コード例 #1
 * @crypto      Supported Cryptocoins -	Bitcoin, Litecoin, Paycoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Speedcoin, Reddcoin, Potcoin, Feathercoin, Vertcoin, Vericoin, Peercoin, MonetaryUnit
 * @website     https://gourl.io/api-php.html
require_once "../cryptobox.class.php";
$options = array("public_key" => "", "private_key" => "", "webdev_key" => "", "orderID" => "your_product1_or_signuppage1_etc", "userID" => "", "userFormat" => "COOKIE", "amount" => 0, "amountUSD" => 2, "period" => "24 HOUR", "iframeID" => "", "language" => "EN");
// IMPORTANT: Please read description of options here - https://gourl.io/api-php.html#options
// Initialise Payment Class
$box1 = new Cryptobox($options);
// Display Payment Box or successful payment result
$paymentbox = $box1->display_cryptobox();
// Log
$message = "";
// A. Process Received Payment
if ($box1->is_paid()) {
    $message .= "A. User will see this message during 24 hours after payment has been made!";
    $message .= "<br>" . $box1->amount_paid() . " " . $box1->coin_label() . "  received<br>";
    // Your code here to handle a successful cryptocoin payment/captcha verification
    // For example, give user 24 hour access to your member pages
    // Please use also IPN function cryptobox_new_payment($paymentID = 0, $payment_details = array(), $box_status = "") for update db records, etc
    // ...
} else {
    $message .= "The payment has not been made yet";
// B. One-time Process Received Payment
if ($box1->is_paid() && !$box1->is_processed()) {
    $message .= "B. User will see this message one time after payment has been made!";
    // Your code here - for example, publish order number for user
    // ...
    // Also you can use $box1->is_confirmed() - return true if payment confirmed
    // Average transaction confirmation time - 10-20min for 6 confirmations
    // Set Payment Status to Processed