public static function getProblemInfo($problemId) { // 新建一个curl $ch = new Curl(); $url = '' . $problemId; $html = $ch->get($url); if (empty($html) || $ch->error()) { $ch->close(); return false; } $ch->close(); $problemInfo = array(); $matches = array(); // 获取标题 preg_match('/<div class="ptt" lang="en-US">(.*)<\\/div>/sU', $html, $matches); $problemInfo['title'] = ''; if (!empty($matches[1])) { $problemInfo['title'] = trim($matches[1]); } // 获取来源 preg_match('/<a href="searchproblem\\?field=source.*>(.*)<\\/a>/sU', $html, $matches); $problemInfo['source'] = ''; if (!empty($matches[1])) { $problemInfo['source'] = trim($matches[1]); } $problemInfo['problem_id'] = $problemId; $problemInfo['problem_code'] = $problemId; return $problemInfo; }
public static function getProblemInfo($problemId) { // 新建一个curl $ch = new Curl(); $url = '' . $problemId; $html = $ch->get($url); if (empty($html) || $ch->error()) { $ch->close(); return false; } $ch->close(); $problemInfo = array(); $matches = array(); // 获取标题 preg_match('/<td align=center><h1 style=\'color:#1A5CC8\'>(.*)<\\/h1>/sU', $html, $matches); $problemInfo['title'] = ''; if (!empty($matches[1])) { $problemInfo['title'] = trim($matches[1]); $problemInfo['title'] = iconv('GBK', 'UTF-8', $problemInfo['title']); } // 获取来源 preg_match('/>Source.*<a.*\\/search.php.*>(.*)<\\/a>/sU', $html, $matches); $problemInfo['source'] = ''; if (!empty($matches[1])) { $problemInfo['source'] = trim($matches[1]); $problemInfo['source'] = iconv('GBK', 'UTF-8', $problemInfo['source']); } $problemInfo['problem_id'] = $problemId; $problemInfo['problem_code'] = $problemId; return $problemInfo; }
/** * Вызов метода ApiVK * @param $sMethod * @param $mParams * @return bool|mixed */ private function CallMethod($sMethod, $mParams) { if (is_array($mParams)) { if (!isset($mParams['access_token'])) { if (!$this->sAccessToken) { return false; } $mParams['access_token'] = $this->sAccessToken; } $oCurl = new Curl(); $oCurl->SetUrl('' . $sMethod); $oCurl->SetPostfields($mParams); $sResult = $oCurl->GetResponseBody(true); } else { $sParams = $mParams; if (!strpos($mParams, 'access_token')) { if (!$this->sAccessToken) { return false; } $sParams = $mParams . '&access_token=' . $this->sAccessToken; } $oCurl = new Curl(); $oCurl->SetUrl('' . $sMethod . '?' . $sParams); $sResult = $oCurl->GetResponseBody(true); } if ($sResult === false) { throw new Exception($oCurl->Error()); } $oCurl->close(); return json_decode($sResult); }
function testCurlWrapperCanDoHttpQueries() { $curl = new Curl(self::TEST_VALID_URL); $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_PROXY, $this->proxy); $this->assertTrue($curl->setopt(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1)); $this->assertTrue($curl->setopt_array(array(CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => self::CURL_TIMEOUT, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true))); $result = $curl->exec(); $this->assertStringStartsWith('<!doctype html>', $result); $curl->close(); $this->assertFalse($curl->hasHandle()); }
public static function ip($ip) { $url = '' . $ip; $curl = new Curl(); $curl->setHeader("apikey", "29ddcb64dbe2f42764115b28941d2154"); $curl->get($url); $curl->close(); if ($curl->error) { echo 'Error: ' . $curl->errorCode . ': ' . $curl->errorMessage; } else { return $curl->response; } }
public static function getProblemInfo($problemCode) { // 新建一个curl $ch = new Curl(); $url = '' . $problemCode; $html = $ch->get($url); if (empty($html) || $ch->error()) { $ch->close(); return false; } $ch->close(); $problemInfo = array(); $matches = array(); // 获取标题 preg_match('/<span class="bigProblemTitle">(.*)<\\/span>/sU', $html, $matches); $problemInfo['title'] = ''; if (!empty($matches[1])) { $problemInfo['title'] = trim($matches[1]); } // 获取来源 preg_match('/Source:.*<strong>(.*)<\\/strong>/sU', $html, $matches); if (empty($matches[1])) { preg_match('/Contest:.*<strong>(.*)<\\/strong>/sU', $html, $matches); } $problemInfo['source'] = ''; if (!empty($matches[1])) { $problemInfo['source'] = trim($matches[1]); } // 获取$problemId preg_match('/"\\/onlinejudge\\/\\?problemId=(\\d+)"/sU', $html, $matches); $problemInfo['problem_id'] = 0; if (!empty($matches[1])) { $problemInfo['problem_id'] = $matches[1]; } $problemInfo['problem_code'] = $problemCode; $problemInfo['remote'] = StatusVars::REMOTE_ZOJ; return $problemInfo; }
