlock['values'][$colorID]['name'] = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $colorID)); $filterBlock['values'][$colorID]['nbr'] = $colorCount; if (isset($selectedFilters['color']) and in_array($colorID, $selectedColors)) { $filterBlock['values'][$colorID]['checked'] = true; } } } } elseif ($filterBlock['type'] == 'handbag_occasion') { $filterBlock['name'] = 'Occasions'; if ($handbag_occasionFacet = $resultSet->getFacetSet()->getFacet('handbag_occasion')) { $handbag_occasionCounts = $handbag_occasionFacet->getValues(); foreach ($handbag_occasionCounts as $handbag_occasionID => $manCount) { if ($handbag_occasionID != '') { $filterBlock['values'][$handbag_occasionID]['name'] = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $handbag_occasionID)); $filterBlock['values'][$handbag_occasionID]['nbr'] = $manCount; if (isset($selectedFilters['handbag_occasion']) and in_array($handbag_occasionID, $selectedHandbagOcassions)) { $filterBlock['values'][$handbag_occasionID]['checked'] = true; } } } } } elseif ($filterBlock['type'] == 'handbag_style') { $filterBlock['name'] = 'Styles'; if ($handbag_styleFacet = $resultSet->getFacetSet()->getFacet('handbag_style')) { $handbag_styleCounts = $handbag_styleFacet->getValues(); foreach ($handbag_styleCounts as $handbag_styleID => $manCount) { if ($handbag_styleID != '') { $filterBlock['values'][$handbag_styleID]['name'] = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $handbag_styleID)); $filterBlock['values'][$handbag_styleID]['nbr'] = $manCount; if (isset($selectedFilters['handbag_style']) and in_array($handbag_styleID, $selectedHandbagStyles)) { $filterBlock['values'][$handbag_styleID]['checked'] = true; } } } } } elseif ($filterBlock['type'] == 'handbag_material') { $filterBlock['name'] = 'Materials'; if ($handbag_materialFacet = $resultSet->getFacetSet()->getFacet('handbag_material')) { $handbag_materialCounts = $handbag_materialFacet->getValues(); foreach ($handbag_materialCounts as $handbag_materialID => $manCount) { if ($handbag_materialID != '') { $filterBlock['values'][$handbag_materialID]['name'] = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $handbag_materialID)); $filterBlock['values'][$handbag_materialID]['nbr'] = $manCount; if (isset($selectedFilters['handbag_material']) and in_array($handbag_materialID, $selectedHandbagMaterials)) { $filterBlock['values'][$handbag_materialID]['checked'] = true; } } } } } elseif ($filterBlock['type'] == 'sla') { $slaFacet = $resultSet->getFacetSet()->getFacet('slaranges'); $slaCounts = $slaFacet->getValues(); $sCounts = array(1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0); foreach ($slaCounts as $slaRange => $slaCount) { $rangeStart = intval($slaRange); if ($rangeStart >= 0 && $rangeStart < 5) { $sCounts[1] += $slaCount; } elseif ($rangeStart >= 5 && $rangeStart < 10) { $sCounts[2] += $slaCount; } elseif ($rangeStart >= 10 && $rangeStart < 15) { $sCounts[3] += $slaCount; } elseif ($rangeStart >= 15 && $rangeStart < 20) { $sCounts[4] += $slaCount; } } $sCounts[5] = $slaFacet->getAfter(); $filterBlock['values'][1]['name'] = '< 5 days'; $filterBlock['values'][1]['nbr'] = $sCounts[1]; if (isset($selectedFilters['sla']) and in_array(1, $selectedSlas)) { $filterBlock['values'][1]['checked'] = true; } $filterBlock['values'][2]['name'] = '5-10 days'; $filterBlock['values'][2]['nbr'] = $sCounts[2]; if (isset($selectedFilters['sla']) and in_array(2, $selectedSlas)) { $filterBlock['values'][2]['checked'] = true; } $filterBlock['values'][3]['name'] = '10-15 days'; $filterBlock['values'][3]['nbr'] = $sCounts[3]; if (isset($selectedFilters['sla']) and in_array(3, $selectedSlas)) { $filterBlock['values'][3]['checked'] = true; } $filterBlock['values'][4]['name'] = '15-20 days'; $filterBlock['values'][4]['nbr'] = $sCounts[4]; if (isset($selectedFilters['sla']) and in_array(4, $selectedSlas)) { $filterBlock['values'][4]['checked'] = true; } $filterBlock['values'][5]['name'] = '> 20 days'; $filterBlock['values'][5]['nbr'] = $sCounts[5]; if (isset($selectedFilters['sla']) and in_array(5, $selectedSlas)) { $filterBlock['values'][5]['checked'] = true; } } } $nFilters = 0; foreach ($selectedFilters as $filters) { $nFilters += sizeof($filters); } $displayFilters = array(); //echo var_dump($filterBlocks);exit; foreach ($filterBlocks as $filterblock) { if ($filterblock['type'] == 'customization') { $displayFilters[0] = $filterblock; } if ($filterblock['type'] == 'size') { $displayFilters[1] = $filterblock; } if ($filterblock['type'] == 'category') { $displayFilters[2] = $filterblock; } if ($filterblock['type'] == 'pr') { $displayFilters[3] = $filterblock; } if ($filterblock['type'] == 'sla') { $displayFilters[4] = $filterblock; } if ($filterblock['type'] == 'fabric') { $displayFilters[5] = $filterblock; } if ($filterblock['type'] == 'color') { $displayFilters[6] = $filterblock; } if ($filterblock['type'] == 'stone') { $displayFilters[7] = $filterblock; } if ($filterblock['type'] == 'plating') { $displayFilters[8] = $filterblock; } if ($filterblock['type'] == 'material') { $displayFilters[9] = $filterblock; } if ($filterblock['type'] == 'look') { $displayFilters[10] = $filterblock; } if ($filterblock['type'] == 'handbag_occasion') { $displayFilters[11] = $filterblock; } if ($filterblock['type'] == 'handbag_style') { $displayFilters[12] = $filterblock; } if ($filterblock['type'] == 'handbag_material') { $displayFilters[13] = $filterblock; } //if ($filterblock['type'] == 'manufacturer') $displayFilters[2] = $filterblock; } ksort($displayFilters); //echo var_dump($displayFilters); if ($id_manufacturer) { $smarty->assign('brand', $id_manufacturer); } if ($new_products) { $smarty->assign('latest', 1); } else { $smarty->assign('latest', 0); } if ($sale_products) { $smarty->assign('sale', 1); } else { $smarty->assign('sale', 0); } if ($express_shipping) { $smarty->assign('express_shipping', 1); } else { $smarty->assign('express_shipping', 0); } if ($cat_id) { $smarty->assign('cat_id', $cat_id); } else { $smarty->assign('cat_id', 0); } if ($id_manufacturer || $this->search_query || $category->id_parent != 1 || $new_products || $sale_products || $express_shipping || $cat_id) { $smarty->assign('isCategoryCloseable', '1'); } $smarty->assign(array('name_category_layered' => $selectedCategory, 'search_query' => $this->search_query, 'layered_use_checkboxes' => (int) Configuration::get('PS_LAYERED_NAVIGATION_CHECKBOXES'), 'id_category_layered' => (int) $id_parent, 'selected_filters' => $selectedFilters, 'n_filters' => (int) $nFilters, 'nbr_filterBlocks' => sizeof($filterBlocks), 'filters' => $displayFilters)); $html_fragment = $this->display(__FILE__, 'blocklayered.tpl'); return $html_fragment; }
protected function _assignPayment() { global $orderTotal; $invoice_address = new Address((int) self::$cart->id_address_invoice); if ($invoice_address->id_country != 110) { include_once _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'paypal/paypal.php'; include_once _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'paypal/payment/paypalpayment.php'; include_once _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'paypal/payment/submit.php'; //GetPaypal stuff unset(self::$cookie->paypal_token); /*if (self::$cart->id_currency != $ppPayment->getCurrency((int) self::$cart->id_currency)->id) { self::$cart->id_currency = (int) ($ppPayment->getCurrency((int) self::$cart->id_currency)->id); self::$cookie->id_currency = (int) (self::$cart->id_currency); self::$cart->update(); Tools::redirect('modules/' . $ppPayment->name . '/payment/submit.php'); }*/ $curr_sel_currency = CurrencyCore::getCurrency(self::$cart->id_currency); self::$smarty->assign(array('cust_currency' => self::$cart->id_currency, 'currency' => $curr_sel_currency, 'total' => self::$cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH), 'this_path_ssl' => Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $ppPayment->name . '/', 'mode' => 'payment/')); } // Redirect instead of displaying payment modules if any module are grefted on Hook::backBeforePayment('order.php?step=3'); /* We may need to display an order summary */ self::$smarty->assign(self::$cart->getSummaryDetails()); self::$smarty->assign(array('total_price' => Tools::ps_round((double) $orderTotal), 'taxes_enabled' => (int) Configuration::get('PS_TAX'))); self::$cookie->checkedTOS = '1'; parent::_assignPayment(); }
