protected function getData($url, $session_var = '', $cache = false) { if (!$cache || !isset($_SESSION[$session_var])) { // get events $curl = new Curl\Curl(); $curl->setHeader($this->config['auth_header_name'], $_SESSION['AUTH_TOKEN']); $curl->setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); $curl->get($this->config['rest_api_url'] . $url); if (!$curl->error) { $result = json_decode($curl->raw_response, true); if (is_array($result)) { $this->logger->debug("Retrieve data from { {$url} } : ", $result); } else { $this->logger->debug("Retrieve data from { {$url} } : " . $result); } $_SESSION[$session_var] = $result; return $result; } else { return null; } } else { $this->logger->debug("Get from cache { {$url} } : ", $_SESSION[$session_var]); } return $_SESSION[$session_var]; }
private function tempGetContent($url) { $curl = new \Curl\Curl(); $curl->get($url); $content = $curl->response; if (empty($content)) { return ''; } $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom->loadHTML($content); libxml_clear_errors(); $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; // remove redundant white spaces $body = $dom->getElementsByTagName('body'); $bodyContent = null; if ($body && $body->length > 0) { // remove scripts while (($r = $dom->getElementsByTagName('script')) && $r->length) { $r->item(0)->parentNode->removeChild($r->item(0)); } $domBody = $body->item(0); $bodyContent = $dom->saveXML($domBody); //$bodyContent = $this->dom->saveHTML($this->domBody); // argument not allowed on 5.3.5 or less, see: } return $bodyContent; }
public function get($path) { $curl = new \Curl\Curl(); $this->getToken(); $curl->setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' . $this->token); $curl->get($this->baseUrl . $path); dd($curl->response); if ($curl->error) { return $curl->error_code; } else { $response = json_decode($curl->response); return $response; } }
public function getCurl($endpoint, $data = array()) { $URL = env(env('API_ENV')); $curl = new \Curl\Curl(); $curl->setUserAgent('twh.22523085;BaseCamp Software;'); $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); $data += array('output' => 'json', 'token' => $this->token); $curl->get($URL . $endpoint, $data); if ($curl->error) { die("Error:" . $curl->error_code); } else { $json = json_decode($curl->response); return $json; } }
/** * 得到模糊坐标 */ public function getPoint($area, $address, $key) { //百度地图接口:地址&output=输出格式类型&key=用户密钥&city=城市名 //需要4个参数:address详细地址,output格式,ak接口密匙,city城市名 //地区转换 // $areaModel = AreaModel::find($area); // $areaname = $areaModel ? $areaModel->cityname : ''; $cityModel = new AreaModel(); $areaname = $area ? $cityModel->getAreaName($area) : ''; //请求接口,返回数据 $apiUrl = ''; $curl = new \Curl\Curl(); $curl->setHeader('X-Authorization', $key); $curl->get($apiUrl, array('address' => $address, 'output' => 'json', 'ak' => $key, 'city' => $areaname)); $response = json_decode($curl->response); $response = \App\Tools::objectToArray($response); if ($response['status'] != 0) { if ($response['status'] == 1) { echo "<script>alert('地址有误或百度地图服务器内部有变!');history.go(-1);</script>"; exit; } elseif ($response['status'] == 2) { echo "<script>alert('地区或地址有误!');history.go(-1);</script>"; exit; } elseif ($response['status'] == 3) { echo "<script>alert('权限校验失败!');history.go(-1);</script>"; exit; } elseif ($response['status'] == 4) { echo "<script>alert('配额校验失败!');history.go(-1);</script>"; exit; } elseif ($response['status'] == 5) { echo "<script>alert('百度地图密匙错误!');history.go(-1);</script>"; exit; } elseif ($response['status'] == 101) { echo "<script>alert('服务禁用!');history.go(-1);</script>"; exit; } elseif ($response['status'] == 102) { echo "<script>alert('百度地图密匙权限不足!');history.go(-1);</script>"; exit; } elseif ($response['status'] == "2xx") { echo "<script>alert('无权限!');history.go(-1);</script>"; exit; } elseif ($response['status'] == "3xx") { echo "<script>alert('配额错误!');history.go(-1);</script>"; exit; } } return $response['result']['location']; }
public function get_time_estimates(Request $request) { $latitude = $request->input('latitude'); $longitude = $request->input('longitude'); $product_id = $request->input('product_id'); $curl = new \Curl\Curl(); $params = []; if ($product_id) { $params = ['server_token' => env('UBER_SERVER_TOKEN'), 'start_latitude' => $latitude, 'start_longitude' => $longitude, 'product_id' => $product_id]; } else { $params = ['server_token' => env('UBER_SERVER_TOKEN'), 'start_latitude' => $latitude, 'start_longitude' => $longitude]; } $curl->get($this->sandbox_url . 'v1/estimates/time', $params); $data = json_decode($curl->response); return \Response::json($data); }
public function actionIndex() { $sites = []; foreach (Site::find()->all() as $site) { $sites[] = ['data' => $site->toArray(), 'remote' => $site->getRemote()]; } $curl = new \Curl\Curl(); $curl->get(''); $json = Json::decode($curl->response); foreach ($json['package']['versions'] as $version => $package) { if ($version == 'dev-master') { continue; } $this->current = $package; break; } return $this->renderPartial('index', ['sites' => $sites, 'currentVersion' => $this->current]); }
public function tryProcess() { $result = false; if (!empty($this->url)) { $curl = new \Curl\Curl(); $curl->get($this->url); if ($curl->error) { $this->_error = $curl->errorCode . ': ' . $curl->errorMessage; } else { $response = $curl->rawResponse; if (!empty($response)) { $this->_data = json_decode($response); $result = true; } } } return $result; }