/** * Sends single text message. * * @param string $number recipient's phone number * @param string $message the message * @param null $signature sender's signature * @param null $phoneback sender's phone number * @return bool * @throws SmsGatewayException */ public function send($number, $message, $signature = null, $phoneback = null) { $curl = new Curl(); // Step 2 $responseStep2 = $curl->sendRequest(self::ENDPOINT . '?page=sendsms', array('phoneno' => $number, 'message' => $message, 'signature' => $signature, 'phoneback' => $phoneback, 'action' => 'verify', 'ads_check1' => 'js_off', 'ads_check2' => 'js_off')); $phpsessid = $curl->getHtmlProperty($responseStep2, 'PHPSESSID'); // Step 3 $curl->sendRequest(self::ENDPOINT, array('PHPSESSID' => $phpsessid, 'action' => 'confirmbyuser')); // Step 4 $responseStep4 = $curl->sendRequest(self::ENDPOINT, array('operator' => 'donotknow', 'action' => 'confirmprovider')); $imagecode = $curl->getHtmlProperty($responseStep4, 'imgcode'); // Step 5 $curl->sendRequest(self::ENDPOINT . '?a=sent', array('imgcode' => $imagecode, 'action' => 'useraccepted')); $curl->close(); return true; }
<?php include '../lib/Curl.php'; include '../lib/Curl/Share.php'; /** * curl_share_init() example * * */ // Create cURL share handle and set it to share cookie data $sh = new Curl\Share(); $sh->setopt(CURLSHOPT_SHARE, CURL_LOCK_DATA_COOKIE); // Initialize the first cURL handle and assign the share handle to it $ch1 = new Curl(""); $ch1->setopt(CURLOPT_SHARE, $sh); // Execute the first cURL handle $ch1->exec(); // Initialize the second cURL handle and assign the share handle to it $ch2 = new Curl(""); $ch2->setopt(CURLOPT_SHARE, $sh); // Execute the second cURL handle // all cookies from $ch1 handle are shared with $ch2 handle $ch2->exec(); // Close the cURL share handle $sh->close(); // Close the cURL handles $ch1->close(); $ch2->close();
function curlNet2($method, $url, $param = array(), $ssl = FALSE) { require dirname(__FILE__) . '/ext/curl.php'; $curl = new Curl(); $exMethod = strtolower($method); if ($ssl == TRUE) { $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); } $curl->{$exMethod}($url, $param); if ($curl->error) { echo 'Error: ' . $curl->errorCode . ': ' . $curl->errorMessage; $curl->close(); } else { return $curl->response; $curl->close(); unset($curl); } }
/** * * @static * @param string $id * @return object|null */ public static function item($id) { self::$_params = 'key=' . self::$_apiKey . '&id=' . $id; Curl::init(); $jsonGet = Curl::get(self::$_apiUrl . '/item?' . self::$_params); Curl::close(); if ($jsonGet) { $jsonData = json_decode($jsonGet); if (isset($jsonData->error)) { showError($jsonData->error, 'API Error', 500); } else { return $jsonData; } } return NULL; }
public function close() { $this->curl->close(); }
# limitations under the License. */ require_once dirname(__DIR__) . "/classes/Requires.php"; //Get settings $result = MySQLQueries::get_settings(); $row = MySQLConnection::fetch_object($result); $instance_key = null; if (isset($row->data)) { $row->data = json_decode($row->data); if (isset($row->data->instance_key) && !empty($row->data->instance_key)) { $instance_key = $row->data->instance_key; } else { $instance_key = Functions::generate_random(9) . uniqid() . Functions::generate_random(8); $data = array("instance_key" => $instance_key, "default_ssh_username" => $row->data->default_ssh_username, "default_ssh_port" => $row->data->default_ssh_port, "default_interpreter" => $row->data->default_interpreter, "timezone_offset" => $row->data->timezone_offset, "timezone_daylight_savings" => $row->data->timezone_daylight_savings); MySQLQueries::edit_settings(json_encode((object) $data)); } } else { $instance_key = Functions::generate_random(9) . uniqid() . Functions::generate_random(8); $data = array("instance_key" => $instance_key); MySQLQueries::edit_settings(json_encode((object) $data)); } $servers = array(); $result = MySQLQueries::get_servers(); while ($row = MySQLConnection::fetch_object($result)) { $servers[] = $row; } $payload = '{"event":"' . $instance_key . '","properties":{"token":"678f0669ff58d890eeb50633c91a633d","distinct_id":"' . $instance_key . '","ip":"' . Functions::get_remote_ip() . '","servers":"' . count($servers) . '","version":"' . Version::app . '","ip-address":"' . Functions::get_remote_ip() . '","mp_name_tag":"' . $instance_key . '","time":"' . time() . '"}}'; $curl = new Curl(); $curl->get_request("" . base64_encode($payload)); $curl->close(); echo '{"instance_key":"' . $instance_key . '"}';
public function close() { parent::close(); $this->unsetClassVars(); }
<?php include '../lib/Curl.php'; /** * curl_init() example * * */ // create a new cURL resource $ch = new Curl(); // set URL and other appropriate options $ch->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, ""); $ch->setopt(CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); // grab URL and pass it to the browser $ch->exec(); // close cURL resource, and free up system resources $ch->close();