function execPayment($cart) { global $cart; global $smarty; $invoice_address = new Address((int) $cart->id_address_invoice); if ($invoice_address->id_country == 110) { return; } $curr_currency = CurrencyCore::getCurrency($cart->id_currency); if ((int) $curr_currency['paypal_support'] === 1) { return; } $delivery = new Address(intval($cart->id_address_delivery)); $invoice = new Address(intval($cart->id_address_invoice)); $customer = new Customer(intval($cart->id_customer)); global $cookie, $smarty; //Verify currencies and display payment form $currencies = Currency::getCurrencies(); $authorized_currencies = array_flip(explode(',', $this->currencies)); $currencies_used = array(); foreach ($currencies as $key => $currency) { if (isset($authorized_currencies[$currency['id_currency']])) { $currencies_used[] = $currencies[$key]; } } $smarty->assign('currencies_used', $currencies_used); $products = $cart->getProducts(); foreach ($products as $key => $product) { $products[$key]['name'] = str_replace('"', '\'', $product['name']); $products[$key]['name'] = htmlentities(utf8_decode($product['name'])); } $CheckoutUrl = ''; $x_receipt_link_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/checkout/validation.php'; $sid = Configuration::get('CHECKOUT_SID'); $total = number_format($cart->getOrderTotal(true, 3), 0, '.', ''); $cart_order_id = $cart->id; $email = $customer->email; $secure_key = $customer->secure_key; $demo = "Y"; // Change to "Y" for demo mode $outside_state = "XX"; // This will pre-select Outside USA and Canada, if state does not exist // Invoice Parameters $card_holder_name = $invoice->firstname . ' ' . $invoice->lastname; $street_address = $invoice->address1; $street_address2 = $invoice->address2; $phone = $invoice->phone_mobile; $city = $invoice->city; $state = (Validate::isLoadedObject($invoice) and $invoice->id_state) ? new State(intval($invoice->id_state)) : false; $zip = $invoice->postcode; $country = $invoice->country; // Shipping Parameters $ship_name = $delivery->firstname . ' ' . $invoice->lastname; $ship_street_address = $delivery->address1; $ship_street_address2 = $delivery->address2; $ship_city = $delivery->city; $ship_state = (Validate::isLoadedObject($delivery) and $delivery->id_state) ? new State(intval($delivery->id_state)) : false; $ship_zip = $delivery->postcode; $ship_country = $delivery->country; if ($cart->id_currency != 2) { $total = Tools::convertPrice($total, $cart->id_currency, false); $this_currency = CurrencyCore::getCurrency($cart->id_currency); $curr_conversion_msg = "<p>Dear Customer, we do not accept payments in <b>{$this_currency['name']}</b>, we will process the equivalent amount of <b>" . Tools::displayPrice($total, 2) . "</b> in USD(United States Dollar).</p> <p>The currency conversion rates are provided by</p>"; $smarty->assign("curr_conversion_msg", $curr_conversion_msg); } $total = round($total); $smarty->assign(array('CheckoutUrl' => $CheckoutUrl, 'return_url' => $return_url, 'sid' => $sid, 'total' => $total, 'cart_order_id' => $cart_order_id, 'email' => $email, 'demo' => $demo, 'outside_state' => $outside_state, 'secure_key' => $secure_key, 'card_holder_name' => $card_holder_name, 'street_address' => $street_address, 'street_address2' => $street_address2, 'phone' => $phone, 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state, 'zip' => $zip, 'country' => $country, 'ship_name' => $ship_name, 'ship_street_address' => $ship_street_address, 'ship_street_address2' => $ship_street_address2, 'ship_city' => $ship_city, 'ship_state' => $ship_state, 'ship_zip' => $ship_zip, 'ship_country' => $ship_country, 'products' => $products, 'x_receipt_link_url' => $x_receipt_link_url, 'TotalAmount' => number_format($total), 'this_path' => $this->_path, 'this_path_ssl' => Configuration::get('PS_FO_PROTOCOL') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __PS_BASE_URI__ . "modules/{$this->name}/")); /* Complementos */ $cart = new Cart($cookie->id_cart); $address = new Address($cart->id_address_delivery, intval($cookie->id_lang)); $state = State::getNameById($address->id_state); $state = $state ? '(' . $state . ')' : ''; $str_address = ($address->company ? $address->company . '<br>' : '') . $address->firstname . ' ' . $address->lastname . '<br>' . $address->address1 . '<br>' . ($address->address2 ? $address->address2 . '<br>' : '') . $address->postcode . ' ' . $address->city . '<br>' . $address->country . $state; $smarty->assign('address', $str_address); $carrier = Carrier::getCarriers(intval($cookie->id_lang)); if ($carrier) { foreach ($carrier as $c) { if ($cart->id_carrier == $c[id_carrier]) { $smarty->assign('carrier', $c['name']); break; } } } /* FIN Complementos */ return $this->display(__FILE__, 'payment_execution.tpl'); }