public function getRemote() { $url = Url::trailing($this->url); $data = Yii::$app->cache->get($url); if ($data === false) { $curl = new \Curl\Curl(); if ($this->auth_is_enabled) { $curl->setBasicAuthentication($this->auth_user, $this->auth_pass); } $curl->get($url . 'admin/api-admin-remote?token=' . sha1($this->token)); if ($curl->error) { $data = false; } else { $data = json_decode($curl->response, true); } Yii::$app->cache->set($url, $data, 60 * 2); } return $data; }
function download($url, $store_dir) { $filename = get_image_filename($url, $store_dir); if (file_exists($filename)) { return; } //存在时不下载 $curl = new Curl\Curl(); $curl->setHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); $curl->setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0'); $curl->setHeader('Accept-Language', 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3'); $curl->setHeader('Accept', 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'); @mkdir($store_dir, 0755, true); $curl->get($url); $data = $curl->response; file_put_contents($filename, $data); try { $image = new \Eventviva\ImageResize($filename); $image->resizeToWidth(JS_IMG_WIDTH); $image->save($filename); } catch (Exception $e) { } return $filename; }
<?php session_start(); $code = $_GET['code']; $state = $_GET['state']; if ($state != $_SESSION['wx_state']) { echo 'error state'; return; } if (!$code) { echo 'no code'; return; } $appid = 'wx3602f3ba4c085c82'; $secret = 'e72b58b099303b5f99dd4f25975a6444'; $url = "{$appid}&secret={$secret}&code={$code}&grant_type=authorization_code"; require_once __DIR__ . '/Curl/autoload.php'; $curl = new \Curl\Curl(); $ret = $curl->get($url); echo $ret; file_put_contents('/tmp/wx_data.log', $ret, FILE_APPEND);
public function run($method, $data = array(), $auth = false) { if ($auth) { $this->authenticate(); $data['access_token'] = $this->getToken(); } $data = http_build_query($data); $url = $this->urls['link'] . $method . '?' . $data; $curl = new Curl\Curl(); $resp = $curl->get($url); return $resp; }
static function check_latest() { echo "####: Initiating cURL request<br>"; $curl = new Curl\Curl(); $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $curl->get(upgrader::$base_url . 'news/latest.php'); if ($curl->error) { echo ' Error: ' . $curl->error_code . ': ' . $curl->error_message; } else { $arr = explode("|", $curl->response); echo "1.3> Response: <br>" . "Raw: " . $curl->response . '<br>' . "Latest version is " . $arr[0] . "<br>" . "File to be downloaded to cache dir: " . $arr[1] . "<br>"; // unset($_SESSION['codo_file_to_download']); // var_dump($_SESSION); $_SESSION['codo_file_to_download'] = trim($arr[1]); $_SESSION['codo_file_to_download_hash'] = trim($arr[2]); // $_SESSION['542d2e3195cfeA_loggedin_avatar']=22; upgrader::$latest_version = $arr[0]; if (upgrader::is_required()) { echo "1.4> Initiating Download phase 2.0...<hr>"; } else { echo " You are using the latest version :)"; } } }
<?php include 'init.php'; if (!isset($argv[1])) { die('You need to specify sleeping time as the first argument!'); } sleep($argv[1]); writeLog('info', 'Checking'); $curl = new Curl\Curl(); $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5000); $curl->setHeader('Cookie', $config['cookie']); $curl->setHeader('Upgrade-Insecure-Requests', '1'); $curl->get(''); if ($curl->error) { writeLog('info', 'Error'); writeLog('error', $curl->error_message); die($curl->error_message); } file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/lastResponse.txt', $curl->response); if (strpos($curl->response, $config['loggedInText']) == false) { writeLog('error', 'Cookie issue'); die('Cookie -ით შესვლა ვერ მოხერხდა' . PHP_EOL); } if (strpos($curl->response, $config['succussText']) !== false) { writeLog('info', 'Opened'); writeLastResult('on'); die('გაიხსნა!' . PHP_EOL); } writeLog('info', 'Closed'); writeLastResult('off'); echo 'ჯერ არ არის გახსნილი!' . PHP_EOL;
/** * @param string $title Title of the building * @param string $street Street name with house number * @param string $zip Zip code * @param string $city City of the location * @return array Array with first element the longitude and second the latitude, if available. */ function getLongLatForAddress($title, $street, $zip, $city) { if (empty($street) || empty($zip) || empty($city)) { return array('', ''); } // try to find a building entry in our cache which has the given address $entry = R::findOne('buildinggeometry', ' street = ? AND zip = ? AND city = ? ', array($street, $zip, $city)); // if entry is not already in our cache if (null == $entry) { $entry = R::dispense('buildinggeometry'); $entry->title = $title; $entry->street = $street; $entry->zip = $zip; $entry->city = $city; $entry->lng = ""; $entry->lat = ""; } // if long and lat is not set, try to get it from google if ('' == $entry->long && '' == $entry->lat) { $curl = new Curl\Curl(); // ask google for geometry information for a given address $curl->get('', array('address' => $street . ' ' . $zip . ' ' . $city)); // store JSON result $latLongInformation = json_decode(json_encode($curl->response), true); if (isset($latLongInformation['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat']) && isset($latLongInformation['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'])) { $entry->lng = $latLongInformation['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng']; $entry->lat = $latLongInformation['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat']; R::store($entry); } else { echo PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $title; echo PHP_EOL . $street . ' ' . $zip . ' ' . $city; echo PHP_EOL . 'no lat OR long'; $entry->lng = ''; $entry->lat = ''; } } return array($entry->lng, $entry->lat); }