public static function getCurrent() { global $cookie; if (!self::$current) { if (isset($cookie->id_currency) and $cookie->id_currency) { self::$current = new Currency((int) $cookie->id_currency); } else { self::$current = new Currency((int) Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT')); } } return self::$current; }
function update_currency() { echomsg("Start Updating Currency Conversion Rates"); try { $curr_list = file_get_contents(""); $curr = Tools::jsonDecode($curr_list); if (strtoupper((string) $curr->base) === 'USD') { $update_clause = array(); $rates = $curr->rates; $currencies = CurrencyCore::getCurrencies(false, 0); foreach ($currencies as $currency) { $iso_code = $currency['iso_code']; $this_rate = number_format((double) $rates->{$iso_code}, 2, '.', ''); if ((string) $iso_code === 'INR') { $inr_rate = $this_rate; } array_push($update_clause, "WHEN iso_code = '{$iso_code}' THEN '{$this_rate}'"); } $sql = "update ps_currency set conversion_rate = CASE "; $sql .= implode(" ", $update_clause); $sql .= " END"; Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS($sql); echomsg("All Currencies Conversions Updated Successfully"); //add USD to INR in history table $today = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00"); $sql = "insert into ps_currency_rates values('{$today}','{$inr_rate}')"; Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS($sql); } else { echomsg("Base Currency not in US", true); } } catch (Exception $ex) { echomsg('Unable to retrieve currency conversion list', true); } }
public function hookPayment($params) { global $cart; global $smarty, $cart, $cookie; $invoice_address = new Address((int) $cart->id_address_invoice); $key = Configuration::get('PAYU_MERCHANT_ID'); $salt = Configuration::get('PAYU_SALT'); if (!$this->active) { return; } $mode = Configuration::get('PAYU_MODE'); $log = Configuration::get('PAYU_LOGS'); $amount = $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH); $curr_currency = CurrencyCore::getCurrency($cart->id_currency); if ($invoice_address->id_country == 110) { $key = 'VLBB6Z'; $salt = 'KQUxLUkT'; if ($cart->id_currency != 4) { //convert to USD(default) $amount = Tools::convertPrice($amount, $cart->id_currency, false); //convert to INT $amount = Tools::convertPrice($amount, 4); $inr_currency = CurrencyCore::getCurrency(4); $curr_conversion_msg = "<p>Dear Customer, any order with an Indian billing address entails processing of the order value in {$inr_currency['iso_code']} ({$inr_currency['name']}). The order value of <b>" . Tools::displayPrice($amount, 4) . "</b> will be processed.</p><p>Currency conversion rates are provided by</p>"; $smarty->assign("curr_conversion_msg", $curr_conversion_msg); } } else { if ((int) $curr_currency['paypal_support'] === 1 && $cart->id_currency != 2) { //For all Paypal supported curencies except USD, we dont show PayU return; } else { if ($cart->id_currency != 2) { // Currency not supported by Paypal and not USD, convert to USD and proceed $amount = Tools::convertPrice($amount, $cart->id_currency, false); $this_currency = CurrencyCore::getCurrency($cart->id_currency); $curr_conversion_msg = "<p>Unfortunately we are unable to accept payments in <b>{$this_currency['name']}</b>.</p> <p>An equivalent order value of USD <b>" . Tools::displayPrice($amount, 2) . "</b> will be processed.</p>"; $smarty->assign("curr_conversion_msg", $curr_conversion_msg); } } } $amount = round($amount); //else //return; //convert to INR if the currency is not //if ($cart->id_currency != 4) //$amount = Tools::convertPrice($amount, 4, true); $customer = new Customer((int) $cart->id_customer); $action = ''; $txnid = $cart->id; $productInfo = 'Payu product information'; $firstname = $customer->firstname; $Lastname = $customer->lastname; $deloveryAddress = new Address((int) $cart->id_address_invoice); $Zipcode = $deloveryAddress->postcode; $email = $customer->email; $phone = $deloveryAddress->phone; $deloveryAddress->country = Country::getNameById(1, $deloveryAddress->id_country); $deloveryAddress->state = State::getNameById($deloveryAddress->id_state); if ($mode == 'real') { $action = ''; } $request = $key . '|' . $txnid . '|' . $amount . '|' . $productInfo . '|' . $firstname . '|' . $email . '|||||||||||' . $salt; $Hash = hash('sha512', $key . '|' . $txnid . '|' . $amount . '|' . $productInfo . '|' . $firstname . '|' . $email . '|||||||||||' . $salt); $baseUrl = Tools::getShopDomain(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__; if ($log == 1) { $query = "insert into ps_payu_order(id_order,payment_request) values({$orderId},'{$request}')"; Db::getInstance()->Execute($query); } $surl = $baseUrl . 'modules/' . $this->name . '/success.php'; $curl = $baseUrl . 'modules/' . $this->name . '/failure.php'; $Furl = $baseUrl . 'modules/' . $this->name . '/failure.php'; $Pg = 'CC'; $payuInfo = array('action' => $action, 'key' => $key, 'txnid' => $txnid, 'amount' => $amount, 'productinfo' => $productInfo, 'firstname' => $firstname, 'Lastname' => $Lastname, 'Zipcode' => $Zipcode, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone, 'surl' => $surl, 'Furl' => $Furl, 'curl' => $curl, 'Hash' => $Hash, 'Pg' => $Pg, 'deliveryAddress' => $deloveryAddress); $smarty->assign('Message', 'Please wait, you will be redirected to payu website'); $smarty->assign($payuInfo); return $this->display(__FILE__, 'payu.tpl'); }
/** * Return available currencies * * @return array Currencies */ public function getCurrencies($object = false, $active = true, $group_by = false) { return \CurrencyCore::getCurrencies($object = false, $active = true, $group_by = false); }
<?php define('_PS_ADMIN_DIR_', getcwd()); define('PS_ADMIN_DIR', _PS_ADMIN_DIR_); // Retro-compatibility include PS_ADMIN_DIR . '/../config/'; include PS_ADMIN_DIR . '/functions.php'; echomsg("Start Updating Currency Conversion Rates"); try { $curr_list = file_get_contents(""); $curr = Tools::jsonDecode($curr_list); if (strtoupper((string) $curr->base) === 'USD') { $update_clause = array(); $rates = $curr->rates; $currencies = CurrencyCore::getCurrencies(false, 0); foreach ($currencies as $currency) { $iso_code = $currency['iso_code']; $this_rate = number_format((double) $rates->{$iso_code}, 2, '.', ''); array_push($update_clause, "WHEN iso_code = '{$iso_code}' THEN '{$this_rate}'"); } $sql = "update ps_currency set conversion_rate = CASE "; $sql .= implode(" ", $update_clause); $sql .= " END"; Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS($sql); echomsg("All Currencies Conversions Updated Successfully"); } else { echomsg("Base Currency not in US", true); } } catch (Exception $ex) { echomsg('Unable to retrieve currency conversion list', true); }
public function updateProductPrice($id_product) { $product_sbm = $this->GetMultiCurrency($id_product); $def_currency = CurrencyCore::getDefaultCurrency(); $sbm_currency = new Currency((int) $product_sbm['id_currency']); $new_product_price = (double) $product_sbm['product_price'] * ($def_currency->conversion_rate / $sbm_currency->conversion_rate); $new_product_sale_price = (double) $product_sbm['product_sale_price'] * ($def_currency->conversion_rate / $sbm_currency->conversion_rate); // $new_product_price = (float)$this->priceRound($new_product_price); // $new_product_sale_price = (float)$this->priceRound($new_product_sale_price); $sql1 = "UPDATE `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "product` SET \n\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`price` = " . $new_product_price . ", \n\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`wholesale_price` = " . $new_product_sale_price . " \n\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `id_product` = " . $id_product . " LIMIT 1 "; $sql2 = "UPDATE `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "product_shop` SET \n\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`price` = " . $new_product_price . ",\t\n\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`wholesale_price` = " . $new_product_sale_price . " \n\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `id_product` = " . $id_product . " "; if (Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql1, false) and Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql2, false)) { return true; } return false; }
public static function getCurrent() { global $cookie; if (!self::$current) { if (isset($cookie->id_currency) && $cookie->id_currency) { self::$current = new Currency((int) $cookie->id_currency); } else { self::$current = new Currency((int) _PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT_); } } return self::$current; }
public static function getPointsToCash($id_currency) { $currency = CurrencyCore::getCurrency($id_currency); return (double) (POINTS_TO_CASH * $currency['conversion_rate']); }